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顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在情感消费时代,企业不再以质量达标、自己满意为经营理念,而是以顾客满意、赢得顾客高度忠诚为经营理念。企业营销策略不再以争取或保持市场占有率为主,而是以保持顾客份额和顾客忠诚为主。而顾客满意策略正是企业获取顾客“货币选票”的制胜法宝。以顾客至上为理念,让顾客参与产品设计、提供全程高附加值的服务、个性服务、培育顾客忠诚,是CS时代顾客满意营销的主要策略。  相似文献   

试述顾客导向营销策略在企业中的实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在简要论述顾客导向营销策略主要理论的基础旧,对企业内部实施顾客导向管理的体系、基本步骤及主要方法进行了阐述,分析了当前我国企业实施这一营销策略对于增强竞争力的重要意义。  相似文献   

从分析顾客对质量需求的多样性入手,引入了“顾客满意链”的概念,通过论证指出,企业为了获得竞争中的领先优势,必须牢固遵循以顾客为中心的持续质量改进发展准则。  相似文献   

论顾客满意   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代营销观念的根本在于满足顾客需求,企业经营活动的目标即最大程度满足顾客需求。人们对营销活动这一本质的认识,经历了从生产导向、产品导向、销售导向至今天的营销导向的演进过程。虽然以营销为核心的认识是企业管理的一大进步,但是停留在这一层次还不够。以营销为核心实质上是以市场为核心。简单看起来以营销为核心与以市场为核心没有多大差异,  相似文献   

本文在简要论述顾客导向营销策略主要理论的基础上 ,对企业内部实施顾客导向管理的体系、基本步骤及主要方法进行了阐述 ,分析了当前我国企业实施这一营销策略对于增强竞争力的重要意义。  相似文献   

进入新经济时代,信息高度透明化,顾客手中掌握的信息资源将越来越多,于是,留住老顾客,建立顾客忠诚体系对企业的发展越来越重要。顾客越忠诚,企业获得的利润就越大,付出的成本就会降低。因此,企业必须维护颐客忠诚,才能持续创造价值。  相似文献   

近年来,一些企业的企业化中的顾客理念对企业发展所起的关键作用越来越得到有识之士的关注和研究。本介绍了企业化的构成要素以及企业化的核心-使顾客满意的质量价值观,探索了“以用户为中心”的企业化与“生命型”企业的内在联系。  相似文献   

价值链营销中的顾客满意分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

从分析顾客对质量需求的多样性入手 ,引入了“顾客满意链”的概念 ,通过论证指出 ,企业为了获得竞争中的领先优势 ,必须牢固遵循以顾客为中心的持续质量改进发展准则  相似文献   

文章指出顾客满意,未必对顾客长远利益有益,还有可能损害其他公众的利益,更为遗憾的是也未必能保证公司的长期生存,同时可能恶化环境。因此,文章认为,必须树立新的营销观念,作者称之为“可持续营销观”。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine internal marketing relationships and their influence on salesperson attitudes and behaviors in retail store environments. The authors investigate the moderating role of customer complaining behavior on the nature of these relationships. Specifically, they examine the relationship between organization-employee and supervisor-employee relationships and their association with salesperson job motivation and commitment to customer service. Customer complaints are expected to have differential moderating effects on the relationship between organizational and supervisory support and these salesperson outcomes. Our hypotheses were tested using a sample of 392 retail employees within 115 stores of a national retail organization. The model was partially supported. Theoretical and managerial implications are explored.  相似文献   

Most research in customer asset management has focused on specific aspects of the value of the customer to the company. The purpose of this article is to propose an integrated framework, called CUSAMS (customer asset management of services), that enables service organizations (1) to make a comprehensive assessment of the value of their customer assets and (2) to understand the influence of marketing instruments on them. The foundation of the CUSAMS framework is a careful specification of key customer behaviors that reflect the length, depth, and breadth of the customer-service organization relationship: duration, usage, and cross-buying. This framework is the starting point for a set of propositions regarding how marketing instruments influence customer behavior within the relationship, thereby influencing the value of the customer asset. The framework and propositions provide the impetus for a research agenda that identifies critical issues in customer asset management. Ruth N. Bolton (ruth.bolton@owen.vanderbilt.edu) is a professor of marketing in the Owen Graduate School of Business at Vanderbilt University. Her current research is concerned with high-technology services sold to business-to-business customers. Her most recent work in this area studies how organizations can grow the value of their customer base through customer service and support. Her earlier published research investigates how organizations’ service and pricing strategies influence customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as company revenues and profits. She has published articles in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Retailing, theJournal of Service Research, Marketing Letters, Marketing Science, and other journals. Katherine N. Lemon (katherine.lemon@bc.edu) is an associate professor in the Wallace E. Carroll School of Management at Boston College. Her current research investigates the antecedents and consequences of customer-firm relationships. In addition, her research examines relevant metrics for measuring and managing the value of customer relationships. Her earlier published research investigates how emotional reactions (such as anticipated regret) inflence customer retention decisions. She has published articles in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Service Research, Marketing Science, theJournal of Product Innovation Management, and other journals. Peter C. Verhoef (verhoef@few.eur.nl) is an assistant professor of marketing in the School of Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His main research interest is customer asset management. He has also done research on other topics, such as waiting times, private labels, and out-of-stocks. He has been a visiting professor at the Tuck School of Business Dartmouth College in fall 2003. He has published a wide variety of articles in journals such as theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theJournal of Consumer Psychology.  相似文献   

