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Analyzing US brand hotels, over a 13-year period, this study provides empirical evidence of a significant negative relationship between gasoline prices and demand for certain lodging products, controlling for economic factors (i.e. gross domestic product and population density). Applying principles from microeconomic demand theory to the literatures on gasoline price elasticities, consumer demographics and lodging demand, a set of hypotheses were devised to test the relationship between gasoline prices and lodging demand for specific hotel locations and price segments. Using fixed effects models, the results reveal that lodging demand decreases as gasoline prices rise in all segments except upper-upscale and all locations except urban areas. Hotels in midscale without food and beverage and economy market segments, in resort, suburban and highway locations, exhibit the greatest association between gasoline price shifts and demand. Implications of these findings are discussed for both hospitality research and practice.  相似文献   

The subject of sustainability and it its management in the hotel context is somewhat volatile with varied evidence in support of different viewpoints. This study, adopting Situated Cognition (SC), explores the role of organisational culture in sustainability practice and awareness among hotel practitioners. The findings from this study reveal that management practice of sustainability has strong relationship with both organisational culture and employees’ sustainability awareness. However, organisational culture only mediates the relationship between sustainability awareness and management on country to country basis. The study recommends that owner-managers need to realise the importance of building up a robust organisational culture particularly in support of their sustainability management and empowerment of their staff.  相似文献   

中国酒店业能源消耗水平与低碳化经营路径分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘益 《旅游学刊》2012,(1):83-90
低碳旅游是在低碳经济背景下旅游管理研究的热点问题。旅游业虽然被认为是低碳经济的一个重要组成部分,但关于旅游业的能源消耗水平研究一直缺乏定量研究成果。文章以中国酒店业为例,采用投入产出分析方法,对中国酒店业的能源消耗水平进行了定量分析。研究表明,中国酒店业每万元的总产出需要消耗330.99千克标准煤。通过产业部门间的比较研究,发现中国酒店业整体仍然处于高耗能阶段,酒店业在节能减排以及发展低碳经济方面还不具有比较优势;通过比较研究,发现中国酒店业能源消耗水平与部分发达国家相比,还存在很大差距;通过与本地居民能源消耗水平的比较,发现酒店住客的日常能源消耗量远远高于城市居民日常生活的能源消耗量。最后,针对中国酒店业在能源消耗方面存在的问题,提出了中国酒店业低碳化经营的发展路径。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that human resource management practices affect hotel performance by influencing employees' commitment to their organization. Organizational commitment, in turn, influences workforce turnover, organizational citizenship behavior, and job performance. This study analyzed the relationship between human resource management practices and organizational commitment in 257 employees in nine four- and five-star hotels in Cairo and Alexandria, using partial least squares structural equation modeling to test models predicting organizational commitment. Hiring, training and development, performance appraisals, remuneration, and communication were all positively and significantly related to affective commitment, but only communication affected continuance commitment.  相似文献   


This study investigated specific cross-cultural issues affecting expatriate hotel employees in Taiwan's lodging industry to determine if Cross-Cultural Training (CCT) might help expatriate hotel employees adjust to a new culture and a new business environment. The most formidable task in the human resource area facing many global firms is the development of a cadre of employees and executives who have a deep understanding of the global market environment and the capability to transfer this knowledge into determined action (Pucik, Tichy, & Barnet, 1992). Employees who are expatriates in the hospitality industry are now more important than ever, as more hotel chains are seeking expansion opportunities into overseas markets. However, individuals who are sent overseas without adequate training often fail, and there are significant costs associated with this failure (Li, 1995).

The purpose of CCT is to increase the probability of an individual's adjustment into another culture (Cushner & Brislin, 1995). However, CCT could still be a valuable tool to help expatriates cope with culture shock even though the importance of expatriates being involved in CCT might not be as important as generally thought. Considering the cost, there may be other alternatives to facilitate expatriate adjustment. There does exist an inevitable trend of globalization. Developing coordination, training, and acculturation takes time, effort, and money. Clearly more research is warranted relative to expatriation in the hospitality industry.  相似文献   

