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This paper provides empirical evidence on the effects of regulatory changes in the market power of Spanish banks. It also analyses the response of banks, in terms of risk-taking behaviour, as a result of a reduction in economic profits. We find that liberalisation measures have increased competition and eroded banks’ market power. We observe that banks with lower charter values tend to have lower equity-assets ratios (lower solvency) and to experience higher credit risk. The last evidence is new in the literature and calls for strengthening regulatory concerns about credit risk management by banks in situations of increased competition.  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential effects of investment‐banking reputation and venture capital on the long‐term performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) simultaneously. Our findings do not support the view that IPOs perform differently compared with other firms, with the only exception of venture‐backed IPOs. We show that venture‐backed IPOs are associated with long‐term gains when we account for investment bankers' reputation, size and book‐to‐market effects. Zero investment portfolios, based on combinations of underwriter's reputation and venture capital involvement's in IPOs, provide additional evidence in support of the view that venture‐backed IPOs, regardless of the reputation of underwriters, are associated with significant post‐issue gains. Our results also indicate that the reputation of investment bankers matters only in the absence of venture capital .  相似文献   

操作风险管理的相关研究:问题与争议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前的金融格局下,除了信用风险和市场风险外,操作风险的影响及其产生的破坏力进一步加大,因此,我们应加强操作性风险的监控和管理.有关学者和从业者在操作风险界定、度量工具和管理手段方面进行了研究.随着新协议的正式公布和逐步实施,以及我国银行业对外开放步伐的不断加快,新业务的不断推出,我国商业银行面临的操作风险压力越来越大,只有及早转变风险管理理念,积极引入操作风险管理,尽快建立一个有效的操作风险管理体系,才能保持我国金融体系的安全、稳健发展.  相似文献   

Abstract. Countries with a high amount of knowledge capital are likely to have higher volumes of venture capital (VC) investments because more researchers come up with innovative business ideas that require venture capital finance. Using panel data techniques, the paper finds evidence that VC investments depend strongly on the countries' knowledge capital measured by the number of patents, or the number of R&D researchers, or gross domestic expenditures on R&D. In addition, the paper analyzes whether government-financed knowledge capital fulfills a special role for VC investments. It finds only weak evidence that VC investments depend, with a delay of several years, on government-financed knowledge capital.  相似文献   

The rise in the popularity of commercial corporate governance ratings is at once a source of dismay and a cause for alarm: the former because they do not appear to give accurate predictions of corporate performance and the latter because they add to the pressure on corporations to adapt their governance structures to a benchmark model that takes no account of the conditions in which they operate. This paper gives an alternative view of the potential use and impact of the commercially marketed governance ratings. It argues that their importance to institutional investors lies in providing them with information that accurately summarises corporate loyalty to shareholders rather than accurately predicts corporate performance. It goes on to argue that the commercial governance ratings can bring benefits to an economy by contributing to a new type of managerial control mechanism that is not only more efficient than hostile takeovers and stock options but also helps to reduce the governance role of these instruments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explicitly model a bond rating process under varying degrees of bond opacity and derive conditions under which disagreements between rating agencies (rating splits) can serve as a useful proxy for opacity in empirical analyses.  相似文献   

中国商业银行操作风险管理绩效评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商业银行操作风险已成为现代金融业的主要风险源之一,加强操作风险管理是控制和缓解风险的有效途径.本文对中国商业银行操作风险的管理现状进行了描述,对中国商业银行操作风险管理绩效与核心竞争力的相关性进行了研究,认为现阶段中国商业银行比较有效地化解操作风险的途径是:提取以操作风险度量为基础的经济资本,建立操作风险损失的补偿机制,采取风险转移的措施来减少商业银行的操作风险损失.  相似文献   

随着金融管制的放松,银行经营业务范围及产品进一步多样化和复杂化,操作风险的破坏力和影响力愈发显现,对其研究和管理迫在眉睫。目前,我国银行业普遍存在着内部控制不完善的问题,导致了操作风险的频发,主要原因是银行业内部体制不健全,操作风险管理意识薄弱,因此,应在内部控制体系的构建入手,设计出一套适合我国商业银行操作风险的管理体系。  相似文献   

Better developed legal and political institutions result in greater availability of reliable firm-specific information. When stock prices reflect more firm-specific information there will be less stock price synchronicity. This paper traces the experience of China, an economy undergoing dramatic institutional change in the last 20 years with rich variation in experiences across provinces. We show that stock price synchronicity is lower when there is institutional development in terms of property rights protection and rule of law. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of political pluralism on synchronicity. A more pluralistic regime reduces uncertainty and opaqueness regarding government interventions and therefore increases the value of firm-specific information that reduces synchronicity.  相似文献   

We provide theory for calculating bounds on both the value of an individual?s human capital and the return on an individual?s human capital, given knowledge of the process governing earnings and financial asset returns. We calculate bounds using U.S. data on male earnings and financial asset returns. The large idiosyncratic component of earnings risk implies that bounds on values and returns are quite loose. However, when aggregate shocks are the only source of earnings risk, both bounds are tight.  相似文献   

