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消费外部性是指个人或家庭的消费行为影响他人或社会,但个人或家庭并未因此而给予相应补偿或取得相应报酬。无论是正消费外部性还是负消费外部性,其结果都使资源配置达不到怕累托最优状态,导致国民收入减少,从而整个福利也就相应减少。  相似文献   

Inherent in this subject is the question of foreign trade: Does it help or hinder development of LDCs or, more concretely, under what conditions and by what measures can positive effects be achieved and negative results be avoided?1  相似文献   

Previous research on unethical business behavior usually has focused on its impact from a financial or philosophical perspective. While such foci are important to our understanding of unethical behavior, we argue that another set of outcomes linked to individual well-being are critical as well. Using data from psychological, criminological, and epidemiological sources, we propose a model of unethical behavior and well-being. This model postulates that decrements in well-being result from stress or trauma stemming from being victimized by, engaging in, or witnessing unethical behavior, or even from being associated with individuals involved in such behavior.  相似文献   

Transaction cost theory and the organisational capability view are complementary in the analysis of the firm and in examining the decision to integrate or externalise activities. This article discusses the essential contributions of both theories to understanding the core aspects of the internal organisation of the firm, and goes onto address the key questions of why activities are organised internally or why certain components or services are obtained from suppliers or distributors; and finally looks at the cases in which firms make decisions with regard to supply, distribution or retail sales.  相似文献   

We consider the welfare effects of skilled worker emigration in a context where skilled labor plays a role in product or process design. We show such emigration can benefit the residents left behind, even when consumers' tastes exhibit a form of home bias. This is because emigration improves the design of goods designed by skilled emigrants but consumed in the sending country. In contrast to existing models of beneficial brain drain, our results do not require agglomeration economies, education-related externalities, remittances, return migration, or an emigration “lottery”. Instead, they are driven purely by differences in market size that induce skilled emigrants to design better products or production processes abroad than at home.  相似文献   

Participation in Philanthropic Activities: Donating Money and Time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 1994 Independent Sector Survey of Giving and Volunteering conducted by the Gallup Organization was used to study the propensities with which people are solicited for money or time as well as the probabilities that people will volunteer time or donate money or property, given they have been solicited or not solicited, utilizing a two-stage probit analysis. Forty-five percent of respondents were asked by philanthropic organizations to volunteer time in 1994. Of those, 80% did volunteer. Some 78% of respondents were asked to donate money or property in 1994. Of those, 85% donated some money or property. Human, social, and cultural capital explained those who were solicited to volunteer. The same variables plus income variables determined whom to be solicited for donating money or property. Human, social, and cultural capital and income variables accounted for more variation in the probabilities to volunteer or donate, given respondents were not asked to contribute, than the probabilities to volunteer or donate, given respondents were asked to contribute.  相似文献   

补贴概念与效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
补贴是一个相当复杂的议题,其复杂性不仅表现在概念上,也表现在它可能产生的效果上。补贴可能增加也可能降低其受体的利润水平;可能对国际贸易产生扭曲效果,其影响也可能仅限于国内;可能有助于政府实现其意欲达成的目标,也可能背离其初衷;可能增加或降低政府收益,也可能无影响。把补贴宽泛地界定为有可能在短期、中期或长期对其受体的利润水平产生影响的政府作为(或不作为),有助于使决策者把关注重点转向补贴效果,从而有利于其做出应否维持、增加、减少或消除特定补贴的判断。  相似文献   

Analyses of business owners from whom data were gathered in 1997 and 2000 are used to predict two family business phenomena: the continued involvement by the owner-manager in the business and the continuation of the business. The most important factor in continuity is the respondent's assessment of the business as a success; successful businesses continue or are sold or gifted when the owner-manager leaves the business. Ceasing to be involved in a business should not be viewed as a business or a managerial failure. Some changes may be failures, but others should be viewed as ordinary business or family developments.  相似文献   

