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This article examines the role of multinational companies (MNCs) in the growth of the U.S. trade deficit. Estimates of MNC-related trade are developed for 1977, 1982, and 1987. The data show that MNCs are associated with a significant share of U.S. trade and that the trading activities of multinational companies can be linked to significant trends in the U.S. trade balance.  相似文献   

This article investigates the structure of trust in China and compares it with the U.S., using the 2000 and 2005 waves of the World Value Survey (WVS). We analyze two dimensions of trust – trust in people and trust in major companies. It is found that the level of trust has remained stable in China within the 5-year period. On the other hand, trust in major companies has declined dramatically in U.S. while trust in people has increased slightly. The structure of trust in companies is different from trust in people. For both countries, individuals with higher education tend to have a higher level of trust. Individuals who are divorced tend to have lower trust in people. Individuals who think that other people are fair are more likely to trust in people. Preference for competition has a positive effect on trust in major companies. On the other hand, some differences between the two countries are observed. Perception of fairness does not affect trust in major companies in China, while it has a positive effect in U.S. in year 2006. Preference for equality has a negative effect on trust in major companies in U.S. but no significant effect in China. The pattern of trust and its changes over time may reflect differences in market conditions in the two economies.  相似文献   

U.S. mutual fund companies offer funds in Canada through two channels: foreign direct investment or trade in advisement services. The total value of U.S.-controlled funds amounts to 18% of the Canadian equity fund market. This paper investigates how the fund-level and firm-level characteristics affect the channel used to enter the Canadian market. Empirical results indicate that the funds offered through FDI are not especially successful in the U.S. market but are associated with dominant companies, whereas the funds offered through trade in advisement services are highly successful in the U.S. market and are from companies with relatively few successful funds.  相似文献   


In this study, the authors apply data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the financial efficiency of U.S. beauty-care companies and foreign companies based on their media advertising expenditures in eight key media outlets (i.e., magazines, newspapers, outdoor, network TV, spot TV, syndication TV, cable TV, and radio) and their revenues in the U.S. market. The analyses revealed that 47.4% of the companies examined advertised efficiently. Companies that advertised inefficiently could save, on average, 75% of their advertising spending. The results also indicated that although U.S. companies are more efficient overall than are non-U.S. companies in terms of advertising spending, the competitiveness of non-U.S. companies should not be underestimated because some of them advertised efficiently (e.g., Kao Corporation from Japan) or almost efficiently.  相似文献   

Here, the author describes some key differences between European and U.S. managers and provides a strategy for successful collaboration. These differences could prove crucial for U.S. companies seeking to take advantage of the newly emerging opportunities in Europe.  相似文献   

Executive Summary This study advances and tests determinants of entry strategies of U.S. companies to Eastern Europe, as well as factors that determine the satisfaction of these companies with their economic performance in this area. Using survey data and a multivariable research design, the study adds new knowledge and supports previous findings. It reports that the entry mode of U.S. companies into these countries is determined by the following variables, ranked from most to least important: market potential, company activity, level of competition, and year of market entry. It also reports that the satis‐faction of U.S. companies doing business in these countries is decided by the following variables, ranked from most to least important: economic‐performance outlook, level of competition, number of competitors, market potential, year of entry, and business activity. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ingredients that stimulated the development of the biotechnology industry in the US and contrasts conditions with those in Europe. It examines relationships between established firms and new start-ups; the financing and managerial environment and the organizational environment, whereby firms were able to set up networks of alliances. Its main findings are that: 1) The funding of the medical science research base has been substantially more generous in the U.S. than Europe. It is the funding of the science base rather than of the biotechnology industry directly that has provided the foundations for start-ups to be created out of the science base. 2) It has been easier for U.S. academics to found start-ups, close to their research establishment, and to retain their academic posts and status as well as be involved in a commercial enterprise. In Europe, the scientific/academic and commercial worlds have a wider divide. 3) Start-ups have been concentrated in the therapeutics and agricultural fields, with strong scientific research inputs into their commercialization, in contrast to other sectors where downstream processing innovations have been more important, which have been undertaken in-house by the large incumbent companies. 4) Financing and managerial conditions have been significantly easier in the U.S. for start-ups, in terms of access to venture capital specialising in high technology, ability to use the stock market to raise capital, and access to people able to forge links between scientists and entrepreneurs, and to introduce managerial expertise into new companies. 5) There has been a greater facility in the U.S. than in Europe for alliances to be formed between incumbent companies and indigenous U.S. start-ups; European start-ups have not found similar backing from European incumbent companies.  相似文献   

