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Product bundling is an increasingly important marketing strategy within many industries, and consumer influence on companies' ranges of product bundles is, thus, becoming an important issue. The aim of this study was to investigate product bundling strategies consumers are exposed to by some selected companies in the Swedish automobile, travel and banking industries. Bundling strategies were considered in relation to business orientation as well as the consumer's potential to influence the product bundles offered by these companies. Fourteen qualitative telephone interviews were conducted with senior representatives from the three sectors. Interview respondents were selected in cooperation with their respective companies. Results underwent interpretative analysis, and the findings indicated that business orientation is linked to product bundling techniques and to the type of customer influence on product bundling. Consumers were exposed to mixed and complementary bundling strategies, and customers of companies that apply a market orientation were found to have greater opportunities to influence product bundles directly, whereas companies that apply a production‐oriented approach were less able to respond to their customers' wishes. Consumer influence on the product bundles of production‐oriented companies was found to be of a more indirect nature.  相似文献   

通过建立随机前沿分析模型,本文对福建三大产业能源效率、节能潜力进行测算。结果发现国企产值在第一产业中比重越大,该产业能源效率越低;对于二、三产业而言,国企反而能源效率更高;对外开放程度能够改善第一、二产业的能源效率,而不利于第三产业的能源效率提高;第三产业的可行能源效率提高潜力最大,第一产业次之,最差是第二产业,但是第二产业依然是福建省节能的关键着力点。  相似文献   

能源回弹的大小是国家制定能源政策必须考虑的重要问题。梳理国内外研究能源回弹的相关文献可以看出,国外对能源回弹研究相对较早,目前研究集中在微观层面,应用的方法相对比较成熟;而国内研究起步较晚,主要在宏观层面上,对于影响能源回弹大小的影响讨论不少,但对能源回弹发生机制的研究成果不多。最后,指出了今后能源回弹研究的方向。  相似文献   

Segmentation is often a complex and costly process, which commonly involves identifying groups with differing attitudes and behaviors or demographics. However, the segments generated may not adequately explain differences between consumers, or it can be difficult to identify households for target marketing, which consequently makes it difficult to use segmentation in practice. In this paper we present segmentation by household type as a simple method of segmentation, accessible to nonprofit organizations with limited resources and able to be employed using a secondary data set or with relatively simple data collection and analysis. Despite its simplicity, our findings show that this form of segmentation differentiates well between segments in terms of their actual electricity use, their past efficiency behaviors and preferences for efficiency programs. The results of focus groups and a survey of 4,000 households reveal, among other things, the effect of having children and of marital status on energy use and efficiency behaviors, the high curtailment but low investment behaviors of single parent households, and the low efficiency behaviors of shared households.  相似文献   

宋马林  杨杰 《中国市场》2009,(23):33-35,39
当前,经济增长与自然资源短缺、能源耗竭、生态环境恶化的矛盾凸显,如何提升能源利用效率,缓解能源压力日益成为研究的焦点。物流业在加速我国经济增长、促进产业结构调整、降低制造业成本的同时,能源消费增长迅速。本文通过对我国物流业能源消费及其影响因素的关联分析,得出物流业能源效率提升的几点建议。  相似文献   

Drawing largely upon the stakeholder theory and the resource dependence literature, this article examines the relationship between corporate governance structure and sustainability measured by energy efficiency. The model uses data from South Korean (Korean hereafter) firms that have relied heavily on energy-intensive industry for economic growth and have experienced major changes in their corporate governance structure since the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Estimation results show that a corporate governance structure that includes the appointment of heterogeneous outside directors, given other conditions, leads to an increase in energy efficiency and thus sustainability.  相似文献   

我国节能减排中一次能源消费结构优化问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
节能减排,不仅是完成"十一五"规划纲要提出的"2010年单位GDP能耗降低20%左右、主要污染物排放减少10%"战略目标的根本出路,更是十七大报告中提出"建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式"新要求的必然选择。针对这个民生课题,从我国一次能源对经济增长的产出贡献率角度入手,对1978-2006年的数据进行实证分析,得出万元GDP能耗高企不下的主要原因在于一次能源消费的结构性不合理,因此必须降低能耗,提高能源利用率。  相似文献   

设定能源技术效率作为有效反映能源利用效率的指标,通过设定带非效率影响的随机前沿函数,利用1995-2007年中国29个省(自治区、直辖市)的面板数据,对我国对外开放与能源技术效率的提升程度进行分析,认为对外开放程度的加深促进了我国能源技术效率的提高,出口贸易、进口贸易和FDI均起着积极作用。但是,东、中、西部地区在能源技术效率上存在着明显差距,东部地区最高,中部地区次之,西部最低。  相似文献   

宋马林  杨杰 《中国市场》2009,(41):33-35
当前,经济增长与自然资源短缺、能源耗竭、生态环境恶化的矛盾突显,如何提升能源利用效率、缓解能源压力日益成为研究的焦点。物流业在加速我国经济增长、促进产业结构调整、降低制造业成本的同时,能源消费增长迅速。本文通过对我国物流业能源消费及其影响因素的关联分析,得出物流业能源效率提升的几点建议。  相似文献   

波纹管式换热器高效节能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
波纹管式换热器是一种新型强化传热式高效节能热交换设备,具有传热系数高,体积小,换热量大;不易结垢,使用寿命长;机构紧凑,占地面积小;流动阻力小,动力消耗少,耐热、耐压性能好等特点。它广泛应用于集中供热高层建筑热水供应系统及电力、轻工、化工、炼油等领域。  相似文献   

