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本文主要运用违约责任的基本原理着重分析了劳动合同违约责任一些基础性问题,即劳动合同违约责任的概念、归责原则以及违约责任的若干承担形式,以期对正在进行的《劳动合同法》的立法做出有益建议。  相似文献   

[案例] 2000年5月20日,姚某与某用人单位签订了为期三年的劳动合同,2002年3月6日,姚某以身体不能从事原工作为由通知用人单位辞职并解除劳动合同。未经用人单位同意,3月20日,姚某强行离开了用人单位。5月4日,用人单位向当地仲裁部门提起申诉,要求姚某按照劳动合同承担违约责任,赔偿经济损失。  相似文献   

跳槽是人力资本流动的方式之一,易引发纠纷。如何看待跳槽?笔者认为,既不应该鼓励,也不应该限制。但是,跳槽应遵守法律的规定。 一、合法解除与原单位的劳动合同 《劳动法》第十七条规定"劳动合同依法订立即具有法律约束力,当事人必须履行劳动合同规定的义务"。劳动者未解除与原用人单位的劳动合同,就跳槽到其他单位,是违反劳动合同的行为,应承担违约责任。此外用人单位招用未解除劳动合  相似文献   

案情简介 2004年5月,王某与北京某外商投资企业签订了一份为期5年的劳动合同,月薪10000元.并约定如果王某提前解除劳动合同,每提前一年,缴纳违约金10000元.同时约定,王某的社会保险费的缴费基数为3000元.2006年5月,王某获得某猎头公司提供的月薪15000元的工作机会.猎头公司建议王某以企业未依法缴纳社会保险为由提出辞职,这样就不需要承担违约责任.经考虑,王某于2006年6月1日以企业未足额缴纳社会保险费为由提出了辞职申请.一个月后,王某收到了原单位起诉要求其承担违约责任的应诉通知书.  相似文献   

违约金作为处理违约责任的一种主要形式,一直是劳动合同实践中最敏感、最复杂、最有争议的话题之一。新近颁布的《劳动合同法》从法律层面上统一了违约金制度,结束了地方立法中对此"各自为政"的局面。本文通过对几个案例的分析,全面剖析了《劳动合同法》关于违约金制度的规定,分析了在提前解除劳动合同、服务期、竞业限制等情形下如何正确应用违约金制度。  相似文献   

[案例]郭某于2000年5月20日与某渔杆公司签订了为期3年的劳动合同,2002年3月6日郭某以身体不适不能从事原工作为由通知公司辞职并解除劳动合同,并于3月20日未经公司同意擅自离职。为此,5月4日公司向仲裁委申诉要求郭某承担违约责任、赔偿经济损失。在庭审中,郭某以用人单位未依法为其缴纳社会保险费、职工可以随时解除劳动合同为由进行答辩,并提出反诉请求,要求公司为其补缴工作期间的社会保险费。经仲裁  相似文献   

罗莱(本案申诉人)于2003年7月入职某公司(本案被诉人)任项目经理营运助理,双方签有劳动合同,合同期限自2003年12月1日起至2004年12月31日止。申、被诉双方在劳动合同中注明,合同附件包括甲方(被诉人)《员人手册》、《奖惩制度》以及《保密和不竞争协议》。《保密和不竞争协议》约定了申、被诉双方要求申诉人承担保密责任和劳动合同期间及解除后的不竞争(竞业禁止)的期间、范围、申诉人的保密义务,保密措施及申诉人的违约责任等内容。  相似文献   

前些年,一些职工不受约束,随意“跳槽”,对企业单位想进就进,想出就出,来去自由,一旦另谋高就,就“拍拍屁股”,跟原企业潇洒地“拜拜”,还神气地吹嘘自己炒了“老板”的“鱿鱼”。而企业尽管蒙受了“人财两空”的损失,也只能自认倒霉,无可奈何。然而,《劳动法》实施以来,企业按照《劳动法》规定与职工签订劳动合同,依法建立劳动关系,双方约定了劳动合同期限、保密事项、违约责任,以及赔偿办法等。如有一方违约,就能依法追究对方的违约责任,索赔经济损失。这样一来,职工违约“跳槽”就不再那么潇洒轻松,而是要自食苦果,赔偿企业经济损失。从各地劳动争议仲裁机构处理的劳动争议案件来看,职工赔偿企业经济损失主要有以下方面。  相似文献   

