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卢畅  罗芬  王琛 《中国生态旅游》2022,12(2):291-306
在大力探索生态产品价值实现背景下,生态旅游作为公共产品,为推动生态产品价值实现和中国特色生态文明建设新模式的形成提供有力支撑。本研究选取南山国家公园线路为案例,以S-O-R理论为基础,构建生态旅游产品购买意愿模型,探究生态旅游产品在微信朋友圈购买意愿的内在机制。研究发现:(1)生态旅游产品在微信朋友圈的购买意愿存在“营销媒体特征—感知功利价值—购买意愿”和“社交媒体特征—感知享乐价值—购买意愿”两种形成机制;(2)生态旅游产品在微信朋友圈的购买意愿同时受到功利性因素和享乐性因素的影响,但功利性因素的影响占主导作用;(3)生态旅游产品的价格和产品图片的美观性对感知功利价值的影响较强;(4)微信朋友圈的社交存在感和微信好友的能力对感知享乐价值的影响较强;(5)不同人口学特征下,被调查者的购买意愿有显著差异。建议开展组合式营销、改善营销信息的内容和质量、保持高度的用户粘性、重视“专业形象”打造、针对主要客源市场“有的放矢”营销等实践,以促进南山国家公园生态旅游产品的价值实现。  相似文献   

海岛是海陆相互作用的敏感地带,推进海岛可持续发展是海洋强国战略实施的内在要求。本文基于脆弱性研究框架,运用组合权重法、集对分析法和障碍度模型,对长海县2009—2018年社会-生态系统脆弱性特征及其影响机制进行分析。结果为:(1)综合脆弱性沿着“W”型演化,暴露性、敏感性和适应性分别呈“W”型、“M”型和“N”型趋势。(2)从“暴露性-敏感性-适应性”视角对致脆结构分析得出敏感性和适应性对于综合脆弱性贡献度相对较大,脆弱性和暴露性的趋势走向较为相似。(3)通过对敏感性耦合结构分析得出,生态-经济系统耦合承载力高于其他2个系统组合,需重点关注生态-社会-经济复合系统承载能力。(4)通过对适应性调控结构分析得出,今后适应性资本投资可参照2012年调控结构进行调整。(5)通过对影响脆弱性等级关键性因子演化机制分析得出,严格控制脆弱性持续障碍因子,重点发展“降脆”助推因子,降低“降脆”障碍因子阻力,促进海岛可持续发展。  相似文献   

边境旅游是促进区域一体化发展和强化跨境旅游合作的主要手段,深入分析国际边境旅游研究脉络与研究热点,对促进富民兴边、睦邻安邦及对接国际国内旅游“双循环”具有重要借鉴意义。本文以1995—2021年发表的1 124篇SSCI英文文献为基础,对边境旅游研究领域的时间分布、关键词突现、聚类特征等进行可视化分析。研究发现,英文文献中对边境旅游的研究可分为起步阶段、发展阶段与创新阶段;主要研究议题包括边境旅游吸引物、边境旅游影响、边境旅游安全及跨境旅游合作;边境旅游研究趋势发生两大转变,一是研究视角从单一向多元转向,二是理论探索从功能说向效应说深入。建议国内对边境旅游的研究应结合国家战略拓展边境旅游研究议题,强调中国边境旅游特色的同时贡献“中国智慧”。  相似文献   

积极响应全球气候变化和坚决贯彻党中央提出的碳达峰、碳中和(简称“双碳”)目标是中国旅游业高质量发展的重要使命。本文在评估1990—2020年中国旅游业碳排放状况基础上,预测2021—2060年中国旅游业碳排放,分析中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标的主要挑战、任务与实现路径。研究结果表明:(1)中国旅游业碳排放可分为4个阶段;碳排放结构特征显著,旅游交通及休闲度假是碳排放主体;旅游消费需求增长趋势下唯有以低碳情景推进,方能在2030—2035年间实现旅游业碳达峰,为实现碳中和目标减缓阻力。(2)中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标面临旅游碳排增速快、全球气候变化威胁、碳排放边界模糊、品质化旅游需求旺盛、减碳技术不足5大挑战;必须从宏观-产业、中观-目的地与企业、微观-游客3个维度确定实现“双碳”目标的主要任务;坚守统筹协调、因地制宜、尊重规律、推广科技、差异化实现5大发展原则。(3)高质量发展下中国旅游业“双碳”目标的实现路径应从供给侧、消费端、政策支撑3方面突破,在供给侧加快能源结构调整、加大减碳技术投入、增强碳汇能力,在消费端促进旅游消费主体、消费场所、服务组织的减碳全面响应,在政策支撑加快完善低碳政策、鼓励低碳政策创新。本文立足中国旅游业实现“双碳”目标的研究前沿,初步建立了旅游“双碳”理论,丰富了低碳旅游理论,可为高质量发展下中国旅游业“双碳”目标实现提供决策参考。  相似文献   

