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我国是世界上最早出现货币和价格现象的国家,而最早的价格起源于殷商时期。但关于商朝青铜器是否有价格的问题,至今仍存在不同的观点,是一个重点的“疑案”。今天,我们重新审视这桩“疑案”,初步验证了“商代贵族私有的青铜器有价格”的观点,这个价格即“用贝作彝”的价格。其中“用贝”就是“使用贝币”或“以贝币”;“作彝”就是经商王恩准到商王垄断的青铜器作坊定做青铜器。殷商青铜器价格属于王权垄断价格,影响青铜器价格的因素主要是社会对青铜器的喜好、青铜器的稀缺性、贵族对青铜器的欲望和定做财力以及商王获取青铜器垄断利益的要求。  相似文献   

中国器物文化中有许多“亞”形存在,但对其源头的阐释尚众说纷纭。从“亞”形的外形特征与文化蕴含的角度并结合殷商的灵龟信仰来分析,商代人灵龟信仰载体的龟甲可以构成“亞”形的源头。这种推论不仅有其天然的外在优势,而且从文化特征这种后天的内在意义来看,亦有其充分的理由。  相似文献   

如果说,“时间就是金钱”是20世纪人们崇尚的经典的话。那么。“创新就是金钱”将成为新世纪人们共同追求的理念。  相似文献   

现如今,“洼地”成了一个时髦名词。“价值洼地”、“财富洼地”……频频出现在金融分析师的研究报告中。洼地往往意味着价值被低估,在这个崇尚投资的年代,人们在努力寻找那些被形容为“洼地”的事物。  相似文献   

建立尚美、尚德、尚敬、尚文的企业文化是企业高质量发展的必然需求,尚美即崇尚唯美事物;尚德即崇尚敬老爱幼;尚敬即崇尚品德高尚的行为;尚文即崇尚学习、崇尚教育、崇尚书香的氛围,建立“四尚”文化,需要企业软硬件设施的提高,需要建立人文环境,需要巩固支持“四尚”文化的科学方法和措施。 建立“四尚”文化,既是建立浓厚企业文化的有效途径,也是建立和谐企业的有力保证。  相似文献   

王志跃 《三联竞争力》2007,61(3):146-146
人们对孟子“鱼与熊掌不可兼得”的论述耳熟能详,孟子所说的核心是义、利之间的对立以及我们如何取舍的问题。儒家认为,义,是指道义、公理;利,指功利、私利。在义利关系上,儒家强调了义利之间的对立,崇尚道义而贬斥功利。义利关系问题在儒家思想中占有重要的地位,南宋大儒朱熹把它看成“儒家第一义”。  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越崇尚“绿色”:绿色食品、绿色建筑、绿色建材、绿色技术等纷纷登场,这是人类在面临严峻的环境威胁后掀起的环保运动。人们对自己的生存、居住环境要求日趋提高,“健康、环保和安全”成为关心的首要问题。如何满足人类这一要求呢?国内外企业的成功  相似文献   

中国有句古语 ,叫“好酒不怕巷子深”。在人们崇尚大制作、大规模、大资本进行密集性商业广告轰炸的今天 ,这句话已被众多的现代营销者遗忘和抛弃。遗憾的是 ,中央电视台“秦池”、“爱多”等“标王”的现代营销的经典作品 ,却都先后出现了危机。如今 ,重新玩味这一经典语句 ,  相似文献   

道是一种文化和精神的内在体现,在中国,道教是土生土长的宗教,其的思想内涵深深地影响着中国长久以来的文化、思想、社会、政治等各个方面。在中国古代,“道”是核心之一,社会伦理上,我们崇尚道德,而道教的理念认为天地万物都有“道”而派生,社会人生都应法“道”而行,最后回归自然。所以,在古代,  相似文献   

