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Paul Craig Roberts 《Economic Affairs》1989,9(3):8-11
How will supply-side economics fare under the new administration? Paul Craig Roberts of the Center for Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown University in Washington, argues that supply-side economics was the major success of President Reagan but that the new administration may not follow its predecessor's example. 相似文献
Robert E. Theodore M. Lynn A. Thomas C. Spekman Forbes III Isabella MacAvoy 《Journal of Management Studies》1998,35(6):747-772
The literature on strategic alliances has focused mainly on issues related to alliance formation and the reasons why firms form these partnerships. Yet the large number of failures would suggest that there exists a gap between an understanding of alliance formation and the practice of alliance management. The purpose of this paper is to narrow that gap. We begin with a review of the extant state-of-knowledge and then discuss areas in which further insight can be gained. More specifically, the remainder of the paper focuses on issues related to managing alliances over time and the role of the alliance manager, a linch-pin in the alliance management process. 相似文献
Abstract . Keynesianism continues to lose its dominance in macroeconomics. New Keynesians attempt to rescue it from irrelevance with models recognizing (1) the noninstantaneous adjustment of product prices, (2) imperfect knowledge, and (3) nonclearing labor markets. But these are conditions recognized in classical macroeconomics. The new, post‐, and neoclassical Keynesians also seem to be unaware that the five principal pillars upon which Keynes founded his economics, including his conception of saving, the multiplier process, and theory of interest, are badly flawed. Confronting evidence of these flaws will turn the future of Keynesianism into one of a struggle to sustain a dimming light. 相似文献
A bstract . The holistic approach of quantum theory is investigated as a tool for social economists to analyze and to interpret socioeconomic reality and paradigms. The link between quantum theory and the social economist's approach to socioeconomic reality, i.e. , the "what is," rests on the premise that each element of the socioeconomic universe relates to the whole system and vice versa. In other words, the meaning of each part is to be found in its implicit reflection of the whole of reality; it has no meaning exclusive of the whole. In terms of quantum theory, investigations of microeconomic processes are interwoven with the macroeconomic frame of reference of the observer. The very act of observation is to be considered as an integral part of the observed system. 相似文献
Organizational Learning: Debates Past, Present And Future 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
Mark Easterby-Smith Mary Crossan & Davide Nicolini 《Journal of Management Studies》2000,37(6):783-796
In this paper we attempt to map the development of organizational learning as a field of academic study by examining the rise and fall of specific debates. This does not pretend to be a comprehensive review of the field since there is now far too much material available to allow full coverage in any single publication. Rather, we have identified some of the key debates, and these have been organized along the simplistic time-line of past, present and future. Our purpose is two-fold: first, to note how the nature and language of the key ideas in organizational learning have changed over time; and second, to locate the papers in this Special Issue within the context of the developing field. It is perhaps no accident that we see most of the papers as closely associated with new, and emerging, issues, but we also find it interesting to note that many of these current or emergent issues actually have roots within some of the earlier debates. 相似文献
Óscar Carpintero 《American journal of economics and sociology》2013,72(5):1287-1314
Modern ecological economics emerged in opposition to mainstream economics as a scientific approach with many key heterodox features. Among these are an open systems perspective, transdisciplinarity, and radical criticism of the conventional representation of economic process. The term “ecological economics” was included internationally in the second edition (2008) of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, the most prestigious and widely used dictionary of economics. In our view, however, the entry does little to facilitate understanding of the heterodox features, and theoretical and methodological controversies that have developed in ecological economics over the last two decades. 相似文献
PETER MARCUSE 《International journal of urban and regional research》2005,29(2):417-424
Social Forums, modeled on the World Social Forums, are not social movements in the classic sense. They are not, and do not purport to be, the organizational form through which basic social change will be achieved, or can best be pursued. But they do bring together elements of many social movements, afford an opportunity for coalition‐building among them, frequently around urban issues, and thus make a significant contribution to achieving such change. Conceivably they may be the foundation for an international social movement for change, but if so it is likely to coalesce about a specifically political program. Some concrete suggestions are made which might enhance their effectiveness. Les Forums sociaux, sur le modèle des Forums sociaux mondiaux, ne sont pas des mouvements sociaux au sens traditionnel. Ils ne sont, ni ne sont censés être, la forme d’organisation permettant d’atteindre ou de mener au mieux un changement social fondamental. Cependant, ils réunissent des composantes de nombreux mouvements sociaux, leur offrent une possibilité de créer une coalition (souvent autour de problèmes urbains) et contribuent ainsi fortement à l’évolution visée. En théorie, ils peuvent servir de base à un mouvement social international en faveur d’un changement, quoique ayant alors tendance à s’unir sur un programme politique. Les suggestions concrètes qui sont formulées peuvent en améliorer l’efficacité. 相似文献