“网红民宿”是近年来旅游住宿业在社会生活网络化趋势中诞生的新现象,“名宿”的网红气质有哪些构成要素,其如何影响游客的购买意愿是本文的研究内容。首先基于网络社区“小红书”上关键意见领袖有关网红民宿的笔记,采用扎根理论的研究方法探索民宿构成网红气质的要素,其次是开展了问卷调查,以收集的556份问卷调查数据来验证这些要素对网络口碑和游客购买意愿的影响。研究发现:(1)民宿配置、风格设计、周边环境、直观印象、心理感受和出游形式是民宿构成网红气质的要素;(2)民宿网红气质要素积极影响游客对民宿的购买意愿;(3)“网络口碑”在民宿网红气质要素积极影响游客购买意愿中起完全中介或部分中介作用。研究结果丰富了民宿领域的网络口碑研究相关理论和实践。  相似文献   

2022年冬奥会的成功申办,以及推进三亿人参与冰雪运动系列政策的相继出台,中国冰雪旅游迎来快速发展的时代契机,冰雪运动在全国广泛普及,冰雪旅游大众关注度迅速提升。本文以中国四大滑雪场集聚区为研究对象,基于新浪微博2015—2021年滑雪旅游网络数据,构建滑雪旅游网络关注度评估系统,定量评估疫情前后中国滑雪旅游网络关注度的时空演变特征。研究发现:(1)全国滑雪旅游网络关注度自2017年迅速提升、季节性特征明显、崇礼-北京领先全国,关注度空间结构由“局部多中心”转变为“组团式”集群化发展,高关注度滑雪场在崇礼-北京与吉林聚集;(2)疫情前后中国滑雪旅游网络关注度表现出滑雪旺季时长缩短、关注度迅速下降、新疆和吉林复苏显著、滑雪大区率先关注等特点;(3)后疫情时期叠加冬奥效应将成为影响滑雪旅游关注度复苏的热点事件,崇礼-北京、东北、西北将成为滑雪旅游率先复苏的热点区域,短期接待服务将成为助力产业复苏的投资热点,提供针对性的配套服务将成为滑雪场服务水平优化提升的热点方向;(4)提出开创全国冰雪旅游大发展新局面,构建以崇礼-北京为中心、以东北和西北为两翼的中国滑雪旅游“雁阵”发展格局,优先推出新疆、河北、黑龙江的定向政策,增强滑雪旅游短期接待能力,提供针对性配套服务等复苏对策。研究结论将为后疫情时期,促进滑雪旅游快速复苏提供科技支撑及决策依据,并为中国冰雪产业的绿色可持续发展,提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

“送客入村”是湖南省协同多方力量推进乡村发展的有效模式,在脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接的特殊阶段,系统总结其创设历程、内涵和运行特点、彰显其意义,具有重要价值。“送客入村”模式的运行促成村寨游客量全面增长,但村寨间差异明显,村寨游客总量及其增量均表现出5个等级,出现了“明星村”集群现象,表现出客流“增长亮点片” “负增长交叉分布”的特征。“送客入村”形成的市场机会呈现出3个等级,表现出“市场机会集聚块” “市场机会集聚带”特征,验证了精品线路建设的效果。“送客入村”运行效果的村寨间差异与自身文化内涵、A级旅游景区、交通通达条件有关。“送客入村”模式成功运行的经验归纳为:协同多方力量推进乡村发展是有效途径、“双管齐下”驱动乡村经济市场运作是有效方式、乡村旅游精品线路建设是坚实基础、特色村寨的获益能力培育是有力抓手、广度与深度“两维梯次推进”是持续发展的重要方略。细究“送客入村”模式得到以下启示:应重视政府与市场协同作为,注重村民经营意识与技能的“市场培育”,特别要培育示范户与带头人,注重提升“内生动力”。“送客入村”模式可为乡村旅游发展提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

