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In a world incomplete markets for environmental goods, ex ante planned expenditures rather than ex post realized outcomes explain the values which individuals attach to these goods. We use the distance function to develop restrictions from a model of ex ante consumer behaviour involving these goods. A Contigent valuation approach is then employed to estimate policy-relavant components of the ex ante economic values that recreationists attach to differing subjective probabilities of alternative atmospheric visibility levels at a wilderness location and at an urban location in Oregon. Marginal valuations of probability changes are similar at the two sites. Marginal rates of time preference for resolving uncertainities vary between 10 and 50% and are inversely related to education. Existence value averages 10% of total value, and evidence is mixed that site-specific value act as surrogates for general environmental preferences.  相似文献   

We analyze the problem of allocating irrigation water among heterogeneous farmers when water supply is stochastic. If farmers are risk-neutral, a spot market for water is efficient; while the oft-used uniform rationing system is inefficient, both ex ante and ex post. Indeed, we show that it leads farmers to overexpose to risk, thus making shortages more severe and more frequent in case of drought. We propose instead a regulation by priority classes extending Wilson, and we derive an efficiency result. We characterize the set of farmers that would win or lose from such a reform. We also argue that a system of priority classes may be preferred to a spot market system, because scarcity is easier to manage ex ante than ex post, and because this system facilitates the supply of insurance to risk-averse agents.  相似文献   

This paper studies the efficiency of competitive equilibria in environments with a moral hazard problem and unobserved states, both with retrading in ex post spot markets. The interaction between private information problems and the possibility of retrade creates an externality, unless preferences have special, restrictive properties. The externality is internalized by allowing agents to contract ex ante on market fundamentals determining the spot price or interest rate, over and above contracting on actions and outputs. Then competitive equilibria are equivalent with the appropriate notion of constrained Pareto optimality. Examples show that it is possible to have multiple market fundamentals or price-islands, created endogenously in equilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of ex ante and ex post criteria in the evaluation of projects involving the risk of death. One issue concerns the appropriate welfare function, and it is argued that this should reflect both ex post and ex ante considerations, but not in the form of restrictions on the welfare function. The second issue concerns the form of compensation. The argument in favour of ex post compensation as a means of reducing the cost of risk-bearing needs to be modified when risks involve more than a single dimension as they do in projects involving the risk of death.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of various contracting alternatives between exporting and importing firms on the volume of international transactions. the contracts that we study are determined in a bargaining situation under exchange-rate uncertainty. First we look at contracts which entail an ex ante commitment on price and quantity of exports without the possibility of renegotiation ex post. Second, spot contracts, i.e., the price and the quantity of exports are negotiated after the exchange the rate is known. A third type of contracts consists of ex ante commitment and ex post renegotiation.  相似文献   

Planning is studied in a two-tier environment motivated by Soviet economic reforms. The center's goal is ex post balancing of demand and supply of funded commodities after one informational exchange period. Firm managers make production decisions to maximize a combination of current profit and output adjusted for penalties when quantity directives are not fulfilled. After judiciously differentiating incentive structures, the center manipulates quantity targets to coax production decisions satisfying its balancing objective. A taxonomy of target misspecifications is developed. Traditional concerns of ex ante consistency and feasibility of production plans are shown to be less important in the new environment.  相似文献   

We consider bargaining problems between one buyer and one seller for a single object. The seller's valuation and the buyer's valuation for the object are assumed to be independent random variables, and each individual's valuation is unknown to the other. We characterize the set of allocation mechanisms that are Bayesian incentive compatible and individually rational, and show the general impossibility of ex post efficient mechanisms without outside subsidies. For a wide class of problems we show how to compute mechanisms that maximize expected total gains from trade, and mechanisms that can maximize a broker's expected profit.  相似文献   

