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Abstract. During the last decade, many Western economies reformed their welfare systems with the aim of activating welfare recipients by increasing welfare‐to‐work programmes (WTWP) and job‐search enforcement. We evaluate the short‐term effects of three important German WTWP implemented after a major reform in January 2005 (‘Hartz IV’), namely short training, further training with a planned duration of up to three months and public workfare programmes (‘One‐Euro‐Jobs’). Our analysis is based on a combination of a large‐scale survey and administrative data that is rich with respect to individual, household, agency level and regional information. We use this richness of the data to base the econometric evaluation on a selection‐on‐observables approach. We find that short‐term training programmes, on average, increase their participants' employment perspectives. There is also considerable effect heterogeneity across different subgroups of participants that could be exploited to improve the allocation of welfare recipients to the specific programmes and thus increase overall programme effectiveness.  相似文献   

K. Dengler 《Applied economics》2013,45(57):6170-6190
Empirical evidence reveals that German welfare recipients often participate in multiple active labour market programmes (ALMPs). However, evidence on the effectiveness of ALMPs exists mostly for single ALMP participations so far. This article evaluates the sequential participation in ALMPs for welfare recipients in Germany based on comprehensive administrative data to control for dynamic selection that arises in the evaluation of sequences. Using a dynamic causal model and an inflow sample of welfare recipients, the article analyses the effects of sequences of a public employment programme called One-Euro-Jobs on labour market outcomes. For female participants in One-Euro-Jobs in the first period, especially in West Germany, the results imply that participating in two consecutive One-Euro-Jobs compared with receiving only welfare benefits for two consecutive periods better facilitates integration into regular employment. Moreover, taking part in a One-Euro-Job directly after entry into welfare receipt is also more effective for participants in One-Euro-Jobs in the first period than taking part in a One-Euro-Job in a later period, especially for East German men (although not for West German women). However, I also find evidence of so-called programme careers and stepwise integration into regular employment.  相似文献   

We quantify the impact of effective welfare programme parameters on the labour supply of single female household heads – the primary group of welfare recipients in the USA. Our panel of data is derived from the US Census Bureau's Current Population Survey for the years 1979 to 1990 inclusive. Behavioural impacts from a range of economic variables are consistent in sign with predictions made by economic theory. We find that effective welfare gurantee levels and the effective tax rate on earned income both significantly decrease labour supply. The marginal effects of these welfare programme parameters are economically small: a US$1000 increase in the expected welfare guarantee level reduces annual labour supply by about 36 hours; a 10 percentage point increase in the effective tax rate on earned income reduces annual labour supply by about 7.5 hours.  相似文献   

This study examines the dynamics of welfare programme participation during the initial period (1993–1995) of programme reforms at the state-level in Iowa. The programme changes for the state were remarkably similar to the national reforms implemented in the USA in 1996. Analysis of the Family Investment Program (FIP) participation over the programme's first two years show that, on average, recipients stayed fewer months in the second year compared with the first, although a relatively large share of participants (36%) stayed on for the full two years. Fixed effect and semiparametric duration models are used to examine welfare dependence and recidivism, respectively. Results indicate that income from wages and child support are significant factors in reducing welfare participation. Child support and wage income are crucial in determining the chances of exiting and of staying off the programme, especially during the early months of the exit.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the employment effects of active labour market programmes for Danish welfare benefit recipients, focusing on private sector employment (PSE) programmes. Using a latent variable model that allows for heterogeneous treatment effects among observationally identical persons, we estimate commonly defined mean treatment effects and the distribution of treatment effects. We find no significant mean treatment effect of PSE programme participation as compared to participation in other programmes for PSE programme participants. However, we find substantial heterogeneity in the treatment effects, and those most likely to participate in PSE programmes are those who benefit the least from such programmes.  相似文献   

This paper provides a consistent and asymptotically normal estimator for the intercept of a semiparametrically estimated sample selection model. The estimator uses a decreasingly small fraction of all observations as the sample size goes to infinity, as in Heckman (1990). In the semiparametrics literature, estimation of the intercept has typically been subsumed in the nonparametric sample selection bias correction term. The estimation of the intercept, however, is important from an economic perspective. For instance, it permits one to determine the "wage gap" between unionized and nonunionized workers, decompose the wage differential between different socio-economic groups (e.g. male–female and black–white), and evaluate the net benefits of a social programme.  相似文献   

Sequences of active labour market programmes (ALMPs) may be part of an intensified activation strategy targeting hard-to-place unemployed individuals. Such sequences are very common among welfare recipients in Germany, but most studies only evaluate either single ALMPs or unemployed individuals’ first ALMP. I analyse the effects of different sequences of classroom training for West German men and women on different labour market outcomes. Using rich administrative data and a dynamic causal model, I can control for dynamic selection problems that occur during a sequence. The results show that two classroom trainings are more effective than two periods of welfare receipt in helping welfare recipients find regular employment, especially among West German women. Moreover, immediately assigning individuals to classroom training is more effective than waiting and assigning them to classroom training in the second period. However, in some cases, avoiding participation in multiple programmes is preferable.

