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社会学视角下的旅游吸引物及其建构   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
西方的旅游研究表明,旅游吸引物是一个系统,它往往是人为建构的结果.而旅游吸引物之所以成为吸引物,不仅因为它具有某种特殊的客观属性,同时还因为它具有人为建构的符号属性.本文在分析旅游吸引物的符号属性的基础上,提出旅游吸引物的概念内涵,并从社会建构的角度对其符号化过程进行分析.本文认为,社会学视角下的旅游吸引物建构的过程实质上是意义和价值建构的过程,同时也是旅游吸引物的符号化过程.这一过程随着社会主流价值与理想的变化呈现出不断变化的动态特征.  相似文献   

张进福 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):134-146
旅游吸引物在旅游系统中扮演着基础性作用,但却面临着语义的不明和来自理论内部与旅游实践的双重挑战。文章从边界与内涵出发,借助"旅游吸引物"与"旅游资源"的比较、旅游吸引物与旅游吸引物系统的转变,剖析旅游吸引物之为吸引物的意义生成与社会建构过程,重新思考旅游吸引物之属性及其在当下旅游实践中的作用,探讨其社会建构所反映的旅游与社会的关系问题。文章认为,旅游吸引物兼具自然属性、社会属性和符号属性等多重属性,吸引力特性是其本质属性;旅游吸引物属性及其社会建构有深刻的社会基础。旅游吸引物边界及其属性的理论反思,在旅游席卷全球的当下,兼具学理价值与现实意义;在火热的乡村旅游实践中,对守护乡土景观亦有特殊意涵。  相似文献   

旅游资源与旅游吸引物:含义、关系及适用性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游资源和旅游吸引物分别是汉语界和英语界经常使用的重要概念,然而学术界对这两个概念的理解和使用方式不但存在国别差异,还存在概念内涵与外延理解的深层次分歧。文章通过梳理这两个概念的界定方式、含义理解、翻译使用等方面的分歧,从概念产生背景、语词本意、逻辑规则、现实含义等角度,逐一进行辨析,指出旅游资源和旅游吸引物这两个概念是中英文学术界创造的具有旅游学科独特含义的专属概念,它们总体上被用来指称旅游活动的对象。旅游资源一词容易引发诸多理解歧义,而旅游吸引物一词在含义上更为清晰、准确,有更大的使用空间;而常被我们用来作为旅游资源英文对译词的tourism resources,其在英语中的实际含义并非如此,使用频率也不高。文章还将旅游资源和旅游吸引物的概念界定方式进行了分类,概括了其间的核心差异,疏解了歧义,辨析了合理性。在此基础上,对利珀(Leiper)的旅游吸引物系统论做出了新的解读。  相似文献   

旅游吸引物权兼具旅游行业属性与法律属性,所以从单一的学科出发不能全面认识旅游吸引物的权属问题.旅游吸引物内容复杂,涵盖不同属性的物,无法从法学方面对其进行精确的定义,但这并不意味着必须通过立法或修法赋予其法律地位,而应充分挖掘现行法的价值,营造法律适用的旅游业环境,加强旅游行业法治建设.更好的解决方法是充分利用现有法律规定分析旅游吸引物的内涵和法律属性.解决此类问题可从两方面入手:一是分解旅游吸引物这一整体,将其按属性分类,不同的旅游吸引物归类于不同部门法解决;二是明确由旅游吸引物产生的知识产权收益是引发旅游景区商民冲突的本质原因之一,保障景区居民的知识产权收益权利.  相似文献   

随着全国旅游业竞争重心的转变以及县域旅游地位的提升,县域旅游目的地的旅游已成为全国旅游业发展的重要组成部分。本文以诸暨市为例,阐述了旅游吸引物体系、旅游产品体系、旅游营销体系、旅游环境体系、旅游服务体系等五个方面内容,以期为带动县域旅游目的地旅游发展提供经验参考。  相似文献   

张天问  吴明远 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):51-60
追求幸福是个体生存的根本动机,当旅游日益成为人们享受幸福生活的重要表达时,旅游研究有理由探讨旅游与幸福感的关系。以扎根理论为研究工具,以旅游博客的博主为研究对象,系统分析旅游过程中旅游者身心感受的变化。研究发现,旅游的根本动机是寻找和收获旅游幸福感。旅游者从居住地世俗生活状态进入旅游环境,通过休闲、娱乐、教育、逃避、美感和移情过程,达到消遣、逃逸、认知、审美和移情的目的;享受从生理感知、心理变化和灵性提升不同层级的生命状态,获得深刻的人生经历,再回到居住地惯常环境的历程,实现从世俗到"神圣"再归于平凡的生命状态转换。旅游前美好期待体验、旅游中福乐体验、旅游后温馨回忆体验,成为旅游幸福感的时间构成;享受闲适生活、获得旅游福乐体验、提升积极情绪、减弱不良情绪、感受人际美好,进而提升人生境界,是旅游幸福感的重要内容构成。因此,旅游服务实际上应起始于旅游行程前,绽放于旅游过程中,延伸至旅游活动后。旅游服务必须持高度的人文情怀,以发于心、形于外的贴心关照才能给予旅游者一段幸福的人生经历。  相似文献   

