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Conclusions The results concerning the choice between a tariff and a quota under the assumption of perfect competition and three kinds of uncertainty are summarized in the table. An analysis of the uncertainty, under which a government using a tariff or a quota can determine the value of imports or the quantity domestically supplied (i.e. employment), gives neither the same result for the two instruments (equivalence) nor the same result for the three situations considered. Therefore the choice between a tariff and a quota in case of uncertainty depends on the purpose, and whether the initial uncertainty concerns domestic demand, foreign or domestic supply. This conclusion corresponds to the well-known phenomenon that in case of a disturbance to an open economy the choice between a change in the rate of exchange and a change in the demand policy depends both on the goal and on the kind of disturbance.  相似文献   

The most prominent exception to the cardinal ‘most favoured nation’ principle of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) of 1947 is in its Article XXIV relating to Customs Unions (CUs) and Free Trade Areas (FTAs). This article required, first, the general incidence of the duties and regulations of commerce imposed by members of the CU with respect to trade with non-members shall not on the whole be higher or more restrictive than those that were applicable prior to the formation of CU or FTA, and, second, that substantially all the trade among members be free. Neither requirement was very operational, because the phrases ‘general incidence’ and ‘substantially all’ being difficult legal concepts to apply. The agreement of 1994 establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) has made ‘general incidence’ precise by defining it import-weighted average of height of barriers but without offering any rationale for the definition. Now that preferential trading arrangements such as FTAs are proliferating, reform of Article XXIV is of importance. This paper describes alternative approaches to the central question of common external tariffs of a CU. Taking off from the work of Kemp and Wan who showed the existence of a common external tariff of CU that keeps the welfare of non-members unchanged while revising that of the CU as compared to the situation prior to the formation of CU, it characterizes such a tariff structure for two leading benchmark examples as consumption-weighted average of pre-union tariffs and subsidies in the member countries.  相似文献   

Two decades of research have established pronounced exporter productivity premia (EPP) and exporter size premia (ESP). Yet, we do not know why such exporter premia differ so widely in magnitude across countries or sectors? We take this question to the theory and to the data. We derive the sectoral EPP and ESP in a standard heterogeneous firms trade model and apply the insights from the model to guide our empirical investigation of detailed Danish firm-level data. We show that a significant share of the observed variation in EPP and ESP across sectors can be accounted for by sector differences in the underlying variation in productivity dispersion, variable trade costs, the ratio of fixed export costs to fixed costs of production, and the elasticity of demand.  相似文献   

Employing a model of environmental quality-differentiated products, we analyze the effect of an ad valorem tariff on the unit emission level of the products, the environment and welfare in the Bertrand and the Cournot duopoly cases, respectively. We show that the effect of the tariff policy depends on the mode of market competition and the degree of marginal social valuation of environmental damage.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of free trade areas suggest that member countries reduce external tariffs to the level that improves welfare of non-member countries. Using an oligopoly model with product differentiation, this paper shows that when a free trade area entails endogenous change from segmented to integrated markets for internally produced goods, external tariffs become strategic complements and their equilibrium level is higher than in the market segmentation case. In this case, the non-member may lose from the formation of free trade area whereas each member gains more.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate that the influence of monopolisticcompetition in the product market on an economy's impact responseto fiscal shocks depends on the persistence of these shocks.While short-lived increases in lump-sum financed governmentexpenditure have a stronger effect on labor supply if pricesare above marginal costs, the response of employment decreasesin the markup if shocks are highly persistent. However, we alsoshow that, while the impact response of labor supply to temporarygovernment expenditure shocks may be reduced by monopolisticcompetition, the fiscal multiplier is always higher if firmshave market power.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Auswirkungen der staatlichen Preisdiskriminierung und deren ?quivalenz zur Zollpolitik. — In diesem Aufsatz wird ein wichtiges nichttarif?res Handelshemmnis — die diskriminierende ?ffentliche Beschaffungspolitik ⦌ystematisch unter weltweiten Wettbewerbsbedingungen untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, da\ es bei dieser Marktstruktur drei verschiedene F?lle gibt. In zwei von drei F?llen gelingt es der staatlichen Preisdiskriminierung, zwei traditionelle Ziele der Handelspolitik zu erreichen, n?mlich die Importe zu vermindern und die heimische Produktion zu erh?hen. Danach wird ein Vergleich zwischen der Politik der staatlichen Preisdiskriminierung und der Zollpolitik in Form einer ?quivalenzanalyse durchgeführt. Das Hauptergebnis ist, da\ eine Zollpolitik die Importe wirksamer verringern kann. Dieses Resultat beruht auf den unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen der beiden handelspolitischen Ma\nahmen auf den Konsum. Au\erdem wird gezeigt, da\ das Niveau der sich auf das Inland beziehenden Variablen, das mit der jeweiligen Politik erreicht wird, nicht ?quivalent ist. Infolgedessen kann die Politik der staatlichen Preisdiskriminierung eine Zollpolitik nicht ersetzen.
Résumé L’effet de la discrimination des prix gouvernementales et son équivalence avec la politique douanière. — Cet article présente une analyse systématique d’un obstacle non tarifaire (ONT) important — la politique des achats publics discriminatoires — sous des conditions de concurrence mondiale. L’auteur démontre qu’il y a trois cas distincts dans cette structure de marché. En deux cas la discrimination des prix gouvernementale (DPG) est effective de réaliser les deux buts traditionnels de la politique commerciale, c’est-à-dire d’abaisser les importations et d’augmenter la production locale. Puis, l’auteur présente une comparaison, en manière d’une analyse d’équivalence, entre la DPG et la politique tarifaire. Il arrive à la conclusion principale qu’une politique tarifaire est plus effective en diminuant les importations. Ce résultat est gagné à cause des effets différents de chaque politique sur la consommation. De plus, l’auteur démontre que les niveaux des variables locales obtenus sous chaque politique sont non-équivalents. C’est pourquoi la DPG ne peut pas remplacer une politique tarifaire.

