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A bstract . Our time has been characterized by growing subjectivism— which is the view that there are no objectively provable moral standards and that each individual is the ultimate arbiter for himself of right and wrong. Alienation, purposelessness and violence are some of the manifestations that would seem to follow logically from such a view, and in fact they seem more prevalent now than ever. But subjectivism is invalid in that ethics (unlike aesthetics) is a rational process, and the standards of reason are therefore the standards of ethics. The ethical standard that is provable is equal rights: specifically, that every individual has a right to his life, liberty and property , limited only by the equal rights of others. This paper attempts to show that this follows directly from the true statement that we should treat things as they are.  相似文献   

The present article is devoted to developing a libertarian understanding of whether natural rights may or may not underpin human rights and, if so, how. Libertarianism is first defined in terms of the nonaggression principle (NAP), in answer to the question “What is the proper use of force?” This provides a basis for the libertarian positions on property rights, taxation, and many other issues, including human rights. Various philosophical rationales for the NAP are explored, including utilitarianism, religion, and natural rights. The basis of human rights is then examined. Every ethical tradition supports the nonaggression principle, which makes it an ideal candidate for the fundamental basis of human rights. Unfortunately, other traditions expand upon human rights by adding “positive” rights that ultimately violate the NAP. The conclusion takes up the application of libertarian principles to three issues, which could be viewed as human rights questions: discrimination, abortion, and the “trolley problem.” The last one involves taking one life to save many others.  相似文献   

We argue that laissez‐faire capitalism in its current form is unsustainable, and that if it is to survive, we need to develop a new moral capitalism. An underexplored source on the subject that may provide insight into current difficulties is the Hebrew Bible. We explicate four basic principles of the Hebrew Bible and Talmud on economic affairs, and show how these ancient ideas can be used to create a more moral economic system.  相似文献   

近年来一连串医患纠纷甚至暴力事件让医患关系更加紧张,已经引起社会广泛的关注。作为当代青年大学生处在价值观养成时期,如何正确看待医患关系中的道德权利和道德义务,成为我们培育和践行社会主义核心价值观教育中的一个重要环节。从医患关系恶化的道德根源出发,通过分析医患间道德权利与道德义务的不对称,探讨构建和谐医患关系的道德准则,从而培养大学生正确的的价值观判断力。  相似文献   

A bstract . Human rights and property rights are rights of the person , with the former being numbered among the latter. The property rights school of economics analyzes the impact of maximizing behavior within alternative sets of institutional structures defined in terms of the definition and distribution of property rights. Property rights are tools or parameters, not goals of economic policy in themselves. It is useful to view human rights in the same way. The 'optimal' structure of human rights in an exchange economy , like property rights, depends on the nature of market imperfections such as transactions costs . The views of Rawls, Arrow and Sen can be interpreted in the light of this analysis. It makes a tentative case for some communal human rights (aimed at moderating the effects of an unequal ditribution of resources ) within a system of private human rights vested in individuals rather than the State. This conclusion depends, however, on the distribution of transactions costs in human rights and the chosen role of human rights as tools of public policy.  相似文献   

Moral judgment and ethical leadership are considered as two of the most important aspects in modern businesses in China. In this context the role of Confucianism and collectivism are highly significant in terms of increasing the path of development of Chinese society, culture, and economy. Confucianism and collectivism are together helping the country to a great extent to create a stronger society and culture by establishing a positive relationship with various issues related to moral judgment in the Chinese management system. The study explores the nature of Confucianism and describes the proposition that Confucianism leads to a strong perception in Chinese cultural context. The research also describes the role of collectivism in Chinese Management and develops the proposition that collectivism leads to a strong perception of Chinese management. By exploring the role of moral judgment, the paper develops the proposition that Confucianism and collectivism are positively related to Chinese management’s moral judgment. Finally, the study develops the proposition that Confucianism and collectivism are positively related to ethical leadership in Chinese management by describing the role of ethical leadership in Chinese management.  相似文献   

To understand how ownership differences influence specific types of strategic decisions, we examine the investment decisions of venture capital (VC) firms, for which a variety of property rights arrangements exist. We describe how VC firms are characterized by important differences in how and to whom various property rights are allocated. On this basis, we develop a series of hypotheses regarding differences in the range and types of investment opportunities pursued by private, corporate, and bank affiliated VC firms. Evaluating our hypotheses using data on investments carried out by 3557 firms, we find that these types of firm perform distinct roles in the ecology of VC financing.  相似文献   

As the dominant moral vocabulary of modernity, the language of human rights establishes significant points of contact between the religious and the secular. Yet, the human rights movement increasingly finds itself in a contested relationship with religious ideas and communities. Even as it draws on the inherited moral resources of religion, the human rights movement, at least in its dominant institutional and intellectual expressions, presents itself as a totalizing moral theory that challenges countervailing theological accounts of human rights. This article considers the distinctive account of human rights that has emerged within Catholic social teaching. Particular attention is given to the process by which Catholic thinking about human rights has embraced political liberalism while also bounding liberalism within a particularistic theologically‐informed account of the human person.  相似文献   

