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新冠肺炎的暴发给我国经济发展带来了广泛而深远的影响。餐饮业作为服务业的重要组成部分,在经济方面和社会方面有着重要的作用,在此次疫情中,全国范围餐饮企业整体闭店,企业负担重、业务难以为继、资金链短缺、融资贷款难等问题突出,整个餐饮业损失巨大。本文首先从行业、企业两个角度分析了此次疫情对餐饮业的影响,提出相应财政、税收等政策建议助力企业减负,为企业复工复产、恢复经营提供有效保障,并就未来餐饮企业将在经营模式、人才管理、危机防控、食品安全、智能制造等方面提升竞争力,提升抗风险能力提出了相关的建议和对策。  相似文献   

研究发现,重大突发公共事件可影响经济长期发展,但现有研究集中于短期冲击。全要素生产率(TFP)为分析新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(新冠疫情)对经济的长期影响提供了理论视角。理论证明,技术进步和技术效率变化是驱动TFP增长的两大动力,两大动力又受到教育、创新、市场效率、基础设施、制度五大因素的影响,从而形成了五大影响因素→两大动力→TFP的传导路径。沿着这一路径,分析了新冠疫情作用于TFP的机制,结果表明新冠疫情对TFP的影响具有多元性、复杂性,为经济长期发展带来了不确定性风险。在此基础上,从协同打造人力资本强国、推动创新驱动发展战略、全面提升市场效率、加强基础设施建设、完善重大危机防控制度五方面提出应对建议。  相似文献   

李强 《财经科学》2020,(4):70-79
这次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情警醒我们,我国的经济发展可能遭遇不可预见的风险,因而增强经济发展过程中的风险应对能力将成为完善我国经济发展理论的新课题。近年来兴起的韧性经济理论为我们提供了一种理论选择。韧性经济理论源于人们对于生态世界观和非线性认知的加深,目前已经形成分析突发性危机的工程型韧性经济与持续性变化的生态型韧性经济两种研究路径。本文在介绍、分析韧性经济理论的来源与内容的基础上,运用韧性经济理论对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情影响下的经济发展进行了预测,认为我国经济将经历一个短暂反弹、短期下调、长期向好的发展路径。最后提出发展韧性经济不仅可以降低突发性公共卫生事件对于我国经济的负面影响,也可以更为有效地应对其他类型的危机,而发展我国韧性经济需要采取认知经济发展的非线性、重构经济风险来源、选择长期韧性经济发展路径等方法。  相似文献   

施毅 《经济师》2022,(9):104-106
随着新冠肺炎疫情的突然爆发,中美贸易间的矛盾更加凸显,一定程度上增加了中美农产业贸易风险、限制了中美制造业贸易进行、冲击中美服务业贸易合作等不利影响。但是中美两国间的贸易对两国的发展是不可或缺的,文章针对新冠疫情对中美贸易的影响进行研究,得出可以通过扩大农产业贸易进出口市场和渠道、提升制造业企业自身实力和竞争力、加强中美服务业贸易抗疫合作等对策应对新冠疫情下的中美贸易。  相似文献   

2020年一季度,新冠肺炎疫情对中国经济造成严重冲击,三次产业增加值、三大需求、企业利润、一般公共预算收入均下降,居民收入改变了以往平稳增长的走势,增速明显回落。随着疫情得到控制,复工复产加快推进,三四月份经济增长呈现出恢复态势。本文运用统计数据,从生产、需求、收入、价格角度分析疫情对中国经济的影响。此外,本文也对疫情防控下的新机遇进行了探讨,对中国经济的未来发展进行了展望,期望为在疫情防控状态下继续保持中国经济活力、持续健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

