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基于网络信息技术的迅速发展,计算机犯罪在很多领域出现了新问题,此后各种相关的计算机犯罪层出不穷。文章主要从计算机犯罪和网络犯罪的关系、具体的网络诈骗问题以及计算机犯罪的完善三方面进行分析,指出了计算机犯罪与网络犯罪在本质上的区别,进而对计算机犯罪的下位犯罪——网络犯罪进行深入研究。通过计算机犯罪的有关探讨,从而达到进一步完善计算机犯罪的相关立法、预防计算机犯罪的目的。  相似文献   

<正>计算机网络犯罪的技术措施愈来愈多,对于控制计算机网络犯罪发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。相比而言,计算机网络犯罪的法律措施则明显滞后,对预防和惩治计算机网络犯罪显现不力。"前一段时间闹得沸沸扬扬的‘熊猫烧香’病毒事件再一次给我们敲响了警钟。"全国人大代表张学东说,"计算机网络犯罪日益猖獗,制定网络安全法已经迫在眉睫。"因此,本人认为:应当加强惩治计算机网络犯罪的立法。  相似文献   

计算机犯罪的特征与预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>一、计算机犯罪的概念、类型(一)计算机犯罪的概念:所谓计算机网络犯罪,就是犯罪分子利用计算机或网络技术、管理的安全漏洞,并通过计算机或网络对受害者  相似文献   

会计电算化是现代计算机技术同传统的会计工作相结合而产生的一门新学科,是会计工作现代化的具体表现。然而计算机技术的高速发展,又为破坏内部控制体制、进行信息犯罪与舞弊带来了机会。因此,如何有效地防范计算机犯罪就对广大审计工作者提出了一种新的挑战。一、计算机犯罪的类型计算机犯罪有两层意思。一是针对计算机系统直接进行的犯罪活动,将计算机系统做为直接的犯罪目标;二是以计算机系统为作案工具,它有如下类型:1.以计算机为犯罪工具,直接偷窃资产或贪污资金,这是一种最常见的犯罪形式。作案人员利用其掌管计算机之便,…  相似文献   

计算机网络犯罪,是指以计算机网络为媒介,以计算机网络资产为对象,运用网络技术,对存储于网络空间里的信息进行侵犯的严重危害网络安全的行为。它与传统的犯罪有着巨大的差异,具有鲜明的特点。网络犯罪的日益广泛性和给社会所带来的巨大破坏作用给我们提出了一个新的、紧迫的课题:如何防范日益猖獗的网络犯罪,减少网络犯罪造成的巨大损失,成为信息时代的当务之急。  相似文献   

犯罪“黑数(darkfigure)”在犯罪学上是表示未报案的犯罪案件数,延伸应用到没有发现的犯罪案件数。专家学者和执法机关一致认为,有案可查的计算机犯罪统计数字不能说明犯罪的实际情况,计算机犯罪存在较大“黑数”。一、计算机犯罪的“黑数”问题产生的原因1.犯罪人员的智能性与其他犯罪相比,计算机犯罪的突出特点在于其技术性和专业性,大多数信息犯罪人员都具有相当高的专业技术和熟练的操作技能,作案前通过周密的预谋和精心的策划,通过Internet直接或间接地向计算机输入非法指令,来篡改、伪造他人的银行帐户、存折和信息用卡…  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展,计算机网络犯罪也越来越猖獗。为了有效保障计算机网络安全,全面推进社会主义和谐社会建设,必须充分认识计算机网络犯罪的特点和原因,从而相应地采取各种措施,对计算机网络犯罪进行有效的防范和控制。  相似文献   

潘飚 《企业经济》2003,(5):128-129
一、计算机犯罪的特征所谓计算机犯罪,是指违反国家规定,利用计算机系统的特性,侵犯计算机信息系统,危害社会信息交流安全,并应受到刑罚惩罚的行为。它具有以下几方面的特征。1、技术性强。与其它犯罪形式相比,计算机犯罪突出的特点在于其技术性和专业性。犯罪者主要是一些掌握了电脑技术,特别是网络技术的专业人士或“网虫”。他们洞悉网络的缺陷和漏洞,运用丰富的电脑及网络技术,借助四通八达的网络对网络系统及各种电子数据资料等信息发动进攻,进行破坏。2、隐蔽性高。由于网络的开放性,可以使用匿名访问,犯罪作案不受时间、地点的限制,…  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断发展,计算机技术不断进步,计算机使用的人数和频率越来越高,计算机凭借其优势确实给人们生活和工作带来许多的乐趣和方便,计算机的普及和技术的发展,也给计算机犯罪带来了丰厚的土壤,计算机犯罪在今天这个信息时代越来越猖獗,但在举证过程中,往往由于计算机证据本身的一些特点,决定了计算机在网络传输中的脆弱性,本文通过对计算机中证据的阐述,从而制定计算机证据在网络传输中的安全保护策略。  相似文献   

向桢 《价值工程》2015,(6):227-228
目前计算机技术发展十分迅速,虽然互联网技术不断地成熟但是计算机技术的犯罪还是无法避免,而且还慢慢地增多,并且犯罪的手段越来越隐蔽,所以现阶段计算机取证技术已经成为有关部门解决和打击计算机犯罪的主要的途径和手段。  相似文献   

徐秦  赵希晶 《价值工程》2011,30(12):175-175
计算机取证是对计算机犯罪证据的识别、获取、传输、保存、分析和提交认证过程,实质是一个详细扫描计算机系统以及重建入侵事件的过程。本文主要介绍了计算机取证的概念、特点,计算机取证的过程,然后探讨了计算机取证的发展趋势和局限性。  相似文献   

