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The mining industry is an important sector of the national economy, which provides essential support for energy and other resources for economic development. Industrial linkage and economic distance are two different concepts in measuring the correlationship of different industries, in this article, we apply the model that combines both of them to analyse the industries significantly influence the mining industry. We find that electricity and heating industry, and the mining industry itself from forward linkages have greatly influenced the mining industry, and the industries from backward linkages affect mining industry are changing with industrial economic transformation. We also find resources can flow across several regions only after 2007, which means the role of geographical factors limiting long-range transportation of resources is weakening after 2007. And we explain how resources flow among various regions during 1997 ~ 2007. Based on the findings above, policy implications from the empirical results obtained are discussed.  相似文献   

There are great opportunities to improve the standard of living of the people of North America. The smaller nations of the area especially stand to gain from these opportunities. The essential requirements are to improve productivity by increasing the size of the market, to encourage investment where it is most productive, and to facilitate the movement of workers to productive employment. The achievement of each of these goals requires that governments reduce the barriers which they have established to inhibit the free movement of people, capital, and ideas among the nations of North America. The United States has a special opportunity to play a leadership role in education and in financing the development of the area.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to present a summary and perspective on some recent developments in the macroeconomic theories of unemployment. Sections II and III deal respectively with the existing explanations of long term unemployment and the fluctuations in the short term unemployment. Section IV examines how these theories help us in unraveling the United States-Canada unemployment rate divergence puzzle. Some directions for future research are suggested in Section V.  相似文献   

The paper uses a stock market event study to examine investors' expectations of NAFTA's effect on the profitability of manufacturing industries in the USA, Canada, and Mexico. The main finding is that factor intensity, specifically a measure of the industry–wide labor–capital ratio, is the most significant determinant of excess returns. The results suggest that investors believed the NAFTA would favor industries that used abundant factors intensively and reduce profitability in industries that relied heavily on scarce factors; and, more generally, that factor intensity is a primary source of comparative advantage. No significant relationship was found between the relative scale of industries among the three countries and the NAFTA's expected influence on profitability.  相似文献   

税务筹划是近几年企业管理中的一个热点话题,如何在恪守税法和不违背企业发展目标的前提下,充分利用好现行的税收政策,以最大限度地控制成本、节约费用,这是每一个企业管理者必然关心的重要问题.本文从大型矿业企业的角度出发,根据其经营业务特点,以几项涉税问题为例分税种逐一进行详细阐述,为大型矿业企业减轻税负,实施整体的税务筹划提供参考.  相似文献   

税务筹划是近几年企业管理中的一个热点话题,如何在恪守税法和不违背企业发展目标的前提下,充分利用好现行的税收政策,以最大限度地控制成本、节约费用,这是每一个企业管理者必然关心的重要问题。本文从大型矿业企业的角度出发,根据其经营业务特点,以几项涉税问题为例分税种逐一进行详细阐述,为大型矿业企业减轻税负,实施整体的税务筹划提供参考。  相似文献   

齐慕实 《开放时代》2003,(2):137-144
任何一门学科都无法覆盖知识分子研究中的种种议题。然而每一学科和其自身特定的研究、分析方法都对中国知识分子的研究做出了具体的贡献。在北美学术界这些不同的学科方法促进了诸如“演讲”、“社会组织”、“生活阅历”这些分析范畴的应用,同时它们还引发了专业化、商业化、民族主义、法治、公众领域和市民社会,以及自由主义等重要议题。  相似文献   

Expense ratios of North American mutual funds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The average expense ratio paid by Canadian mutual fund investors is 50% higher than that paid in the United States. This discrepancy is commonly thought to exist because Canadian funds do not take advantage of economies of scale and have less competition. A monopolistic competition framework is used to develop a model for the mutual fund industry. By allowing each fund to have different attributes, the model permits funds to charge different expense ratios in equilibrium and is found to strongly fit the North American mutual fund market. Empirical analysis indicates that these two common explanations and measurable fund attributes account for 24% of the discrepancy. JEL Classification: L11, L13 and G15
Les ratios de dépenses des fonds mutuels nord‐américains Le taux moyen de dépenses payées par les investisseurs canadiens dans les fonds mutuels sont de 50% plus élevées que celles qu'on paie aux Etats‐Unis. Cet écart est attribué d'habitude au fait que les fonds canadiens ne tirent pas profit des économies d'échelle et qu'il y a moins de concurrence au Canada. On utilise un modèle de concurrence monopolistique pour analyser l'industrie des fonds mutuels. En permettant à chaque fond d'avoir certains attributs, le modèle permet aux fonds de charger des taux de dépenses différents en équilibre. Il semble que cela corresponde aux caractéristiques du marché des fonds mutuels américains. Une analyse empirique montre que les deux explications usuelles et les attributs mesurables des fonds expliquent 24% de l'écart.  相似文献   

