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This paper raises the question and provides empirical evidence regarding the status of the evolution of the state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) in China today. In this study, we compare the SOEs to domestic private‐owned enterprises (POEs) and foreign‐controlled businesses (FCBs) in the context of their organizational cultures. While a new ownership form, many of the POEs evolved from former collectives that reflect the traditional values of Chinese business. Conversely, the FCBs are much more indicative of the large global MNCs. Therefore, we look at the SOEs in the context of these two reference points. We conclude that the SOEs of today have substantially transformed to approximate a configuration desired by the Chinese government when it began the SOE transformation a couple of decades ago to make them globally competitive. The SOEs of today appear to be appropriately described as China's economic dynamic dynamo for the future. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Peter Cutler 《Food Policy》1984,9(3):189-192
There is a disquieting tendency for agencies and governments involved in food crisis monitoring to neglect both the practical lessons of the past and widely disseminated recent academic research. One result of this is our inability to tackle adequately Africa's current food crises and famines. This article argues that we already know enough to devise viable strategies to deal with crisis, and that governments should be able to implement these without serious practical difficulty. The real difficulty lies in persuading officials in agencies and governments to view food crises as socioeconomic events, rather than purely as a result of climatological and agricultural catastrophies.  相似文献   

中国企业最近的几宗大型兼并与收购案备受世界瞩目:TCL收购汤姆逊彩电业务和阿尔卡特手机业务、联想收购IBM个人电脑业务、中国石油天然气集团收购哈萨克斯坦石油公司、海尔竞购美泰克  相似文献   

为了研究电子商务集群模式与销售绩效间的关系,通过调查分析企业进行电子商务集聚的方式对其进行模式划分,主要为第三方电子商务平台、电子商务行业协会、电子商务产业园区、区域电子商务品牌、自建网站等模式;以集聚模式为因子,以销售量为绩效目标,建立绩效分析的指标结构模型,以台州地区110家企业的调研数据为样本,借助AMOS结构模型分析软件对样本数据进行回归分析。结果表明:第三方电子商务平台、区域品牌、行业协会、产业园区对销售量呈正向影响,影响程度依次减弱,而自建网站对销售量的影响不大。研究结果可为优化企业电子商务集群模式,促进销售绩效的提高提供参考,有助于企业采取相应策略以提高经济效益。  相似文献   

When faced with the strategic choice of going direct to market versus the option of using intermediaries, a firm is posited to evaluate the benefits to customers from going direct to market, and the transaction costs involved in using intermediaries. In this paper, we discuss how these evaluations might differ depending upon the microcharacteristics of the exchange domain. Based on these theoretical considerations, specific propositions are offered regarding the conditions under which firms might rely more heavily on direct channels. These propositions are tested by conducting a cross'sectional empirical analysis using a large sample of manufacturing firms operating in diverse exchange domains. We also control for the impact of macrolevel environmental characteristics, as well as firm-level characteristics that may influence the direct to market decision. Our empirical results confirm that customer benefits and transaction costs are important considerations in going direct to market.  相似文献   

Indigenous Australians living in remote areas have little access to the Internet and make little use of it. This article investigates the various dimensions of Internet take-up in remote Indigenous communities in Australia and considers the implications for broadband policy. It focuses specifically on the circumstances and experiences of three remote Indigenous communities in central Australia. Residents in these communities provided significant insight into the social, economic and cultural aspects of communications access and use. This evidence is used to examine the drivers and barriers to home Internet for remote Indigenous communities and to discuss a complex set of issues, including: the dynamics of remote living, economic priorities, cultural engagement with technology, and the characteristics of domestic life in remote Indigenous communities.  相似文献   

We argue that the influence of the home country wanes as the firm increases its geographic reach. We introduce the concept of the “home base” to capture the effect of the set of countries in which the firm operates. We expect the dynamic liability of foreignness defined relative to the home base to be a better predictor than the static liability of foreignness defined relative to the home country. We also expect the diversity of foreign experience to increase foreign market entry. We find support for these hypotheses with data on Chinese listed firms investing abroad between 1991 and 2007. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

今年以来,中国市场成为造纸企业活跃的大舞台,国外纸业巨头布局中国的企业相继投产,国内企业争上的项目接连上马。一场“没有硝烟的商战”在神州大地拉开序幕,一部充满悬念的“大片”在中国开机。中国再一次为世界所瞩目,中国造纸业将如何演绎?让我们共同关注,拭目以待……[编者按]  相似文献   

根据笔者所在企业存在的安全隐患和近几年一些纸箱企业发生的事故,深深感到纸箱企业的有关领导对各类事故切不可掉以轻心,麻痹大意,必须高度重视,安全工作要有力度,措施要落到实处.危险因素主要是:  相似文献   

The theory articulated in this paper suggests that the desire to reduce demand and competitive uncertainty are two separate, important motives for alliance formation. Taking this as a starting point, we predict the configuration of horizontal alliances that we might expect to observe within an industry when firms experience these uncertainties to different degrees. An empirical test of this theory using data from the global auto industry yields results consistent with the view (1) that alliances are a device for reducing both the uncertainties that arise from unpredictable demand conditions and those that arise from competitive interdependence, and (2) that variation of demand uncertainty and competitive uncertainty across firms explains differentials in both the intensity and structure of their horizontal alliance activity.  相似文献   

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