Abbreviations: ALMP, active labour market programme; CIA, Conditional Independence Assumption; CSR, Common Support Requirement; DATET, dynamic average treatment effect on the treated; IEB, Integrated Employment Biographies; IPW, inverse probability weighting; LHG, UBII-Receipt History (Leistungshistorik Grundsicherung); MSB, mean standardized absolute bias; SUTVA, Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption; UBII, unemployment benefit II; UBI, unemployment benefit I; WDCIA, Weak Dynamic Conditional Independence Assumption  相似文献   

K. Hohmeyer 《Applied economics》2013,45(34):4469-4484
Recent German labour market reforms introduced a large scale workfare programme called One-Euro-Jobs to activate welfare recipients and improve their employment prospects. In programme design leeway is left to regional actors. Using administrative data and Propensity Score (PS) matching, this article investigates the association between programme design and effectiveness, so as to provide insight on how to increase programme effectiveness. First, effects of different types of One-Euro-Jobs according to planned duration and weekly working hours compared to ‘waiting’ are estimated. Second, programme types are compared directly to disentangle selection and programme effects. As expected lock-in effects are larger for participations with a longer planned duration, but not for those with longer weekly working hours. One-Euro-Jobs do not generally increase the employment prospects for East German men beyond 2 years after programme start and longer and more intensive participations even decrease employment prospects. In West Germany, One-Euro-Jobs generally increase the employment chances and longer participations lead to slightly greater employment opportunities roughly 2 years after programme start. The initial advantages of short participations decrease over time. Following these results, a reallocation of participants might improve programme effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper studies how changes in welfare policy affect welfare recipients' residential choices. Although several empirical studies have stressed that welfare policy may affect residential choices of welfare recipients, few studies have simultaneously taken into account that residential choices of welfare recipients are also likely to affect welfare policy. This paper utilizes a policy reform to address this policy endogeneity. The results show that welfare policy exerts a substantial effect on residential choices of welfare recipients.  相似文献   

The classical Heckman (1976, 1979) selection correction estimator (heckit) is misspecified and inconsistent, if an interaction of the outcome variable with an explanatory variable matters for selection. To address this specification problem, a full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimator and a simple two-step estimator are developed. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations illustrate that the bias of the ordinary heckit estimator is removed by these generalized estimation procedures. Along with OLS and ordinary heckit, we apply these estimators to data from a randomized trial that evaluates the effectiveness of financial incentives for reducing obesity. Estimation results indicate that the choice of the estimation procedure clearly matters.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of the 2005 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) on farm structure, particularly farm size. We rely on the salience of a new ethanol plant in a farmers’ local neighbourhood to identify the impact of the RFS mandate on these spatially advantaged farms. To control for the nonrandom selection of ethanol production facilities, we utilize a propensity score matching estimator, and to remove impact of farm-level or market shifting unobservables resulting from shifts in commodity prices we employ a difference-in-difference (DD) matching approach. We estimate the treatment effect of an ethanol production facility on farm size prior to the RFS mandate and after the RFS programme. The effect of the RFS policy on farm size is obtained as the difference between these two DD matching estimators. Overall, our results suggest that the RFS programme raised the probability of farm size increase by roughly 12–18%, on average, for farms located within a 30-mile radius of new ethanol plants. In addition, the programme contributed to a net increase in farm size of 25–32%, on average, for those spatially advantaged farms.  相似文献   

How does labour market policy affect welfare recipients and long-term unemployed people? We investigate whether job search assistance (JSA) helps disadvantaged individuals to find jobs and whether courses or individual counselling is more successful in reaching this goal. To evaluate individual employment effects, we apply a quasi-experimental design and construct suitable comparison groups using propensity score matching methods. We compare participants to nonparticipants as well as participants of both schemes directly. Our article benefits from access to rich administrative data from the German Federal Employment Agency. When comparing participants to nonparticipants, results suggest that the individual JSA does not affect participants’ employment prospects at all and that the course JSA even decreased their employment chances. At the same time, differences in these effects can be ascribed to programme design differences and to differences in the groups of participants. Therefore, we compare both programmes directly to each other, that is, we use the other programme participants as a comparison group, respectively. We found some evidence that individual JSA performs better than course JSA.  相似文献   