The frequency of discriminatory language in job advertisements placed by U.S. multinational corporations operating in Mexico was compared with that of Mexican companies using content analysis. A sample of 300 ads placed by companies from each culture was analyzed and coded by two groups of coders to calculate the frequency of discriminatory language in the job ads with respect to age, gender, physical appearance and marital status. Results of a chi square analysis revealed that U.S. multinationals firms in Mexico utilize discriminatory language in job ads less frequently in the categories of age, gender and marital status. This result suggests that the legal and cultural framework of the country of origin of U.S. enterprises in Mexico may be influencing their actual recruitment practice in Mexico, and in turn, help them in setting a positive example of non-discrimination in recruitment among their Mexican counterparts.  相似文献   

We set out to examine firms breaking into the top tier of for-profit companies in the U.S. and Japan to find differences across the two groups. To accomplish this, we conducted a questionnaire survey of companies that had recently undergone an initial public offering (IPO) in each country and compared them on characteristics frequently associated with new firms.As we expected, even when the different sizes of the two economies were taken into account, there were considerably fewer listings in Japan than in the U.S. One reason for this is that the listing requirements for young Japanese firms, although not stricter, are much more strictly enforced. Hence, fewer Japanese firms are able to list.Our results show that the Japanese firms were markedly different from their U.S. counterparts on several characteristics. They tended to be older and larger, which is consistent with more stringent listing requirements in Japan. They were also much more often led by their original founders. This is a surprising result given that the Japanese firms, being older, had longer to lose their founders. When a successor to the founder was president, it was much more often a relative of the founder than in the U.S. The Japanese founders rated themselves higher on relatively emotional characteristics, such as aggressiveness, paternalism, and charisma than did either the U.S. presidents or the Japanese nonfounder presidents.The Japanese firms relied solely on the president for decision-making prior to the IPO more often than the U.S. firms did. However, the Japanese firms also moved in greater numbers to group decision-making around the time of the IPO.The post-IPO investment strategies of the Japanese firms were characterized by a focus on new product development, an increase in R&D spending, and investment in the company's capital plant. In contrast, the U.S. firms reported more interest in exploiting their existing market and buying other companies, usually leaving R&D spending at its pre-IPO level.Overall, it is surprising that on many characteristics, the Japanese IPOs tended to fall more to the extreme associated with new companies than did the U.S. firms. They were dominated by founder influence, the founders were apparently highly emotional, their management style was initially autocratic, and their strategies targeted innovation and internal development as avenues to growth. This pattern is consistent with a prior hypothesis that the lack of structural support for new firms in Japan results in only the most extreme personalities pursuing and succeeding in company formation.For researchers, a significant implication of this research is that Japanese ventures may not behave according to the same rules as U.S. ventures. Research samples that fail to distinguish nationality may obscure cross-regional variations.For practitioners, the major lesson is that a Japanese venture is likely to be much different from one in the U.S. Dealing with one is probably even more unlike dealing with an established company than working with a U.S. start-up might be.  相似文献   

The largest segment of the asset management business in the United States is registered investment companies (regulated funds). This article focuses on U.S. regulated investment companies—mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, closed-end funds, and unit investment trusts. These funds manage more than $17 trillion of assets, largely on behalf of U.S. investors. The industry has experienced strong growth over the past quarter century from asset appreciation and strong demand from households due to rising household wealth, the aging of the U.S. population, and the evolution of employer-based retirement systems. Price competition and supply-side product innovations and efficiencies have reduced the average price that investors pay for fund services.  相似文献   

