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This paper presents the case that continuous improvement in curriculum effectiveness should be based on a curriculum structure derived from a set of explicitly stated objectives. Although previous research on expanded competencies and assessment describes new curricula at a few institutions, little guidance has been provided that describes how to develop curricula that focus on these expanded competencies. We believe that it is possible to make significant strides in improving curricula in this way. An example for a curriculum structure that includes a business core, an accounting core, and a specialization area in a master of accountancy degree is provided in the paper. Our suggested approach involves specifying goals for the educational program, followed by stating assessable objectives for program subsets. One implication of such a curriculum structure is that assessment must take place primarily at the course level.  相似文献   

At the first intergovernmental global Population Conference at Bucharest in 1974, delegates from the Third World argued that rapid population growth would only be controlled when a more equitable relationship was established between the More and Less Developed Countries, leading to accelerated social and economic development in the latter. Over the subsequent quarter of a century this perspective has been progressively displaced as the dominant paradigm by the view that sustained fertility decline can be accomplished through good quality family planning programmes in the context of gender-sensitive social policies, including formal education. This paper is an attempt to establish whether the abandonment of the Bucharest ideology is justified on the basis of subsequent theoretical developments in fertility studies, and by global demographic trends over the period.It is concluded from an examination of the role of development in the historical demographic transition in Europe that the role of contraceptive diffusion is exaggerated, and economic growth and the distribution of its product unjustifiably neglected in the dominant theoretical position. The evidence points to a close negative correlation between income distribution and fertility, at national and regional levels. However, fertility decline is also sometimes driven by poverty, but evidence and theory point to the likelihood of such change being both partial and reversible.Alternative approaches to fertility explored since 1974 include the institutional approach, especially the transition from the extended to the nuclear family, and the ideational approach, which stresses the cultural significance of children and marginalises the impact of economic change on fertility. These perspectives, the validity of which is conditionally acknowledged, do little if anything to detract from the overall conclusion that the dominant factor in fertility decline is equitably distributed improvement in material standards of living.The paper concludes with speculation that future trends in population growth will be driven by the economic patterns emerging from the ongoing liberalisation of trade and investment under the aegis of globalisation.  相似文献   

Existing theoretical and empirical research on the diffusion of social responsibility in family businesses (FBs) has largely focused on the differences in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities between family firms and nonfamily firms. But the differences in CSR activities and perceptions among different types of family businesses has not yet been researched, even if there are important differences in family businesses. Drawing on the evolution of CSR approach from positive to post positive and to Habermasian approach, and integrating it with a view of family firms as systems made of three different subsystems that over the course of time can be differently preponderant, we identify a typology of family firms. Our typology supports a fine-tuned understanding of the dynamics of CSR and family businesses in different configurations and facilitates envisioning the futures of family businesses in the development of CSR through the different types but also beyond. With this work we contribute to the literature by suggesting that patterns of CSR can be conceived by drawing on the evolving political conception of CSR. Specifically, we show that family firms can represent an ideal laboratory to depict the possible evolution of family firms CSR behaviors and test the tenets of the Habermasian approaches in addition to other approaches.  相似文献   

Technology plays a prominent role in configuring the way we live and work. In this paper we go further and think that it is a first level driver in the configuration of our deepest perceptions and has a paramount influence on shaping our worldviews and metaphors, though this aspect goes unnoticed for most of the population.In this paper we analyze how metaphors take action in the characterization of technologies, mainly emerging technologies, and in their evolution, and furthermore the impact of technologies and metaphors on the way we perceive our daily life. We analyze metaphors underlying brain nature and artificial intelligence, raising the connections between them and showing how metaphors in one of these fields impact on the way we understand the other. This fact has important consequences, for instance it conditions the evolution of computational systems, and we propose two scenarios for this evolution.This paper relies on the conceptual model and classification of metaphors proposed by Lakoff and Johnson in “Metaphors we live by”, from the orientational metaphors that show values and mantras, to the deepest structural metaphors that are reconfiguring how life is conceived. It also relies on CLA (Causal Layered Analysis) and to its reference book “CLA 2.0” in order to insert this analysis in a wider and future oriented framework and to analyze scenarios.  相似文献   

We make the first attempt in the literature to empirically investigate the role of financial development in the choice of exchange rate regimes. Using a binary choice model, we first show that financially less developed countries are more likely to adopt a fixed exchange rate. To further examine the impact of financial development on the conditional probability of exiting from an existing pegged system to a flexible one, we then employ hazard-based duration analysis. We find strong evidence that countries with higher levels of financial development are more likely to exit a pegged system, and, interestingly, financial development only matters to orderly exits but not disorderly exits. Our results are robust to controlling for endogeneity and sample selection.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of board independence on earnings management on a sample of family controlled firms listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Using panel data over the period 2000–2004, we find evidence of earnings management among family controlled firms in Australia, an environment of high investor protection and private benefits of control. Findings show that a higher proportion of independent directors on boards is effective in reducing earnings management, thereby mitigating agency problems associated with entrenchment and expropriation in family firms. We also find that managers of family firms are less aggressive in managing earnings via discretionary long-term accruals compared to non-family firms.  相似文献   