We analyse a competitive research-oriented public programme established in Spain, the Ramon y Cajal Programme, intended to offer contracts in public research centres to high-quality researchers. We study the effects of the programme on the ex post scientific productivity of its recipients, relative to non-granted applicants with comparable curricula at the time of application. The full sample results demonstrate that the programme has a positive and significant effect on the scientific productivity of the recipients, as measured both by the amount of published contribution and by the impact of their publications. Consequently, receiving a contract affects the quantity, but also increases the quality, of the contract recipients’ publications.  相似文献   

The 2005 reform of the German welfare system introduced two competing organizational models for welfare administration. In most districts, a centralized organization was established where local welfare agencies are bound to central directives. At the same time, 69 districts were allowed to opt for a decentralized organization. We evaluate the relative success of both types in terms of integrating welfare recipients into employment. Compared to centralized organization, decentralized organization has a negative effect on employment chances of males. For women, no significant effect is found. These findings are robust to the inclusion of aspects of internal organization common to both types of agencies.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2004,88(7-8):1521-1542
This paper examines factors that influence migration of AFDC recipients within California. A county level conditional logit model is used to analyze the impact of cost adjusted benefits on intrastate moves during recipients’ first year of welfare participation. Costs of living, particularly housing costs, differ considerably across counties of California, yet the welfare benefit is set at the state level. This creates the potential for variation in the purchasing power of the welfare benefit if a family chooses to move. Variation in cost of living is shown to have a significant effect on migration patterns of AFDC recipients. Estimates suggest that a $150 decrease in fair market rent results in 15% more migration to the county. Recipients’ migration is more responsive to cost of living than migration of the general population.  相似文献   

Does environmental regulation impair international competitiveness of pollution-intensive industries to the extent that they relocate to countries with less stringent regulation, turning those countries into “pollution havens”? We test this hypothesis using panel data on outward foreign direct investment (FDI) flows of various industries in the German manufacturing sector and account for several econometric issues that have been ignored in previous studies. Most importantly, we demonstrate that externalities associated with FDI agglomeration can bias estimates away from finding a pollution haven effect if omitted from the analysis. We include the stock of inward FDI as a proxy for agglomeration and employ a GMM estimator to control for endogenous time-varying determinants of FDI flows. Furthermore, we propose a difference estimator based on the least polluting industry to break the possible correlation between environmental regulatory stringency and unobservable attributes of FDI recipients in the cross-section. When accounting for these issues we find robust evidence of a pollution haven effect for the chemical industry.  相似文献   

Social security plays an essential role in an economy, but if designed incorrectly, it can distort individuals' labour supply and savings behaviour. We explore how well the Australian means‐tested pension system provides social insurance by changing the settings of the system and calculating the impact on welfare. In order to exclude trivial welfare gains, we keep the cost of the programmes constant. We find that the means‐tested pension system is welfare reducing, but does provide a better outcome than a PAYG system of equivalent cost. We also find that if the benefit amount is held constant, and hence the cost of the pension programme is allowed to vary, a taper rate of 1.0 is optimal. However, once we hold the cost of the programme constant, a universal benefit scheme provides the best welfare outcome.  相似文献   

This article proposes a structural approach to measuring the effects of electoral accountability. We estimate a political agency model with imperfect information in order to identify and quantify discipline and selection effects, using data on U.S. governors. We find that the possibility of reelection provides a significant incentive for incumbents to exert effort, that is, a disciplining effect. We also find a positive but weaker selection effect. According to our model, the widely used two‐term regime improves voter welfare by 4.2% compared to a one‐term regime, and better voter information about the effort of the governors would further increase voter welfare by up to 0.5%.  相似文献   

We study opportunities for lowering the cost of welfare programs by exploiting heterogeneity in the unobservable tastes of welfare recipients. Relying on the inability of cash-based programs to achieve self-selection, we provide circumstances in which it is optimal to provide payments-in- kind. Our model differs from other self-selection models because we allow the recipients the opportunity to trade the subsequent to the receipt of their welfare packages. The presence of unreported cash among the recipient population is considered.  相似文献   

We provide a graphical illustration of how standard consumer and producer theory can be used to quantify the welfare loss associated with inefficient pricing in insurance markets with selection. We then show how this welfare loss can be estimated empirically using identifying variation in the price of insurance. Such variation, together with quantity data, allows us to estimate the demand for insurance. The same variation, together with cost data, allows us to estimate how insurer's costs vary as market participants endogenously respond to price. The slope of this estimated cost curve provides a direct test for both the existence and nature of selection, and the combination of demand and cost curves can be used to estimate welfare. We illustrate our approach by applying it to data on employer-provided health insurance from one specific company. We detect adverse selection but estimate that the quantitative welfare implications associated with inefficient pricing in our particular application are small, in both absolute and relative terms.  相似文献   

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