With the traditional research-based view approach to entry mode that examines the firm's strategies from its resource endowment and deployment (i.e., an inside-out view of the firm), which is different from the earlier paradigms (i.e., an outside-in view of the firm), this article investigates intangibles at the firm level and their impact on the choice of foreign-market entry mode to understand how to create value overseas. From the multinomial logistic regression analyses with data collected from the lodging industry between 1995 and 2005, the results of this study suggest that as marketing capital increases, entry mode seems to move from acquisition to joint venture to greenfield to contractual modes. In the case of employee efficiency, as human capital increases entry mode tends to move from joint venture to acquisition to greenfield to contractual modes, whereas in the case of top managers' efficiency, entry mode tends to move from joint venture to acquisition to contractual mode to greenfield, respectively.  相似文献   

资本深化、全要素生产率与中国住宿餐饮业增长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在中国住宿餐饮业增长动力分解方程式的基础上,对中国住宿餐饮业发展过程中的资本深化、全要素生产率进行了实证研究,得出了3个结论:第一,资本深化是目前中国住宿餐饮业增长的主要动力,而劳动投入的下滑对住宿餐饮业增长产生了负面影响;第二,中国住宿餐饮业的生产率几乎不存在要素偏向,不是纯粹资本增强型的;第三,1991年以来中国住宿餐饮业的技术效率一直没有增进,全要素生产率增长得益于技术进步.基于以上结论,本文认为有效劳动投入的增长和技术效率的提高,是中国住宿餐饮业增长需要解决的两个主要问题.  相似文献   


Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry's Extended Model of Service Quality has received a great deal of attention in various disciplines. Nearly all the work on this model has addressed either the dimensionality of the consumer service perceptions or the way in which the model measures quality. Only one work has been identified that addressed the internal components of their model. It is critical that organizations understand the internal factors that affect the delivery of a high quality service experience. This research subjects the internal constructs identified by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry to a factor analysis study in the lodging industry. This research found that the management factors did not function as proposed. New factors are identified based on exploratory factor analysis and a comparison of the two models is presented.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study is to investigate the underlying components of market orientation practices and their effect on the Small and Medium Hotels (SMHs) performances on tourist destination island of Langkawi. Fifty SMHs were randomly selected from a sampling frame of a list of SMHs registered with Malaysian Tourism Board. For data collection purposes, structured questionnaires were personally delivered and collected. Rotated component matrix factor analysis of the data extracted four underlying factors that explain seventy nine point four six percent of the total variances and alpha reliability coefficient of ninety eight percent. Those components were named as customer orientation, interfunctional orientation, service orientation, and competitor orientation. One sample Kolmogorov‐Smirnov Test indicates that SMHs in Langkawi practices market orientation in their operations and businesses. However, the finding of the study showed that their performances in 1998 was lower than 1997. We believe that this outcome is due to the effect of national and regional economic downturn in 1998.  相似文献   

Integrating social exchange and information processing theories, this study examines the influence of high-performance human resource (HR) practices on service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) through two climates—justice climate and service climate. This field study of 1133 customer contact employees and 119 human resource managers from 119 hotels in Taiwan has shown that social climates of justice and service mediate the influence of high-performance HR practices on service-oriented OCB. The study demonstrates that high-performance HR practices affect employees’ cognition on how they are treated by hotels and what service behaviors are expected, which in turn can positively influence collective service-oriented OCB.  相似文献   


Labor shortages and high turnover trouble the lodging industry. Older workers have been overlooked as a solution to these problems. Older workers have demonstrated qualities such as loyalty, a strong work ethic, good customer relations, and reliability of performance that the lodging industry desires. The lodging industry needs to strive to increase older workers' job satisfaction in order to attract and retain them. Previous research has already proven that communication satisfaction has a significant impact on job satisfaction. This study examines the important communication factors that influence older workers' job satisfaction. Suggestions regarding older workers' communication satisfaction are provided.  相似文献   


This study provides empirical evidence of the comprehensive accounting skills by financial executives across the United States, and Canada believed important to private club general managers. This study’s purview extends to identify any significant differences or similarities in the accounting skills between the private club and lodging managers. Four hundred and one responses (211 from clubs and 190 from hotels) were received. The most critical accounting skills for club and lodging managers are understanding operating budgets, capital budgets, income statements, and analyses of variances. When comparing the accounting skills to managers between clubs and hotels, the ranks of importance are similar. The findings provide theoretical and practical implication for hospitality researchers, managers, and educators.  相似文献   

Tourism politics in the USA can only be understood by examining it in the context of federalism. Each governmental level has its own tourism dynamics, interests, and problems. By examining the evolution and structure of tourism in the USA, one can understand why city and state governments are increasingly involved and why the national government fails to accord more scarce resources to national tourism efforts. Through the use of questionnaires and interview data, it becomes clear, however, that in the process of continuing tourism politics as usual, the national and even local public interest may be sadly neglected.  相似文献   

