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A model for university enrollment planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Richard F. Averill 《Socio》1975,9(6):257-261
The expansion to year-round university operation by the addition of a summer term makes enrollment planning both more complex and more critical. Unless the summer term's effects on enrollment levels in the conventional terms are controlled, the potential financial benefits from year-round university operation can be greatly diminished. A mathematical programming model is developed to determine the admissions policies necessary to maintain optimal enrollment levels in all terms in the academic year. The model is used to analyze admission policies for Yale University under conventional (i.e. two-term) operation, and with the proposed summer term.  相似文献   

张媛媛 《价值工程》2011,30(23):186-187
依法治校,构建和谐校园是党的十六大精神在大学校园的具体体现。随着"平等"、"权益"的观念日益深入人心,学生的维权意识越来越强烈。本文以河南Z高校为研究背景,策划了一个较为完善的学生申诉管理方案,从制度上和结构上保护学生合法权利与高校的自主管理权,实现学生的全面发展,构建和谐校园。  相似文献   

余春生  杨广志 《价值工程》2011,30(7):255-256
高校辅导员与大学生的关系是高校中最为密切的师生关系。根据高等学校三大功能学说,高校辅导员与大学生建立和谐关系,可以推动和谐校园建设,而和谐校园则会引领社会风气的走向。在高校不断扩招的今天",90后"、"富二代"和贫富悬殊逐年拉大等成了现今高校学生工作的主要话题。这些,使得已很复杂的这一师生关系更加难以把握。文章认为,辅导员就是要善于并准确把握这一关系的复杂性,有效调节,妥善处理,构建起彼此的和谐关系。  相似文献   

Charles J. Hitch 《Socio》1969,2(2-4):465-472
As organizations of all kinds grow larger, more diverse and more decentralized, they come to share a common error … that of unrealistic, imbalanced long-range planning. The application of program budgeting and systems analysis to this problem can establish realistic goals and more balanced and nearly optimal programs.

In order to adapt the theories of planning-programming-budgeting systems to an educational organization, certain technical decisions must be made concerning program structure. For a multi-campus university such as the University of California, the question became one of projecting future resource and monetary requirements in such form that key policy decisions affecting resource requirements were readily apparent and that programmed requirements were translatable into budget categories. The base projections are the numbers of students by level and discipline. From these, resource and dollar requirements are assessed with regard to faculty, support (instructional equipment and supplies), capital outlay, plant maintenance and operation, and libraries. Those areas not based on student projections include organized research and public service. General administration projections are based on total expenditures. This breakdown provides a working structure from which to make finer allocations according to individual campus needs.

Another technical consideration is the determination of the degree of centralization of decision-making. Program budgeting makes possible a higher degree of centralization but is consistent with any degree which is appropriate in the circumstances. The objective at the University of California is the progressive decentralization to the individual campuses not only of operating authority, but also of much initiative in planning. There are constraints, such as a dollar ceiling related to a specific student enrollment, but these do not prevent experimentation and diversity. The university-wide program model can serve as a standard, with allowances for advantageous transfers of funds with full understanding of their future consequences and implications, thus maintaining both local initiative and the systems approach.  相似文献   

In the last decade, many cities around the country have needed to close schools due to declining enrollments and low achievement. School closings raise concerns about the possible negative impacts on student achievement, neighborhoods, families, and teaching staff. This study examines an anonymous urban district that, faced with declining enrollment, chose to make student achievement a major criterion in determining which schools would be closed. The district targeted low-performing schools in its closure plan, and sought to move their students to higher-performing schools. We estimate the impact of school closures on student test scores and attendance rates by comparing the growth of these measures among students differentially affected by the closures. We use residential assignment to school as an instrument to address non-random sorting of students into new schools. We also statistically control for the contemporaneous effects of other reforms within the district. Results show that students displaced by school closures can experience adverse effects on test scores and attendance, but these effects can be minimized when students move to schools that are higher-performing (in value-added terms). Moreover, the negative effect on attendance disappears after the first year in the new school. Meanwhile, we find no adverse effects on students in the schools that are receiving the transferring students.  相似文献   

吕秋琼 《价值工程》2014,(21):255-256
随着城市夜经济向大学校园的蔓延,大学生的课堂倦怠状况愈发明显。文章分析此现象的情况、成因、危害,并提出提高学生课堂注意力、"变废为宝"等对策,以缩短大学生倦怠期。  相似文献   

本项目的完成将为博士研究生招生实现网络化,将极大方便考生的报名、交费、资料登记、准考证打印、考场编排、考试成绩查询、学生录取通知等工作;为我校博士招生工作部门的节省大量时间和精力及成本,例如招生工作中的统计考生报考情况,编准考证号、打印准考证、考场安排等工作;为促进我校数字化校园的提升,为我校211建设评估增添一份力量。  相似文献   

高校学生社团内涵建设初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张金泉 《价值工程》2009,28(9):49-51
21世纪的高校社团建设进一步适应高等教育多样化、社会化和国际化的要求,注重内涵建设,提高学生综合能力,丰富校园文化,为社会发展做贡献。阐述了社团建设中出现的问题、对策和新时期社团管理的原则和思路几方面。提出学生社团建设的新设想。  相似文献   