现今社会网络发展日新月异,甚至我们的生活都无法离开网络,但事物都有它的两面性,网上信息不是被泄露,就是被篡改假冒,甚至借用计算机网络进行犯罪,计算机病毒更是肆意传播。信息安全是迫在眉睫要解决的问题,设置密码就是其中最有效而且便捷的方法,我们应该研究和掌握好这门技术。  相似文献   

The behavior and spatial distribution of crime events can be explained through the characterization of an area in terms of its demography, socioeconomy, and built environment. In particular, recent studies on the incidence of crime in a city have focused on the identification of features of the built environment (specific places or facilities) that may increase crime risk within a certain radius. However, it is hard to identify environmental characteristics that consistently explain crime occurrence across cities and crime types. This article focuses on the assessment of the effect that certain types of places have on the incidence of property crime, robbery, and vandalism in three cities of the Valencian region (Spain): Alicante, Castellon, and Valencia. A nonlinear effects model is used to identify such places and to construct a risk map over the three cities considering the three crime types under research. The results obtained suggest that there are remarkable differences across cities and crime types in terms of the types of places associated with crime outcomes. The identification of high-risk areas allows verifying that crime is highly concentrated, and also that there is a high level of spatial overlap between the high-risk areas corresponding to different crime types.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study how unemployment affects gang crime. We examine a model of criminal gangs and suggest that a substitution effect between petty crime and severe crime is at work. In the model, non-monetary valuation of gang membership is private knowledge. Thus, the leaders face a trade-off between less crime per member in large gangs and more crime per member in small gangs. A decrease in unemployment may result in a switch from a large gang that requires petty crime to a small gang that requires severe crime.  相似文献   

One of the most studied effects of crime is the impact that neighborhood crime has on housing values. A major drawback of these studies is that, although crime is undoubtedly endogenous in property value models because of either simultaneity, omitted variables or measurement error, the vast majority of studies treat crime measures as exogenous independent variables. We exploit a unique nine-year crime panel at the neighborhood level to estimate models that properly address the endogeneity of crime and allow us to overcome other specification errors that have plagued previous studies. Of the seven different types of crime we investigate, only robbery and aggravated assault crimes (per acre) exert a meaningful influence upon neighborhood housing values.  相似文献   

李志  应方淦 《价值工程》2013,(12):197-200
本文以社区矫正中的科技监管研究为突破口,借鉴国外的经验,分析了美国社区矫正工作中普遍应用的性犯罪计算机监控技术、基于GPS和RFID的社区服刑人员电子监控、矫正人员室内定位和追踪技术、司机非法驾驶监控技术和矫正人员酗酒、嗑药的分析技术等,为国内社区矫正的科技监管提供现状分析、方案比较,从而有效提高监管效率和质量。  相似文献   

Studies in the economics of crime literature have reached mixed conclusions on the deterrence hypothesis. One explanation that has been offered for the failure to find evidence of a deterrent effect in the long run is the natural rate of crime. This article applies univariate unit root tests to crime series for the United Kingdom and United States and panel unit roots to crime rates for a panel of G7 countries to examine whether there is a natural rate of crime. Our main finding is that when we allow for two structural breaks in the univariate unit root test and a structural break in the panel data unit root test, there is strong evidence of a natural rate of crime. The policy implications of our findings is that governments should focus on altering the economic and social structural profile that determines crime in the long run rather than increasing expenditure on law enforcement that will at best reduce crime rates in the short run.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of residential foreclosures and vacancies on violent and property crime. To overcome confounding factors, a difference-in-difference research design is applied to a unique data set containing geocoded foreclosure and crime data from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Results indicate that while foreclosure alone has no effect on crime, violent crime rates increase by roughly 19% once the foreclosed home becomes vacant – an effect that increases with length of vacancy. We find weak evidence suggesting a potential vacancy effect for property crime that is much lower in magnitude.  相似文献   

While hackers and viruses fuel the IS security concerns for organisations, the problems posed by employee computer crime should not be underestimated. Indeed, a number of IS security researchers have turned their attention to the ‘insider’ threat. Of this group, several focus on the offender, either in terms of a series of attributes required for perpetration, or with reference to forms of safeguards aimed at negating such behaviour. These studies are complemented by those texts which examine the organisational context in which rogue employees commit computer crime. Currently, however, there has been a lack of insight into the relationship between the offender and the context, during the commission process. To address this deficiency, two criminological theories are advanced. This paper illustrates how the theories, entitled the Rational Choice Perspective and Situational Crime Prevention, can be applied to the IS domain, thereby offering a theoretical basis by which to analyse the offender/context relationship during perpetration. By so doing, practitioners may use these insights to inform and enhance the selection of safeguards in a bid to improve prevention programmes. Furthermore, the importation of the Rational Choice Perspective and Situational Crime Prevention into the IS field opens up potentially new areas for future research.  相似文献   

This paper develops and empirically tests a model of crime deterrence in an urban area. There are two important departures from past efforts to study the impact of criminal sanctions. The first is that the provision of sanctions from the local public sector is modeled; this is accomplished by specifying the distributional goals of local government and by specifying the production of safety. The second departure is that actual crime and reported crime are differentiated theoretically and in the empirical work. An empirical test of the model, using a unique neighborhood data set, shows that police deter crime significantly; however, this deterrent impact cannot be demonstrated without the distinction between actual and reported crime.  相似文献   

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