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基于前景理论分析了生态文明建设背景下农户公益林规模对商品林种植结构的影响机制,着重考察了农户非农就业对公益林规模影响商品林种植结构的约束作用,并利用国家林业和草原局集体林权制度改革监测数据进行实证检验。结果表明:农户林地经营面积中公益林比例对商品林林地面积中用材林比例和经济林比例分别具有显著的负向与正向影响;家庭收入主要依靠外出务工的农户,公益林比例对用材林比例的负向影响会减弱,农户非农就业比例越高,公益林比例对经济林比例的正向影响被弱化的程度越大;公益林建设强化了农户对采伐指标申请难度的感知,促使农户将用材林转种经济林以规避未来被划为公益林后的禁伐损失。因此,需要合理规划公益林片区,优化经营管制措施,提升公益林管护水平与用材林林分质量。  相似文献   

林木市场成熟理论的提出与探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
指出"林木市场成熟理论"有着充分的法律政策依据,针对传统森林经营理论和管理政策进行创新和调整,提出和运用"林木市场成熟理论"指导和确定商品林的经营方针、经营措施和管理政策。深入分析林木市场成熟的基本概念和内涵,认为林木市场成熟主要适用于商品林中的用材林,用其指导商品林经营具有重要意义。  相似文献   

现代林业以建设比较完备的林业生态体系和比较发达的林业产业体系为目标,对森林资源实行分类经营。林业生产力布局的调整和天然林保护等重点工程的实施,为林业产业振兴提供了历史性机遇。林业产业体系以增加林产品的有效供给为立足点,结合我国木材造纸和人造板产业布局,对商品林基地建设实行定向化培育、集约化经营、规模化生产、产业化发展。森工企业应按照各级林业主管部门生态林和商品林的统一规划,在商品林建设的重点区域,争取国家投资或森工企业筹资建设商品林基地;在商品林分散的一般区域,由集体或农户经营。由于林地权属的复…  相似文献   

商品林生产特殊会计核算方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在商品林生产是企业式经营、核算前提下,分析商品林林木资源生产及资金运动特点,探讨适合商品林生产的特殊会计核算方法。  相似文献   

文章基于浙江、江西两省农户调研数据,运用Logit模型实证检验了不同商品林经营类型农户林业社会化服务可得性的影响因素。研究表明:商品林经营农户林业社会化服务的可得性普遍较低;在不同商品林经营类型农户中,各项林业社会化服务的可得性均受到是否是合作社社员、是否有林业补贴、林地规模、林地管护次数和林区道路质量的显著正向影响;而经营经济林为主和经营用材林为主的农户还受到非农收入占比、林地到家距离和村庄到加工厂的距离的显著负向影响;此外户主文化程度、是否是党员、家庭社会关系对农户接受林业社会化服务也都有不同程度的影响。因此,为调动集体林区农户营林积极性,应继续完善林权改革配套服务措施,提高服务可得性和实用性,并有效发挥林业专业合作社的服务功能,加强林区道路等基础设施建设,为建立和完善林业社会化服务体系创造稳定的发展环境。  相似文献   

论商品林产业化经营体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实行商品林产业化经营就是以国内外市场为导向,以提高经济效益为中心,对商品林基地建设实行区域化布局、专业化生产,把产供销、贸工林、经科教紧密结合起来,形成一条龙的经营体制。实施商品林产业化经营战略必须遵循林业经济收益分配社会公正原则,因地制宜发挥区域资源优势原则,科技兴业原则,永续利用和环境保护原则。根据福建省生态经济区域的特点提出商品林建设体系培育经营类型、经营对策和经营措施。  相似文献   

广东省商品林建设SWOT分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促进商品林建设是进一步落实森林分类经营政策的体现,也是实现林业可持续发展的重要举措。以广东省商品林为研究对象,对其发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行全面分析,并提出了广东商品林建设的对策。  相似文献   

商品林建设是国家六大林业重点工程之一。商品林经营成效如何与是否具有适应社会主义市场经济的支撑体系直接相关。本文在阐述商品林建设特点的基础上,结合南方林区商品林建设现状,对商品林建设支撑体系的设计思路、结构、内容进行了探讨,并提出了几点对策。  相似文献   

以浙江省重点林区236户农户2014年的林业生产投入与产出调查数据为基础,利用Bootstrap-DEA方法对农户的商品林生产效率进行测度与分析,并对综合效率进行分解。研究结果表明:浙江省重点林区农户商品林的平均生产效率不高,其中经营用材林的农户的生产效率最高,经营竹林的生产效率最低;农户的纯技术效率普遍高于规模效率;林权改革变量对林业投入具有显著的正向影响、对农户生产效率具有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