一、引言无论是1995年1月1日起实施的《劳动法》,还是2008年1月1日起实施的《劳动合同法》都规定了劳动合同依法解除的诸多方式,主要有用人单位与劳动者双方协商一致解除合同、用人单位或劳动者一方违约解除合同、依法定条件出现而解除合同等方式。尽管各种方式的作用均是解除劳动合同,但是对劳动者而言,不同方式会产生不同的结果,有些可能会获得补偿,有些可能要承担违约责任,还有些可能既不得到也不付出等。  相似文献   

<正>违约责任,是指合同当事人不履行或不适当履行合同约定或法定义务所应承担的损害赔偿、支付违约金、解除合同等民事责任。其主要特征是:1、违约者人的性质是一种民事责任,不是行政责任、刑事责任;2、违约责任是在合同依法成立之后,履行合同过程中的民事责任,而不是签订合同之前和签订合同过程中所产生的缔约过失责任,其为先契约责任,而不是契约的违约责任;3、违约责任的产生基于合同一方或双方不履行合同义务的事实,第三人的行为不构成合同双方当事人的违约责任;4、违约责任是  相似文献   

本文从监理的履约及违约行为方式出发,探讨了现行法律所存在的问题,并就监理违约责任的适用归责原则提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

李鹏 《物流科技》2012,(1):40-45
20世纪末,第三方物流迅速发展,由传统第三方物流逐渐向现代整合性第三方物流过渡,相应的,第三方物流合同也逐渐从传统的运输、仓储合同向类型结合型的第三方物流合同转化。这种类型结合型的第三方物流合同系无名合同,其裁判依据包括双方之间订立的第三方物流合同本身(包括补充协议、体系解释、交易习惯)和民事法律规范。从双方之间订立的第三方物流合同角度而言,其违约责任多采用的是严格责任归责原则。从民事法律规范的角度来说,基于个案中能否确认货损发生的区间,第三方物流合同适用不同的违约责任的归责原则,或适用《合同法》总则的严格责任原则,或适用损失确认区间适用法律的违约责任的归责原则。  相似文献   

邓保林 《民营科技》2011,(7):339-339
通过对施工合同中存在的建筑材料、人工费用上涨引发的成本上升、工程款支付、工程变更、违约责任等风险的分析,进而针对不同的风险采取不同的防范措施,施工单位应在合同签订时控制风险从而规避风险。  相似文献   

劳动合同服务期不同于一般的劳动合同期限,两者在适用前提以及违约后果等方面都存在一定区别。服务期规定的出台体现了《劳动合同法》平衡劳动关系双方当事人权利义务的立法理念,适应了不同人群的需要,但服务期条款也存在规定不甚具体、内容不甚明确的缺陷,因而需对其作进一步探讨,厘清相关问题,以发挥服务期条款的应有作用。  相似文献   