The literature on employee (moral) rights has been limited to workplace human rights. This essay focuses on Employee Moral Rights defined as the moral claims individuals are entitled to due to their role as employees. Noting they make significant (although implicit) financial investments in the firm they work for, this essay argues dedicated employees should be treated as financial investors, which implies dedicated employees have the moral right to (1) be treated as every other financial investor; (2) share in the firm’s profits; (3) timely, accurate, and sufficient disclosure of significant information; (4) protection from senior managers’ abusive self-dealing; and (5) mechanisms to protect their financial investment including fair severance payments and effective pension protection.
Edilberto F. MontemayorEmail:

We know very little about how ethical climates are built and the potential role of a firm's HR system in facilitating the development of this resource. The resource‐based view (RBV) of the firm suggests that human resource systems directly influence a firm's performance through the development of resources that are deeply woven in a firm's history and culture. How this occurs though has not been thoroughly considered in the research literature. Drawing on the theoretical insights from the resource‐based view of the firm, this article explores how HR systems can foster the development and maintenance of five types of ethical climates. In so doing, this article improves our conceptual understanding of why ethical climates may be seen as having strategic value for firms and how HR systems may influence that value. In addition, it contributes to theory by extending the domain of the resource‐based view of the firm by exploring its integration with the varied types of ethical climates. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The publication of Unfair Advantage, a report published by Human Rights Watch (HRW), documents and analyzes how employers routinely violate international human rights standards by depriving U.S. workers of their legal right to organize. In a recent symposium on Unfair Advantage published in the British Journal of Industrial Relations, 7 essays analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the HRW report from a variety of ideological and theoretical perspectives. Although the scholars who wrote these essays raised a number of important issues concerning Unfair Advantage, they failed to provide any concrete or practical methodologies for using this report to promote the collective bargaining rights of U.S. workers in the early years of the twenty-first century. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to critique these symposium papers as well as to propose a minimum program, on the basis of Unfair Advantage, for advancing the collective bargaining rights of U.S. workers.  相似文献   

人力资本产权理论运用于分配企业剩余索取权,有利于提升人力资本的经济利益,形成对人力资本产权所有者的有效激励和约束。本文运用博弈论方法,以剩余索取权作为研究的切入点,旨在从理论上探寻人力资本所有者分享企业剩余索取权的必要性和可能途径,以及由此给企业带来的相关效应。  相似文献   

从会计发展史看儒家文化对我国会计发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从会计发展史的视角,探讨了儒家传统文化对我国会计发展产生的影响作用。纵观我国古、近现代会计发展史,儒家文化思想在不确定性规避、权力距离、集体主义等文化维度对我国会计演化过程产生了不同程度的影响,从而形成了我国独特的会计亚文化。为更好地实施新会计准则和实现与欧美国家的会计等效,要进一步研究传统文化对我国会计理论与实务、会计职业和会计教育等方面的影响。  相似文献   

我国制度财务学是制度经济学在财务领域中广泛应用的结果.财权是企业产权关系运动导致"财"与"物"形成相对分离态势的结果;而企业产权主体对企业的财务活动施加与其产权利益相对应的影响,从而转变成"财权主体";各个财权主体之间的产权博弈关系及其结果就集中反映为企业的财务治理.  相似文献   

通过文献梳理和理论演绎,对供应风险分类,并界定了供应背德风险,探究了供应背德风险的成因与其识别问题,使用社会网分析的方法进行成因识别,并给出了一个仿真算例,最后提出和分析了供应背德风险的规避策略.  相似文献   

薪酬能够准确衡量人力资本的货币价值,是人力资本价值实现的重要载体.根据我国高校教师人力资本特点及薪酬现状,从人力资本投资与回报视角提出的基于生涯补偿模式的固定薪酬、基于激发潜能的全面薪酬、基于多元绩效评价的绩效薪酬三种模式可以有效地提高高校教师的人力资本效能.  相似文献   

企业控制权视角下的公司治理与内部审计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公司治理是企业内部投资者和管理者之间一系列调解利害关系的契约,内部审计即产生于此。内部审计满足了投资者对公司治理和管理者对经营控制的需求。本文从企业产权理论的角度对公司治理和内部审计的关系及内部审计在公司治理中的作用进行了研究。  相似文献   

高春鸿 《价值工程》2010,29(2):182-183
知识的开放与平等是图书馆人文精神的内涵,文献传递服务中人性化服务是高校图书馆的发展方向和必然趋势。本文分别从图书馆学五定律、图书馆服务五原则和图书馆员自身综合素养的提高三个方面,层层推进了图书馆人文精神的实现。  相似文献   

高春鸿 《价值工程》2010,29(1):182-183
知识的开放与平等是图书馆人文精神的内涵,文献传递服务中人性化服务是高校图书馆的发展方向和必然趋势。本文分别从图书馆学五定律、图书馆服务五原则和图书馆员自身综合素养的提高三个方面,层层推进了图书馆人文精神的实现。  相似文献   

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