We used Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate cost efficiency of Australian banks in producing banking services and profit between 1995 and 2002. Empirical results indicate the major banks have improved their efficiency in producing banking services and profit, while the regional banks have experienced little change in the efficiency of producing banking services, and a decline in the efficiency of producing profit. An attempt is made to relate the changes in efficiency to stock returns. Results indicate that for our sample, changes in firm efficiency are reflected in stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper applies an innovative DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model, the Inverse B-convex model, in order to investigate the technical efficiency of a representative sample of Chinese banks. The banks are ranked according to their efficiency over the period 1998-2008. The results paint a mixed picture of the Chinese banks' performance. The influence of firm size and ownership on bank efficiency is not observed. However, the study shows that overall efficiency improved over time, especially after the entry of China into the WTO. Policy implications are derived.  相似文献   

We present a multi-period risk model to measure portfolio risk that integrates market risk, credit risk and, in a simplified way, liquidity risk. Thus, it overcomes the major limitation currently shared by many risk models that are unable to give a complete picture of all portfolio risks according to a single, coherent framework. The model is based on the Filtered Bootstrap approach; hence, it captures conditional heteroskedasticity, serial correlation and non-normality in the risk factors, that is, most of the features of observed financial time series. Being a simulation risk model, it copes in a natural way with derivatives as it allows the full valuation of the probability density function of the contracts. In addition, it is a suitable and flexible way to generate future scenarios on medium‐term horizons, so this model is particularly appropriate for asset management companies.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss is a problem of global concern affecting ecosystem functioning and services provided to humans. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment is built on a conceptual framework that links biodiversity with the services ecosystems provide to society and human welfare. Numerous empirical studies have measured ecosystem goods and services in terms of economic values; however, less evidence is available of the indirect effect of biodiversity on these values. Based on this, we first compile market and non-market forest valuation studies and, secondly, explore the potential of an econometric modelling exercise by conducting a worldwide meta-analysis. This exercise aims to highlight the role of biodiversity indicators on valuation. In this way, we can study the underlying transmission mechanisms that explain to what extent biodiversity is related to human welfare. Furthermore, we also propose to evaluate the magnitudes of the respective distributional impacts, including the different ecosystem goods and services under consideration. Our results show that biodiversity indicators may have an underlying effect on forest ecosystem values, which also depend on the type of ecosystem services. Lastly, the results are discussed and analysed with respect to their policy implications concerning biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

本文首先从金融危机中的日本大和生命破产、AIG被美国政府接管和国内保险公司内部欺诈角度论述了操作风险管控的重要性,然后综述了保险业操作风险和产权的涵义。阐述了我国保险公司操作风险的基本现状及成因。并从产权理论视角出发,分析了我国保险业形成了混合产权特征和及其操作风险特征。接着,笔者从产权分析框架、奥尔森的集体行动逻辑理论、囚徒困境博弈、政府干预和资源配置理论视角,阐述保险公司产权问题是操作风险的内因,并借鉴了国际保险业操作风险防控的经验,最后从保险公司的产权制度安排和产权结构两个方面,提出后金融危机我国保险公司操作风险的控制思路和对策。  相似文献   

金融风险新领域——银行操作风险的计量与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着《巴塞尔新资本协议》把操作风险纳入监管范围,要求提取准备金,操作风险正日益成为全球银行业风险管理中的一个研究焦点。本文从操作风险的概念出发,介绍了操作风险测度的方法,提出了我国银行业的应对措施。  相似文献   

文章对汇丰银行等三家主要商业银行操作风险管理基本做法进行比较,以便为我国商业银行操作风险管理提供启示;在综合分析的基础上,从制定适当的操作风险管理战略、培育良好的操作风险管理文化、合理选择与开发适合的操作风险度量方法、建立操作风险损失数据库等方面,提出完善我国商业银行操作风险管理措施的合理化建议。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of investment in information technologies (IT) in the financial sector using micro-data from a panel of 600 Italian banks over the period 1989–2000. Stochastic cost and profit functions are estimated allowing for individual banks' displacements from the best practice frontier and for non-neutral technological change. The results show that both cost and profit frontier shifts are strongly correlated with IT capital accumulation. Banks adopting IT capital-intensive techniques are also more efficient. On the whole, over the past decade IT capital-deepening contribution to total factor productivity growth of the Italian banking industry can be estimated in a range between 1.3 and 1.8 per cent per year.  相似文献   

刘元庆  杨旭 《经济管理》2006,(10):87-91
出于资本计量或其他管理要求,业界开始了操作风险模型化方面的探索,并开发了大量统计精算模型,其中极值理论是应用最为广泛的模型之一。然而,目前操作风险量化存在严重的数据缺乏问题,面对量化的难度而不得不辅之以定性的方法,如情景模拟、定性评估模型。  相似文献   

操作风险作为一个新的研究领域,因损失数据的复杂性已经开始阻碍其计量技术的顺利发展。如何混合内外部的频度数据,本文提出一种基于信度理论的解决方案来解决频度数据的合并问题,使内外部数据能够进行合并,最终形成无偏估计。  相似文献   

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