本文以顾客期望和感知相关理论研究成果为基础,结合服务营销的特殊性分析服务企业的营销战略问题,提出了基于顾客期望和感知的服务营销战略模型。根据该模型,服务企业确定自己的营销战略,必须明确锁定自己的服务对象,在理解顾客服务期望的基础上区别对待顾客期望并合理控制顾客期望,同时按照顾客期望设计并提供服务,才能实现顾客满意的目标。在顾客满意的基础上,服务企业可以通过有保留地承诺、突出服务传递维度的重点、利用服务补救的机会等策略超越顾客的服务期望,使顾客惊喜或感动以留住顾客,实现顾客的忠诚。  相似文献   

人们对客户关系管理(CRM)的认识还存在一些偏差,可以概括为七个方面:把客户关系管理等同于一套软件系统;认为中小企业难以承担客户关系管理的费用,不宜实施;对客户关系管理的投资回报期望存在偏差;认为客户关系管理是营销人员的事情;认为客户关系管理就是"一对一营销";对客户关系管理与企业资源计划管理(ERP)的关系认识不清;客户关系管理对象的认识误区.  相似文献   

A three-component model of customer commitment to service providers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although research into the determinants of service provider switching has grown in recent years, the focus has been predominantly on transactional, not relational, variables. In this research, the authors address the role of consumer commitment on consumers’ intentions to switch. Drawing from the organizational behavior literature, they build on previous service switching research by developing a switching model that includes a three-component conceptualization of customer commitment. Structural equation modeling is used to test the model based on data from a survey of 356 auto repair service customers. The authors’ results support the notion that customer commitment affects intentions to switch service providers and that the psychological states underlying that commitment may differ. As such, future marketing research should consider these different forms of commitment in understanding customer retention. The implications of this model for theory and practice are discussed. Havir S. Bansal (hbansal@wlu.ca) is an associate professor of marketing at Wilfrid Laurier University. He earned his Ph.D. from Queen’s University in 1997. His research interests are focused in the area of services marketing with emphasis on cuctomer switching behavior, word-of-mouth processes in services, and tourism. His research has been published in theJournal of Service Research, theJournal of Quality Management, andPsychology and Marketing and has publications forthcoming in theJournal of Services Marketing andTouris Management. He has also presented at and published articles in the proceedings of various national and international conferences. P. Gregory Irving (girving@wlu.ca) is an associate professor of organizational behavior at Wilfrid Laurier University. He received his Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Western Ontario. His research interests included commitment and work-related attitudes, psychological contracts, and organizational recruitment and socialization. His research has appeared in a variety of journal including theJournal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, theJournal of Organizational Behavior, theJournal of Management, Human Performance, andBasic and Applied Social Psychology. Shirley F. Taylor (Ph.D., University of British Columbia) (staylor@business.queensu.ca) is an associate professor in the School of Business at Queen’s University, where she teaches and conducts research in the area of services marketing. Her research interests include service provider loyalty and switching, customer commitment, and perceptions management of service delays. Her work has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, theJournal of Service Research, theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, and theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing. She currently serves on the editorial boards of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Business Research, and theCanadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.  相似文献   

As customer-organization relationships deepen, consumers increase their expertise in the firm’s product line and industry and develop increased switching costs. This study investigates the effects of customer investment expertise and perceived switching costs on the relationships between technical and functional service quality and customer loyalty. Technical service quality is hypothesized to be a more important determinant of customer loyalty than functional service quality as expertise increases. Both technical and functional service quality are hypothesized to have a reduced relationship with customer loyalty as perceived switching costs increase. Three-way interactions between the main effects of service quality, customer expertise, and perceived switching costs yield additional insight into the change in relative importance of technical and functional service quality in customers’ decision to be loyal. Six of eight hypotheses receive support. Implications are discussed for customer relationship management over the relationship life cycle. Simon J. Bell (s.bell@jims.cam.ac.uk; Ph.D., University of Melbourne) is a university lecturer in marketing at the Judge Institute of Management, the business school of the University of Cambridge. His research has appeared in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Retailing, theJournal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, andMarketing Theory, among others. His.areas of research interest include organizational learning, sales force management and internal marketing, services and relationship marketing, and corporate social responsibility. Seigyoung Auh (sauh@brocku.ca; Ph.D., University of Michigan) is an assistant professor of marketing at Brock University, Ontario, Canada. His research has been published in theJournal of Economic Psychology, theJournal of Business to Business Marketing, theJournal of Services Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Management, Industrial Marketing Management, and others. His research interests are in application of a resource-based view to marketing strategy, top management team diversity and marketing strategy, customer orientation (customer satisfaction) and loyalty, interface between marketing and entrepreneurship, and services and relationship marketing. Karen Smalley (B.Comm. Hons, University of Melbourne) is an honors graduate in marketing at the University of Melbourne.  相似文献   