Summary This paper compares the performance of three pricing institutions in a decentralized matching model in which random matching occurs. In the first, sellers make public ex ante commitments to trade at pre-specified prices before matching occurs. In the second, the buyer and seller engage in an alternating offer bargaining game once a match has occurred. In the final pricing institution, one party is chosen at random to make a take it or leave it price offer. The steady state equilibrium with ex ante pricing pareto dominates the steady state equilibrium with ex post take it or leave it offers, which in turn pareto dominates the steady state equilibrium with alternating offers. As the discount factor goes to one, the equilibrium with ex ante pricing generates participation rates that tend toward the pareto efficient level. The ex post pricing institutions generate participation rates that are bounded away from efficient levels. The surplus loss associated with switching from ex ante pricing to take it or leave it offers is small when the discount factor is close to one. Contrary to many models of decentralized trade, ex post pricing institutions encourage too much search by buyers.The financial support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged. The research for this paper was completed while the author was visiting the University of California at San Diego. The author thanks Douglas Gale for comments.  相似文献   

Should we use ex post or ex ante measures of user costs to calculate the contribution of capital in a growth accounting exercise? The answer, based on a simple model of temporary equilibrium, is that ex post is better in theory. In practice researchers usually calculate ex post user costs by assuming that the rate of return is equalized across assets. But this is only true if expectations are correct. In general, the ex post rate of return differs between assets, even though ex ante it is the same. I propose a hybrid method. The index of capital services is estimated using ex ante weights; the contribution of capital is the growth of this index multiplied by the ex post income share of capital. I show that this method is theoretically correct if the production function is CES. I compare the ex post, ex ante and hybrid methods using data for 31 U.K. industries from 1970 to 2000.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact on inflation of requiring the monetary authority to announce money supply targets and punishing it for deviations from same. Two regimes are considered. In one, called the ex ante regime, the target is announced prior to the authority's obtaining information concerning relevant economic shocks. In the other, called the ex post regime, the announcement is made after the authority obtains relevant information and thus provides the public with data concerning the authority's private information. It is shown that the ex ante regime may dominate the ex post regime. This follows because an ex post regime may yield a higher mean inflation rate as the monetary authority attempts to exploit the relationship between its announcement and expected inflation.  相似文献   

Merger control impacts the type of merger projects that are submitted, as well as the information provided by the merging parties upon assessment. In this paper, we consider the outcomes in terms of selection of merger types and evidence provision of alternative timings for merger review, pre- or postconsummation of the merger. We show that the selection effect induced by the ex post merger review is welfare-improving due to the deterrence of the most anticompetitive merger projects. In contrast, the welfare impact of evidence provision under ex post assessment is ambiguous. Balancing these two effects makes possible the welfare comparison between the ex ante and the ex post merger policy enforcement.  相似文献   

This article examines the role transaction-specific investmentsplay in forming self-enforcing contracts between fishers andprocessors in the market for raw fish. Though some contractsare simple spot exchanges, others are accompanied by verticalties, such as processor provision or financing of vessels, ancillarygear, and credit. The article hypothesizes that, owing to thetemporal specific investments undertaken by some fishers, reciprocalex ante specific investment costs are incurred by some processorsin order to reduce the probability of ex post holdup. In fisherieswhere holdup is not a problem, spot exchange arise. A new dataseton the characteristics of 726 vessel owner/operators and 75fish buyers is used to perform an ordered probity analysis.The contractual arrangements vary both across and within differentfisheries, and are strongly correlated with indicators of temporalspecificity.  相似文献   

在劳动力市场上 ,劳动者和厂商未来的生产率都具有不确定性。早期劳动合同或签约由于一方面可以保证劳动者被排除在劳动力市场之外 ,同时也保证了厂商被排除在事后职位市场的风险之外 ,因而厂商和劳动者具有签订早期劳动合同的激励。尽管早期劳动合同或签约存在成本 ,但只要事前利益超过事后无效率的损失 ,那么早期劳动合同或签约就会发生。对于那些不能获得完全市场保险的人来说 ,签约是一种帕累托最优。早期劳动合同或签约是市场失灵的一种证明 ,早期劳动合同是一种不完全合同 ,也是一种非正式合同 ,它是对契约理论的一个发展。  相似文献   

