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商业组织创新是一项有计划的系统工程,且是一个动态的历史发展过程。其发展变革将循着怎样的趋势进行?这是确定每一个发展阶段特定商业组织创新内容与方向的依据。本文将商业组织这个多变量系统放在商业特定的内外部环境的多因素中去分析,从而构建了商业组织创新的内容与方向研究的一般分析框架。  相似文献   

路径依赖理论因过分强调历史记忆的影响,而无法解释某些重大的技术和制度变革以及创新路径的产生,也因此推动着研究者将观察的焦点从历史因素转向行为主体的能动性来探讨路径突破和路径创造。根据“战略决定方向、结构跟随方向”的思想,企业管理战略行为具有路径依赖的特征,组织结构系统内生地蕴含着路径依赖特性。本文从组织结构模式演进的视角对组织中的路径依赖形成机制和路径创造机制进行研究,并讨论组织结构变革中的环境变化造成组织变革的路径依赖和路径突破相互之间的关系。  相似文献   

企业组织变革是企业组织管理的一项基本内容,是企业组织生存与发展的永恒主题,只有随着外部环境的变化不断变革的企业组织才可能得到永续的发展。有必要研究当前企业组织变革的模式,对我国企业组织变革的方向进行前瞻。  相似文献   

国内关于当前企业组织变革的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业组织形式发生了两次重大变革,企业的这两次变革离不开科技进步的推动,两次科技革命带来了两次企业组织的飞跃.在以信息技术为主导的第三次科技革命的推进下,企业必须进行第三次企业组织变革.组织变革虽然能促进组织的发展,但变革意味着破旧立新,必然会带来利益关系的调整和一定的风险.企业组织变革的趋势是企业组织结构扁平化,企业组织结构的非层级化,企业内部组织团队化.  相似文献   

商业创新研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代社会中 ,创新活动推动下的商业企业的发展与繁荣有目共睹 ,商业创新也日渐被提到一个重要的地位。本文主要从包括商业组织创新、商业营销创新、商业服务创新和商业技术创新等四个方面展开。并提出了研究中存在的一些不足及今后商业创新理论研究还须努力的方向  相似文献   

组织变革伴随着组织发展的始终,组织能否顺利变革以适应内外部环境变化对组织发展起着至关重要的作用。组织在变革过程中,不同层级的员工对待变革的态度和反应也有所不同,文章简要分析了高层员工、中层员工和基层员工三个不同层级的员工对待组织变革的反应,从而为组织更好、更顺利地完成变革提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

现代的组织面临着日益激烈的市场竞争,因此许多组织都意识到改革的重要性都进行变革,但是并不是每个组织变革都会取得理想的效果。本文在分析组织变革基本情况的基础上,分析组织变革的阻力及其克服的方法。  相似文献   

发挥国有商业主导市场的作用,是社会主义经济中的一个长期的问题。因为社会主义商品流通领域将长期存在着多种经济成分的商业,而国有商业是其中最有经济实力和最能体现社会主义性质的商业组织.因此,国家可以而且必须通过国有商业来平衡整个市场,把握商品流通的基本发展方向。当前我国经济形势与建国三十多年中的任何一个时期相比都有很大不同。在新的历史条件下,如何发挥这种主导作用呢?我以为重点是要处理好以下几个关系。  相似文献   

信息化进程中的组织变革与IT治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何建佳  葛玉辉  张光远 《商业研究》2006,16(17):117-120
信息技术对组织的技术性嵌入,改变了组织的内部与外部环境,若要使组织的信息化取得预期的效果,组织的变革是必需的。传统的理论认为,这种变革必然导致组织架构的扁平化、分散化及柔性化。但是在实践中发现,事实并非一定如此,由于监管的困难及委托代理问题的存在,信息化有可能因为人为的因素而导致组织的层级结构得到加强。这就需要组织实施有效的IT治理,使组织变革朝有利于组织发展的方向进行。  相似文献   

21世纪,企业正面临着动态性、复杂性、不确定性等的外部环境。企业要想获得持续地生存与发展,就必须处理好自身的短板与瓶颈,敏捷而迅速的变革自身以快速适应多变的环境。而云计算技术将使组织更加敏捷化与扁平化,组织的边界也趋向模糊化,组织间出现合作性竞争。本文借助云计算等相关知识来寻找组织变革的突破口,进而给出未来组织变革的方向。  相似文献   