邮轮旅游因其内在脆弱属性,一直受到各类负面事件的影响。2020年初“钻石公主号”邮轮的新冠疫情跨境蔓延引起全球网络关注,极大地影响了公众对邮轮旅游的风险感知及消费决策。本文以知乎网站评论为数据来源,将疫情发生和全球邮轮停运为时间节点,把邮轮负面事件划分为3个阶段,运用词频分析、语义网络分析、情感分析结合空间分析等方法,探究中国网民的风险感知变化。研究发现: “灰犀牛阶段”,邮轮正常运营,网民风险感知聚焦于自然灾害和救援开展;新冠疫情初发时的“灰犀牛遇到黑天鹅阶段”,邮轮逐渐停航,网民风险感知聚焦于邮轮公共卫生安全;疫情全面爆发后的“黑天鹅阶段”,邮轮全面停航,网民风险感知包括自然灾害、火灾、疫情等多个方面,感知内容趋向分散。同时,网民的风险感知空间分布存在差异,沿海地区网民对邮轮负面事件多以正面和微弱负面情绪为主;但内陆地区网民因对邮轮旅游了解程度相对较低,其感知负面居多。当前,新冠疫情仍在全球蔓延,研究内容可为邮轮旅游的疫后市场恢复和可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是推动乡村重构的重要驱动力量,乡村社会重构是乡村重构研究的重要内容。本文以典型旅游村落湖州市顾渚村为案例地,从乡村居民视角出发,分析乡村社会重构的特征,并通过扎根理论方法构建了旅游驱动下乡村社会重构机制理论模型。结果表明:(1)乡村旅游发展改变了乡村居民的原有身份,乡村居民从农民、打工者转变为旅游经营者,实现了社会身份的重构。(2)乡村旅游发展带来了大量外来人员进入乡村,乡村社会关系格局逐渐从“差序格局”转变为“多元格局”,实现了社会关系的重构。(3)乡村旅游发展使乡村居民与乡村环境之间的关系发生改变,乡村从传统乡土社区转变为旅游服务社区,实现了社会空间的重构。(4)旅游要素的介入是旅游乡村社会重构最重要的驱动力量,乡村经济重构、乡村空间重构、资源环境驱动、旅游市场驱动、政策制度驱动、行为主体参与6个方面分别构成了乡村社会重构的空间载体、物质基础、支撑机制、引导机制、促进/约束机制和引擎机制,各作用机制之间相互影响、动态耦合共同推动了乡村社会的重构。  相似文献   

旅游者行为研究一直是国内外旅游学界关注的重点和热点。在全球旅游业遭遇新冠肺炎疫情带来的巨大冲击和挑战时,英文期刊上与新冠疫情相关的旅游者行为研究也与日俱增。虽然英文学界对与新冠疫情相关的旅游研究有过零星的、整体上的批判性思考,但鲜见对旅游者行为这一具体研究领域最新进展和实质贡献的讨论。基于对8种旅游类英文SSCI期刊截至2021年8月31日所载83篇论文的分析,本文回顾了与新冠疫情相关的旅游者行为研究进展,并评价了这些研究的实质贡献。从研究主题看,现有文献集中在“风险感知与出游意向”“旅游购买决策”“实际旅游中的行为与体验”和“对技术的态度”等四个方面。从研究取向看,定量研究占主导;与之相对应的是,问卷调查是主要的数据收集渠道。虽然大部分研究明确提及使用了某种或某几种理论,但主要是应用现有理论来提出所假设的变量之间的关系,或解释新冠疫情背景下新的旅游消费现象,并未对现有理论框架、概念做出重大改变。未来的研究还应该考虑运用定性方法、大数据分析技术和实验法,挖掘、识别、验证新冠疫情作为公共健康危机的独特属性以及与之关联的独特的旅游者行为和旅游消费现象,以期更好地实现概念化、理论化,并在中国特色的疫情防控实践中,更好地实现与新冠疫情有关的旅游者行为研究的本土化。  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the influencing factors and mechanisms of community resilience in tourism destinations is vital not only for recovery after disasters but also for strengthening the adaptive capacity of community residents to manage sudden change. This study aims to investigate the roles of bonding, bridging, and linking social capital in enhancing community residents' perceived resilience in tourism destinations. Based on data derived from a survey of 691 residents of China's Dujiangyan scenic areas and Jiuzhai Valley National Park, this study used structural equation modeling to test the relationship between community residents' perceived social capital and resilience in tourism destinations. The findings suggest that the three types of social capital have significantly positive effects on community residents' perceived resilience in tourism destinations. In China's centralized political system, linking social capital is the most important type of social capital in community disaster recovery. An interaction effect between bonding, bridging, and linking social capital is found. This study's results help managers and community residents cultivate social capital, improve community resilience and maintain sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

