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国外野生动物旅游研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非资源消费型野生动物旅游活动已经吸引了越来越多的人们关注和参与其中,而且这种形式的旅游活动从长远来看,有利于解决经济发展和野生动物保护这一矛盾.国外关于野生动物旅游的研究比较系统而深入.文章通过对国外有关野生动物旅游的文献进行梳理,认为从野生动物旅游产品的角度,文献主要集中在非资源消费型、半资源消费型和费源消费型野生动物旅游的研究;基于利益相关者的角度来看,文献主要集中在动物旅游的影响研究、游客满意度的控制、社区居民的态度这三个方面.最后,文章还对国外该领域现有文献的研究局限作了简要分析,并展望其未来可能的发展走向,以期能为国内相关研究提供参考和启示.  相似文献   

近年来,低碳环保的自行车旅游逐渐盛行。本文以海南骑行旅游者为调查对象,采用修正IPA分析法,分析研究骑行旅游者的旅游动机、行前期望,实际体验和满意度在内的20项因素,为相关组织和学者提供参考。  相似文献   

丛丽  何继红 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):53-64
情感分析已成为大数据文本挖掘领域的热门话题。分析旅游者对野生动物旅游景区的情感,对于理解人与野生动物的互动机制具有重要意义。文章以长隆野生动物世界为例,采用国内旅游社交网站的用户评论文本为数据源,运用内容分析法和情感倾向分析法,在建立野生动物旅游专属词库基础上,从景区体验情感、管理要素认知情感、动物生境感知情感、科普教育互动情感4个角度,分别进行了情感特征词提取、情感值计算、高频词统计和社会语义网络分析。主要研究结论包括:(1)旅游者对长隆野生动物世界的景区体验大多持积极正面情感评价;(2)旅游者对动物生境空间感知情感具有差异性,涉入程度、互动方式、接触距离、游客密度、场地大小等因素都会影响游客时空行为和情感评价;(3)旅游者负面情感较多来自景区管理,主要是承载力超负荷和景区门票偏高;(4)科普教育互动情感中,旅游者较少关注野生动物福祉和负面影响。该研究对其他野生动物旅游景区的管理和营销具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文章从道德判断的双加工理论出发,探讨了旅游环境启发的游客敬畏情绪体验对游客道德判断和道德意愿的影响,以及不同伦理意识下这种影响之间的差异.首先,通过现场实验提出在具有启发敬畏情绪特质的旅游景区中,游客具有更高的道德行为.其次,通过实验室实验操控敬畏和愉悦两种情绪发现,相对于愉悦情绪,敬畏更能促进游客在旅游情景中的道德判断和道德意愿.最后,研究还发现情绪类型(敬畏和愉悦)与伦理意识(低相对主义和高相对主义)存在显著的交互效应.对于高相对主义的游客,与愉悦情绪相比,启发敬畏的游客道德判断更加严格,道德意愿更加强烈;而对于低相对主义的游客,敬畏和愉悦在游客道德判断和道德意愿上的影响没有显著差异.文章揭示了游客敬畏情绪在伦理旅游中的作用,丰富了关于情绪对伦理旅游影响的研究,对抑制我国游客道德失范,促进游客文明旅游具有现实意义.  相似文献   

认同:旅游体验研究的新视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈才  卢昌崇 《旅游学刊》2011,26(3):37-42
作为旅游现象的内核,旅游体验具有丰富的内涵,可从不同的视角加以诠释。文章从认同角度对旅游体验中的认同(成分)加以诠释,指出在旅游体验中认同呈现出多种形态,从外在的目的地认同,到对旅游者角色认同,再到文化认同,最后到自我认同,呈现出一定的层次性。通过各种形态的认同,旅游体验才能彰显其独特价值。  相似文献   

本文以旅游专业本科实习生(简称“旅本实习生”)为研究对象,探讨他们毕业前在旅游用人单位的工作满意感,与其毕业后在旅游业的择业意向之间的关系。331名来自我国绝大多数大陆省份旅游用人单位的“旅本实习生”有效填写了调查问卷。数据分析结果表明,从总的情况来看,“旅本实习生”的工作满意感对其在旅游业的择业意向有显著性的影响。按其影响力从大到小排列,具体的工作满意感因子依次为旅游业工作本身、薪酬和晋升。该研究及其发现对旅游人力资源管理和开发具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

近年来,中国旅游业转型升级,游客精神消费需求增大,旅游目的地更加注重游客深度体验。旅游仪式感作为衡量旅游目的地深度体验的重要指标之一,越来越受到研究者的关注。文章首先回顾国外相关仪式理论,利用CiteSpace引文可视化软件分析国内旅游仪式感相关研究进展,研究发现,国内对旅游仪式感的研究尚属起步阶段,其理论尚不成熟,需要加以提升。其次,凝练出旅游仪式感的主观性、参与性、过程性、情境性等四大特征,总结出其转换、规范及凝聚、欢娱、强化等四大功能,并从旅游目的地供给层面的规划与开发、营销方式、服务质量及满意度评价体系角度构建旅游仪式感对旅游目的地管理的影响研究框架。最后,对旅游仪式感管理在旅游目的地管理中的地位及运用进行了展望。  相似文献   

