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近些年来,随着全民健身理念的提出以及旅游业的快速发展,冰雪体育旅游产业迅速发展。基于经济新常态背景,文章阐述了嫩江流域冰雪体育旅游产业发展现状,分析了嫩江流域冰雪体育旅游产业发展存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了推动嫩江流域冰雪体育旅游产业高质量发展的路径。  相似文献   

<正>文旅融合背景下,冰雪体育旅游成为了辽宁省旅游业发展的重要方向。文章首先分析辽宁冰雪旅游资源现状,然后对辽宁冰雪体育旅游的市场需求、旅游产品、产业链等进行深入的分析和总结,最后提出辽宁冰雪体育旅游的发展路径,包括政策支持、产业协同、旅游创新等方面的内容,以期推动辽宁冰雪体育旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国大冰雪旅游发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着2022年冬奥会的申办和“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”国家战略的实施,中国冰雪产业进入快速发展阶段,冰雪旅游迅猛发展,已成为北方地区冬季旅游的新兴动力产业。本文总结了国内外冰雪旅游研究进展,基于中国目前冰雪旅游尚处于初期发展阶段,冰雪供给产业链短小,效益低下,对相关产业和区域经济社会发展的带动效应弱小的现状,针对冰雪旅游研究的不足,从大冰雪资源、大冰雪消费、大冰雪产业、大区域布局、大系统协调的视角,深入探讨了大冰雪旅游高质量发展模式,提出发挥多要素综合驱动、广泛联动的冰雪旅游对冰雪体育竞赛表演、冰雪文化创意、冰雪装备制造、冰雪教育培训、冰雪休闲娱乐等核心主导产业和相关辅助产业的联动作用,通过产业间广泛的经济技术联系和前向、后向、横向的联动,以及产业和区域间投入产出效应,构建大冰雪旅游产业体系,培育大冰雪旅游全产业链,构建大冰雪旅游产品体系,塑造特色冰雪文化品牌,促进大冰雪旅游产业绿色、低碳、循环发展格局的形成,满足游客不断增长的大冰雪旅游消费需求,实现区域经济社会-生态协调的高质量发展。研究结论丰富和拓展了冰雪旅游的内涵及外延,可为中国冰雪旅游绿色、健康、高质量发展提供决策参考。  相似文献   

蔡爽 《当代旅游》2022,(14):7-9
在冰雪旅游地区,如何开发具有本地特色与文化内涵的文创产品成为旅游部门重点研究的热门话题。纵观不同省份的冰雪旅游产品开发情况,仍然存在着产品定位不明确、缺少核心竞争力、旅游产品开发深度较低、缺乏文化内涵等问题,严重阻碍当地旅游行业的发展。因此,要加大冰雪旅游文创产品的开发力度,结合当地旅游品牌的发展战略,提高政府与媒体的关注度,整合各种资源,促进冰雪旅游产业的长远发展。  相似文献   

北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会的举办为我国寒地冰雪经济高质量发展带来重要历史机遇,“寒地冰雪经济”逐渐成为新时代推动区域协调发展的重要抓手。本文采用归纳总结方法,通过资料和文献梳理,尝试全面解析寒地冰雪经济的科学内涵和产业特征,并分析我国寒地冰雪经济的演进历程及发展路径。研究认为,寒地冰雪经济是以寒地冰雪资源开发利用为基础的系列经济活动,具有资源空间地域性强、季节特征鲜明、产业边界模糊、产业关联度高、产业带动性强、产品功能形态多样六方面特征;在历经探索、启动和高速发展3个阶段后,我国寒地冰雪经济逐渐进入新的成熟发展阶段;结合新时代社会经济发展背景,我国寒地冰雪经济高质量发展应当从局部区域尺度和全国尺度两个大方面分别实现突破。本研究尝试为学界和业界科学认知寒地冰雪经济、推动寒地冰雪经济高质量发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

旅游景区生态化100招   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从生态旅游概念的界定出发,就旅游景区生态化提出了100招。  相似文献   

<正>湖北省黄石市在乡村旅游资源的开发过程中,要坚持可持续发展的原则,提高黄石市乡村旅游产品附加值,满足武汉城市圈居民回归自然的消费需求。对此,文章按照“理论意义分析—现状问题透视—基本模型实证—发展路径建议”的研究逻辑,探究黄石市的乡村旅游发展路径。《黄石市文化和旅游发展“十四五”规划》指出,乡村要坚持以旅游绿色生态优先发展为主基调,开发以乡村文化和乡村特产为核心的乡村体验旅游。其中,旅游休闲体验是乡村旅游发展的直接驱动力,  相似文献   