This paper analyses environmental decision-making against two axes, motivations and decision-making processes, to understand the reasons for pro-environmental behaviour by the managements of Spanish Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)-certified hotels. Mixed methods were used to study perceptions of EMAS and reasons for being certified, with current and lapsed EMAS-certified firms triangulated against expert interviews and documentary evidence. Four groups of hotels were differentiated: Strategic hotels (22%) (with high levels of integrated environmental management), Followers (48%), Greenwashers (11%) and Laggers (19%) (with low levels of integrated environmental management). Most hotels were found to be internally driven in their purpose and ad hoc in their decision-making, with limited understanding of externally driven benefits and motivation for more systematic management systems. This questions the success of EMAS as both a continuous improvement management and as a market-based regulation tool for hotels. Few hotels overall related high environmental standards to the possibilities of gaining market advantage: most wished to avoid legal challenges. The paper also illustrates the ways in which hotels opportunistically switch certification systems to get what they see as a better deal.  相似文献   

Solid waste generation and disposal is one of the most negative impacts of small hotels on the environment. Small hotels often pay little attention to their environmental responsibilities. This research builds upon an earlier work by the same authors considering solid waste management (SWM) issues in small Welsh hotels. It considers the Welsh Assembly Government's Green Dragon Environmental Standard (GDES) as an environmental management system developed specifically to target small and medium-sized enterprises and help them with aspects of environmental management, such as SWM. It explores SWM practices in green (i.e. GDES-accredited) and non-green small hotels and develops a best practice SWM model for them. Semi-structured interviews were used to investigate hoteliers’ attitudes and the barriers to implement sustainable SWM practices. The findings revealed that most non-GDES small hotels were highly reliant on landfill for the disposal of solid waste and felt negatively about the implementation of more sustainable SWM alternatives. In contrast, GDES small hotels used landfill as a last resort and targeted other waste hierarchy options in preference. The study develops a best practice model for policymakers (local authorities and UK central government) to influence and encourage better SWM practices in small hotels.  相似文献   

This paper studies the differences in the impact of global tour operators on the management and performance of hotels in coastal and inland areas. The empirical analysis is based on a survey conducted in 2016 on 375 Spanish SMEs operating in the hotel industry. A multi-group comparison analysis was carried out using Partial Least Squares (PLS) structural modelling. This analysis reveals that dependence on global tour operators has a direct effect on the conditions under which hotel services are provided (room rates and quotas) both in coastal and inland areas. Nevertheless, the pressure from tour operators is significantly stronger on hotel SMEs located in coastal areas, where it has a negative effect on profitability, in spite of having a positive influence on firm growth (sales and employment).  相似文献   

Using a database of Majorcan hotels, this paper examines several previously untested determinants of environmental innovations in hotels derived from the Porter hypothesis and from the specifics of knowledge transfer in the tourism industry. The empirical analysis is original in that it distinguishes between eight types of environmental innovations. The results show that hotels’ general predisposition to implement innovations, manager remuneration based on environmental performance, staff satisfaction, environmental accounting, and trainings are important determinants of the overall environmental innovation activity of Majorcan hotels. Moreover, the use of environmental management systems is associated with innovations with cost-saving potential, whereas the hotel star category is associated with innovations that contribute to hotel quality, such as wastewater treatment, noise reduction, noise isolation, and visual impact improvements. Furthermore, high levels of staff satisfaction are related to the implementation of water-saving and noise reduction innovations, as such innovations require staff participation, whereas the role of information sources in explaining innovation adoption varies based on the technical complexity of innovations. The paper concludes with policy implications for sustainable tourism development, recommendations for the hoteliers, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the use of computer-based energy management and control systems and relates these to the needs of a hotel. The role of these computer-based energy management systems is discussed within the context of an energy management policy and programme. Finally, the current use of this technology by hotels in the U.K. is surveyed.  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts the initial impact of the abolition of wages councils in 1993 on pay policy, pay practice and pay structures in small proprietor-run and group-owned hotels. The broad implications of abolition and labour market deregulation within the hotel sector are also considered. Finally, there is a brief discussion about the prospect of reregulation in 1998 in the form of a National Minimum Wage, a measure which has won an increasing level of support from employers across the hospitality industry.  相似文献   

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