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This paper investigates empirically different ways to organize research and development (R&D) within Swiss firms. Based on a longitudinal data set comprising three cross-sections (1999, 2002, and 2005) of the Swiss Innovation Survey, four different types of R&D strategies could have been separated; firms combine in-house R&D with R&D co-operations (coop) or in-house R&D with external R&D (buy), or they conduct in-house R&D, external R&D, and R&D co-operations (mixed), or they exclusively rely on in-house R&D (make). It is the aim of this paper to understand what drive firms to go for different strategies. Based on econometric estimations controlling for correlations between the dependent variables and endogeneity among the independent variables, it was found that concepts related to the absorptive capacity, incoming spillovers, and appropriability, the importance of different knowledge sources, the competitive environment, costs, and skill aspects as well as technological uncertainty are essential factors to determine a firm's decision to choose a specific way to organize R&D.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between employee relations (ER) as tracked in the environment, social, and governance (ESG) database provided by MSCI Inc., and innovation as measured by patents and patent citations. Some ER policies, such as broadly based profit-sharing plans, stock option plans, and stock ownership, create a direct link between a firm’s performance and employee compensation and might therefore be expected to encourage successful innovation. In addition, some other aspects of ER, including good pension plans, good union relations, and a variety of specific benefits (such as flex time) might improve innovation performance through their effect on employee morale or institutional loyalty, or simply by creating incentives to stay with the firm. We find that both of these categories of ER – financial incentives and non-pecuniary motivations – have a positive effect on innovation as measured by patenting and patent citations.  相似文献   

Optimized land resources allocation is important for economic growth because land is one of the basic elements for economic development. And urban land resources allocation has had an increasingly important influence since the Chinese socialist market economy system was established. This paper estimates the production function of both the secondary and the tertiary industries of China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government through an analysis of the panel data of the total output value of the secondary and the tertiary industries, invested capital, invested labor jorces and the land market-jeatured management of the above-mentioned regions during the period of 1999-2005. and examines the positive influence of the above- mentioned factors on regional economic output, This study concludes that urban economic output is positively related with the level of urban land resources market-featured management, since the rate of economic growth of those regions approximates 14. 7% under the condition of urban land market running during the period of 1999-2005.  相似文献   

If the rich save more than the poor, an increase in income inequality raises aggregate saving. We investigate whether income inequality is positively related to aggregate saving ratio by estimating a fixed-effect model based on a panel data of 48 countries for the period 1991–2010. We find evidence that aggregate saving ratio increases with income inequality using various inequality measures. In particular, the effect of income distribution on saving is greater and statistically more significant with in financially developed, rich and OECD countries. It suggests that the rich save much more than the poor under advanced financial system and in a rich country. We also find that the relationship between income inequality and saving ratio is closer in the 2000s than the 1990s. This finding may result from financial development and the high income level in the 2000s.  相似文献   

There is a regular emphasis on the significant role of inward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in promoting economic growth. This favourable relationship has induced many governments to adopt policies intended to increase FDI inflows and, thereby, to create conducive business and economic conditions for Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). This paper examines the effects of Economic Freedom (EF) and its sub-components reflecting the Quality of Institutions (QIs) on FDI inflows, using indices derived from the Fraser Institute and from the Heritage Foundation. The empirical analysis is carried out for a panel dataset using different econometric methodologies and empirical specifications. The results underline positive effects of EF on FDI inflows. They reveal that EF sub-components have varying impacts on FDI inflows, where rule of law, market openness, and less-restrictive regulatory environment stand out as the major FDI-promoting institutional factors. Also, there is an empirical evidence that the effects of EF sub-components on FDI inflows exhibit variations through the economic characteristics of the host countries and across geo-economic regions. The results suggest that governments should pursue EF-improving policies, which should be tailored according to the economic and geo-economic characteristics of the host countries, to increase FDI inflows.  相似文献   

We investigate the merger behavior of firms in the plant biotechnology sector using firm-level patent data for public and private firms in the 1980s and 1990s. Conditional logit estimation is used to estimate the probability that the firms will match in mergers and spinoffs. We calculate several patent portfolio-based measures of complementarity and spillovers between firms, and find that both are important to defining a good match of acquirer and target. However, complementarities provide the more robust explanation. The mergers and spinoffs observed in plant biotechnology may have been designed to overcome the anti-commons problem of mutually blocking technology, an extreme form of complementarity. Our results highlight the need to integrate patent and competition policy.  相似文献   

