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The importance of adjusting for quality changes in the measurement of consumer prices, and the role hedonic regressions can play in achieving this, is well recognised. However, the use of such regressions can take different forms, including (i) adjustments by statistical offices for non-comparable substitutions via the matched models method , (ii) direct estimates from the coefficients on dummy variables for time, and (iii) exact hedonic and superlative indices corresponding to a constant utility formulation from an economic theoretic approach. The literature on these approaches generally deals with each in isolation; the purpose of this paper is to outline and evaluate them in order to draw conclusions as to their practical suitability for the compilation of quality-adjusted consumer prices indexes. The case is argued for a move towards the last of these approaches, which developments in electronic data retrieval (scanner data) now make feasible. The paper concludes with the results of some empirical work comparing the results of the direct method with those from the exact, superlative, approach.  相似文献   

The paper argues for the use of scanner data from EPOS systems for use in the compilation of consumer price indices. A number of methods of calculating micro-indices from such data are outlined. Scanner data for colour television sets in the U.K. are used as an example. The Tornqvist chained index is used as a benchmark against which alternative formulations, including those based on representative products, can be judged, the errors often being substantial. The paper argues for the use of scanner data, illustrates methods of compiling micro-indices and points to the potential for serious errors from conventional methods.  相似文献   

This article develops a model of consumer search consistent with the evidence of substantial price dispersion and time spent shopping within countries to study international deviations from the law of one price (LOP) and relative price fluctuations. Search frictions lead firms to price discriminate across markets based on the opportunity cost of search, which depends on the local wage. With productivity and taste shocks estimated from the data, deviations from the LOP are as volatile and persistent as in the data. Fluctuations in relative wages, real exchange rates, and the terms of trade are also consistent with the data.  相似文献   

上海市商品住宅价格空间分布特征分析   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
许晓晖 《经济地理》1997,17(1):80-87
本文选择了房地产市场较为成熟的上海市的商品住宅作为研究对象、在开发房产信息查询系统的基础上.搜集整理商品住宅销售信息资料、并运用地理信息系统技术、绘制上海市商品住宅等值线图、以揭示上海市商品住宅价格的空间分布规律、进而探寻各区位因子对价格空间分布的影响.最终建立回归模型、并对回归模型作出了解释。  相似文献   

For some considerable time the interest in price statistics has mainly been focused on their use as "intermediate goods". The requirements of a system of price index numbers which have to be established in this connection are largely in the field of statistical coordination (integration of statistics on quantities, values and prices).
Recently the inflation problem has given rise to an increased interest in price statistics as "final goods". A meaningful analysis of inflation will devote attention to the relation between input prices and output prices. In this article several versions of an analysis of prices of final demand categories based on an ordinary Leontief input-output scheme are presented and the needs for price statistics are discussed. In fact a self-contained system of price statistics emerges from the price analysis.
There is a difference in the nature of the price index numbers required in compiling input-output tables in constant prices (Paasche) and that in the case of price analysis (Laspeyres). However the need for price observation runs largely parallel because in both cases the same detailed information on price developments will probably be used.
Price analysis gives the possibility of a step-by-step approach in building up a system of price index numbers.  相似文献   


"The elasticity of demand is great for high prices, and great, or at least considerable, for medium prices, and gradually fades away if the fall goes so far that satiety level is reached."—Principles of Economics, 8th ed., p. 87  相似文献   

This paper presents a Consumer Price Index for Sweden 1290–2008. Constructing an index that covers more than seven centuries poses conceptual and empirical problems, and demands some methodological innovations. For example, during numerous occasions the currency unit was changed, and in some periods multiple currencies were used at floating exchange rates relative to each other. This paper also presents two different price indices, one that mainly serves the purposes of estimating real prices and real wages, and another that provides a measure of inflation. While the former follows the main currency unit, the latter also takes into account that debased coins were devalued during recoinage.  相似文献   

北京住宅价格分布与城市空间结构演变   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
结合特征价格模型和Moran's I指数,对随机抽样的北京2001、2003和2005年住宅价格进行定量分析,发现:2001—2005年,基于天安门、CBD、中关村和奥林匹克中心的城市多中心模型越来越优于单中心模型,说明北京城市空间结构有向多中心演变的趋势;传统行政中心天安门对住宅价格的影响逐渐减小,而代表城市新兴职能的中关村和奥林匹克中心的影响则在扩大,城市职能结构会影响城市空间结构;面积大小、楼层高低、地铁站距离、重点学校距离等因素也对住宅价格有所影响。  相似文献   