深度链接的争议及应用前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深度链接随着 Internet 的发展而普遍使用,但也引起了一些争议甚至诉讼。由于现行法律条文的滞后,各国在解决争议时采取了不同的标准而导致不同的结果。随着技术的进步和对 Internet 的深入认识,深度链接将得到更健康地应用。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of foreign acquisition on wages and total factor productivity (TFP) in the years following a takeover by using unique detailed firm‐level data for Sweden for the period 1993–2002. The paper takes particular account of potential endogeneity of the acquisition decision (for example, due to ‘cherry picking’) by implementing an instrumental variable approach and propensity score matching with difference‐in‐difference estimation. Moreover, in line with the recent literature on firm heterogeneity and trade, this paper allows for the acquisition effect to differ depending on whether the targeted firms were domestic multinational or non‐multinationals before the foreign takeover. This paper also allows for the acquisition effect to differ depending on whether the acquisition is horizontal or vertical. Our results show that foreign acquisition has no effects on overall, skilled or less‐skilled wage growth, either in targeted Swedish MNEs or in targeted Swedish non‐MNEs or if the acquisition was motivated by vertical or horizontal motives. However, the results indicate that both targeted Swedish MNEs and non‐MNEs have better growth in TFP after vertical foreign acquisition only but no such impact from horizontal foreign acquisition.  相似文献   

Using panel data of 1080 multinational corporations (MNCs) from the United States, we examine the effects of environmental sustainability practices on the degree of firms’ offshoring activities. In addition, we disaggregate offshoring activities into their core components depending on whether or not the firm buys (inputs) or sells (outputs) and/or owns assets in a given country and examine the extent to which sustainability practices influence the different components of offshoring decisions. The results indicate that sustainability practices significantly affect offshoring activities of MNCs. In particular, we found that sustainable business practices matter when the firm sells goods or owns assets in the given host nation. Additionally, the results show that the sustainability–degree of the internationalization relationship is crucial for MNCs that have offshoring activities in advanced economies relative to those firms that have activities in emerging markets. Our results are robust to alternative explanations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the responses of high and low sensation seeking high school students to drug prevention PSAs featuring either social or physical threat messages. One hundred eight high school students participated in a 2 (social or physical threat message)x 2 (high or low sensation seeking) experiment. As hypothesized, social threat messages were viewed more favorably than physical threat messages. In addition, the findings support that high sensation seeking teens are the appropriate target audience for anti-drug PSAs, and these individuals differ with respect to their response to physical and social threat messages.  相似文献   

A content analysis of on-air progmm promotions ap- pearing on the ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox networks was conducted to ascertain the degree to which promotional spots contain sexual acts or language, and whether the networks increase their use of sexual images and words in promos aired during sweeps. A total of 171 hours of prime time programming were videotaped over a three- month period in the fall of 1990. A total of 1,705 promotional spots were present between and within the programs. Analyses revealed that one in five promotions contained sexual acts or references. The most commonly-occurring sexual incident was kissing. An average of one verbal or visual instance of intercourse occurred every three hours. Depictions of or comments about sexual responsibility includ- ing STDs and pregnancy prevention were rarely in evidence. There were more sexual incidents per hour in nonsweeps promotions than in promotions aired during sweeps. Sex was more prevalent in promo- tions for dramas and movies, and NBC program advertisements were the most sex-laden.  相似文献   

比较优势理论与期货市场竞争发展格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
期货市场是以现货市场为基础的衍生市场.根据比较优势及相关理论,期货市场的比较优势主要来自于所在国家或地区的要素条件、需求状况、竞争对手及产业政策.世界期货市场以及美国、欧洲、日本等国家或地区内期货市场竞争格局的变迁充分证明,具有比较优势的国家和地区或以具有比较优势的产业为基础的期货市场,在竞争中将因此而形成相应的比较优势.不同国家或地区间、一个国家或地区内期货市场所处的环境各不相同,因此发展期货市场必须根据所在国家或地区的环境特点,推行与之相适应的发展模式和产业政策,以形成自身的比较优势,在竞争中获取有利地位.  相似文献   