汉代以前,中国对外贸易由于资料缺乏,我们无法作出详尽的论述。但是,古代文献的记载和考古文物的发现,多少给我们提供了一些零碎的资料。创作于西周的《诗经·商颂·长发》篇在追记商朝的先祖相土(生存于夏代)的功绩时说“相土烈烈,海外有截”(相土威望显赫,海外都来归附)。《玄鸟》篇又说:“四海来假,来假祁祁”(从四海来到的人数目很多)。在贝加尔湖地区、阿尔泰和塞米巴拉金斯克与斋桑湖附近发现的卡拉索克文化遗址(约公元前1200—公元前700年),其人种体型和青铜器物都与中国北部的殷商文化一致。这说明在商代至西周初年曾经有大批中国北部属于商族的部落来到南西伯利亚,他们把中国的文化,特别是青铜铸造技艺传到欧亚草原,当然也与  相似文献   

On December 24, 2007, the first Member Congress of !China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) was held in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing China,which marked the successful turning point of CCOIC into an entity, Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi has delivered keynote speech at the congress. Gu Xiulian. VP of the NPC Standing Committee, has attended the ceremony following the congress. Over 500 people attended the congress, representing CCOIC members from business sectors.  相似文献   

Expo 2010 Shanghai makes Shanghai a world focus once again. On the 30-day countdown to the opening ceremony, Yu Zhengsheng, member of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, director of Executive Committee of Expo 2010 Shanghai and Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Committee of CPC, had a joint interview with reporters from both major national and Shanghai media, and answered questions on issues such as construction projects, traffic measures, ticketing and so on. During the interview, Yu Zhengsheng expressed his thanks to the people who have made contributions to Expo 2010 Shang hai. "We will make every effort, and be dedicated to Expo 2010 Shanghai," he said.  相似文献   

On the morning of August 15, 2007,with a clear ring of gong, Wuxi Sunmart Holdings Pte Ltd officially got listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.From this moment, a new member joined in"Jiangyin block"in Singapore.Following the successful listing of Yangtze Shipping and  相似文献   

On December 25, Chairman Wan Jifei led the Chinese business delegation attending the Sino-Egyptian Joint Business Council Business Forum co-hosted by the CCPIT and the Sino-Egyptian Business Council in Cairo, Egypt. Chinese vice Premier Li Keqiang who was on a visit to Egypt attended the forum and addressed the opening ceremony.  相似文献   

On September 13, world business and political leaders attended the opening ceremony of the fourth Summer Davos forum in Tianjin, to discuss how to keep the economic momentum and promote sustained growth two years after the financial crisis.  相似文献   

Chinese advertising has long been inseparable from the Chinese na- tional culture from late Shang Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty when Jiang Ziya beat sword to spread sound to the 21st century when the badge of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games sweeps the whole world. With cultural trait as one of its fundamental character, advertising naturally becomes one  相似文献   

Mr. Bo Xilai, Minister of Commerce of China, and Mr.Walker, Foreign Minister of Chile, signed the China-Chile FTA on behalf of their respective government on November 18, 2005. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Chile President Lagos attended the signing ceremony, according to a press release on the website of Network Center of MOFCOM.  相似文献   

The policy of developing SMEs is what Japan and China have in common. I eagerly hope that the SMEs in China and Japan could strengthen communication and cooperation, developing a long-term and friendly cooperation relationship." Tadashi Okamura, Director of Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI), remarked at the China-Japan SMEs Development Forum on March 23.  相似文献   

On the morning of August 15, 2007, with a clear ring of gong, Wuxi Sunmart Holdings Pte Ltd officially got listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. From this moment, anew member joined in "Jiangyin block" in Singapore. Following the successful listing of Yangtze Shipping and Junxin Science & Technology respectively in Singapore Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange, Wuxi Sunmart entered the stock market full of completion as a dark horse. The major leaders of Wuxi government, Zhu Minyang, Gao Pei and Zhang Shixian, all attended the Wuxi Sunmart's listing ceremony.  相似文献   

After the strong earthquake centered in Wenchuan County in the Southwestern Chinese Sichuan Province took place,the CCPIT Overseas Representative Offices immediately responding to the call of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and following the instructions of CCPIT concerning disaster relief work, vigorously organized local enterprises to make donation for the quake-stricken regions, Below are the statistics of donation from partial overseas representative offices by May 19.  相似文献   

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