Critical illness insurance is a new (to the US), medically sophisticated insurance product that is tantalizing some US insurers. Few have brought a product to market, but many opine that a US breakthrough is in the offing. Would you rise to the challenge and craft an opportunity to participate in the development of a new product concept? How do medical officers bring value to the product development world? Do medical officers belong in the domain of product actuaries and consultants who bring new product ideas to life? Dr. Jan von Overbeck and I presented a workshop at the 2004 AAIM meeting to discuss the role of the medical officer in the development and evaluation of critical illness insurance. This article summarizes that discussion for the Journal's readers.  相似文献   

We analyze the role of venture capitalists (VCs) in transforming the management and governance of China's private family firms. We show, causally, that VC-backed family firms are more likely than non-VC backed family firms to experience departures of family members from top management positions and decreases in the separation between family control rights and cash-flow rights; these effects are stronger when VCs have greater equity ownership or board representation. We show that these changes in top management and governance in family firms are associated with higher IPO firm valuations and better post-IPO long run stock returns.  相似文献   

This article picks up a discussion in international business accounting about the appropriate definition and use of conservatism (or prudence) and calls for a similar discussion in public sector accounting. If financial reports present an overly optimistic situation, politicians might use them to justify spending public money that is not there, risking the sustainability of services and ‘borrowing’ from future generations.  相似文献   

The 2008–2009 global financial crisis and the European debt crisis have raised further questions on leverage decision making. In this regard, this study examines the association between concentration of controlling rights and leverage in the presence of families. This study also assesses the role played by families in moderating the nonlinear reversed U-shaped association between concentration of controlling rights and debt ratio. Publicly listed companies in Taiwan, which is a nation characterized by weak protection for minority shareholders, are studied for the period of 1999 to 2014. The effect of the nonlinear inverted U shape is confirmed, and the weakened effect of the existence of family control is presented. The results remain unchanged in several alternative tests, including addressing the endogeneity issue of ownership–decision studies. Overall, this study highlights the ownership–debt relationship in a nation with weak protection of minority shareholders.  相似文献   

To facilitate the management of customer relationships, software manufacturers have developed customer relationship management (CRM) systems. These are enterprise-wide applications that can provide a single view of any customer's interactions with the company by tracking communications from both sides, recording purchases and thus developing an understanding of each customer's preferences. The need to generate behavioural loyalty has been identified as one of the major drivers for implementing CRM systems. There is relatively little research on attitudinal loyalty and CRM, however, with the bulk of the research conducted so far being focused on behavioural loyalty. The emphasis on behavioural loyalty has led to CRM being used to develop behavioural loyalty strategies. Generally speaking these strategies involve creating loyalty programmes, where incentives are offered to generate repeat purchase, or to sell more of the organisation's products and services to existing customers. The purpose of this research is to investigate the objectives and strategies of CRM in the finance industry and to compare these with the CRM objectives and strategies found in other service industries. The authors investigate to what degree the development of attitudinal loyalty is a factor in the creation of CRM strategy. This study is a qualitative study made up of 25 one-hour interviews with marketing and CRM managers. These 25 interviews consist of 11 interviews from the finance industry and 14 interviews from other industries as comparators. The results will be presented and contributions, limitations and suggestions for further research discussed.  相似文献   

Extant research focuses on firms’ voluntary demand for corporate social responsibility assurance (CSRA) and highlights the roles of country- and industry-level factors on firms’ CSRA decisions. We use different types of agency problems to explain their CSRA decisions at the firm level and explain why over time public family businesses (PFBs) vary in their resistance to the mimetic pressures from earlier CSRA adopters in the same sector. We analyze a sample of firms listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange and Taipei Exchange firms during 2014–2017 and find that the likelihood of acquiring CSRA is lower in PFBs than in non-family firms. Furthermore, we find that the industry-level mimetic pressures weaken the negative association between the likelihood of acquiring CSRA and PFBs with less severe central agency problems. However, PFBs with severer central agency problems are still unwilling to acquire CSRA even under the pressure from peer CSRA adopters.  相似文献   

Shawn Haley   《Futures》2000,32(8)
An examination of trends in the latter half of the twentieth century shows how the ideal North American family construct, the Nuclear Family, is in transition. While it is still perceived as the perfect arrangement, the reality is taking a far different form. Currently, the family is having to react to a number of changes within the society as a whole and it is anticipated that within one or two generations, the Nuclear Family will become only one of four equally important family structures that will be experienced sequentially by individuals. Serial Monogamy, the practice of having one spouse at a time, will become the norm with members of the society participating in a Nuclear Family, followed by an Extended Family, a Matrifocal Family and a Blended Family in that order. In addition, various forms of households consisting of unrelated adults and/or children will increase in frequency and importance, forcing researchers and others to redefine the family itself.  相似文献   

