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中国石油乌鲁木齐石化公司炼油厂为了满足全厂汽油升级至国Ⅳ、Ⅴ标准的要求,新建一套60万t/a催化汽油加氢装置,该装置采用中国石油自主研发的M-DSO催化汽油加氢改质技术。装置标定情况说明,催化重汽油经过改质后再加氢烯烃下降16.6个百分点,芳烃增长2.6个百分点,产品重汽油初馏点前移43℃,干点后移6℃,脱硫率达到85.67%,辛烷值增加0.9个单位。MDSO技术能够降低汽油硫含量,减少辛烷值损失,可为炼厂生产国Ⅳ、Ⅴ清洁汽油提供经济、灵活的技术方案。  相似文献   

1简介研究开发的非催化废塑料连续化炼油技术及设备使塑料的回收刮用率达到SO%,其中汽油收率35%~40%;柴油收率25%~30%;重油收率8%;液化气收率70%。经有关专家鉴定,该技术属国内90年代领先水平,国家专利局授予专利权,获某省石化局科技进步一等奖,被国家经贸委列入重点推广项目,经济、社会和环境效益显著。该工艺特点:不用任何催化剂和加氢技术进行连续生产。工艺流程为:熔化脱渣~解聚反应一革取精制一分馏~油品。性能指标为70"汽油符合国标GB489-86质量指标;辛烷值万~85,诱导期63O,腐蚀合格,无铅。10"柴油符合…  相似文献   

万泰力 《价值工程》2010,29(1):39-39
介绍了MIP工艺,ARGG装置采用MIP工艺进行改造,以降低烯烃含量及能耗。改造后,轻油收率为59.20%,较改造前的56.72%增加了近1.5个百分点;总液收为84.37%,较改造前的83.33%增加了近1个百分点。装置能耗较改造前的69.4kgEO/t降低了5个单位。  相似文献   

本文介绍哈石化重整装置在装置扩能,原料质量变差的情况下保持稳汽油辛烷值94(RON)以上.及在装置长周期运行上采取的措施和效果.  相似文献   

本文介绍哈石化重整装置在装置扩能,原料质量变差的情况下保持稳汽油辛烷值94(RON)以上。及在装置长周期运行上采取的措施和效果。  相似文献   

甲醇汽油是由甲醇、汽油和添加剂在一定工艺条件下复配合成的汽车用燃油. 一、甲醇汽油的有益效果 1.节约汽油 甲醇汽油中的甲醇含量为30%~60%,即节约汽油达30%~60%.甲醇的含量根据使用环境、汽油的高低有所不同,在长江以南地区,全年平均为50%左右.  相似文献   

FA-90无铅汽油添加剂西安西北新技术实业总公司研制并投入生产的FA-90无铅汽油添加刑,是一种具有良好的抗爆、助燃、消烟功能,能有效提高汽油辛烷值的新一代高科技产品。该产品的功能有;(1)星有良好的抗爆作用,是替代四乙基铅提台汽油辛烷后租提高汽油抗展性调令无组汽油的理想产百,经有关检验部门按无铅汽油标准SHOO41-91杨到,辛烷值均达到90(RON)以上,抗摄指数达到85.4以上。(2)对汽担的诞烧冥有明园的动诞作用,可使气池充分扬挠,提高汽油的诞烧妞孬,提高发动机的功率,降拒汽油的消耗,达到模高如举、路耗才能…  相似文献   

由于苯乙烯装置工艺路线、装置负荷以及所加阻聚剂的种类不同,苯乙烯的收率也不尽相同。锦州石化公司苯乙烯装置的苯乙烯收率处于相对较低水平。通过技术攻关,选择新型高效阻聚剂、改变阻聚剂的加入量和加入方式、优化苯乙烯精馏系统操作条件,使阻聚剂效果好,苯乙烯产率高,焦油产率低,焦油含量乙烯产品收率完全达到要求。  相似文献   

牛德昌 《活力》2005,(8):62-62
气压机是催化裂化装置的重要设备之一,造价高,转速高,它肩负着向吸收稳定系统输送富气的任务,是提高汽油和液化气收率的关键。喘振是离心式压缩机运行时的一种不正常的危险现象,严重的喘振还可能使压缩机或管道系统遭受破坏,危及装置安全生产,所以对喘振的分析预防和处理显得非常重要。  相似文献   

周博 《数据》2004,(1):31-32
2003年11月末,北京市工业共有规模以上企业法人单位4204个,其中国有工业企业1585个,占全部规模以上工业的38%;从业人员平均人数55.3万人,占全部55%.国有工业企业的户数占全市规模以上工业总户数的38%,却掌握了68.5%的资产,完成了58.7%的增加值,实现了59.8%的利税,对全市规模以上工业经济增长的贡献率达到55.7%,国有经济对全市工业有较强的控制力,对其发展的带动作用明显.  相似文献   