沈伟钦 《北方经贸》2020,(1):104-106
近年来,我国市场经济的发展与人口老龄化的问题之间的矛盾愈发明显,未富先老甚至已经成为当前我国老龄化问题的特征。因此,从市场经济发展的趋势来看,由金融机构主导来推出适合老年人养老的金融服务和产品不仅是市场发展的需要,也是金融机构未来发展的重要机遇。本文以泉州地区商业银行的养老金融服务为例,结合其发展现状和存在的问题,尝试从养老服务需求的视角,利用服务创新四维度模型的方法探讨泉州地区商业银行的老年金融服务创新的路径是:以需求作为动力,转变经营理念;加强客户关系管理,提升客户参与度“客户界面”;完善组织架构的设计,以匹配产品和服务的创新;强化信息技术的运用,实现供求的有效衔接。  相似文献   

One of the most serious challenges facing an entrepreneurial company, particularly a high-technology firm, is knowing how to manage innovation as the organization evolves. Macro-level facilitators/inhibitors of innovation—i.e., organizational and environmental conditions of a firm that promote or restrain innovation such as the structure of an organization, its incentive system, resources provided by its environment, or its ways of analyzing firm-external information—and their relationship to the innovativeness of the firm are considered in this study.Two basic arguments have been put forward previously as to why the innovativeness of an organization may change as it evolves. First, it has been suggested that facilitators of innovation change over time and so will firm innovativeness. That is, the relationship between the facilitator and innovation stays unchanged but the facilitator itself is transformed, causing changes in firm innovativeness as it develops. For instance, it has been suggested that mature firms become less innovative because their structure becomes overly formalized to perform other functions more efficiently, which then stifles innovative processes. Second, other researchers have proposed that the relationship between a facilitator and innovation changes as firms evolve; for instance a formal structure may support innovation in a younger firm because it allows the entrepreneur to focus her energy, whereas it may suppress innovation later since it inhibits an innovator's interaction with other environments. The results of our analysis, using data from 326 U.S. firms in different stages of their development and involved in many kinds of high-tech industries, support the second theory.However, the results for the relationships of the individual facilitators to innovation were not always as expected. We found that formally structured young firms were less innovative than informal ones and that in older organizations, formalization had no negative impact on innovation. This finding possibly can be explained with micro-level facilitators of innovation: younger firms may have more entrepreneurial personnel whose ability for innovation is more inhibited through a formal structure than the more “seasoned” employees in older, larger firms. However, this finding implies that the concern for formal structures with respect to firm innovativeness does not necessarily apply as typically assumed.Of similar significance was our finding with respect to the relationship between financial incentives and innovation. It has been suggested that younger rather than older firms use incentives such as equity to encourage an innovative environment. Results of this research, however, show that innovation is associated with stock incentives especially in older firms. This may be an indication for older firms to use differentiated incentives that reflect the individual's contribution to the firm to retain innovative personnel, whereas start-ups might rely on the excitement of working in a new venture as an incentive for innovative behavior.More in line with expectations were the results for how firms process external information. Environmental scanning and data analysis were positively associated with innovation, and this more so in older firms, presumably because they have become more remote from developments outside the organization. This result confirms the notion that much innovation by a firm is initiated externally. However, the results also indicate that the conditions of the environment itself are of lesser importance to firm innovativeness than the firm's active pursuit of information from its environment. An often discussed implication of these findings is that the boundaries of a firm must be permeable, at least from the outside in, and systematic information gathering from customers, competition, research institutions, etc. may be necessary to the success of a firm that depends on its product development. This seems especially important for older firms.As expected, the centralization of power in an organization also affected innovation. Centralization correlated positively with innovation in new ventures and negatively in older firms. This indicates the importance of the entrepreneur and strong leader in a start-up. It also suggests, though, that as the firm matures, this person has to give up some of her control and may have to relinquish the job at the head of the organization to someone else.Finally, there are some more general implications of this work to managers involved with organizational innovation. First, reliance on past experience may be detrimental to future performance. Whereas a firm evolves through different stages, means that have facilitated innovation earlier may be detrimental to it now or tomorrow, and vice versa. Second, copying successful strategies for innovation from other firms may not necessarily work—not because their implementation was worse but because the conditions of the other firm, for instance its evolutionary stage or its micro-level facilitators, were different.Researchers who study innovation should consider including life-cycle stage as a potential moderating variable. Factors that facilitate innovation at some point during an organization's evolution actually hinder it in another. Also, factors that were unimportant to innovation at the inception of a firm may facilitate it in later stages. This study supports the conclusion that the consideration of contingency factors, such as life-cycle stage, may enhance the development of a theory of organizational innovation.  相似文献   