The various deregulation proposals for the electric utility sector rely on market forces to provide incentives. Even within the traditional regulatory framework, using market behavior instead of regulators' views as a criterion for regulatory decisions is part of the spectrum of deregulation proposals. This paper proposes such an implicit deregulation of rate base decisions. It presents an efficiency standard with which public utility commissions (PUCs) should conduct their "prudence" analyses of power plant construction costs. Prudence reviews, as typically conducted by PUCs, are likely to change the risk structure in regulated sectors so as to make both ratepayers and shareholders worse off. Moreover, the correct perspective for such analyses is ex ante rather than ex post. This means that the expected costs and benefits of alternative actions are the correct parameters for evaluating prudence, and that the interests of ratepayers are consistent only with this economic efficiency approach to prudence analysis. Average industry behavior is the correct standard for implementing the efficient prudence criterion. This paper describes an alternative procedure that PUCs can use to conduct prudence reviews correctly.  相似文献   

套期保值是现代企业规避商品价格剧烈波动的最理想的风险管理工具之一,通过套期保值,可以改变企业在原材料采购过程中的被动性,使企业主动控制生产成本,保证经营利润。对企业开展的套期保值业务进行正确的绩效评价,对提高企业开展套期保值业务的积极性具有重要的指导意义。通过对影响企业套期保值效果因素的分析,提出企业可以将期货和现货市场的综合收益以及期货市场套保品种的均价作为评价套期保值绩效的参考对象,能够正确引导企业合理参与套期保值,正确评价套期保值效果。  相似文献   

Complexity and Renegotiation: A Foundation for Incomplete Contracts   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The paper considers a hold-up model where only one of n future trading opportunities will prove to be efficient, and where ex post renegotiation of the ex ante contract cannot be prevented. As the environment becomes more complex ( n →∞), the outcome under any message-contingent long-term contract converges to that of the "incomplete contracting" model where trade is contractible ex post , but not ex ante . When trades are costly to describe, both ex ante and ex post , the incomplete contracting result is extended to a broader class of environments.  相似文献   

This paper studies federal auctions for wildcat leases on the Outer Continental Shelf from 1954 to 1970. These are leases where bidders privately acquire (at some cost) noisy, but equally informative, signals about the amount of oil and gas that may be present. We develop tests of rational and equilibrium bidding in a common values model that are implemented using data on bids and ex post values. We also use data on tract location and ex post values to test the comparative static prediction that bidders may bid less aggressively in common value auctions when they expect more competition. We find that bidders are aware of the "winner's curse" and their bidding is largely consistent with equilibrium.  相似文献   

Smoothing sudden stops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emerging economies are often exposed to sudden shortages of international financial resources. Yet domestic agents do not seem to take preventive measures against these sudden stops. We highlight the central role played by the limited development of ex ante (insurance) and ex post (spot) domestic financial markets in generating this collective undervaluation of international resources. We study several policies to counteract the external underinsurance. We do this by solving for the optimal mechanism given the constraints imposed by limited financial development, and then considering the main financial policies—in terms of the model and practical relevance—that implement this solution.  相似文献   

The directed search approach assumes each seller posts a fixed price and, ex post, randomly allocates the good should more than one buyer desire the good. This paper assumes sellers can post prices which are contingent on ex post realized demand; e.g. an advertisement might state the Bertrand price should there be more than one buyer, which corresponds to an auction outcome. Competition in fixed prices and ex post rationing describes equilibrium behavior. There is also real market indeterminacy: a continuum of equilibria exists which are not payoff equivalent. Sellers prefer the equilibrium in auctions.  相似文献   

We consider a variant of the newsvendor problem. Atomistic retailers each buy merchandise from a monopoly supplier for resale at a market‐determined common retail price that depends upon the total industry order quantity and upon a stochastic demand. After the orders are filled, the supplier learns the realization of demand but the retailers do not. We show that, in this setting, a returns system with rebates (with previously set buy‐back price for returns and ex post payments from the supplier to each retailer per unit actually sold) implements the optimal production and sales strategy, attaining maximum expected profit in the channel.  相似文献   

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