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This study investigates the institutional work that underlies the diffusion of responsible investment (RI) and enhances its adaptation to local settings. Building on institutional theory and actor–network theory, we advance the concept of contextualization work to describe the institutional work that sustains RI glocalization. Empirical data from two case studies highlight how entrepreneurial actors imported the notion of RI from the US to France and Québec. Our findings uncover three types of contextualization work—filtering, repurposing, and coupling—that sustain RI glocalization, and show how actors employed them in both settings to overcome the lack of technical, cultural, or political fit between the imported practice and their local context. Our results explain how divergent glocalized versions of RI are developed and adapted through contextualization work. Last, we discuss how our repertoire of contextualization work can account for local forms of a global concept and the uneven pattern of its diffusion.  相似文献   

China and the Republic of Korea formally set up the diplomatic relations,which has added more vitality to the cultural and economic exchanges betweenthe two countries.  相似文献   

RuralAffairsDepartmentoftheDevelopmentResearchCenter,thestateCouncilChinaCommitteeforthePromotionofinternationalRuralAffairsCooperationOnthemainlandofChina,thepopulationaccountsfor21percentoftheworld's,whileitsarablelandmakesupforonly7percentoftheworld's.Itisanarduousjobtobalancethedemandandsupplyofagriculturalproductsinthelongterm.Atpresent,Chinaisfacinginsufficientagriculturalinvestmentandlowtechnologicallevels;vastareasofwastelandandmountainsawaitreclamation,whilealargeamountofruralla…  相似文献   

Communications and Transport Guizhou Province has formed a communications and transport network radiating in all directions, with Guiyang as the center, the four railways of Qiangui, Chuanqian, Guikun and Xiangqian crossing the entire province, with a service mileage of 1468 kin. The Guikun, Chuanqian and Xiangqian railways have realized electrification, with an opera-  相似文献   

For China, Shanghai World Expo is the biggest international carnival after Beijing Olympic Games. It was nearly 150 years ago when the first World Expo was held in United Kingdom in 1851, and now it's China's turn to be the host country to exhibit the future development of mankind. However the large-scale investment of World Expo 2010 is controversial so far, followed by a question: what is the return of investment of the Shanghai World Expo?  相似文献   

Mr.ZhangHanye,anexpertwiththeStateDevelopmentandPlanningCommitteepredictsthatChinawillhavesevenkeysectorsattractinginvestmentinthefirst10yearsofthe21stcentury.Theyareinfrastructureconstruction,environmentalprotectionengineering,culturaleducation,keye...  相似文献   

China's Vice Minister of Finance Li Yong disclosed plans for the China Investment Corporation (CIC) On November 7, dispelling rumors that China would try to buy out European and American companies in large numbers. Li said one third of CIC's capital would be used to purchase  相似文献   

A few days ago, the State Council issued the “Decision on the Reform of Investment System“. Recently, a Director of State Development PlanningCommission was interviewed by reporters and answered them on deepen-ing the reform of investment system at a press conference.  相似文献   

A few days ago, the State Council issued the "Decision on the Reform of Investment System". Recently, a Director of State Development Planning Commission was interviewed by reporters and answered them on deepening the reform of investment system at a press conference.  相似文献   

Natural Conditions Tianjin lies between 38°34′ and40°15′ latitude north, 116°43′and 118°4′ longitude east, at the coast of Bohai Bay west of the Pacific Ocean and in the northeast of North China Plain. Tianjin covers a total area of 11,305 sq km, with 186 km from north to south and 101 km from east to west. Tianjin is 900 km in circumference with 153 km coastlines. The city is 120 km from the southeast of Beijing and 50 km from the Bohai Sea. The 72-km-long Haihe River, joined by five tributaries, winds its way through the city proper and empties into the Bohai sea. Tianjin is situated in the temperate  相似文献   

TheintroductionofforeigninvestmentinChinahasgonethroughthreeperiodssincethe1970's.TheFirstPeriod:1979-1991Borrowingoverseaswasthemainmethodofintroducingforeigninvestment,andtheproportionofthissectorreached80%oftotalinvestment.TheSccondPeriod:1992-1998Theforeigninvestedvolumeexceededtheborrowingvolumeoverseas,becomingthemainmeansfortheintroductionofforeigninvestment.TheThirdPeriod:1999TillNowIn1998,theintroductionofforeigninvestmentsloweddown,andthesituationworsenedin1999.Thoughthevolumeam…  相似文献   

The administrative departments in charge of foreign investment affairs at various levels in Tianjin City and their powers According to the amount of investment, the establishment of foreign invested enterprises shall be subject to examination and approval of the city-level or district (county or bureau) level departments in charge of Tianjin Municipality respectively. The establishment of those foreign invested enterprises located in the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Area, the Tianjin Port Bonded Area, the Tianjin  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - The literature on the interplay between geographic communities and organizations has largely ignored the role of individual residents. In adopting a meso-perspective,...  相似文献   

1.Income tax is reduced at the rate of15 percent for foreign-invested enterprises.Income tax is exempt for two years startingfrom the first profitable year and halvedfrom the third to fifth year for those enter-prises with an actual business period of morethan 10 years. 2.Foreign-funded new and hi-techenterprises may enjoy another three years ofhalved income tax after the stipulated expi-ration of income tax exemption if the enter-prises are verified to be still new and hi-techones. 3.Foreign-funded export-orientedenterprises may enjoy a reduced rate of 10  相似文献   

Usually, China's overseas investment refers to direct investment (capital, equipment, technology, patent fights and trademark) from Chinese enterprises, corporations and other organizations to set up overseas joint ventures, cooperative operations, wholly-owned enterprises or other types  相似文献   

Changzhou, located in the golden delta of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, is a famous cultural city with a recorded history of 2, 500 years. The city lying between Shanghai and Nanjing and neighbouring Suzhou and Wuxi is a developing city that is opening to the outside world and an important inland area of the Pudong Development Zone in Shanghai. It has the Yangtze River to the north, the Taihu River to the south and the Shanghai- Nanjing railway, Shanghai-Nanjing  相似文献   

Profile of Tianjin Geography With11,919.7 square kilometers areas,Tianjin Municipality is located in the middle of the Golden Seashore in North China.To the north is Yan Mountain and to the east is Bo Sea.It borders Beijing and is the gateway to the sea of the vast northern and northwestern part of China.It has the semi humid continental monsoon climate of the Temperate Zone:12 Degrees Centigrade of average temperature of the whole year,and 602.9 mm annual average precipitation. Administrative divisions Tianjin is one the four cities under the direct administration of the central government and one important economic center in North China.The concrete administrative divisions could be found in Chart 1.  相似文献   

Yunnan Province is located on the southwest boundary of the People's Republic of China,spanning approximately 394,000 square kilometers,which accounts for 4.1% of the total area of China.The south part of the province is on the belt of the Tropic of Cancer.The average altitude is around 2,000 meters above sea level,with highest point at 6,740 meters and the lowest 76.4 meters above sea level.About 84% of the entire province is mountainous region,10% is plateau and hilly land and 6% area is basin and valley.  相似文献   

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