余晓泓  苏捷 《北方经贸》2014,(6):158-161
DEA模型和相关性分析表明我国新能源产业的金融支持存在效率缺失,低的纯技术效率值反映了技术水平较低和投资过度等问题,金融支持效率与投入指标之间呈现负相关关系。应推动新能源企业上市,强化政策引导,加大政府对新能源研发支持力度,提高新能源产业金融支持效率。  相似文献   

伴随着中国的快速城市化进程,能源消耗总量不断攀升,其中城市能源消耗量占到绝大比重,故科学测算与认清城市能源效率状况,对于制定合理的能源政策具有重要意义。借助多渠道的统计数据和细致的数据预处理,文章在以永续盘存法估算城市资本存量的基础上,借鉴Zhou等(2012)基于Shephard能源距离函数的能源效率定义,将劳动和资本的无效率从生产函数中分离出来,采用随机前沿分析(SFA)测算我国2001-2013年245个地级以上城市的全要素能源效率,并开展四大地区、南方北方、不同规模等级城市全要素能源效率的差异分析。结果显示,地级以上城市能源效率平均水平略高于0.6,能源效率排名前10位城市主要位于东部沿海地区,后10位城市则主要位于西部地区;四大地区、南方北方及不同规模等级城市的能源效率及变动趋势表现出明显差异,总体上都存在较大的节能潜力空间。  相似文献   

针对线性调频雷达,对灵巧噪声干扰和前沿复制干扰的基本成分通过匹配滤波器后 输出的信号波形进行了分析。以产生相同的干扰效果为能量利用效率比较基准,推导了这两 种干扰方式各自所需的干扰信号能量的计算公式;在典型条件下,计算了这两种干扰方式所 需干扰信号能量的数值;在一般情况下,对这两种干扰方式的能量利用效率进行了比较。 分析结果表明,若前沿波形宽度为雷达发射信号宽度的1/n,则灵巧噪声干扰所需能量 仅为前沿复制 干扰所需能量的1/n。  相似文献   

为了提高大规模多用户多输入多输出(MU-MIMO)下行系统的能效,提出了一种基于发送天线选择技术的能效优化机制。首先建立了同时考虑发送功率与电路功耗的新的系统功耗模型,并基于该模型,分析了基站配置天线数目与所有接收终端用户数目对系统总功耗及能效的影响。然后通过理论推导得到了系统能效最优时的最优天线选择数目,并与使用全部天线时的系统能效进行比较。仿真结果表明,所提出的发送天线选择机制通过优化激活部分基站天线能够明显提高系统能效。在用户数为10、发送功率分别为40 W和10 W时,与使用全部天线相比,天线选择技术能够分别使得系统能效获得大约12%和78%的性能增益。  相似文献   

This study focuses on a critical mechanism of the international human resource management process: performance management. The study specifically explores how the process of global performance management is perceived by the country managers of multinational corporations' subsidiaries in Australia. The study reveals that a multinational corporation's systemic demand for short-term profit has the potential for inhibiting employee–supervisor relationships and perceived effectiveness of performance management appears to be dependent on the relationship and level of trust between the country manager and her/his supervisor. On the basis of the research findings, relational communication and psychosocial factors such as trust play an important role in the functioning of a country manager vis-à-vis their perceptions of the performance management process. The study suggests that, with the current approach to global performance management for country managers, despite the expense involved in the process, many of the potential benefits may not be realized. Social exchange theory is proposed as the foundation for developing more effective and fluent global relationships based on trust.  相似文献   

FDI、人力资本与省际工业能源效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从技术吸收的角度出发,考察了人力资本通过外资企业对各省区工业能源使用效率的吸收效果。结果发现,整体上所有群体对外资的先进技术吸收效果并不显著,而当考虑不同教育人群的吸收能力时,发现初中和高中教育水平对外资总体的技术吸收能力较好。同时这两类人力资本对其他外资企业的技术吸收能力也较好,但由于港澳台外企的技术相对于其他外资比较落后,导致未受教育和小学教育水平人群也呈现出较好的吸收能力。  相似文献   

The adoption of sustainable laundry technologies by US consumers has lagged behind that of other countries and even behind the projections for adoption made by the US government. Most US household currently own and use the top‐loading vertical axis (v‐axis) agitator type washers, which use large amounts of water as well as additional energy to heat the water. More sustainable laundry practices include the use of energy‐ and water‐efficient front‐loading horizontal‐axis (h‐axis) washers. These washers have been demonstrated to use 38% less water and 58% less energy than the standard top‐loading v‐axis models. The adoption of more energy‐efficient washing technologies is of interest to many, including policy makers, because of their water‐ and energy‐saving potential. Little is known about the attributes and issues consumers use in their decision to adopt high‐efficiency washers for their home. This study uses Roger's Diffusion of Innovations Theory to understand the adoption of h‐axis washers by US consumers. An online survey of 330 consumers who own washing machines found that 23% currently own h‐axis washers and 24% of consumers intend to purchase an h‐axis when they replace their top‐loading vertical (v‐axis) washers. Energy and water savings are the most frequently cited reasons overall for adopting the h‐axis washer and cost was the main reason for not adopting the technology. Other issues, such as dissatisfaction with cleaning power and problems with machine cleanliness and maintenance, did not play a major role in adoption. Specific marketing and education channels, where US consumers are looking for information about h‐axis washers, are also identified. Overall, the results suggest that the rate of h‐axis adoption in the US is accelerating, but that many of the benefits of the technology are not easily observed by non‐owners.  相似文献   

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