This research examines the impact of country-of-origin (COO) perceptions on store brands and store ownership. Online grocery shoppers were subjected to a series of manipulations involving: (a) product type – national brand or store brand; (b) product source – including local or foreign, and culturally close or culturally distant; and (c) store ownership. We find that store brands benefit from being locally sourced, and benefit further if the store is also locally owned, in terms of risk, quality, and value perceptions. If a brand is to be foreign sourced, it is preferable for it to come from a country recognised as culturally close to the seller country. Being the first study to look at the impact of COO effects on store brands, our paper offers insights about how management should take advantage of local sourcing and ownership, or put in place marketing efforts to counter negative COO effects.  相似文献   

International marketing strategies, made possible by technological innovation and forced by economic reality, must be supported and refined by empirical study of their successes and failures. This study reviews all articles published in over 800 scholarly journals and trade publications in 1989 and 1990 in an attempt to describe the studies becoming available to the international marketer for guidance. In all, 130 articles dealing with mu media or advertising and marketing in an international perspective were found. Six dimensions of these are analysed and discussed: editorial type; subject; the mass medium of focus; inclusion of quantitative data; and country or countries.

This analysis of all 130 studies reveals that articles are more apt to cover news than more generalizable types of knowledge, refer to media and to international aspects more in general terms than in specific terms, often provide unsubstantiated advice, generalizations or predictions, under-represent countries outside of Europe, and are very infrequently based on primary data.

An overall judgement is that empirical studies of the success or failure in the use of media or advertising in global marketing, necessary to provide guidance to international marketers, were virtually absent from the body of scholarly research published in the two years studied.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the diversity of specializations, applications, practices and practitioners of management consulting (and the standards and criteria); ways in which consultants do, can or should relate to or contribute to the effectiveness of executives and/or specialized staff personnel (considering the usual partial overlap in knowledge and experience); optimization of contribution; advancing the profession as a whole, etc.In situations of great complexity, the creative contributions derived from judgment — when the factual foundations are sound and adequate — can often be especially valuable to clients. The necessary and appropriate foundations for these are also considered; all in connection with the concept of excellence, as inseparable from ethics.  相似文献   

The concept of face, or mianzi, is quite important in Chinese culture. We examine how public face and private thrift together affect Chinese consumer shopping behaviour based on the results of a survey of nearly 400 Chinese consumers under the age of 40. When a product is used in public or the behaviour occurs in a public place, Chinese consumers are typically willing to spend more money than if a product or service is used in a private place or at home. In addition, non‐Chinese or Western brands do not mean more ‘face’ to Chinese consumers. Instead, it is the expense of the item that matters most with the ultimate goal of being praised by others.  相似文献   

Bundling in this era of eCommerce and high technology is a potent and widespread selling tool. The literature has focused on three static bundling strategies under which the products are sold separately (pure components or PC) or only in a bundled form (pure bundling or PB) or both (mixed bundling or MB). In a generalization, and motivated by real world examples, this paper examines the relative effectiveness of temporal bundling. We consider a firm that sells to a market of myopic and strategic consumers, and a selling season consisting of two stages. We compare four strategies – PC-PC (i.e., pure components in each of two stages), PB-PB, PB-PC and PC-PB – relative to MB. Our results show that PB-PB maximizes profits under low marginal costs; PC-PC prevails under high marginal costs given a large proportion of myopic consumers; and PB-PC is profit maximizing under moderate marginal costs when most consumers are strategic. These temporal strategies dominate MB except when the market is comprised entirely of strategic consumers. Finally, while temporal mixed bundling – MB-MB – is weakly superior to other temporal strategies, the latter are much easier to implement, as shown by real-world uses, and suffice to capture most of the profits. Related interesting pricing implications are discussed. Three extensions to the main model are also proposed.  相似文献   

The different structures may best fit a company as it changes its size or mission or type of business is fairly evident. What may not be so widely known is that certain structures better fit a given national culture than others. National differences have many implications for how the separate divisions of a multinational are organized.  相似文献   

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