<正>我国经济和社会正处于转型发展的关键时期,环境与养老问题都是人们未来需要重视并解决的重点问题。推动森林康养旅游新业态的发展,不仅能合理地开发和保护森林资源,还能有效缓解医疗资源紧张的窘境。基于此,文章对森林康养旅游协同发展进行深入研究,首先概述森林康养旅游的概念及发展状况,然后探讨森林康养旅游疗效和开发原则,最后对森林康养旅游开发的主要内容以及协同发展路径展开研究,以期能找到有效的发展路径,促进森林康养旅游高质量发展。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化速度的加快和亚健康人数的日益增多,康养旅游产业迅速发展。文章对河北石家庄康养旅游的发展进行深入分析,从产业融合、资源利用、品牌效应、特色产品、人才质量等方面阐述石家庄康养旅游遇到的发展困境,进而提出激活康养关联大产业、制定康养产业行业标准、建设人才队伍体系等发展路径,以期为石家庄康养旅游高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>研究长城非知名区段的旅游发展路径对弘扬长城精神、传播长城文化和推进长城沿线乡村振兴具有重要意义。文章对河北省石家庄市井陉县长城遗址的规模、分布状况、建筑特点及旅游开发现状与市场需求进行了调研分析,发现存在长城规模较小且损毁严重、知名度与开发程度较低、与周边景区联动较弱等问题,但具有靠近省会城市的区位优势。据此,文章提出资源评价、保护修缮、旅游策划、规划开发、形象宣传和市场营销等方面的建议,为打造具有井陉特色的集休闲与旅游于一体的长城精神与长城文化科普教育基地提供参考。  相似文献   

在“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”号召与北京冬奥会历史机遇下,我国冰雪运动产业迎来了新的发展契机。冰雪运动产业与文化旅游产业具有高度耦合性的特点与现实需求,本文从产业融合理论角度出发,对北京市冰雪运动产业与文化旅游产业融合发展的动力机制与模式进行研究。研究结果表明:外部环境支持力、市场需求拉动力以及市场供给推动力相互影响、相互作用,形成了两大产业融合发展的动力机制;在动力对接形式与特点的不同机制作用下,北京市冰雪运动产业与文化旅游产业基本形成了延伸式、渗透式以及重组式3种融合发展模式,并催生出一系列新业态;同时为进一步加强两大产业的延伸融合、渗透融合以及重组融合提出了融合路径建议。  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable tourism emerged as a reaction to the impacts of tourism development. This paper shows the relevance of sustainable tourism to tourism decline and the rising interest in de-growth. Mixed-methods research in the Isle of Man, UK, was carried out by analysing 355 postal questionnaires sent to randomly selected island households, and conducting 32 in-depth personal interviews. The research revealed a series of negative environmental and social consequences of tourism decline in a small island. Such consequences are found to occur despite successful local diversification into other industries, notably offshore finance. Consequences of decline are revealed as tangible, e.g. facilities closure, and as less tangible, e.g. a sense of rejection by off-islanders, and have led to an increasing sense amongst residents of isolation and loss of local attractiveness. Results suggest tourism decline, de-growth and economic replacement require sustainable management in order to facilitate change. Measures such as urban and rural landscape protection, may reduce adverse effects of decline. A re-assessment of the application of the principles of sustainable tourism in the context of decline, rather than development, is needed.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the comparative tourism sustainability debate in the context of mountain tourism destinations. It is based on a published three-dimensional Mountain Destination Innovation Model (MDIM) which claims that tourism development depends on a destination's innovation levels, and is subject to different conditions in a variety of important destination environments (using that term in its broadest sense), including sociocultural, natural, political, legal and technological. The authors comparatively analyzed Austrian, Slovenian and Swiss mountain destinations, which are located in small countries in the Alpine region, and that makes their environments, innovation levels and stages of development relatively easy to compare. The analysis used 88 managers’ replies to a 72 element questionnaire employing both objective and subjective measures about performance with regard to MDIM dimensions. The findings confirm differences in the stages of tourism development, in innovation levels, as well as in the supporting role of their corresponding wider environments. Swiss and Austrian mountain destinations outperformed Slovenian in almost all respects, but not in protection and quality of the natural environment or in inherited sociocultural attractiveness, where significant differences were not determined. The findings could help development and tourism policy authorities to improve the factors that determine sustainable tourism destination development.  相似文献   

Medical tourism, combining the very polarized purposes of pleasurable travel and potentially stressful health care services, is an emergent and growing business worldwide. Medical tourism patients are willing to travel abroad to seek better quality, lower cost, domestically unavailable, no wait-time destinations for non-emergency medical care. There are numerous related studies in the academic literature that are substantiated with multidisciplinary and diverse backgrounds. This study uses the main path analysis, a unique quantitative and citation-based approach, to analyze the significant development trajectories, important literature, and recent active research areas in medical tourism. We find that there are two distinctive development paths: one path focuses more on the evolution of medical tourism, the motivation factors, marketing strategies, and economic analysis; the other path emphasizes organ transplant and related issues. These two paths eventually merge to a common node in the citation network, which foretells transplantation to beautification as the future research direction trend.  相似文献   