随着人类对可持续发展认识的提高,保护和发展森林资源、改善生态环境成为国家对林业的主导需求,林业正在由以木材生产为中心转向三大效益兼顾,生态效益优先.林业经营管理体制和运行机制正在由产业、事业混合经营向分类经营变化.商品林是以提供木材及其他林特产品,获取最大经济产出为主体功能.对其经济管理应以市场为导向.公益林是以涵养水源、保持水土、调节气候、防风固沙、改善生态环境的公益效能为主体功能.商品林经营和公益林经营的目的不同,对它们应采取相适应的资金来源渠道、管理体制、管理方式,在此基础上,二者会计目标不同,建立在会计目标基础上的会计核算体系也是不同的.商品林生产是以企业方式经营、核算,核算应真实反映企业的成本、收益及林木资源价值的增减变化等.公益林作为一项公益事业来经营,按事业会计进行核算.本文只探讨商品林企业特殊会计目标、会计核算对象、会计核算难点等理论问题.  相似文献   

Forests play an important role in mitigating climate change. Forests can sequester carbon from the atmosphere and provide biomass, which can be used to substitute for fossil fuels or energy-intensive materials. International climate policies favor the use of wood to substitute for fossil fuels rather than using forests as carbon sink. We examine the trade off between sequestering carbon in forests and substituting wood for fossil fuels in Finland. For Finland to meet its EU targets for the use of renewable energy by 2020, a considerable increase in the use of wood for energy is necessary. We compare scenarios in which the wood energy targets are fully or partially met to a reference case where policies favoring wood based energy production are removed. Three models are used to project fossil fuel substitution and changes in forest carbon sinks in the scenarios through 2035.Finnish forests are a growing carbon sink in all scenarios. However, net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will be higher in the medium term if Finland achieves its current wood energy targets than if the use of energy wood stagnates or decreases. The volume of GHG emissions avoided by replacing coal, peat and fossil diesel with wood is outweighed by the loss in carbon sequestered in forests due to increased biomass removals. Therefore, the current wood energy targets seem excessive and harmful to the climate. In particular, biodiesel production has a significant, negative impact on net emissions in the period considered. However, we did not consider risks such as forest fires, wind damage and diseases, which might weaken the sequestration policy. The potential albedo impacts of harvesting the forests were not considered either.  相似文献   

根据演化博弈理论,构建动态演化博弈模型,探讨重点生态区位商品林生态补偿过程中各利益主体在有限理性条件下的利益驱动、决策行为和依据以及主体间交互作用下的演化稳定策略,分析在不同情境下影响林农和地方政府演化博弈均衡的因素。研究结果表明:两大博弈主体的策略选择和策略演化方向依赖于初始状态及其演化路径,并与博弈矩阵的参数有关;地方政府的行为决策直接影响生态补偿项目的可持续性;作为项目的直接实施主体,林农的积极性与响应度直接影响生态补偿项目的实施效果。因此,应该建立健全生态补偿,完善生态环境保护激励机制,构建政府主导、林农参与的环境保护工作机制。  相似文献   

Finland is committed to the EU goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% from the 1990 levels by 2050. We examine the potential role of the forests in fulfilling this goal in Finland. We base our analysis on the six scenarios that supported the parliamentary process of preparing Energy and Climate Roadmap 2050 for Finland to which we contributed by providing the assessment of forest sector development. While the scenario paths show that a systemic change to achieve the 80% target is possible with the increasing use of wood for energy being an important tool to cut emissions, our projections here show that an increase in forest carbon sink alone could play at least as important a role in improving the carbon balance. As the Finnish forests are growing clearly more than the projected removals of wood biomass are, Finland's carbon balance in full carbon accounting might become negative already before 2040 thanks to the forest sink. The forest growth might come to offset all other emissions sources even without other measures and still allow an increase in the use of wood for materials and energy. Nevertheless also other emission saving measures are needed because there is currently a cap which limits the use of LULUCF sinks as an emission reduction tool, and because of the fact that at some future point of time the forest sink will saturate while being vulnerable to many risks at the meantime.  相似文献   

2011年第四季度我国林业企业景气指数再次下降,也显著低于全国企业同期景气指数。第四季度出口上升,进口下降。出口商品主要以木竹家具、木竹制品、胶合板、纤维板为主,占主要林产品出口额的95.10%;进口商品主要以原木、锯材、木竹浆、废纸、木片等为主,占主要林产品进口额的96.32%。林产品进出口以龙头企业为主,整体同比增长,环比下降。分析了位列进出口前50家企业的状况及企业景气指数下降的主要原因。  相似文献   