2020年,突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球,世界经济陷入第二次世界大战以来最严重的衰退,经济全球化遭受巨大冲击。展望2021年,大振荡后的世界经济将呈现恢复性增长,但各经济体的发展不尽相同,世纪疫情更对世界经济产生了广泛而又深远的影响。  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2022,76(4):325-344
COVID-19 is a virus with a very fast spread rate in the world. Therefore, knowledge of factors that may explain such spread is paramount. The main objective of this research was to analyze the determinants of the virus spread worldwide. Unlike previous studies that were limited to traditional factors, this research extends the analysis to government measures (quarantine, containment, and response budget) against the spread of the virus. Thus, an econometric model relating the variable of interest to a number of variables was carried out using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and the Two Steps Least Squares (2SLS) methods on a sample of 163 countries. The main findings indicate that economic factors such as the level of development, the degree of trade openness and the response budget to the COVID-19 pandemic, have a positive effect on the spread of the virus. With regard to social factors, the population density and confinement are major causes of the spread of the virus. Finally, temperature contributes to reduce the spread of the virus. These findings are robust to the estimation technique and to the measurement of the spread of the virus considered. In the light to these findings, implications for economic policies have been drawn.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates whether different labor market policy interventions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been effective in reducing its adverse impacts. We construct a database covering 165 countries and 39 labor market interventions grouped into four pillars: stimulating the economy and jobs (pillar 1); supporting enterprises, employment, and incomes (pillar 2); protecting workers (pillar 3); and social dialogue (pillar 4). The results revealed that measures taken under pillars 1, 2, and 3 have reduced the impacts of the pandemic on economic growth; measures under pillar 4 were significantly associated with reducing its impacts on employment and those under pillar 2 with reducing its impacts on working hours.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 outbreak has affected everyday lives worldwide. As governments started to implement confinement and business closure measures, the economic impact was felt by entire societies immediately. The urgency of such a theme has led researchers to study the phenomenon. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to provide the state of the art on relevant dimensions and hot topics of research to understand the economic impacts of COVID-19. In this survey, we conduct a text mining analysis of 301 articles published during 2020 which analyzed such economic impacts. By defining a set of relevant dimensions grounded on existing literature, we were able to extract a set of coherent topics that aggregate the collected articles, characterized by the predominance of a few sets of dimensions. We found that the impact on “financial markets” was widely studied, especially in relation to Asia. Next, we found a more diverse range of themes analyzed in Europe, from “government measures” to “macroeconomic variables.” We also discovered that America has not received the same degree of attention, and “institutions,” “Africa,” or “other pandemics” were studied less. We anticipate that future research will proliferate focusing on several themes, from environmental issues to the effectiveness of government measures.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情发生后,个人、组织和社团、企业等都参与到全球采购的大军中,并且体现出各自的特点和重要意义,我国的国际贸易采购、国际综合物流能力在国际应急采购中得到检验。在现代信息技术和互联网广泛应用的时代,线上组织和实施应急采购和物流运输既为国际应急采购管理带来挑战,同时也带来了机会。本文通过分析疫情下国际物资采购的数据,总结紧急防疫国际采购多样化的特点,并针对互联网环境下信用体系的扩展以及包括采购、贸易、物流、人才积累等综合能力的发展,初步分析其对国际应急采购的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in estimated panel vector autoregression models for 92 countries. The large cross-section of countries allows us to shed light on the heterogeneity of the responses of stock markets and nitrogen dioxide emissions as high-frequency measures of economic activity. We quantify the effect of the number of infections and four dimensions of policy measures: (1) containment and closure, (2) movement restrictions, (3) economic support, and (4) adjustments of health systems. Our main findings show that a surprise increase in the number of infections triggers a drop in our two measures of economic activity. Propping up economic support measures, in contrast, raises stock returns and emissions and, thus, contributes to the economic recovery. We also document vast differences in the responses across subsets of countries and between the first and the second wave of infections.  相似文献   

It has been argued that terrorism should not have a large effect on economic activity, because terrorist attacks destroy only a small fraction of the stock of capital of a country (see, e.g., Becker, G., Murphy, K., 2001. Prosperity will rise out of the ashes. Wall Street Journal October 29, 2001). In contrast, empirical estimates of the consequences of terrorism typically suggest large effects on economic outcomes (see, e.g., Abadie, A., Gardeazabal, J., 2003. The economic cost of conflict: A case study of the Basque country. American Economic Review 93, 113-132). The main theme of this article is that mobility of productive capital in an open economy may account for much of the difference between the direct and the equilibrium impact of terrorism. We use a simple economic model to show that terrorism may have a large impact on the allocation of productive capital across countries, even if it represents a small fraction of the overall economic risk. The model emphasizes that, in addition to increasing uncertainty, terrorism reduces the expected return to investment. As a result, changes in the intensity of terrorism may cause large movements of capital across countries if the world economy is sufficiently open, so international investors are able to diversify other types of country risks. Using a unique data set on terrorism and other country risks, we find that, in accordance with the predictions of the model, higher levels of terrorist risks are associated with lower levels of net foreign direct investment positions, even after controlling for other types of country risks. On average, a standard deviation increase in the terrorist risk is associated with a fall in the net foreign direct investment position of about 5% of GDP. The magnitude of the estimated effect is large, which suggests that the “open-economy channel” impact of terrorism may be substantial.  相似文献   

How have COVID-19-related restrictions affected consumption levels and life satisfaction in low-income countries? We conducted phone surveys with 577 households in Liberia to compare consumption patterns across three points in time: November 2019 (pre-COVID-19), May 2020 (short term), and September 2020 (medium term). This article analyzes the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the related restrictions on food and nonfood consumption, which we categorize as “material” welfare and life satisfaction, which we categorize as “nonmaterial” welfare. We find differences between food and nonfood consumption patterns under pandemic conditions. In particular, consumption by households dependent on food and labor markets was negatively affected by the pandemic. In terms of life satisfaction, we find that most respondents perceived their lives to have worsened due to the pandemic.  相似文献   

世界经济一体化的特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王潇怡 《时代经贸》2006,4(Z2):80-81
随着世界市场的扩大以及国际分工的深入,世界经济呈现出高度的一体化趋势.本文将从知识经济,区域经济一体化和跨国公司等几个方面来分析世界经济一体化的特点.  相似文献   

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