他没有单独的office,每天和员工分享同一块开放的办公空间;他喜欢安静地坐在自己的位置上,专注地盯着屏幕,饿了啃一口手边的面包;只要抬起头,他就能看到办公室里的每个人,那些年轻、充满朝气的面孔.白天,这里总是热火朝天,晚上,这里会变得很安静,他有时会一个人呆在办公室继续思考--他是王兴.这个30出头的年轻人看上去只是一个平凡的IT白领:个子不高,整洁的衬衫,宽宽的额头,待人谦逊有礼.但也许正是因为他,你的生活发生了改变. 相似文献
There is a need to rethink and redefine the social value added of entrepreneurial activities to society. In this paper we develop five pillars on which the evolving social role of entrepreneurship can rest and have its impact: (1) connecting entrepreneurial activities to other societal efforts aimed at improving the quality of life, achieving progress, and enriching human existence, (2) identifying ways to reduce the dysfunctional effects of entrepreneurial activities on stakeholders, (3) redefining the scope of entrepreneurial activities as a scholarly arena, (4) recognizing entrepreneurship's social multiplier, and (5) pursuing blended value at the organizational level, centring on balancing the creation of financial, social and environmental wealth. In a final section we discuss implications for practices and for further research. 相似文献
低碳经济是如今使用频率最高的词组之一,低碳生活如今成了都市人群的新时尚。2009年11月17日.首届世界低碳与生态经济暨技术博览会在江西南昌隆重开幕.会议的主题是“节能减排。绿色生态”。所谓低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的经济模式。 相似文献
Jonathan J. Velez Lori L. Moore Jacklyn A. Bruce Carrie A. Stephens 《Journal of Leadership Studies》2014,7(4):65-70
The article explores the past, present, and projected future of agricultural leadership education. Beginning with roots in youth leadership development and grounded in land‐grant universities, agricultural leadership education has undergone a shift from working primarily with rural youth to a new focus on also educating undergraduate and graduate students to empower community members and create change. The renewed focus has encouraged recent growth and in the last 10 years, the profession has added three leadership majors, six leadership minors, seven leadership focus areas, seven undergraduate leadership programs, and four graduate leadership programs. Research exploring the student impact of agricultural leadership education revealed that nationwide a total of 7,904 students are exposed to 208 agricultural leadership education courses. As the discipline continues to mature, recommendations are made for continued program development. Discussion highlights prior research examining potential courses to include types of experiences, program objectives, and career connectedness relating to agricultural leadership education. Programs have ample opportunity for future growth and recommendations are made to continue the development of innovative leadership opportunities and consistent pedagogical practices across institutions. 相似文献
5年前,安然(Enron)、世界电信(WorldCom)、泰科(Tyco)以及环球电讯(Global Crossillg)的丑闻严重动摇了消费者对商业巨头和美国经济的信心,随后我合著了一篇关于“社会责任复兴”的论文,阐述了社会责任时公司前景的影响,以及公民在社会责任方面增长的意识。 相似文献
Dieter Bögenhold 《American journal of economics and sociology》2013,72(2):293-318
Today, social networks analysis has become a cross‐disciplinary subject with applications in diverse fields of social and economic life. Different network designs provide different opportunities to communicate, to receive information, and to create different structures of cultural capital. Network analysis explores modes and contents of exchanges between different agents when symbols, emotions, or goods and services are exchanged. The message of the article is that social network analysis provides a tool to foster the understanding of social dynamics, which enhances recent debate on a micro‐macro gap and on limitations of the cognitive and explanatory potential of economics. 相似文献
Dieter Bögenhold 《American journal of economics and sociology》2010,69(5):1566-1590
The term “heterodox economics” has been in existence for several decades. Recent revival of heterodox economics can be regarded as a growing criticism of economists within the own profession of economics. Modern economics is designed as a one‐world‐capitalism without history and without regional specifications, without institutions, and without real human agents. Heterodox approaches have the aim to underline that different institutions matter, including religion, language, family structures and networks, systems of education, and industrial relations. Taking the discussion within a broader framework of the history of science acknowleges divergencies and convergencies between different approaches in economics that are also in permanent recomposition. The discussion comes up with the interpretation that recent academic developments provide chances for new modes of intellectual reintegration of formerly disparate areas. 相似文献
Richard E. Wagner 《American journal of economics and sociology》2012,71(5):1185-1204
Economic theory emerges through interaction among interested participants, with the content of those theories being a product of spontaneous ordering and not scientific planning. At any moment, it is reasonable to expect various theoretical formulations to be in play, some typically receiving greater attention than others. As with spontaneous orders in general, the institutional arrangements within which theorizing occurs are influential though not determinative over the characteristics of theories. In this respect, a distinction is made between theories directed at understanding social processes as open and creative and theories directed at controlling what are treated as closed and deterministic processes. This distinction is illustrated with respect to theorizing about macro phenomena and public phenomena. 相似文献
近三年开始,每逢过年,潘石屹都给自己布置了一道新课题一反思,过去的一年中都发生了哪些大事,这些看似有关又或无关的事件之间有何关联?新的一年中,潘石屹和他的SOH0中国,又将何去何从? 相似文献