Innovation is the engine of development for enterprises, and there is an increasing trend to adopt an open innovation strategy. However, how to manage external resources in an open, collaborative and complementary manner, and in a shared environment that will yield the greatest networking effects, it is a challenging task. Because there is no such a satisfactory model for an open innovation strategy that combine operational mechanisms with the management of, external resources. Thhis article tries to fill the gap by adopting a resource-based perspective to construct an overall open innovation (OOI) business model. In this model, external resources are classified as industrial and non-industrial entities, to enable the identification of the interaction methods between manufacturing enterprises and external resources. The management of external resources involved in a Technology Open Innovation (TOI) cycle is given particular attention that includes: 1) the classification of the external resources of a TOI, 2) the general mechanisms extracted to promote qualified resources in and unqualified resources out, and 3) a business model to conceptualize the collaboration between enterprises and external resources. A case study of TOI is also provided to empirically verify its feasibility. This paper contributes to the literature by providing an original operational model and mechanism design for an open innovation strategy that is capable of managing external resources effectively.  相似文献   

依据企业年金体系和社会福利之间的互动关系,从宏观和微观两个方面论证黑龙江省发展企业年金的积极意义,尝试着运用实证分析法,将经济学原理和社会实践相结合,通过对国内外以及黑龙江省企业年金的发展历史进行分析,以借鉴历史的经验教训,对制约企业年金尤其是黑龙江省企业年金发展的瓶颈问题进行实证研究和规范性分析,从企业年金运营模式、监管模式以及一些配套措施等方面提出政策建议,以加快发展企业年金市场,促进企业年金尽早真正成为黑龙江省多层次社会养老保险体系中"第二支柱"。  相似文献   

商业银行核心竞争力一直是学术界研究的重点.采用灰色综合评估模型的系统评价方法计算商业银行竞争力排名及历史资产总量变化情况表明,我国股份制商业银行运行状况良好,坚持股份制改革的方向是正确的.但通过对我国上市股份制银行与美国银行竞争力的比较,则表明我国股份制商业银行距离完善治理结构还有很大差距,还需要进一步深化改革.国有商业银行必须发挥自身优势,及时适应市场变化,推出自身特色服务,大力发展利润丰厚的中间业务.  相似文献   

Prior studies have found that knowledge gained from work experience is a way to gather insights for business opportunity recognition. However, little is known about the specific types of knowledge that lead to business founding. Utilizing concepts from knowledge spillovers and from the opportunity recognition literatures, this paper argues that an organization’s technological innovation activities can help its employees develop specialized knowledge that provides them with the entrepreneurial opportunities to found new businesses. Besides highlighting the positive relationship between technological innovation activities in organizations and the propensity of individuals leaving the organizations to start new businesses, this paper also provides a more fine-grained explanation of the types of technological innovation activities that can lead to business founding. We argue that knowledge acquired through product innovations is more easily adopted by individuals for commercial uses, while knowledge acquired through process innovations must be integrated with other parts of the organization to be valuable. This study proposes that product innovation activities in an organization, more so than process innovation activities, are related to new business founding. Implications for opportunity exploitation and ways to exploit knowledge spillovers are discussed.   相似文献   


White-collar crime is a daily topic in the news but by no means a new phenomenon. The article invites readers to explore the historical dimensions of these very specific offences. It discusses how to define white-collar crime and how to analyse it. It names six characteristics of white-collar crime, namely the preponderance of upper and middle-class delinquents, the motivation of financial gain, non-violence, systemic character, the breach of trust, and diffuse victimisation. It also highlights additional aspects for a working definition which can be applied to various and even rapidly changing historical contexts. The history of white-collar crime draws attention to the intersection of business and the law, and to its interaction with innovation, moral discourse and public perception, as well as with the changing nature of state policies during the past two centuries. The article introduces the special issue and discusses methods and approaches suited to analysing ‘shady business’.  相似文献   

王勇 《价格月刊》2012,(3):19-22
基于网络组织理论视角,探讨以商业信用与法律契约网络、信息网络和创新网络为基础,通过流通企业、农村个体与组织以及中介组织等各个组织节点的互动协调,克服农村的小生产与大市场的矛盾,从而有效开拓农村市场途径。  相似文献   

基于1998—2017年中国省级面板数据,分析了省级层面收入不平等程度及其影响因素,重点研究了技术创新和市场分割对收入不平等的作用。研究结果显示,样本期内基尼系数总体水平较高,呈现出了先上升后下降的走势。地区收入差距与技术创新之间存在U型关系,当前“知识溢出”效应超过了“技能溢价”效应,创新水平的提高将有助于缩小地区收入差距;市场分割不仅会加剧地区收入不平等,还会通过阻碍技术创新间接弱化创新对收入差距的缓解作用。地区收入不平等与经济发展水平之间存在倒U型关系,贸易依存度、人均受教育年限和人均社会保障支出的提高有助于缩小地区收入差距,工业化率的提高则会加剧地区收入差距,财政支出对地区收入差距的作用不明显;动态面板模型的研究结果表明,地区收入差距具有惯性特征。最后,基于研究结论,给出了有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

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