Psychological Contract Breach in a Chinese Context: An Integrative Approach   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
ABSTRACT    This study examined the antecedents and outcomes of psychological contract breach as well as why and how psychological contract breach is related to these outcomes. Respondents were Hong Kong Chinese employees (N=152). Results showed organizational change and history of contract breach to be related to psychological contract breach which, in turn, was related to turnover intentions, psychological withdrawal behaviour, and civic virtue. Further, trust in employer fully mediated the relationship between psychological contract breach and the work outcomes of psychological withdrawal behaviour and civic virtue but partially mediated the psychological contract breach–turnover intentions relationship. Lastly, interactional justice failed to moderate the relationship between psychological contract breach and the work outcomes.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate how mass layoffs impact surviving employees in organizations. More specifically, this study ascertained the relationships between mass layoffs and employee work behaviors. It was theorized that mass layoffs will be negatively related to employee performance and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) through its relationships with job insecurity and psychological contract breach. Moreover, it was expected that perceived manager support would buffer against the negative relations of contract breach with employee performance and OCB. A study among 615 employees in multiple Chilean organizations showed support for the hypotheses: job insecurity and psychological contract breach mediated the relationships between mass layoffs and employee performance and OCB. We also found moderating relationships of manager support, but the relations of breach with performance and OCB were particularly negative when manager support was high, indicating feelings of betrayal among high-support employees in response to contract breach. Moreover, the relation of contract breach with performance was positive for low-support employees, and non-significant for high-support employees. Our study advances understanding of the processes underlying how mass layoffs influence employee behavior in the workplace, through introducing the psychological contract as a way of understanding the relationships.  相似文献   

Psychological contract breach has become a significant problem for many organisations in today's business environment because it fosters a belief within employees that the organisation does not support them. Accordingly, we examine whether organisations can diminish the negative impact of psychological contract breach on perceived organisational support (POS) by providing employees with mentors, supportive supervisors and role models. In Study 1, we found that mentor relationships moderated the relationship between psychological contract breach and POS six months later. In Study 2, we showed that mentor relationships and supervisor support reduced the negative impact of contract breach on POS. Contrary to expectations, employees who maintained relationships with role models reported lower levels of POS in response to psychological contract breach than those employees who reported that they did not have role models in their organisations. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of psychological contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice in influencing employees' anticitizenship behaviors. It was posited that the association between contract breach and these negative employee outcomes would be moderated by perceptions of both procedural and interactional justice. In particular, employees' anticitizenship behaviors are hypothesized to be higher following a breach when both procedural and interactional justice are low. One hundred and sixty-five employees from a variety of organizational settings completed measures of contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice whereas their respective supervisors completed a measure of anticitizenship behavior. Results revealed a 3-way interaction between contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice on anticitizenship behavior. The nature of the interaction was further investigated through simple slope analyses. Consistent with the study's propositions, anticitizenship behavior was higher following a contract breach when both procedural and interactional justice were low. Theoretical and practical implications as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The expatriate literature needs to move beyond maladjustment as a primary reason for expatriate failure. This article draws on the psychological contract as a valuable lens to observe changes in expatriate behavior that may determine expatriate success or failure on international assignments. Prior research on the expatriate psychological contract has focused solely on an expatriate's social exchange relationship with the assigning parent company. This article offers a dual‐foci perspective of the expatriate psychological contract and suggests that expatriates’ perceptions of psychological contract breach arise from two sources—the assigning parent company and the receiving host company. The conceptualization of breach with dual foci forms the basis for the proposed model of expatriate failure. The model proposes that differences in expatriates’ contexts will influence their likelihood of perceiving breach and that breach, once perceived, will affect expatriate behavior through its influence on sense‐making, affect, conation, and attitudes. The propositions developed in this article provide a foundation for future theorizing and empirical work on expatriate cognitions of psychological contract breach. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The current study examines the relationship between adult attachment style and both perceived psychological contract breach and affective organizational commitment in a sample of college students with employment experience. Attachment style is argued to be an individual difference factor that affects how an individual perceives organizational events based on theory and existing empirical research related to adult attachment style. Individuals with insecure attachment styles were predicted to perceive more psychological contract breach and have lower levels of affective organizational commitment. The results reveal that individuals with higher levels of preoccupied and dismissive attachment styles perceived higher levels of psychological contract breach, and preoccupied attachment style significantly and negatively relates to affective organizational commitment. The relationship between attachment style and psychological contract dimensions was stronger for relational than transactional contract dimensions. Evidence is also found that perceived psychological contract breach mediates the relationship between preoccupied attachment style and affective commitment. Future potential research directions are described. The implications of these findings for managerial practice is discussed.  相似文献   

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