推动沿海地区旅游绿色发展,减少旅游业对资源与环境的压力,有利于保护旅游目的地的海洋生态系统,实现旅游与生态协调可持续发展。本研究以2011—2020年中国沿海地区11个省(市、区)面板数据为研究样本,采用空间计量模型估计方法,分析沿海地区旅游绿色发展对生态环境质量的影响。结果表明:(1)中国沿海地区旅游绿色发展水平与生态环境质量持续、稳步提升,且在地理空间上呈现较显著的空间集聚与关联特征;(2)旅游绿色发展对生态环境质量具有明显的正向影响及空间溢出效应,中国沿海地区各省份旅游绿色发展水平每提升1%,本地生态环境质量将上升0.302%,邻近省份将上升0.139%;(3)旅游绿色发展与第三产业、科技支出的交互作用能够有效增强其对生态环境质量的正向影响,但与第二产业、人口数量的交互作用会降低其对生态环境质量的正向影响。为实现中国沿海地区旅游绿色转型发展,应重视海洋第三产业发展及科技水平提升,促进污染排放整体下降,提升生态环境质量。  相似文献   

基于旅游目的地管理的视角,扼要综述海岸与海洋旅游在全球旅游业中的重要地位,中国海岸与海洋旅游发展相对滞后,也面临众多挑战,但未来发展方兴未艾;新一轮国土空间规划中应关注面向海岸与海洋旅游发展的专项规划,落实海岸与海洋旅游中的生态保护优先策略,用跨学科的视野开展海岸与海洋旅游研究,重视专项资金投入,加强海岸与海洋旅游环境整治和生态保护,提升海岸与海洋旅游的品质和人文环境,助力中国蓝色经济发展。  相似文献   

In spite of the importance of coastal tourism for the economies of many developing countries, tourism infrastructure has often been developed without full consideration of long-term impacts on the environment. The simulation model presented in this paper aims to address critical gaps in awareness and capacity for integrated decision-making and planning in tourism infrastructure development in a developing country context. We build a simple closed-loop model of tourism infrastructure investment, which integrates typical economic, social and ecological dimensions of the problem. The model is calibrated so that within 20 years, investment projects in tourist capacity done without concomitant investment in solid waste and wastewater treatment result in a collapse of fish stocks and a sharp drop in tourist attendance. The model includes several policy options that allow users to intervene at various points in the loop, allowing stakeholders to explore how various combinations of policies perform in financial, environmental and social terms over the long period. The model can, therefore, be used as an educational tool for training and capacity-building.  相似文献   


Considering the relative backwardness of rural areas, human resources development (HRD) seems to have a very important role in rural tourism development. However, tourism HRD in rural communities is affected by a number of drawbacks. In the absence of any significant private sector presence, especially during initial stages, the public sector need to take the initiative in equipping and empowering the local community to meaningfully participate in tourism. This paper suggests a multi‐pronged approach to educate and empower the members of the host community, the tourism industry personnel, and visitors to facilitate rural tourism development, which is sustainability‐oriented and can help localize the benefits. The experience of Kerala provides an example of how the public sector initiated HRD activities could contribute to the development of rural tourism, especially in engendering local entrepreneurial endeavors and giving tourism a higher profile. The Kerala experience represents some of the issues in HRD for rural tourism and suggests potential strategies for other rural communities involved in tourism development.  相似文献   

Surfing tourism has the potential to provide significant economic income and employment opportunities. However, the development of surfing tourism in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia, has raised important questions regarding its impacts and sustainability. Economic leakages, increased pressure on the environment and resources, and adverse effects on local communities have been shown as the major barriers to sustainable development. This article provides insights into how surfing tourism operators perceive the development and impacts of the Mentawai Islands surfing tourism industry. This research project uses an interpretive qualitative approach and follows a case study methodology utilising semi-structured interviews with resort and charter boat surfing tourism operators. The study also investigated possible future directions for creating a more sustainable surfing tourism industry in the Mentawai Islands. Findings from the research showed that charter boat operators and resort operators had differing views as to how surfing tourism had developed: resort operators believed it to be sustainable, while charter boat operators felt it was unsustainable. A key finding of this study was that operators felt that surfing tourism had dramatically altered the traditional Mentawai village of Katiet and was producing adverse socio-cultural impacts on the local community. It is recommended that future research explore the issue of the impacts of surfing tourism development on other remote locations in Indonesia and other surfing tourism destinations around the globe.  相似文献   

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