European and North American Sports Differences(?)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Past comparative work argues that the differences between European and North American sports dramatically outweigh any similarities. This paper explores the arguments that fans, sports organizations, and team objectives are different in the two regions and offers a set of questions that must be answered if, indeed, the opposite is not true. In addition, insights gained from the overriding similarities are offered concerning competitive balance, life after the Bosman decision, broadcasting, and league structure in Europe. European sports are far from any tragic end, but directors of sports organizations have seen the handwriting on the wall, economically speaking. They are about to live in lively times.  相似文献   

政府监督与矿产业安全投入的经济分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵连阁 《经济学家》2006,(1):100-107
中国矿业事故多发的根本原因在于政府监督不足导致的矿产业生产安全低投入。本文研究表明:一定水平的政府监督是诱导矿业企业安全投入的必要条件。在政府监督者与当地政府合二为一的背景下,政府监督的目标为税收收入与监督投入和矿业企业安全事故补偿支出之差的最大化;政府监督和矿业企业安全投入之间存在正向强化关系,但出于对自身税收收入的考虑,导致政府对矿业安全投入的监督不足;政府监督的缺失使得矿工意外事故补偿在诱导矿业企业安全投入中发挥重要作用。政府监督不足的制度性根源在于监督者的败德行为、委托代理关系错位和监督者激励不足等。因此,如何摆脱政府监督和矿业企业安全投入低水平均衡是破解中国矿业生产事故多发难题的关键。  相似文献   

This paper deals with an estimation of phosphate mining cost function. Here, it is argued that other characteristics of reserves, besides their size, could be quite important in the cost function. The result of a cross-sectional analysis of phosphate mining in the world shows that reserve size and average total cost have a positive and modest statistically significant relationship in one of the two models. Among many qualitative characteristics and location factors tested in this paper, overburden, grade, ore/product ratio, water availability, and the price of capital are significant with expected signs. Finally, the results confirm the existence of economies of scale in phosphate mining which seem to be more related to mining technology than to reserve size.  相似文献   

Integration of business and technology strategies is an attractive approach for industries in developing countries. However, to be successful, these strategies cannot be implemented according to a company's objectives alone regardless of the involvement of other players. Furthermore, consideration of interrelated technologies should be included if a product resulting from the strategy is expected to perform well and be sustainable. This article attempts to give a broader view of factors to be considered in implementing business technology strategies in developing countries. Supporting evidence is given from the rolling stock industry in Indonesia, which has been implementing a type of business technology strategy.  相似文献   

Relations between manufacturers and distributors have been the center point of the distribution channel’s management. This study covers the effects of coercive, as well as non-coercive power on intermediary variables such as cooperation and conflict. It will also analyze the effects of cooperation and conflict on American car dealers’ satisfaction and performance in Spain. Due to the small sample size (46 dealers), the model based on causal modeling compelled us to use the optimization method based on the partial least squares (PLS) regression techniques coupled with a bootstrapping to enable some generalization of the results.
Jean-Pierre Lévy ManginEmail:

Substantial evidence shows that North Americans are generallymore accepting of the market than Europeans and attribute marketoutcomes to a larger degree to effort or skill. Thus, NorthAmericans might be more accepting of layoffs and pay cuts thanGermans, and Germans might be more sensitive to the proceduresand conditions under which pay cuts and layoffs occur. The empiricalresults from our quasi-experiment are largely in line with thesehypotheses. The results may help to explain and be explainedby the different labour market institutions in the differentregions.  相似文献   

This paper examines Mexico's trade and development policies and analyzes how these policies complement or conflict with those of the other North American nations. Looking closely at the periods 1950–1973 and 1973–1975, the authors explain how Mexico's development policies have marred or enhanced its ability to interact with the United States and Canada. They then show how the Mexico's history and strengths make it a strong candidate for partnership with Canada and the United States in a new North American Free Trade Agreement, a multilateral arrangement that will be important for continued economic prosperity in the North American region.  相似文献   

本文采用索洛增长速度方程和回归分析方法,分析泉州引进外资对泉州工业企业技术进步的关系。通过分析得出,外资进入提高了泉州工业企业技术,但提升的幅度不大。  相似文献   

纸业新概念:从环保中掘金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐琦 《环境经济》2005,(12):31-33
在我国当前的资源环境背景下,林浆纸一体化发展模式是解决造纸业与森林资源稀缺.环境污染严重之间矛盾的有效方法。通过将制浆企业、造纸企业与营林造林基地三类企业有机结合.采用先进的制浆造纸技术,形成以纸养林,以林促纸、林纸结合,林浆纸协同发展的造纸工业新格局,具有重要的战略意义。[编者按]  相似文献   

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