It has been estimated that U.S. companies with global business operations can reduce their U.S. tax bill by up to 10 percentage points if they reincorporate in a zero or low tax offshore jurisdiction. But this activity, at a time of national crisis following the September 11 terrorists' attacks and recent spate of corporate scandals, has received a less than sympathetic response from the U.S. media, ordinary taxpayers, shareholders and politicians as concerns are raised about the reduction of the tax base and the lack of oversight and regulation in offshore centres. Offshore reincorporation has been condemned as immoral, unconscionable, dishonest and unpatriotic, accusations that cast doubt on the legitimacy of the companies concerned. In question is their right to conduct business in the U.S. and in particular, their right to still be viewed as American. Their legitimacy once bestowed so readily by the company's shareholders is now being questioned not only by shareholders but also the media, politicians, government regulators, pension funds and labour unions. Expatriate companies have been slow to respond to questions of their legitimacy, viewing their offshore move as a financial decision needing only the consent of their shareholders. However, times have changed and corporate legitimacy is now in the hands of all the company's stakeholders. Companies will need to explicitly consider the determinants of their legitimacy and the implications of the implied social contract under which they operate, to remain relevant in the days ahead.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(5):549-561
Who owns an individual's electronic communications data, who should have access to it, and what can be done with it? The battle of privacy versus security is currently raging between U.S. technology companies and national security forces. U.S. technology companies are adopting corporate foreign policies to respond to sovereign states’ efforts to access customer data, which could change and possibly even destroy their business models. This article discusses the struggles faced by these companies and the policies influencing the possible outcome, as will be determined in the European Union within the next few years.  相似文献   

The pressure on companies to practice corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained momentum in recent times as a means of sustaining competitive advantage in business. The pharmaceutical industry has been acutely affected by this trend. While pharmaceutical product recalls have become rampant and increased dramatically in recent years, no comprehensive study has been conducted to study the effects of announcements of recalls on the shareholder returns of pharmaceutical companies. As product recalls could significantly damage a company’s reputation, profitability and brand integrity, this paper investigates the effect on shareholder wealth and the extent to which the adoption of CSR practices by pharmaceutical companies in the United Kingdom (U.K.) and the United States (U.S.), the two largest markets for pharmaceutical products in the world, affected market reactions surrounding product recall announcements. The analysis of product recall announcements from 1998 to 2004 compiled from The Pharmaceutical Journal and U.S. Food and Drug Administration enforcement reports revealed marked differences in the way market participants in the two countries responded to news of product recalls. U.S. investors penalised firms according to the severity of product defects while U.K. investors were indifferent. While U.K. investors rewarded product recalls by firms which were not usually CSR-active, U.S. investors punished non-CSR active firms that performed recalls. These observations could pose strategic challenges to pharmaceutical firms operating in both countries. Jeremy Cheah is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Nottingham University Business School, Malaysia Campus. His research interests lie in the area of applied corporate finance and investment management. Wen Li Chan was an Advocate and Solicitor in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia before assuming the post of University Teacher in Information Systems and Strategy at Nottingham University Business School, Malaysia Campus. She is currently investigating the roles and implications of information on firm valuation, particularly in the area of corporate cyber-litigation and corporate social responsibility. Corinne Chieng is a Corporate Executive at Star Publications (M) Berhad, Malaysia. She has previously worked as a tax consultant at Arthur Andersen Malaysia. Her research interests include the financial implications of corporate social responsibility on the valuation of firms.  相似文献   

This study examines whether auditor realignments and voluntary Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Section 404 adoption are associated with the remediation of internal control material weaknesses (ICMWs) in the case of U.S.-listed foreign companies. Furthermore, we investigate whether the results are driven by the home country’s legal systems. Using a sample of 266 U.S.-listed foreign firm-year observations reporting ICMWs, we found that firms engaging new auditors are more likely to remediate their ICMWs effectively in the subsequent year. Furthermore, we found that firms in the voluntary adoption period are less likely to solve internal control problems and that ICMW remediation significantly improved earnings quality. However, our results hold only for firms from common-law countries. This study provides evidence to academics that auditor realignment can serve as a functional change by which U.S.-listed foreign companies can remediate their ICMWs. Furthermore, this paper extends earlier cross-country research and suggests that country institutional differences affect the internal control reporting behavior of auditors and the effect of ICMW remediation on earnings quality.  相似文献   