王玉兰 《价值工程》2014,(32):104-105
文章介绍了国产第一套具有完全自主知识产权的全自动采煤设备在综采工作面的应用,通过对综采工作面需风量的计算,实现"以风定产",确保煤矿安全生产,取得了安全零事故,在全国同类条件矿井中原煤工效第一的好成绩。  相似文献   

我军野战油料装备中泵机组正处于新老装备交替和信息化改造阶段,存在着标准通用化程度低、功能设置单一重复、智能自动化水平不高等问题,严重影响到油料装备的正常运转.当前,必须瞄准战场需求、紧跟发展趋势、打造精品装备,确保油料保障任务的按时、按量完成,适应未来信息化战争的需求.  相似文献   

从通风系统现状、通风方式的选择、矿井风量、通风阻力计算以及通风设备选型等多个方面全面论述了某矿山通风系统的改造设计,对类似矿山的通风系统优化、改造有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

气车电控汽油喷射系统已经成为汽油车的标准配置。文章介绍了电子喷油器的常见故障、产生的原因及检测方法。  相似文献   

抽油机在平衡性能较好的状态下运转,可以延长设备的使用周期,也可以减少设备对电网的最大需量,节省电力以及相关耗材费用的支出。平衡性差的抽油机会在一段时间消耗很多的电力,而另一段时间还要向电网回馈电力,其回馈的电力还会对电网及用电设备造成损害。因此文章试着从功率曲线入手,探讨抽油机平衡率的应用。  相似文献   

本文根据胶质含量测定试验方法的要求,以车用汽油中胶质含量(包括未洗胶质含量和溶剂洗胶质含量)测定为例,探讨了0.5单位数值修约、极限数值的表示和判定在胶质含量测定数据处理和结果判定中的应用。目的在于使车用汽油产品检测工作中在数据处理、报告和结果判定方面更加规范和统一。  相似文献   

This paper investigates firm transformation from original equipment manufacturing (OEM) to original brand manufacturing (OBM) based on variant experiences of Taiwan’s top global brands. Taking the competitive advantage of practicing OEM for multinational corporations (MNCs), latecomer firms can generate capital and accumulate capabilities by engaging with the global production network. Rarely does every firm transform into a global enterprise. We propose that only entrepreneurs with strategic leadership competence, which serves to manage a delicate balance between stability and change in a firm, are capable to facilitate firm transformation from OEM to a global enterprise practicing OBM. We provide an analytical framework that combines the research fields of entrepreneurship, strategic management, and leadership to analyze firm growth and firm transformation of Taiwanese firms. In light of possible branding dilemma when straddling dual-track businesses, successful transforming firms can alleviate this problem either by separating their OBM units from their OEM units or by creating a symbiotic relationship with their MNC customers. How Taiwanese firms first took advantage of initiating OEM to create capital and capabilities and later transformed into OBM provide useful experiences for other latecomer firms.  相似文献   

Apart from fuel subsidies failing to provide the greatest benefits to the poor, they create overconsumption, market inefficiencies and negative environmental and social externalities. This study extended the comprehensive Harberger formula for deadweight loss (DWL) to account for the cross-price substitution effects between the gasoline and diesel markets, estimated the own-price and cross-price elasticities for gasoline and diesel in Africa, and predicted the DWL or economic cost created by gasoline and diesel subsidies in Ghana. Using the simple Harberger formula yields DWL estimates ranging from GHS 2.03 to 8.58 million per year from 2009 to 2014, but accounting for cross-price effects reduces the DWL estimates, from GHS 1.53 to 7.55 million per year, over the same period. However, because fuel demand is highly price inelastic, the DWL created for every GHS 1 million spent on gasoline and diesel subsidies only represents between 0.5% and 2% of subsidy expenditures. These findings suggest that fuel subsidy reforms would be better motivated by other social problems associated with fuel subsidies, such as the ineffective targeting of such subsidies to poorer consumers and the negative externalities of overconsumption, rather than the economic inefficiencies that fuel subsidies generate.  相似文献   

针对装备保障转型中存在的转型策略不明确,思路不清晰等问题,有针对性地分析了装备保障转型的外部、内部环境,从机会、威胁、优势和劣势四个方面提出了装备保障转型影响因素,并以此为基础,构建了转型SWOT分析矩阵,提出了当前阶段我军装备保障转型应采取的策略。  相似文献   

In many retail gasoline markets with Edgeworth price cycles, large and regular price increases occur on the same day of the week every week, that is, they are calendar synchronized. In this article, I test whether calendar synchronization leads to higher or lower consumer expenditures on gasoline compared to a world with cycles but without calendar synchronization. On one hand, firms may attempt to trigger price increases just prior to periods of normally high demand. On the other, consumers may be better able to predict and shift purchases to low price days of the cycle. Using high‐frequency gasoline volume data and matching it to high‐frequency price data, I find that the latter effect dominates. All else equal, consumer expenditures on gasoline fall with calendar synchronization in the study markets. I also calculate intertemporal price elasticities and find them to be high.  相似文献   

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