体育旅游体验研究逐渐受到国内外学者的青睐,但系统全面的文献述评尚付阙如。文章运用SQLR方法对2000—2022年学界发表的86篇体育旅游体验文献进行内容分析,主要结论有:体育旅游体验的研究历程分为探索期、缓慢发展期和快速发展期三个阶段,2017年后体育旅游体验在学界得到更多关注;在研究主题层面,体育旅游体验的影响或价值占据主导地位,体育旅游体验的影响因素、体育旅游体验的特征以及体育旅游体验的类型也有较多关注,而体育旅游体验的生成这一主题重视程度不够;在理论和方法层面,目前体育旅游体验的研究应用了心理学、管理学、社会学等跨学科理论;研究方法以实证为主,定量和定性研究相对均衡,且数据收集方式多元。  相似文献   

基于旅游体验视角的旅游产业价值链分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于产业链的概念不清与旅游定义不明确,旅游产业的边界也因此十分模糊。本文从旅游体验是旅游现象的硬核的视角出发,根据新兴产业的模块化特征,围绕旅游体验的生产与服务供给,分析旅游产业价值链的结构与特点,并据此分析旅游产业的边界及其划分意义。  相似文献   

Two important and recently developed currents of pilgrimage in Sri Lanka—the appearance at certain sites of fun-loving and raucous Sinhalese youths, and at others of wealthy Tamil Hindus interested in temple architecture—would appear to be well explained by the concept of tourism. On closer inspection, however, this appearance can be shown to be illusory and to disguise the real meaning of these behaviors within indigenous Sri Lankan modalities of pilgrimage. The paper explores the meaning and utility of the terms “tourism” and “pilgrimage,” and concludes by offering a more useful definition of them than the ones our language persuades us to employ.  相似文献   

Within the context of heritage tourism this article examines the supply components for the tea-related tourism in the tea-producing country of Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon. The tourism context in Sri Lanka is assessed and despite impediments to tourism development some evidence is provided of an early stage of development of tea heritage tourism in the country. The benefits of this form of tourism to the Sri Lankan tea economy are explored and barriers and threats to its development are reviewed. This is mainly based on qualitative field studies of tea accommodations, tea factory access and tea centre operations in the tea-producing hill country of Sri Lanka. From this investigation of the tea-related tourism in Sri Lanka, themes for further research on the demand for this type of tourism are identified.  相似文献   

人和动物的和谐关系是野生动物旅游可持续发展的关键。本文从动物伦理观出发,将网络评论作为数据源,运用文本挖掘、社会网络分析以及IPA模型分析方法,对不同伦理取向野生动物旅游景区的游客具身性体验差异进行分析。研究发现:(1)不同的伦理取向会影响野生动物旅游景区的运营;(2)在具身理论视角下,野生动物旅游体验是一种涵盖身体性体验、情境性体验与感知性体验的多维、复杂性体验,呈现出三层六个维度的特征;(3)不同伦理取向的野生动物旅游景区因供给方面的差异,游客的体验存在着以感知性体验为主和以身体性体验为主的具身性结构差异。  相似文献   

Sri Lanka had the opportunity to become one of the best tourism countries (TCs) in Asia immediately after independence in 1948. However, it missed opportunities on a number of occasions due to inappropriate economic policies, continuous political violence and war. Between 1983 and May 2009 the Sri Lankan tourism sector was seriously affected by nearly three decades of separatist war. Immediately after the end of the war, tourism in Sri Lanka bounced back and it has now become one of the main engines of economic growth in post-war Sri Lanka. In this article, a historical analysis has been undertaken to demonstrate how, despite its large tourism potential, Sri Lanka missed opportunities and fell far behind its Asian counterparts on a number of occasions. This article demonstrates that opportunities exist for the Sri Lankan tourism sector to play a vital role in the current post-war inclusive development strategy in terms of generating much needed foreign exchange, poverty alleviation via employment generation, accelerating economic growth and uplifting living standards of all Sri Lankans.  相似文献   