本文在生命周期-持久收入(LC PIH)模型基础上分析了资产价格波动对居民消费及物价水平的影响,发现资产价格波动可以通过预算约束效应、实际收入效应、预期收入效应与替代效应四个渠道影响资产持有者的消费行为,进而影响物价水平。在此基础上,本文运用ARDL UECM模型实证分析了资产价格对物价水平的影响,实证结果发现股票、房地产价格在长期内与物价存在相关关系,房地产价格是影响物价水平的重要因素,但股票价格对物价的影响不显著且不稳定。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine and attempt to solve a longstanding “puzzle” in national economic accounting. Radio and television broadcasting are services clearly designed for and used by consumers but not purchased by them and, consequently, not counted in personal consumption expenditures (PCE); the costs of broadcasting (and a part of the costs of newspaper and magazine publication) are not counted in final product but are counted as intermediate expenses in the manufacture and distribution of advertised products. An important result of this treatment is that an increase in broadcasting services will not increase real product, but will be reflected as price increases in advertised goods. Are consumer services provided by advertisers properly handled in the conventional accounts? How should they be valued? If their value is to be added to PCE, where does the offsetting income originate? The paper argues that the puzzle is resolved by recognizing the nonmarket exchange between the consumer and the broadcaster; the consumer provides the reception and display of audiovisual advertisements in his home in return for broadcast entertainment. The exchange rate-e.g. 501/2 minutes of entertainment for 91 minutes of commercial messages in “prime time”-is established in the United States by the National Association of Broadcasters. Similar exchanges occur between consumers and radio broadcasters, newspaper and magazine publishers. This concept is used as the basis for a new treatment shown in abbreviated sample accounts. Estimates for the U.S. in 1976 are included.  相似文献   

The purpose of inflation accounting as proposed by Jack Hibbert1 is to show the changes in purchasing power of the assets and liabilities by sectors resulting from general price movements. This paper shows the results of inflation accounting for the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of complete balance sheets for the sectors "Private households,""Enterprises,""General government" and "Rest of the world" in 1980. It is evident that the results of inflation accounting depend to a high degree on the kind of price index which is used as an indicator of the changes in the purchasing power of money in general. The price index for inflation accounting should in general be selected according to the aim of the analysis. On the other hand, however, the validity of the results of inflation accounting depends on and is limited by the price index chosen for that purpose. The figures presented also show that the results of inflation accounting depend to a high degree on whether estimates of the value of tangible assets are included or not. This holds for reproducible tangible assets as well as for land.  相似文献   

新股价格制定及市场反应中的会计信息分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
上市公司新股发行定价及其价格波动与公司提供的会计信息密切相关。在股票发行定价市场化改革的进程中,券商、一级市场投资者、二级市场投资者对会计信息的反应是有差异的。  相似文献   

城市地价空间自相关分析——以宿州市为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
公云龙  张绍良  章兰兰 《经济地理》2011,31(11):1906-1911
运用全局和局域自相关统计量及地统计学半变异函数分析方法,对宿州市商业和住宅地价的全局自相关、各项异性及局域自相关特征进行了全面分析.结果表明:在2 800m范围内,宿州市商业和住宅地价均存在较强的正自相关性且趋于高值集聚,随着相关距离的增大,地价半方差按球状模型曲线增长,自相关性逐渐减弱;在不同方向上,地价的空间自相关特征不尽相同,南北方向上的空间自相关范围要大于东西方向,但随机性较强,自相关程度较东西方向弱;在全局呈显著自相关的情形下局域地价也主要呈空间集聚格局,但部分地区表现出异质性.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with an effort to analyze changes in costs and prices in the Australian economy by tracing the effects of changes in wages and import prices through the stages of production, using a disaggregated input-output model with lags. The object of constructing the model was to improve, by introducing lags, the accuracy of predictions of the effect of cost changes on prices, and to show the lag structures. Data problems encountered are discussed, and the need for integration of price statistics to enhance their usefulness for analyses such as this is emphasized. Concepts and sources of data are discussed in some detail in an appendix.  相似文献   

本文采用国际大宗商品价格、中国国内总产出、货币政策变量和上下游价格数据,通过构建多个TVPVARSV模型考察了1997—2017年国际大宗商品价格向中国上下游价格的时变传导效应。研究表明,由于受到来自国际生产资料和生活资料分类价格变动趋势异质性、上下游价格传导路径异质性和价格信息传导机制结构性变动的影响,国际大宗商品价格向中国上下游价格的传导效应呈现时变特征。国际大宗商品价格对国内上游价格传导稳定,但对下游价格传导长期下降,这解释了我国PPI和CPI走势的偏离现象。  相似文献   

Online auction sites like eBay provide ways to measure what consumers buy and how much they pay. Does this imply that consumers pay similar prices, irrespective of their location? Comparing prices for homogeneous, tradable goods in the euro area and the United Kingdom, we find that prices differ significantly. The differential is not related to countries' having different currencies. However, price dispersion—the variance of prices—does seem to be smaller if two countries share a common currency. Our results confirm the importance of national borders in explaining price differences and their magnitude is related to (not) sharing a common currency. (JEL E30, E31, E50, F40)  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to decompose household consumer expenditure inequalities in India by regions (states) and sectors (urban-rural) for the years 1977–78 and 1983 based on the National Sample Survey data. A class of Generalised Entropy measures is used. Our results consistently indicate that the inequality within states contributes much more towards national inequality and within-sector inequality explains a large part of state level inequality. The inequality at state levels has shown a decline from 1977–78 to 1983 due to a better monsoon season in 1983, and anti-poverty programmes.  相似文献   

从航空国际网络看我国对外联系的空间演变   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
王成金  金凤君 《经济地理》2005,25(5):667-672
在分析我国航空国际网络发展历程的基础上,分析了地域系统的演化,并采用集中化指数,同时着眼于航线、通航国家和我国对外通航城市三方面,详细论述了空间集散程度;并以时空演化,分阶段考察了我国对外联系的空间演进。  相似文献   

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