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体育旅游体验研究逐渐受到国内外学者的青睐,但系统全面的文献述评尚付阙如。文章运用SQLR方法对2000—2022年学界发表的86篇体育旅游体验文献进行内容分析,主要结论有:体育旅游体验的研究历程分为探索期、缓慢发展期和快速发展期三个阶段,2017年后体育旅游体验在学界得到更多关注;在研究主题层面,体育旅游体验的影响或价值占据主导地位,体育旅游体验的影响因素、体育旅游体验的特征以及体育旅游体验的类型也有较多关注,而体育旅游体验的生成这一主题重视程度不够;在理论和方法层面,目前体育旅游体验的研究应用了心理学、管理学、社会学等跨学科理论;研究方法以实证为主,定量和定性研究相对均衡,且数据收集方式多元。  相似文献   

张凌云 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):64-70
本文对普恩博士提出的新旅游理论及其预测提出了质疑,在新旧旅游的划分、大众旅游的性质和作用以及与替代旅游之间的关系等问题提出了与普恩博士迥异的见解。本文作者认为,大众旅游是一个相对概念,随着时间推移,大众旅游可能发生整体性的进化,在一定程度上更符合个性化和可持续性的要求。但大众旅游与“新旅游”作为旅游消费的两极不仅是永远不会被相互替代,而且“新的”大众旅游还将成为世界旅游业发展的主流。  相似文献   

陶长江 《旅游学刊》2020,35(3):127-142
文章围绕残障与旅游、残障旅游市场需求、残障旅游市场供给和无障碍旅游4大研究主题8个研究细类,梳理残障旅游境外研究状况。境外研究总体态势是以残障群体旅游需求为研究重点,围绕残障群体的旅游特点、动机、需求、偏好、决策、体验和出行障碍作诸多有益探索;同时基于残障群体的旅游需求特性,从旅行社、航空运输、住宿、景区4大旅游产业角度,针对性研究解决残障人群出行和旅游参与障碍、提供合理旅游产品和服务的思路和方法。文章最后评述了境外研究的思路、方法与不足,并从研究方法、研究团队构成和近期可以开展的研究领域对国内学者提出建议。  相似文献   

公益旅游的迅猛发展及其所蕴含的种种矛盾使之成为学术研究的热点.文章以Web of Science为数据源,运用社会网络分析方法对境外公益旅游的研究热点、知识基础、研究力量等知识进化的属性与特征进行了分析.结果表明:(1)境外公益旅游研究在经历了起步阶段、理性探索阶段后,现处于研究拓展阶段,其研究热点呈现出由单纯的动机和影响研究向主客关系、推动机制、项目效果评估等多角度复合研究转变的趋势;(2)涉及内涵研究、旅游影响、文化交流与冲突、项目评估等主题的12篇文献对公益旅游领域的知识演进起到了重要推动作用;(3)公益旅游领域的研究人员之间存在多个小组合作关系,其中以McGehee和Wearing为核心的合作网络较为稳定,但小组之间的协作与知识流动较少;(4)公益旅游领域的研究力量集中在北美、欧洲和大洋洲,其中弗吉尼亚理工大学的研究成果较为显著,各地区、研究机构之间的合作较少,尚未形成规模化的合作网络.  相似文献   

奉雅琴 《西部旅游》2023,(4):106-108
跨地区学习、工作越来越普遍,人们容易产生思乡之情,旅游中的乡愁怀旧现象日益凸显。文章首先查找国内与乡愁旅游主题相关的文献,发现目前成果较为匮乏,随后对乡愁、怀旧进行了系统的文献梳理和评述,并在此基础上对该领域的未来研究方向提出展望。文章将已有文献主题划分为乡愁相关概念及乡愁量表的发展、乡愁与旅游的关系、乡愁旅游的产生以及乡愁影响下旅游行为的表现四个部分,由此进一步指出未来的研究需从以下四个方面进行完善和补充:研究乡愁旅游在不同情境下的差异、研究乡建适度背后的机制、扩大测量样本群体以及利用数字化技术宣传旅游目的地。  相似文献   