宁泽群  金珊 《旅游学刊》2008,23(3):57-62
本文从中外游客的需求动机和偏好的调查入手,利用实证分析的方法,分析了北京798艺术区成为北京著名的文化旅游吸引物的特征,指出文化旅游吸引物的形成关键在于它自身的特质,而这种特质是当地社会生活自发形成的产物,不是人为规划的结果.旅游的发展应该更加注重旅游目的地的这种特征的发现和保护,这样才能保证旅游的可持续发展.  相似文献   

董培海  蔡红燕  李庆雷 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):115-124
美国著名旅游社会学家迪恩·麦肯奈尔(Dean.MacCannell)的《旅游者:休闲阶层新论》(The Tourist:A New Theory of the Leisure Class)一书是20世纪以来西方旅游社会学研究中最具代表性意义的研究著作。该书以"舞台化真实""景观神圣化""旅游吸引物的符号化"等理论为依据,从旅游者和旅游吸引物的研究着手,将同一时期社会学中盛行的结构功能分析和符号互动的方法引入旅游现象分析,以探讨旅游与现代社会文化结构变迁之间的关系,从理论和研究方法层面为旅游社会学的学科发展奠定了坚实的基础。该书在西方旅游社会学界和人类学界一直享有极高的美誉。近年来,旅游社会学的研究日益得到了国内学者的关注,然而相较于国外,无论是学科体系还是理论基础都显得极为羸弱。在此背景下,通过梳理历史以重拾经典对该书予以系统审视,总结其旅游社会学的学术思想,对于深化国内学者对国外旅游社会学知识体系的认识,构建国内旅游社会学学科发展框架,扩宽其研究路径,进而实现西方旅游社会学研究成果的本土化无疑是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

In recent years, participation in flamenco, as a cultural art form, has gained momentum within Spain and internationally. Engagement in flamenco music and dance workshops in Spain has also become an increasingly significant tourism activity. Despite this trend, little research has looked into the nature of leisure experiences of flamenco. This paper seeks to address this knowledge gap by exploring how tourists experience flamenco music and dance courses in the city of Seville. Through a grounded theory research strategy in which in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 participants, the study reveals that four key themes characterise tourists’ experiences of flamenco. These are: the social and physical environment, which refers to physical flamenco spaces in Seville and tourists’ interactions with instructors and peers; secondly, the experience of challenge, characterised by hardship and sacrifice in the pursuit of flamenco; thirdly, activation of the sensual body or a sense of arousal; and lastly, an intrinsic and deep desire for self-discovery. The study demonstrates that the flamenco tourist experience strongly contributes to self-realisation and fulfilment of those who engage in it, or in other words, that the flamenco tourist experience is eudaimonic in character. The interview findings were linked to literature on self-realisation, self-fulfilment, true self, stress-related growth and related eudaimonic themes. Eudaimonia, or a sense of personal expressiveness and self-realisation, has not been previously established in this context. Therefore, the research findings provide a theoretical understanding of what a eudaimonic tourist experience of dance and music may look like.  相似文献   

This study constitutes a novel application of network analysis to explore the underlying mechanisms of tourist attraction network informed by tourist flows. Using survey data collected from a sample of 456 tourists visiting Xinjiang, China, the study applies the Quadratic Assignment Procedure (QAP) to test the relationships between region proximity, grade proximity, and tenure proximity, and the attraction network determined by tourists' free choice movements. Results show that while region proximity and tenure proximity among major attractions in a destination were positively related to attraction network, grade proximity was negatively related to the attraction network, indicating that same grade attractions were mostly competing with one another for tourists. The study contributes to the methodological development of social network analysis in tourism and advances understanding of demand-driven network relationships among tourist attractions in a destination. Destination management implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Research studies about the attributes of music festival experiences and the effect of information technology in music festival help us to understand Millennials. With the purpose of providing more insights about the perception and behavior of young people at a festival, this study aims to investigate how festival attributes and the interactivity of information sources affect festival attendee satisfactions and behavioral intentions in a music festival. The results are expected to assist festival organizers in managing and implementing market-oriented service strategies to improve the quality of festivals and therefore to enhance the attendee satisfactions and their behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