The tourism industry plays a key role in regional and destination development. As negative environmental and socio-cultural impacts of mass tourism become more common, the appeal of alternative forms of tourism, especially ecotourism, continues to increase. With rising demand, ecotourism operators are facing the task of meeting expectations of diverse consumers of ecotourism products. Accordingly, the need to define and distinguish ecotourists from other types of tourists has become important. The importance of using a behavioral approach to distinguish ecotourists from other types of tourists is emphasized by tourism scholars. This study developed distinct motivational and behavioral profiles of visitors to forest-based ecotourism sites in Sri Lanka. Results identified four different types of tourists based on their behavioral and motivational characteristics: ecotourists, picnickers, egoistic tourists, and adventure tourists. Broad implications of visitor profiling are also discussed. This approach can help ecotourism operators to better tailor marketing strategies and increase visitor satisfaction.  相似文献   

This research examined wildlife tourism experiences in a unique site and species combination: giant pandas at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (CRBGPB) in Sichuan, China. Content analysis was undertaken on tourist reviews of CRBGPB on TripAdvisor.com in early 2012. The thematic analysis qualitative method was adopted in examining respondents' written reviews of experiences interacting with giant pandas. ROST CM6 and NVivo 8 were used for the content analysis and qualitative coding.A variety of tourist experiences, motivations, and preferences were revealed. Although respondents' experiences were varied, satisfaction increased with closer encounters and interactions with the giant pandas. The thematic analysis identified three features of the wildlife tourism experiences at CRBGPB: tourists, giant pandas, and settings. Implications and management recommendations were identified for sites offering wildlife tourism experiences.  相似文献   

Using the SERVQUAL model, this study analyses the survey data from 400 local and foreign guests of five-star hotels in Sri Lanka. The study discovered local visitors were less satisfied with the assurance aspect of hotel service, while foreign visitors were less satisfied with the empathy aspect. Overall, foreign visitors had higher expectations and perceptions of hotel service compared to locals. The study demonstrates variations between local and foreign visitors’ perception and satisfaction of hotel service quality. This sheds light on differing treatments expected by foreign visitors than their domestic counterparts which is useful in strategic decision-making and service improvement.  相似文献   

野生动物旅游主要基于生物多样性热点地区和标志性物种进行。亚太地区的野生动物旅游已经很受欢迎,预计在新冠肺炎疫情之后还会继续发展。本文为野生动物旅游的可持续发展提供了一系列建议,讨论了在野外观赏野生动物的准则以及植物和真菌观赏的可能性。野生动物旅游的优秀实践标准包括有效的保护区管理、健全的环境政策、控制旅游人数的增长、管理过度拥挤、导游培训、关注动物福利和监测旅游对野生动物的影响等,野生动物旅游的适当推广和营销也需要加以考虑。野生动物旅游的主要挑战包括对大环境的保护不到位,对实现可持续发展要求的误解,以及公园管理者和旅游经营者对游客管理的不足。新冠肺炎疫情的出现为野生动物旅游的影响研究提供了一个契机,反思以前的野生动物旅游业务并在未来维持并改进野生动物旅游。  相似文献   

The number of cetacean watching tourism operations in developing countries has doubled in the past decade. Practices are typically unregulated and not informed by research, especially research into the human dimensions of the tourist experience. Dolphin watching tourism at Lovina, Bali, started in the late 1980s when local fishers formed self-regulating cooperatives. Up to 180 dedicated operators use small fishing vessels to carry passengers to watch dolphins close to shore. Most tourists come from western countries, although the industry also attracts Asian visitors. Most visitors are tertiary-educated. Tourist satisfaction ranges from low to medium. While there was no significant difference between the average satisfaction of western and Asian tourists, the associated variables were different. The satisfaction of western tourists was associated with encounter management, preferred number of boats and the number of dolphins seen. Encounter management was the only variable associated with the satisfaction of Asian tourists. Satisfaction was positively associated with willingness to recommend the tour: western respondents who felt neutral to very comfortable with their dolphin encounters were more likely to promote the tour. Better understanding of the tourist experience is crucial in designing sustainable marine wildlife tourism in developing countries; such research appears to be rare.  相似文献   

This study aims to characterize creative tourists and their perceptions of creative experiences at tourism sites. Creative tourists are active co-creators of their experiences; hence, they should be treated as a heterogeneous group of co-producers who have subjective opinions and feelings toward their creative experiences. The existing literature suggests that a creative experience is constructed by ‘inner reflections’, which include not only ‘consciousness/awareness’, ‘needs/motivations’ and ‘creativity’, but also ‘outer interactions’ which refer to ‘environment’, ‘people’ and ‘activity’ (Tan, Kung, & Luh, 2013). However, how a particular mix of factors interact and define an individual's perceptions of a creative experience may vary among different types of creative tourists. Q methodology was used to reveal the tourists' inherent subjectivity of creative experiences with regard to the constructions of personal meaning. Five distinct groups of creative tourists were identified: novelty-seekers, knowledge and skills learners, those who are aware of their travel partners' growth, those who are aware of green issues, and the relax and leisure type. Each consists of a different composition of factors which can provide new insights into how different creative tourists construct their personal creative experiences at these sites.  相似文献   

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