Although financial development is good for long-term growth, not all countries pursue policies that render full financial development. This paper builds on an extensive political economy literature to construct a theoretical model showing that the intensity of opposition to financial development by incumbents depends on both their degree of credit dependency and the role of governments in credit markets. Empirical evidence for this claim is provided, and the results suggest that lower opposition to financial development leads to an effective increase in credit markets’ development only in those countries that have high government capabilities. Moreover, improvements in government capabilities have a significant impact on credit market development only in those countries where credit dependency is high (thus, opposition is low). This paper therefore contributes to this rich literature by providing a unified account of credit market development that includes two of its main determinants, traditionally considered in isolation.  相似文献   

Recent studies provide empirical evidence that family firms are outperforming their non-family counterparts in terms of stock market performance. For the Swiss stock market we find that family firms indeed outperform their non-family counterparts after controlling for firm size and beta. In addition, our data shows that family firms display more stable earnings per share in contrast to their non-family counterparts. Furthermore we find that the variance of earnings per share positively affects analyst forecast dispersion. According to anomaly literature, lower analyst forecast dispersion has been found to induce higher excess return, which our data supports for the Swiss stock market. By linking variance of earnings per share, analyst forecast dispersion and stock performance we provide an insightful explanation for the excess stock market returns of family firms. In addition, our text extends the theory of dispersion effect with an additional empirical element, the variance of earnings per share.   相似文献   

We explore the effect of financial development on corporate capital structure and the tightness of financial constraints that firms face. We employ an econometric technique that allows us to explicitly test for convergence in capital structure. This technique increases the power of our statistical tests. In doing so, we identify a group of convergent firms. The driving force of convergence is financial development, which positively affects the firms' leverage ratio. We also identify a group of firms, whose leverage is not affected by financial development, because they are financially constrained.  相似文献   

The vast empirical exchange rate literature finds the effect of exchange rate volatility on real activity to be small or insignificant. In contrast, this paper offers empirical evidence that real exchange rate volatility can have a significant impact on productivity growth. However, the effect depends critically on a country's level of financial development. The results appear robust to time window, alternative measures of financial development and exchange rate volatility, and outliers. We also offer a simple monetary growth model in which real exchange rate uncertainty exacerbates the negative investment effects of domestic credit market constraints.  相似文献   

Prior to 2001, international accounting standards (IAS) were insufficiently attractive to gain the support of US regulators. The potential role of IAS in the US gained prominence during a period of extreme financial reporting instability in 2001–2002. Emerging opinion increasingly upheld principles-based rather than rules-based accounting standards in the face of the financial reporting crisis. But to promote any active shift in the US position, an institutionally legitimate infrastructure for the international accounting standards setter had to be created. As this was taking shape, the globalisation of business activities grew with inter-organizational linkages and cross-national financial inter-dependencies and flows becoming increasingly complex. Given the extensively uncertain, uneven and constantly evolving nature of global business changes, the aptness of applying judgment in assessing financial performance and position rather than relying on the application of pre-defined rules continued to achieve wider acceptance. The argument is made in the paper that international financial reporting standards are today seen to fulfil a global risk mitigating role founded on a logic that had to first gain political and institutional legitimacy and that also had to be viewed as being responsive to perceived market imperatives.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and assesses the extent to which downward accountability mechanisms in nongovernmental development organisations (NGDOs) have had the potential in practice to contribute to the effectiveness of rights‐based approaches to development. The paper draws on evidence gathered from a detailed documentary analysis and a series of in‐depth interviews undertaken with senior individuals working in the Irish NGDO sector. The analysis indicates variations in practice with regard to the substantive implementation of key downward accountability mechanisms. The accountability‐in‐practice revealed suggests that challenges to substantive implementation have arisen due to: insufficient Irish NGDO attention to oversight of downward accountability within locally based partner NGDOs; a reluctance and/or inability to transfer influence to locally based partner NGDOs by allowing them some influence on Irish NGDO governance and strategy; the perceived control of locally based partner NGDOs by local elites who may be distant from, and unrepresentative of, local communities; and a perception that locally based partner NGDOs may not require downward accountability. Drawing on these findings, the paper makes some suggestions aimed at helping to transform the rhetorical NGDO commitment to downward accountability into real practices that can contribute substantively to the realisation of the key elements of the rights‐based approach to development.  相似文献   

This article uses recent measures of the risk and return to investment in housing to estimate the effects of including a single family home in the investor portolio. We estimate the expected return and standard deviation of that return, as well as its correlation with other major investment classes.  相似文献   

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