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建国前期的市价与牌价--从价格机制到统购统销   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在建国前期市场史的研究中仍存在的一个问题是:在卓有成效地利用市场的同时,为什么又很快取消了主要商品的市场?无法从以往的解释中看出这一变化机制的清晰轮廊,本文以粮食类和花纱布两类商品为典型,从市场运行及其成本的层面上,探讨了这一时期国内商品市场的变迁,本文认为,建国前期国内市场上存着的两种性质的价格,即市场与牌价,其相互关系与变动是这一时期市场机制运行的一个特殊形式,有效地利用市场机制促进了这一时期经济的恢复和发展,但最终导致市场萎缩关闭的,除了其他种种因素之外,也还有市场本身的因素,市价与牌价并行这种价格运行机制本身是一种高成本的机制,而这个时期各个利益群体的存在及其市场行为与国家计划目标之间的矛盾,更增加了国家在市场管理与市场交易中的成本。以较低的预期成本迅速实现国家的计划目标,是这一时期国家进行制度选择的依据,在某种程度上说,这可能是制度变迁的更为直接的原因。  相似文献   

Before the implementation of land reform in 1949, the skewed distribution of land ownership and the unhealthy tenancy system in the Republic of China on Taiwan was of great concern to the Kuomitang Nationalist government. Apart from hindering economic development, it also threatened the social and political stability of the island. Taiwan is today regarded as one of the newly industrialized countries. Its remarkable economic achievements are to a large extent closely linked to the successful execution of a land reform programme. Faced with similar problems of an unhealthy distribution of land ownership, policy makers and those who have influence on policy in South Africa can learn a great deal from the Chinese experience.  相似文献   

The thesis resulting from the research on the "costs-effects" relation is the principle of economic efficiency of defence capabilities. At first glance, the arguments in this direction are well-known and popular in crisis situations of various nature, including the current financial and economic crisis in the country, and the question about the cost of public welfare-security and defence is debatable. This cost is manifested through the defence capabilities of a country. In the new security environment, the compilation of a national defence strategy is a priority of the Defence Ministry, which has more and more limited resources. This means that they should be treated as an economic activity. An economic activity is considered as any purposeful activity, allocating and combining scarce resources among alternatives, making it possible to maximize the outcomes and minimize costs. The ratio between the costs and benefits of a given resource or combination of resources to achieve a pre-defined objective is pushed to the forefront and the rationalization of management decisions is based on it. This necessitates a cost effectiveness analysis, hence the evaluation of the outcomes (benefits) is manifested in the "cost-effect (benefit)" analysis. Defence as a product has the basic features of any commodity or service, i.e. it is designed for exchange, is useful, and meets certain needs. But due to the fact that it meets very specific needs (,preservation of the territorial integrity of the country and improving its national security), it is distinguished by certain features which may be summarized as follows: collectivity of production and consumption of defence as a product necessary to the public, expressed by its consumption indivisibility; lack of market valuation of the price of defence as a product upon its consumption (as a monetary expression of its value); the usefulness of defence as a product is reflected in its capacity to meet the system's needs for security and defence, which dete  相似文献   

当前社会,随着全球化的浪潮,新媒体的蓬勃发展,微博、微信、微视频等资讯每天都在我们的移动媒介上产生着一个又一个重磅信息炸弹。占领中环、反水客、好莱坞大片又破了多少亿等资讯显示中国文化遭到西方浪潮的冲击。而中国人在境外消费也成为时下热潮,根据世界旅游组织年度统计报告显示,在2015年中国出境游人次已超过1.2亿,其中自由行出境人次超过8000万,平均消费约1.1624万元,2015年我国的境外消费总额已经达到1.2万亿人民币,如何引导海外消费回流成为两会的重要议题。巩固思想文化阵地,如何荡涤精神雾霾成为了当下国家文化体制建设的重要堡垒。  相似文献   

清末民初赣闽边地区土地租佃制度与农村社会经济   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在清末民初,赣闽边地区农村的租佃制度与华北、苏南、关中等地的租佃制度相比,具有租佃土地多、公田多、分成租多、土地流转快等特点;该地区普遍的租佃制与边区地处三边商品流通、商品经济发展、农业比较效益、农户家庭经营的选择和政府无暇顾及社区公共事业的现状相联系,与当时农村社会生产力发展水平和农村生产要素流通体制相适应,是农村社会的经济选择,对边区农村社会经济有重大的影响。  相似文献   

吴九占 《特区经济》2009,(5):166-168
改革开放早期,我国的"三农"政策实现了历史性转轨:所有制上向公有制经济为主体,多种经济成分并存发展的转轨;经营制度上向以联产承包制为主要形式的农业生产责任制的转轨;生产结构上向农工商综合经营、农林牧副渔全面发展的多种经营的转轨;分配制度上向按劳分配为主、多种分配方式并存的转轨;政策范围上向农业、农民、农村全面覆盖和促进协调发展的转轨。这是不断解放思想的历史产物,是在不断争论中形成的实践结晶,是以调动农民积极性和发展生产力为导向形成的正确结论。  相似文献   

改革开放20年来,中国国有企业的改革试图在制度创新的层面探讨一些科学可行的经营方法和模式,不断地进行着模式转换并通过转换获得一些成绩;但同时,随着改革的深入,又触发一些深层次的矛盾,揭示一些原先没有遇到的新问题。一些过渡性的、改革的阶段目标模式随着时光的推移或被扬弃、或又成为改革的对象。因此,国有企业的改革在20年来此起彼伏,时而清晰,时而困惑,由此演绎了国有企业改革一波又一波的变动行情。……  相似文献   

论加速大珠三角区域经济的整合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20多年来,广东珠江三角洲地区与港澳地区结成了互惠互利,共同发展的经济合作关系,并被公认达到唇齿相依,盛衰与共的程度,人们从三地的地理和历史情况出发,把这一经济区域称为“大珠江三角洲”,面对新世纪的机遇和挑战,如何加速“一国两制”的“大珠三角区域经济”的整合,是三地共同的课题。  相似文献   

和谐企业是建设社会和谐的基础,在对和谐企业的概念、内涵与特征深入研究的基础上,对受到国家表彰的劳动关系和谐企业进行了全面的分析,一方面展现出企业和谐建设的基本情况,另一方面力图发现实现企业和谐的内在规律,为企业的和谐建设提供参考。  相似文献   

钱善刚 《特区经济》2007,224(9):159-161
抑止大城市人口增长是我国上世纪90年代的政策取向,并且由于经济发展势差的原因,我国中、西部地区大多数大城市人口几乎没有变化。本文以合肥为例,具体分析中、西部地区城市人口增长缓慢的原因,并就如何加快城市人口增长提出一些具体的措施。  相似文献   

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