Recently, several studies have emphasized the role of R&D expenditure in determining Total Factor Productivity (TFP). In this paper it is shown that the relationship between R&D variables and TFP is far from being established. In particular, by using data for the Italian economy, it is found that the estimated effects of R&D variables on TFP crucially depends on: (i) the way in which the production function, used to derive Solow residuals, is defined; (ii) the numbers of maintained hypotheses used to estimate Solow residuals; (iii) the level of aggregation of the data employed in the empirical analysis.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse empirically whether the level of institutional quality influences how financial development affects poverty for a sample of developing countries covering the period from 1984 to 2012. Using an interaction term constructed as a product between financial development and institutional quality we find that the pro-poor impact of financial development decreases as the quality of institutions rises. Such a differential effect can be ascribed to the capacity of banks to provide functions that mimic those performed by an institutional framework that works well. The results of this article can be used for policy management.  相似文献   

Many theoretical analyses of the sources of economic growth focus on knowledge spillovers and scale economies to explain growth endogenously. The contribution of this paper is to shed some light on these arguments by an empirical investigation based on a production function framework. Sectoral production functions are estimated with annual German data of 51 sectors from 1960–90. The estimates reveal that both a pure Solow growth model and a Solow model augmented with human capital cannot account for the observed productivity increases. The model should be extended by allowing for inter-industry spillovers and scale economies at the aggregate level, as well as for scale economies associated with human capital at the sectoral level. The business cycle affects observed productivity changes in the short run and in the long run.  相似文献   


In conventional studies, large firms tend to emphasize more on process innovation than product innovation. This paper explores factors that could indicate a distinct pattern of firms’ innovation-size relationship: threshold size that implies a positive effect of firm size on the probability of product innovation success; cannibalization effect that creates incentives for large firms to favor product innovations; and financial constraints that have differential effects given different firm sizes. A hypothesis about a non-monotonic relationship between the proportion of product innovation and firm size is tested with nonlinear and dynamic econometric models. For the large firms, empirical evidence shows product innovations result in an overall larger share of new products in total sales, relative to existing products in which process innovations are rooted.  相似文献   

A rank-three demand system is estimated with United States Consumer Expenditure Survey microdata. A unique price data set is also used, which permits the analysis of effects of systematic errors in price variables. It is found that errors in price variables bias test results for the rank-three hypothesis, in particular towards rejection. Other test results are affected to a lesser extent. Estimating smaller systems of demand equations, even when conditioning on excluded goods, yields significantly different results. Another important conclusion is that model specification is statistically significantly different for households of varying family sizes and housing tenure statuses. JEL Classifications: C31, D12.
Le rang et la spécification du modèle des systèmes de demande: une analyse empirique utilisant des microdonnées américaines. On calibre un système de demande de rang trois à l'aide de microdonnées américaines tirées de la United States Consumer Expenditures Survey. Un ensemble unique de prix est utilisé afin de permettre l'analyse des effets d'erreurs systématiques dans les variables de prix. Il appert que les erreurs dans les variables de prix distorsionnent les résultats du test de l'hypothèse de rang trois en faveur d'un rejet. D'autres résultats de tests sont affectés à un moindre degré. Si l'on calibre de plus petits systèmes d'équations de demande, même en posant des conditions sur des biens exclus, des résultats qui diffèrent de manière significative s'ensuivent. Une autre conclusion importante est que la spécification du modèle est différente de manière statistiquement significative pour les ménages selon la taille de la famille et le statut domiciliaire.  相似文献   

We propose an Income Contingent Loan that defers the payment of university fees and charges a fixed proportion of gross income for 30 years or until the debt is written off. Under these conditions, some participants in the scheme will have insufficient income to fully repay their loan balances. The deficit will be covered by the taxpayer, who ultimately bears the risk of investing in higher education. We then propose to transfer this risk to the student by adding a mandatory personal insurance policy to the individual loan. We calculate the premium required for the system to break even in Spain when everybody pays the insurance cost. Alternatively, the payment of the premium can be deferred, adding it to total debt. Then, some participants in the scheme will have insufficient income to even pay the insurance cost, and the premium needs to be increased to maintain the sustainability of the program. Although these mechanisms imply redistribution towards borrowers who end up being low earners, we show that middle-income individuals contribute a higher proportion of their incomes to covering for those unable to repay. To provide the system with more internal progressivity, we propose to impose a minimum period of repayment.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades several countries experienced currency crises. These were characterized both by a huge disruption of economic activity and an extreme speed of diffusion within countries. The financial turmoil happened in a period of very high degree of international financial integration. As a result financial liberalization was associated with greater incidence of crises and this brought an intense debate in both academic and policy circles about the consequences of free capital movements.  相似文献   