国外葡萄酒旅游研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为新兴的利基旅游或特殊兴趣旅游的重要分支,葡萄酒旅游在国外相关领域的研究中自20世纪90年代中期以来日益受到关注并积累了丰富文献.本文对国外葡萄酒旅游研究文献从葡萄酒旅游的概念、葡萄酒游客、区域葡萄酒旅游开发与管理3个方面进行了归纳和综述.文献研究表明,国外有关葡萄酒旅游的已有研究呈现出多学科参与的应用研究的特点.其未来的研究仍将保持这一趋势,并有可能在大众旅游和替代旅游这一对范畴下有其理论贡献.  相似文献   

旅游流研究的进展、评价与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过系统梳理旅游流研究在数量、理论基础、研究方法和研究内容等方面的相关进展,对其研究现状进行了总结和评价,并在此基础上提出了旅游流研究趋势和未来展望。从结果来看,近年来旅游流研究数量总体呈现上升趋势,其中,国内学者研究成果的增长趋势明显;理论基础和研究方法方面主要以借鉴相关学科为主;研究内容主要集中在理论框架、时空模式、流量特征、流动效应以及机理机制等5个方面。总体来看,旅游流的研究是从地理学角度对旅游学研究框架的重构。从未来研究趋势来看,旅游流研究数量还将呈现快速增长的趋势;理论方法将向体系创新及模型构建的纵深方向发展,呈现出多学科理论方法的修正式融合态势;研究内容将向抽象理论研究、人地关系研究以及深层机理等方面延伸和发展。  相似文献   

论我国体育旅游专业人才培养模式   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
体育旅游作为旅游市场的一种新产品 ,是以体育资源为基础 ,通过各种体育活动来规划、设计、组合引起人的消费欲望与需求 ,进而感受参与体育活动与大自然情趣的一种旅游形式。体育旅游不仅仅是旅游的一种简单形式 ,而是旅游产业与体育产业交叉渗透产生的一类新领域。本文运用科学方法 (如问卷调查法 ;深度访谈法 ;焦点访谈法 ;观察法 ;文献资料法 ;统计法 ;比较法 )就我国体育旅游市场人才需求状况进行分析 ,论述了体育旅游人才培养模式 ,构建了培养体育旅游人才的课程体系。为高校设置体育旅游专业或专业方向提供理论基础 ,也为 2 0 0 8年奥运会体育旅游人才培养提供可操作方案。  相似文献   

地方感研究是人地关系调整过程中旅游研究的前沿问题和关键领域。本文运用CiteSpace软件对国内旅游地方感研究的相关文献进行系统梳理,以期厘清该话题的研究脉络并为后续研究提供建议。研究发现:(1)国内旅游地方感研究起步较晚,发文量呈“上升-稳定”趋势,大致形成了理论导入(2007—2010年)、议题扩展(2011—2015年)、本土创新(2016—2020年)3个阶段。(2)旅游地方感研究视野与内容越来越多元、丰富,研究热点较集中于地方感理论探讨、不同主体地方感特征、不同类型旅游地地方感构建、地方感实践价值等。(3)旅游地方感研究总体上从本体、主体、客体3方面展开;旅游地方感理论、旅游者与居民地方感构建、地方感对行为的作用机理、地方感的实践意义等内容在关键词共现、高频及高中心性方面表现突出,呈现出从理论导入走向理论建构、从议题集中走向视野多元、从学术关注走向多元关注等热点演进脉络;当前旅游地方感研究聚焦于新时代人地关系演化所引发的行为和情感的变化。(4)未来旅游地方感研究应进一步结合中国国情和新时代战略,重视旅游地方感研究的理论创新,拓展旅游地方感研究的范畴内容,加强旅游地方感研究的方...  相似文献   