流域是相对封闭、自成体系的地理空间,流域旅游是流域可持续开发的重要组成部分。从流域生态系统服务出发分析流域一体化进程中旅游地的可持续发展,以全流域功能和结构转型视角探究旅游地绿色发展的优化策略与调控路径,是适应国内流域经济带建设、提升流域社会福利和发展公平性,促进流域生态安全屏障建设的重要探索。本文分析了流域一体化进程中旅游地发展研究面临的关键问题,结合现有研究基础阐释重点研究主题并构建研究框架。研究认为,流域内旅游地研究正在从点状分析走向网络和面域协同发展,旅游地发展在流域生态补偿、流域产业融合等方面产生的效应越来越明显;外部环境变迁、多要素交互作用下,中国流域一体化进程中的旅游地可持续发展面临的形势迫切,流域内旅游地的供需结构、均衡发展、协同治理均面临挑战;未来应重点关注旅游地时空演化特征、外部环境因素、演化更新机制、时空情境模拟、优化调控路径5个方面,为正确认识流域内旅游地要素交互作用的趋势规律、实现流域内旅游地可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A social-ecological system approach has been applied to measure the complexity of sustainable tourism development on small islands. In general, tourism development and ecosystem management have been shown to be relatively unbalanced. Tourism development attempts have not yet been accompanied by environmental management efforts. In this paper, the social-ecological status is measured to improve the sustainable development mechanism with appropriate indicators. Using the Gili Matra Islands as a case study, the social-ecological status of tourism in the region was examined using the social-ecological status index (SESI), a coupling index of the coastal waters quality index (CWQI), the coordination degree model (CCDM) and the index of information entropy weight (IEW) as tools for measuring and evaluating the social-ecological status and sustainable development of small island tourism.  相似文献   

Mountain destinations are often managed not only to support tourism and recreation but also to maintain a range of sensitive ecological processes and services. Resource use and management activities in mountain destinations are manifestations of various representations of mountain landscapes that may contribute to tension and conflicts, or collaboration and learning between stakeholders of mountain destinations. Adaptive co-management (ACM) that adopts a social learning model to forge collaborative natural resource management provides one approach to managing complex and dynamic social-ecological systems in mountain destinations. Social representations (SR) theory, as a theory of social knowledge and social change, offers one theoretical lens with which to gain insights into the representations that different stakeholders ascribe to mountain landscapes and to assist in developing functioning ACM. The utility of SR theory for ACM arrangements is examined using a case study that explores the representations of the mountain landscape within Yushan National Park (YNP) in Taiwan from the perspectives of three resource user groups: committed mountaineers, professional guides, and mountain tourists. The study findings are used to demonstrate how the processes of representations and dialogical antinomies embedded in representations can impede or facilitate stakeholder interactions in ACM.  相似文献   


Overtourism is a contemporary phenomenon, rapidly evolving and underlined by what is evidently excessive visitation to tourist destinations. This is obvious in the seemingly uncontrolled and unplanned occurrence of urban overtourism in popular destinations and arguably a consequence of unregulated capital accumulation and growth strategies heavily associated with selling cities as tourism commodities. The vested interests of social movements has converged into growing protests against overtourism and associated degrowth campaigns have emerged out of this activism that calls for alternative governance and management measures that eschew touristic monoculture and simplistic economic growth-oriented models. Accordingly, we explore the evolution of the tourism degrowth discourse among social movement activists in Barcelona, and in particular, where this is related to claims associated with overtourism and the extent to which this might be influencing a paradigm shift from ‘tourism growth’ to ‘tourism degrowth’. Methodologically, we draw from an overarching framework that leverages long-term ethnographic research in Barcelona. Here, we employ in-depth semi-structured interviews, participant observations, informal conversations and retrospective evaluation of field diary entries.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism is a concept widely embraced by managers and planners of tourist destinations. However, it has received little attention in the context of urban tourism, an area of research that has until recently been largely neglected by academics. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge on sustainable tourism implementation in large cities, by using London as an exploratory case study. Through the collection and analysis of both primary and secondary data (online survey, semi-structured interviews and document analysis), it seeks to explore whether local authorities have implemented policies towards sustainable tourism in the capital. The findings indicate that although the concept of sustainable tourism is perceived as important by policy makers, only a few local authorities in London promote its principles in their policy documents and even fewer have initiatives to put them in practice. Most of these initiatives are isolated activities which address limited aspects of sustainable tourism. The paper concludes that despite some progress made to date, in the current economic climate, growth and development remain the main objectives of governments and local authorities, while social and environmental issues are often left behind.  相似文献   