I analyze the effects of tax policy changes on US Total Factor Productivity. VAR estimates show that permanent and exogenous tax increases have strong, permanent, and negative effects on TFP which represent about 80% of change in output following the tax increase. I then build a DSGE model which has learning-by-doing and endogenous TFP evolution. The benchmark model is able to replicate the empirical impulse responses. However, when I calibrate the model as in the literature, the effect of taxes on TFP is substantially less elastic than in the data. I argue that this divergence may arise because tax changes labeled as exogenous can give spurious results or because of a mis-specified model.  相似文献   

Variables suggested by theoretical studies of indexation are considered with a view to examining their utility in the context of the decision to index (incidence) and the desired degree of indexation when escalator clauses are put into effect (intensity). The Tobit model, which can address both of these issues, suggests that most of the effects of explanatory variables on the regressand occur by modifying the incidence of indexation, not its intensity. However, the Tobit model is itself rejected in favour of separate Probit and Truncated Regression investigations of incidence and intensity, respectively. The results obtained indicate that the standard list of explanatory variables, which one thinks of in the context of the theoretical literature as dealing primarily with intensity, perform well in explaining incidence but very poorly in accounting for the non-limit observations. The latter are influenced by bargaining power proxies such as the unemployment rate and union density; a very clear trade-off between indexed and non-contingent wage adjustment can also be discerned. These results call for more theoretical attention to the distinction between indexation incidence and its intensity.  相似文献   

Pairs trading is a popular dollar-neutral trading strategy. This article, using the components of the S&P 500 index, explores the performance of a pairs trading system based on various pairs selection methods. Whereas large empirical applications in the literature focus on the distance method, this article also deals with well-known statistical and econometric techniques such as stationarity and cointegration which make the trading system much more demanding from a computational point of view. Trades are initiated when stocks deviate from their equilibrium. Our results confirm, after controlling for risk and transaction costs, that the distance method generates insignificant excess returns. While a pairs selection following the stationarity criterion leads to a weak performance, this article reveals that cointegration provides a high, stable and robust return.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical study of the effect of foreign multinational companies on the development of indigenous firms in the host country. Our starting point is a recent paper by Markusen and Venables (European Economic Review 43 (1999) 335-356) that shows formally that multinationals, through the creation of linkages with indigenous suppliers, can exert positive effects on the development of indigenous firms. Based on the literature on entry in industrial organisation, we estimate empirically a model describing the entry of indigenous firms using data for the Irish manufacturing sector. Our results indicate that there is a positive effect of multinational companies on the entry of indigenous firms for a variety of alternative specifications.  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between financial openness and financial development through panel data analysis on advanced and emerging market countries. Using indices, financial openness together with institutional and educational variables explains a large part of the variation in financial development across countries and over time. Our analysis demonstrates that different indexing strategies serve to find better measures for financial openness and financial development in comparison with the individual indicators used in the literature. Our principal-component-type financial openness index conveys a positive effect on financial development independent from the lag structure or specifications used.  相似文献   

This article distinguishes two sources of productivity increases, namely product/process innovations and trade innovations. An empirical analysis for 13 OECD countries shows that product/process innovations, represented by aggregated investments in Research and Development (R&D), are major determinants for productivity growth in large industrial countries, whereas trade innovations, represented by export intensity, seem to contribute most to productivity in trade-oriented economies. These trade innovations relate to the ability to reduce transaction costs so that these trading nations specialize in the organization of production in this era of globalization where the production chain is split up in more and more component parts.  相似文献   

Several techniques have been proposed in the literature to measure productivity. While allowing for inefficiency of the production unit, we provide a methodological comparison of alternative approaches to measure total factor productivity. This article evaluates the effects of unintended policy outcomes such as government subsidies and foreign trade. Empirically, we analyse the forest productivity of timber in Japan by using panel data on 46 regions. The results suggest substantial variation in productivity between these two techniques although average trends are similar. We find that subsidies impede competition since the government is ready to rescue a loss-making firm with subsidies rather than allow it to close. In contrast, trade is shown to have positive effects on productivity.  相似文献   

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