Resumen El impacto de discriminación de precios gubernamental y su equivalencia con la tarifa. — Este artículo ha presentado un exámen sistemático de una importante barrera no tarifaria — politica gubernamental de consecución discriminatoria — bajo condiciones competitivas mundiales. Se demostró que existen tres casos diferentes dentro de esta estructura de mercado. Para dos casos se vió que la discriminación de precios gubernamental (DPG) fue efectiva para alcanzar los dos objetivos tradicionales de la política comercial, es decir disminuir las importaciones, y aumentar la producción doméstica. Se prentó una comparación, en la forma de un análisis de equivalencia, entre la DPG y la política tarifaria. La principal conclusión fue que una política de tarifa fue más efectiva para reducir las importaciones. Este resultado se produjo debido a los efectos diferentes de cada política sobre el consumo. También los niveles de variables domésticas obtenidos bajo cada política se mostró que eran no equivalentes. Por lo tanto, es posible que los efectos de la DPG pueden no ser capaces de reemplazar todos los efectos de una política tarifaria.

陕北地区在大规模非再生能源开发中,导致了巨大的价值损失,包括煤炭、石油、天然气等资源本身的价值损耗,生态环境破坏,对职工健康和所在地居民的损害,等等。这些损失的产生原因在于现行价值补偿模式的缺陷。之后提出了以市场为平台的能矿资源利益补偿体系,即以合理的产权安排为前提,调整国家所有者与矿山企业之间的利益分配,变命令-控制型管理为经济激励型管理,探索适合国情的外部性补偿模式。  相似文献   

效率管理是科学管理的精髓 ,是影响企业经济效益的关键因素 ,目前这一工作出现了松懈和下滑 ,尤其是劳动定员定额工作。其实 ,效率管理在我国的国情下并没有过时 ,我们应该从诸方面加强这一工作。  相似文献   

Antidumping and Tariff Jumping: Japanese Firms’ DFI in the European Union and the United States. — The relationship between EU and US antidumping measures and direct foreign investment (DFI) is examined through a micro-econometrical analysis of Japanese firms’ plant establishments in the electronics industry. After controlling for firm and industry capabilities, market size, transport cost, and product cycle effects, antidumping actions are found to have a substantial positive effect on Japanese DFL EU antidumping is roughly twice as likely to lead to tariffjumping DFI as US antidumping, which is ascribed to marked differences in antidumping procedures. Tariff jumping makes antidumping ineffective in combatting anticompetitive behaviour by foreign firms and may result in increased market concentration.  相似文献   

Using panel data on 81 Canadian manufacturing industries over the 1983–1996 period, the authors show that the estimated impact of recent tariff cuts was a positive and significant increase in the exit rate of firms. Supplementing this finding with recent research showing, that exiting firms tend to be less productive than those that survive, this provides support for recent trade models asserting that increased exposure to international trade induces the exit of least efficient firms, thereby contributing to productivity growth. JEL no. F1, L6  相似文献   

无配额时代中美纺织品贸易壁垒及应对措施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
付洪良 《亚太经济》2005,(1):22-23,53
随着2005年1月1日的日益临近,全球纺织品贸易配额将被取消。但是相关的资料和时事显示出,利益相关国家特别是美国,将出现对纺织品贸易前所未有的管制。因此,在纺织品贸易的无配额时代,面对如此多已经存在和可能出现的贸易壁垒,作为纺织品市场的供给大国,为了维护自身的利益,应该采取必要及时的措施来预防和抗衡主要针对我国纺织品出口的贸易壁垒。  相似文献   

The carbon market's effectiveness in deep decarburization and energy transition has been widely proven. However, as other industries join the carbon market in China, the uncertainty and impact of it on the power industry are still under explored. Here, we define the industry-wide scenarios which power industry might confront in the carbon market. Then, we compare its economic output, market activity and environmental impact under initial carbon quota allocation principles based on efficiency and grandfather methods by the comprehensive evaluation model of energy and carbon markets combined with inverse DEA method. Our results show that when the power industry is in an advantageous position, the efficiency method is fairer and more efficient than the grandfather method. The potential economic output rate has more than doubled compared to that of the grandfather method. Market activity and emission reduction potential are 7% and 25% more than that in the grandfather principle, respectively. Nevertheless, when the power industry is in a disadvantageous position, the efficiency method leads to an imbalance between power supply and demand in the market and power shortages in 19 regions. Then the trading activity of the power market drops by 12%, resulting in serious economic loss, especially in China's eastern region (−7.29%). The economic risk caused by the grandfather method has been significantly reduced than that of the efficiency method. And there may be greater potential risks under the efficiency method. This study identifies the potential challenges and obstacles of future carbon market and addresses the urgency of policy to tackle this issue to facilitate a carbon market that operates robustly under uncertainty.  相似文献   

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