Tourist destinations as social-ecological systems face growing challenges to build resilience to cope with various disruptions. This research explores how disadvantaged Indigenous communities in Taiwan, especially those located in typhoon-sensitive and geologically fragile areas, developed resilience as tourist destinations. It applies empirical data from Indigenous River Closure, a movement which aims to develop river ecotourism and build resilience in the face of growing uncertainty. The research applies mixed methods, including in-depth interview, news-archive review, and participatory observation, with an intention for primary data and secondary data to complement one another.Based on the intertwined concepts of resilience, adaptability, transformability, and self-reorganization, the results show that River Closure initiated from within those communities (endogenous) seems to build greater resilience in ecotourism. At the same time, cases instigated by outsiders (exogenous) are not without potential to be successful, but there is a need to cautiously build consensus and increase capacity in the collaborative process with outside resources.The success of river ecotourism in a sensitive area depends on the level of social capital. It plays a key role in mobilizing community resources to adapt to uncertainty, reorganizing relations between the community and tourism development, and transforming River Closure from a community-based response to exploitation, to a robust Indigenous movement. However, while inherent social capital is proved to be a strong essence for community actions, it is becoming rare in modern society. Thus bolstering social capital is core to the exogenous approach for building resilience in the tourism sector.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new line of research in international coastal mass tourism destinations. Such destinations have started to function in a more complex and potentially beneficial way, acting as transitional areas between the global city and local territory while at the same time developing their own unique characteristics. From this perspective, such destinations can potentially become environments for creativity and innovation, two factors that act as economic driving forces in the so-called “knowledge society”, thereby promoting the sustainable development of the destination from a socioeconomic perspective.

The methodology used herein develops 10 indicators that are calculated and mapped out for two case studies which examine the same geographical context and comparable populations in order to demonstrate the creative capacity of a location whose economy is heavily reliant on tourism. The results show that tourist destinations have greater potential for generating creative capital than non-tourist destinations. Therefore, the consolidation of international mass tourism destinations as creative and innovative spaces which are capable of generating creative capital without losing their competitiveness as tourist destinations merits a reconception of their current role in global–local networks.  相似文献   

Early-stage tourism destinations often seek external capital to establish, invest and participate in tourism businesses at various levels. Entrepreneurial mobility at these destinations is thus an important phenomenon in need of further exploration both empirically and theoretically. This study uses an early-stage destination in rural China as a case to explore the experiences of inward entrepreneurial migrants in tourism development and associates their mobility, geographical and organisational, with dimensions of social capital, including institutional support, community openness and personal social networks. Primary interview data were collected from inward tourism entrepreneurs, key local community members and government officials related to tourism projects. The findings suggest that the inward entrepreneurs had unrealistic perceptions of the tourism industry before they entered. Entrepreneurial mobility in tourism development is influenced by all three social capital dimensions. The integration with the locality enhances the potential contribution of entrepreneurial mobility to tourism development.  相似文献   


Global tourism growth is unprecedented. Consequently, this has elevated the sector as a key plank for economic development, and its utility is deeply embedded in political, economic and social-ecological discourse. Where the expansion of the sector leverages natural and cultural landscapes, this applies pressure to social and ecological underpinnings that if not reconciled, can become problematic. The way this plays out in Australia’s Shipwreck Coast and the wider Great Ocean Road region, especially the implications for community resilience, is the focus. Emphasis is placed on the vulnerability of peripheral coastal areas to development that withdraws from destination endowments, yet fails to provide commensurate economic yield as a suitable trade-off. This is obvious where tourism intensification has led to concerns about the breach of normative carrying capacities. Temporal overtourism driven by seasonal overcrowding is countenanced as emblematic of tourism in the Anthropocene where focus tends to be largely growth-oriented, with much less attention given to bolstering social-ecological resilience, especially community resilience. At stake is the resilience of regional areas and their communities, who in the absence of garnering commensurate economic returns from tourism expansion find themselves in social and ecological deficit.  相似文献   

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