罗茜  戴光全 《旅游导刊》2021,5(1):58-75
随着互联网发展,节事形象的表征主体日益丰富。现有关于旅游形象的研究多从主客.视角出发,忽略了对媒介形象的考察。本文以广府庙会为案例,选取涉入群体的访谈材料和媒介文本进行分析。研究发现:广府庙会的表征可划分为政策偏好、定位功能、产品策划、氛围环境及地点场所5个维度;主办方对广府庙会的表征可以看作官方建构的投射形象,参与者的表征是其对广府庙会的感知形象,投射形象与感知形象之间存在一定差异;媒介在主办方与参与者之间起到联结作用,媒介形象成为投射形象与感知形象之间的过渡形象。  相似文献   

Differing from traditional approaches to exploring issues of tourist attractions, this article uses insights from actor-network theory (ANT) and social affordance to conceptually examine how a postmodern tourist attraction, a Jimmy-themed tourist attraction, has been enacted into a relational network composed of multiple and heterogeneous actors/actants. The paper scrutinizes the transformation of figures from Jimmy-related picture books into the social affordances of a postmodern tourist attraction via evolving mechanisms of ordering and valuating attractiveness to connect human and nonhuman actors into a relational web. It is argued that the conceptual application of ANT and social affordance may help provide an alternative approach to the study of tourist attractions.  相似文献   

欧洲迪斯尼项目开发的历史教训   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李天元 《旅游学刊》2004,19(6):73-76
对于欧洲迪斯尼乐园开业之后经营失利的原因。人们多有不同的见解和认识。本文针对欧洲迪斯尼乐园开业初期的问题表现,分析了其中的主要原因。在强调营销调研对成功开发和经营旅游景区景点的重要性的同时。指出欧洲迪斯尼项目的历史教训及对我国旅游规划与开发工作的启示。  相似文献   

The current study discusses the impression of local people towards tourist photographing in three heritage villages of Iran. A qualitative face-to-face interviews were undertaken of 65 respondents through snow-ball sampling technique. Unlike previous tourist photography literature where photos taken by tourists were analyzed (photographers' perspectives), in the current study authors brought up the impression of local residents in tourist photography. The results showed that locals had disgust feeling when they have been photographed without permission. They, moreover, were afraid of photo misuse and called for application of ethical codes in tourist photographing. Locals were not happy of their heritage commodification, although some advocated of earning revenue through tourist photographing. The findings also cleared out that locals felt proud when they appeared in tourist-local shared photos. The study enhances knowledge and understanding of local impression in tourist photography specifically in a part of the world which has been relatively neglected.  相似文献   

Archaeological heritage tourism has been critical in historic cultural revival, archaeological knowledge dissemination, environment upgrading, and local community improvement. Little has been undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness and consequences of archaeological heritage projects in China from the tourist perspective. This study of the Daming Palace Heritage Site in Xi’an illustrates how archaeological and cultural resources have contributed to tourists' experiences. Through investigating an array of approaches that have been applied to advance tourists' understanding of archaeological and cultural resources, the paper proposes that more versatile methods and creative works are to be integrated to develop effective interpretative methods for both education and entertainment purposes. Local government needs to change its top-down approach to a more inclusive one, to establish strong networks among state and non-state stakeholders, and to promote their collective involvement in archaeological heritage tourism. Heritage site packaging strategies and partnerships among heritage resources citywide are advocated. More attention should be given to how to integrate various resources of local communities into heritage tourism. The current organization of government-run archaeological heritage in China calls for more opportunities for archaeologists to contribute actively with their expertise to enhance interpretive programmes and general tourist experience.  相似文献   

在Web 2.0时代,社交媒体平台旅游者生成内容日益成为公众关注的重点,其对旅游者行程规划及企业的发展意义重大。但是,旅游者生成内容在现实发展过程中出现了优质旅游者生成内容不足及旅游者生成内容质量急速下降等问题。文章采用扎根理论质性研究方法,以热爱社交媒体的青年群体为研究对象,探索社交媒体平台旅游者生成内容的影响因素及作用路径。在此基础上,构建“环境”“平台”“个体动机”的理论模型,并从这三方面提出激发旅游者生成内容动机及行为的建议。  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of information and positioning technologies, and their increasing adoption in tourism management practices allows for new and challenging research avenues. This paper presents an empirical case study on the mining of association rules in tourist attraction visits, registered for 15 days by the Bluetooth tracking methodology. This way, this paper aims to be a methodological contribution to the field of spatiotemporal tourism behavior research by demonstrating the potential of ad-hoc sensing networks in the non-participatory measurement of small-scale movements. An extensive filtering procedure is followed by an exploratory analysis, analyzing the discovered associations for different visitor segments and additionally visualizing them in ‘visit pattern maps’. Despite the limited duration of the tracking period, we were able to discover interesting associations and further identified a tendency of visitors to rarely combine visits in the center with visits outside of the city center. We conclude by discussing both the potential of the employed methodology as well as its further issues.  相似文献   

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