旅游犯罪学:定义、领域、方法与意义   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
龚胜生  熊琳 《旅游学刊》2002,17(2):15-21
本文探讨了旅游犯罪学的基本理论问题。旅游犯罪学以旅游犯罪为研究对象,剖析旅游犯罪的形成原因、规律特点与防范对策,寻找预防和控制旅游犯罪的途径,以促进旅游业的可持续发展,旅游犯罪是发生在旅游过程中的犯罪现象的总和,包括旅游者犯罪、针对旅游者的犯罪和针对旅游资源环境的犯罪,具有流动性、区域性、季节性、周期性、影响放大性与延时性等特点。旅游犯罪的界定、分类、成因、规律、预防等问题是旅游犯罪学研究的主要内容。学科集成法、案例分析法、时空比较法是旅游犯罪学的常用研究方法。旅游犯罪学研究有助于旅游学科体系和旅游法规体系的完善,有助于旅游地和旅游业的可持续发展。  相似文献   


Interest in sport-related tourism increased perceptibly around the millennium, however, a comprehensive conceptual framework for a classification of sport (event) tourism is still missing. The predominant focus of sport tourism encompasses event-related touristic endeavors, such as mega sport events; however, an holistic approach to sport tourism suggests the need for further integration of other sub-areas such as nonevent-related components. This research note, therefore, provides a sport tourism perspective and a methodological approach to establishing the sport tourism cube as a necessary tool for the further distinction and integration of sport and event tourism. The research aim is, therefore, to build a foundation for further scientific research in sport tourism.  相似文献   

Following a definition of the basic terms employed, the author examines the interrelationships between planning, policymaking and forecasting. The main trends in futures research are described, and some forecasting methods and techniques conventionally used in tourism studies are considered. Criteria are derived by which tourism policy-makers could measure the usefulness of forecasts presented to them.  相似文献   

Advancing knowledge on sustainability phenomena can be optimized when theoretical developments and practical applications work in concert rather than in isolation. Bridging the theory–practice gap is particularly important to sustainable tourism, which has risen exponentially in relevance both in practice and research. However, tourism research has been criticized for a lack of endemic theory unique to the field. Grounded theory method (GTM) is an established methodology for generating new theory in substantive areas, and has been utilized to examine various tourism phenomena. Through both methodological and theory development assessments, this study first examines how GTM has been used in tourism research in general. Suggestions for ameliorating the theory development outcomes of GTM research in sustainable tourism are then offered for both researchers and reviewers to help bridge the gap between sustainable tourism research, practice, and theory.  相似文献   

旅游环境承载力是衡量旅游地可持续发展的重要理论依据和参考标准。本文选取Web of Science(WOS)核心合集和中国知网(CNKI)数据库中收录的492篇中英文文献为样本,系统回顾和比较近30年中外旅游环境承载力研究的发展历程、阶段特征与热点演变。研究发现,1992—2020年相关研究成果均呈现增长态势,虽然国外旅游环境承载力研究起步较早,但中外研究期均经历了时间跨度不一的三个阶段。在中国学者基于国外研究基础构建承载力约束下旅游业可持续发展理论体系的探索阶段,国外学者已从理论建构转向研究反思和实践应用。中国研究进入拓展阶段后,研究成果快速增多,初步完成了国外相关理论、方法的借鉴与转化应用;但这一阶段国外学者研究成果增速明显放缓,研究热点转向借鉴海洋、管理、心理等学科理论和方法,开展多学科交叉融合研究。第三个阶段,国外研究在新应用实践推动下,理论与方法体系不断系统化,进入开展新应用研究的转型;同期中国学者的理论研究与实践应用不断丰富,旅游环境承载力领域研究与实践的“中国特色”日益突出,中国情境下的国际化研究成果及其影响力不断提升。在人与自然共同体理念和生态文明建设的新时代背景下,旅...  相似文献   