This study addresses two questions about the U.K. and Thai subsidiaries of U.S. multinationals: (1) What is the relationship between a company's staffing policy and subsidiary performance? and (2) When are companies more likely to use an expatriate rather than a local manager? The study concludes that local managers are most effective in subsidiaries located in a developing country, subsidiaries that rely on a local customer base, and subsidiaries with marketing themes similar to the themes used at their U.S. headquarters. Expatriates are more likely to be in charge of larger subsidiaries and those with a marketing theme similar to that of the headquarters. ? 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines the differences between Eastern and Western companies regarding long- vs. short-term orientations. Utilizing Hofstede’s long-term orientation index, this study scrutinizes both long- and short-term performance measurements for companies from Western Europe, Japan, and the United States. The findings suggest that Western European companies place an equally higher priority on both long- and short-term measures of performance compared to companies from Japan and the United States. Additionally, Japanese companies were postulated by the literature to employ a long-term orientation toward company performance greater than U.S. companies. However, our results do not support this statement, as U.S. and Japanese companies were not statistically significantly different.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of pricing in marketing plans of U.S.- and foreign-based companies operating in the United States. Concurrently, two other issues, centrality of pricing decisions and pricing objectives, are examined. One objective of this study is to complement prior research, which has suggested the existence of managerial differences in other marketing and nonmarketing areas between U.S.- and foreign-based firms.The results, based on a mail survey and personal interviews, show that some differences exist between the U.S.- and foreign-based firms so far as the pricing element of their marketing plans is concerned. Pricing decisions are also shown to be more centrally made in the U.S.-based firms than in the foreign-based firms. Distribution of pricing objectives of the two types of firms, however, were not significantly different from one another. Group mean scores for pricing objectives, on the other hand, do suggest some fundamental differences.  相似文献   

An increasing number of US.-based multinational companies have adopted a strategy of “inward-oriented” diversification in the 1980s. This article focuses on the ensuing financial performance of these firms, especially as compared to that of a group of U.S.-based domestic corporations. Specifically, well-known performance and risk measures are applied to a sample of multinational and domestic firms based in the U.S. The data are analyzed over three five-year periods (1979-1983, 1980-1984, and 1981-1985). The overall results, while providing total support for a few of the major issues and lending partial support to the others, seem to indicate that U.S. multinationals may have adopted a successful strategy in response to a changing global economic environment.  相似文献   

Parental control: A study of U.S. subsidiaries in Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study develops a framework that suggests that subsidiary characteristics, such as performance, purpose and manager nationality affect the extent of control and mechanisms of control (i.e., results, cultural and action controls) that their parent companies exercise over them. Hypotheses were tested using survey responses from 44 Mexican subsidiary—U.S. parent dyads. As expected, results suggest that parental perceptions of subsidiary performance are inversely related to the extent of control that parent companies exercise over these subsidiaries. It was also found that subsidiaries established for purposes relating to a knowledge seeking motivation tended to be subject to more cultural control, but no support was found for the hypothesized relationships between market purpose and results control, and resource purpose and action control. Finally, also as predicted, Mexican managers tended to be subject to greater action control by their U.S. parent than American managers.  相似文献   

Publicly traded companies in the U.S. must prepare financial statements in accordance with the requirements of U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). However, many companies also report non-GAAP measures—those calculated outside the requirements of U.S. GAAP—in their earnings announcements, annual reports, and SEC filings. The SEC began regulating the release of non-GAAP measures in 2003 and has expressed ongoing concern regarding firms’ disclosure of the same, but the use of non-GAAP measures continued to increase nonetheless. A 2018 Audit Analytics report found that in 2006, 76% of SEC filers included non-GAAP measures, but in 2017 that percentage rose to 96%. This installment of Accounting Matters provides an overview of the SEC regulations regarding non-GAAP measures, examines how investors react to non-GAAP disclosures, and provides guidance regarding how companies can avoid receiving a non-GAAP disclosure comment letter from the SEC.  相似文献   

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