刘彦慧 《价值工程》2012,31(16):215
大学文化建设关乎大学生的人生观与世界观,建设良好的校园文化必须深化校园文化建设。作为高等院校低年级的公共基础课程--大学数学,要承担责任与义务的不仅是传授学生知识,也要培养学生成为社会有用的人材;本文力以大学数学课程为载体,给出加强文化建设的途径,帮助学生成长和成材。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查的形式了解非会计专业学生对会计学课程的教学需求和偏好。调查涉及学生对会计学课程的学习动机、教学内容和教学手段等方面的偏好,揭示了非会计专业会计教学中面临的诸多问题与矛盾,澄清了非会计专业会计教学中存在的模糊认识,为改进非会计专业会计学课程的教学提供了依据。  相似文献   

随着高校的扩招和学生素质的下降,如何提高数学分析的教学效果当前数学教学中非常值得思考的问题,引入数学模型不仅能引导学生利用数学知识来解决实际问题,更能激发学生学习的兴趣,提升学生学习的主动性和创新能力。  相似文献   

孟丽 《价值工程》2010,29(14):172-172
网络作为一种现代通讯工具在大学生中已基本上普及。随着时代发展,网络与当代大学生的学习、成长愈发密不可分,同时网络又有其不良的一面,作为教育工作者,既要充分认识网络带给大学生的机遇,又要充分认识网络对大学生的消极影响,如何引导学生正确使用网络是目前面临的刻不容缓的任务。通过教育和引导大学生正确运用网络,在网络使用过程中注意扬长避短,合理使用,不断加强自身校园网管理、网络知识教育、同伴及家庭的不断教育,使大学生更加合理地利用网络充实自己、提高自己。  相似文献   

高校图书馆服务理念与服务模式创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江源 《上海管理科学》2009,31(5):94-96,F0003
本文以科学发展观为指导,坚持以人为本思想,立足校园和谐文化建设,联系高校图书馆实际,阐述高校图书馆的服务理念创新,有针对性地论述高校图书馆的几种服务模式,具有一定的借鉴作用和指导意义。  相似文献   

张先锋 《价值工程》2014,(7):257-258
对于大学的记忆,大学生们最为熟悉的莫过于辅导员老师,因为辅导员是他们校园生活中唯一走得很近的老师,类似于班主任但是又不同于班主任,同时大学辅导员是大学生政治思想教育的主要力量,学生工作的最主要执行者。随着我国高等教育在校生的不断激增,辅导员队伍也在不断的扩大,而在辅导员队伍当中也存在着一些问题,本文将结合一些实际问题进行剖析,并提出相应的解决之道。  相似文献   

Stephen A. Hoenack 《Socio》1969,2(2-4):503-512
This paper describes how the standard economic constrained maximization model can be applied to improve the efficiency of allocation of subsidies to college students. After a general discussion the model is applied to the allocation of a subsidy to freshman students at the University of California according to equity objectives. This model suggests that student subsidy programs should be based on explicit consideration of student willingness to pay for college in relation to carefully specified enrollment objectives. The administration of such a program would require changes in the currently used financial “need” approach to student subsidy programs. The case is made that the necessary changes are feasible.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2006,13(2):167-189
This study examines how university students' employment decisions affect their labor market success after graduation. The study is based on individual level panel data of Finnish university students from the years 1987–1998. The OLS estimates show that in-school work experience is associated with higher earnings and employment after graduation. However, work months during the enrollment are not exogenously chosen. Average local unemployment rate during enrollment is used as an instrument for work experience acquisition to correct for the endogeneity bias. Comparing graduates with equal times-to-degree, the IV estimates show that work experience increases earnings considerably one year after graduation. The effect is smaller and statistically insignificant in later years. Taking into account that working usually leads to longer times-to-degree, IV estimates show no significant returns to student employment.  相似文献   

倪学平 《价值工程》2011,30(5):158-159
高校宿舍网络已经是高校校园网不可缺少的一部分,也是校园信息化建设的重要组成,本文通过研究国内高校宿舍网网络的建设、运行、管理和维护的方式和方法,期望高校宿舍网网络的使用能使学生、高校和运营商实现共赢。  相似文献   

Mandatory summer school and student achievement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using administrative data from a large school district, I exploit the fact that students are mandated to attend summer school based on a discontinuous function of their score on year-end exams to identify the effect of summer school attendance on achievement. I find an average effect of about .12 standard deviations for both math and reading achievement, an effect size on the low end of the range of prior estimates. These averages mask considerable heterogeneity, however, with effect size estimates ranging from just below zero to one-quarter of a standard deviation. The estimates on the upper end of the range presented here suggest that summer school may be a more cost-effective way of raising student achievement scores than class-size reductions.  相似文献   

于情 《价值工程》2012,31(25):246-247
随着我国高等教育的普及化程度越来越高,高等教育改革和发展的脚步越来越快,高校校园文化建设面临着越来越多的机遇与挑战,同时高校校园文化建设对大学生思想政治教育所起作用也越来越重要,尤其是在医学院校,不仅仅要培养学生具有高超医学技能,更要培养学生拥有高尚文化与医德。本文就医学院校校园文化建设目前的状况,及如何创新医学院校校园文化建设模式等方面进行论述。  相似文献   

软环境是相对硬环境而言的一个概念,所谓软环境,是指由传播活动所需要的那些非物质条件、无形条件之和构筑而成的环境。在大学校园随处可以显现出来,而学生宿舍这一普通却又和学生戚戚相关的地方,其软环境的重要性尤为突出。我们要充分利用其特殊性去帮助学生营造良好的软环境,使其在学生大学生活中发挥积极重要的作用。  相似文献   

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