It might appear initially that the diverse fields of ceramics and tourism do not have much in common. However, printed pictorial ceramic objects have been widely available since the 1860s as touristic souvenirs. The relationships between art and tourism, however, have been explicitly examined by only a few tourism researchers. This paper critically examines how tourism research can actively and innovatively inform artistic practices. It thus explores the relationships between the production of ceramic art work, souvenirs, photography and tourism. In so doing it challenges the conventional opposition between art and souvenirs through the integration of popular tourism imagery and the distortion of souvenir shapes.  相似文献   

This study uses a grounded theory method to investigate the proposed tourism policy directions of three Pacific Island countries and to develop a set of theoretical insights referred to as tourism involvement-conformance theory (TICT). TICT underscores the potential latent consequences that can occur as tourism develops due to policy shifts which emphasize sustainability. More specifically, TICT suggests a number of conceptual linkages regarding how policy makers and development strategists envisage the internal and external forces of control as tourism develops, how these perceptions influence the specific positioning or policy mechanisms, and how these processes when they are couched in a sustainability framework can instrumentalize local people/culture. For those interested in the challenges associated with sustainable tourism policy and planning, the findings represent a step towards a more nuanced understanding of the potential consequences of development decisions and policy rhetoric. They also offer an advancement in understanding regarding culture, involvement, power, and conformity in tourism research. For practitioners, the findings highlight the need for careful consideration of the implicit power relationships and ideologies that can be reinforced through policies designed around increased local involvement as a means to sustainability.  相似文献   

The economic organization of tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that it is inappropriate to portray tourism organisation as involving the coordination of firms producing conventional well-defined commodities with marginally differentiated technologies as in a conventional industry. A number of alternative theories of corporate and industrial organization are contrasted with respect to their applicability to the imperfectly specified tourism commodity. A perspective on firms and industry which emphasizes the coordination of changing technological and marketing competencies through network relationships is believed to be particularly suitable to represent the tourism learning system and to provide an alternative outlook on tourism industry, coordination and organizational structures.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the academic research on tourism and poverty alleviation, by providing an integrated research framework on the impacts of tourism on poverty. First, a conceptual discussion is presented in order to understand the potential of tourism to reduce poverty, as well as different approaches to promoting a direct link between tourism and poverty alleviation. Second, empirical studies published between 1999 and July 2014 were critically analysed in order to generate an empirical research framework that embraces the following issues: geographical scope, level of analysis, tourism context, study methods and poverty measure. Moreover, an integrative discussion of the empirical evidence regarding the contribution of tourism to poverty reduction is included. The proposed framework, which is intended to be useful for guiding future empirical research in this field, suggests associations between tourism initiatives, the poverty rate and the economic, socio-cultural and environmental conditions of the poor.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the place of the family in tourism research. In an attempt at situating tourism theory, three discourses of tourism are examined in order to see what kind of articulations of the familiar they epitomize. This article is also concerned with developing theoretical constructs that are sensitive to the familiar character of tourism. Making space for the family in tourism research requires the reappraisal of domesticity and thick sociality in tourism. The article makes references to research on mass tourism in Menorca to discuss the implications of the re-socialization of tourism theory. The idealized notions of the nuclear family that are formed and performed on coastal resorts are contrasted to the complex realities of family life.  相似文献   

Mike Weed 《Leisure Studies》2013,32(2):125-141
Whilst leisure studies has now become an established field of academic analysis, there is still little literature on the dynamics of the leisure policy process, particularly in the area of cross-sectoral liaison. This paper attempts to synthesize previous research relating to general policy dynamics in developing a model of cross-sectoral policy development. In developing this model, particular attention is given to two major ESRC funded projects of the 1980s – work on Inter-Governmental Relations and Government Industry Relations – which produced two recognizably different models of the policy process. A combined model is proposed which is used to examine and compare the structures of the sport and the tourism policy communities and to analyse how these structures might effective the emergence of a sport-tourism policy network. In conclusion, the extent to which the model this paper develops might be applicable to other areas of leisure policy is discussed.  相似文献   

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