Invasive pests and diseases in trees impose a range of costs on society related to reductions in timber values, impacts on recreational opportunities and effects on forest biodiversity. These costs need to be considered when assessing control options and developing public policy. We investigate the preferences and willingness to pay of the UK general public for a range of forest disease control measures using a choice experiment with a sample of 605 people. Respondents were relatively well informed about general tree disease‐related issues, such as causes and general measures to minimise the risk of disease spread. They were less knowledgeable about specific tree diseases, with Dutch elm disease and chalara ash dieback being the most well known. We find that disease control programmes in publicly‐owned forests and forests owned by charitable trusts are more likely to be supported by the public than equivalent control programmes in privately‐owned and/or commercial forests. The nature of scientific uncertainty about diseases does not affect peoples’ preferences for disease control measures significantly. Higher respondent income, greater ex‐ante knowledge about tree diseases, and more frequent visits to forests are correlated with greater willingness to support publicly‐funded tree disease control programmes in forests. Better knowledge about tree diseases also improves the clarity of respondents’ choices. We find a negative sentiment against some disease control measures, such as clear felling of a forest, and chemical or biocide spraying. We conclude that there is significant public support for part‐financing forest disease control policies in the UK, but that this is conditional on forest ownership and the type of control measures used.  相似文献   

Private forests are a vital component of the natural ecosystem infrastructure of the United States, and provide critical ecosystem services including clean air and water, energy, wildlife habitat, recreational services, and wood fiber. These forests have been subject to conversion to developed uses due to increasing population pressures. This study examines the changing patterns in the private forests across the urban–rural gradient in 36 states in the eastern United States. We combine observed forest management activities, housing pressure, and 50-year projections of development pressures under alternate IPCC emission scenarios (A1, A2, B1, and B2) to produce a forest pressures index for a total of 45,707 plots located on privately owned land. We find evidence of continued forest loss in suburban/urban regions, and imminent pressure on private forests in exurban regions, while forests in rural regions are found to be relatively stable in next 50 years. Patterns of forest pressures differ depending on the sub-regions, which can be attributed to differing socio-ecological context of these sub-regions. Forest pressures also differ depending on the alternate scenarios considered, as projected increases in impervious surfaces is higher for the A1 and A2 scenarios as compared to the B1 and B2 scenarios. Land owners, often influenced by changing economic, demographic, and environmental trends, will play an important role in managing goods and services provided by these private forests. While it remains challenging to model forest owner attributes, socio-economic factors appear to be critical in shaping the future forested landscape in the United States.  相似文献   

探讨了天保工程10年天然林保护向何处去的问题。认为应充分利用天然林资源可再生的特性,掌握其规律,在保护为先的基础上,科学地经营利用天然林。主要措施:通过低产林改造建设生物能源林和中药材基地;利用抚育材发展菌类等森林食品;选择林相结构合理的林分培育大径材;依托自然保护区发展森林旅游业。  相似文献   

结合中国南方集体林区林权制度改革后的森林经营现状,对森林经营联合认证在其发展的有利条件、障碍及机遇进行深入分析。结果表明:林权改革发展、林业合作社兴起以及联合认证花费较低、信息技术共享等为南方集体林区发展森林联合认证创造了有利条件;林农森林认证思想薄弱、农村缺乏专业技术人才与资金以及林农分布较为分散等问题在一定程度上阻碍了联合认证的发展。此外,在南方集体林区发展森林联合认证还有一系列的机遇,例如"三农政策""扶贫政策"等国家政策的保障,巨大的林产品出口量推动合作社林产品的认证以及社区林业与林区联合认证理念契合等。因此,针对其障碍,提出开展认证培训、增设认证试点、拓宽资金渠道及明确和统一高保护价值森林定义等相应的改善对策。  相似文献   

借鉴赫希曼的"退出-呼吁-忠诚"分析框架,从主动退出、被动退出、主动呼吁、被动呼吁、主动忠诚、被动忠诚6个方面分析《雷斯法案》修正案对中国木制品企业出口的影响,并基于2001~2013年的季度数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明:《雷斯法案》修正案不利于大部分木制品企业,但利好于部分企业;总体而言,对中国木制品出口美国的整体影响偏负面但不显著。基于此,提出完善木制品的森林认证体系、发挥木制品行业协会的作用、优奖劣汰的建议。  相似文献   

以湖北神农架林区为例,分析了建立森林生态补偿市场化机制的必要性与可行性,提出了森林生态建设政策扶持与市场化相结合的发展思路:加大政府扶持力度,处理好林区民生问题;继续实施公益林和商品林的区别化政策;充分利用森林生态资源发展旅游经济;引入市场激励机制,大力发展森林碳汇市场。  相似文献   

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