界定了企业的营销道德,从产品生产、产品价格、产品促销、产品分销、企业与政府的交往以及企业的公共关系等方面列举了企业营销道德缺失的表现,阐述了企业营销道德缺失的危害,从国家、企业自身、消费者三个层面提出了企业提升营销道德水平的措施。  相似文献   

An organization’s customer response capability, its comptence in satisfying customer needs through effective and quick responses, is critical for sustained success. In this article, the authors examine how customer knowledge process influences customer response capability. They highlight two dimensions of customer response capability, customer response expertise and customer response speed. It is observed that apart from its direct positive association with customer response expertise and speed, the customer knowledge process also diminishes the positive association between risk propensity and these dimensions of customer response capability. The influence of customer response expertise and speed on performance is also examined. The hypotheses are tested using survey data collected from a sample of retailing firms and the findings triangulated using qualitative data collected through depth interviews with managers. The results highlight the importance of customer knowledge in enhancing customer response capability. Satish Jayachandran is with the Department of Marketing at the University of South Carolina. His research interests are in the area of marketing strategy, specifically market responsiveness of firms and the impact of organizational performance on subsequent managerial and firm behavior. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He was a recipient of the Harold H. Maynard award for 2001 from theJournal of Marketing. Kelly Hewett is with the Department of Marketing at the University of South Carolina. Her research focuses on the management of relationships between buyers and sellers, as well as between headquarters and foreign subsidiaries in managing the marketing function globally. Her research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of International Business Studies, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theJournal of International Marketing, among others. Peter Kaufman is with the Department of Marketing at Illinois State University. His research focuses on buyer-seller relationships, retailing, and distribution issues. He received an Honorable Mention in the Marketing Science Institute’s 2003 Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition.  相似文献   

An attitude-behavior model of salespeople’s customer orientation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The goal of this article is to provide deeper insights into the construct of customer orientation at the individual level. The article has three main objectives: First, this study provides a two-dimensional conceptualization of customer orientation that distinguishes between attitudes and behaviors. Second, it explores direct and indirect effects of customer-oriented attitudes on customer satisfaction. Third, the authors propose and examine a positive moderating effect of empathy, reliability, and expertise on the link between customer-oriented attitude and customer-oriented behavior and a negative moderating effect of salespeople’s restriction in job autonomy. The analysis is based on dyadic data that involve judgments provided by salespeople and their customers across multiple manufacturing and services industries in a business-to-business context. Results support the authors’ two-dimensional conceptualization of customer orientation. The authors also find that customer-oriented attitudes have a direct effect on customer satisfaction. The four proposed moderating effects are also in evidence. Ruth Maria Stock (ruth.stock@gmx.net) is a professor of business administration and management at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. She holds a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Hagen, Germany, a Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Mannheim, Germany, and a ha-bilitation degree from the University der Bundeswehr in Hamburg, Germany. She has published in various forums including theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychology & Marketing, and theJournal of Business-to-Business Marketing. Her main research areas include market-oriented management and business-to-business marketing. Wayne D. Hoyer (wayne.hoyer@mccombs.utexas.edu) is the James L. Bayless/William S. Farish Fund Chair for Free Enterprise, the chair of the Department of Marketing, and the director of the Center for Customer Insight in the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. He received his Ph.D., M.S., and B.A. from Purdue University in the area of consumer psychology. He has published more than 60 articles in various forums including theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Advertising Research, and theJournal of Retailing. His research interests include customer insight and relationship management, consumer information processing and decision making (especially low-involvement decision making), and advertising effects (most particularly, miscomprehension and the impact of humor).  相似文献   

Although it has frequently been argued that the job satisfaction of a company’s employees is an important driver of customer satisfaction, systematic research exploring this link is scarce. The present study investigates this relationship for salespeople in a business-to-business context. The theoretical justification for a positive impact of salespeople’s job satisfaction on customer satisfaction is based on the concept of emotional contagion. The analysis is based on a dyadic data set that involves judgments provided by salespeople and their customers collected across multiple manufacturing and services industries. Results indicate the presence of a positive relationship between salespeople’s job satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the relationship between salespeople’s job satisfaction and customer satisfaction is found to be particularly strong in the case of high frequency of customer interaction, high intensity of customer integration into the value-creating process, and high product/service innovativeness.  相似文献   

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