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In the global marketplace, managers and employees must work together even though they may have suspicions based on their different countries' historical rivalry. Social psychological research suggests that co-operative goals and applying abilities for mutual benefit can strengthen the leader relationship between Japanese managers and their Chinese employees. Working in Japanese enterprises in Shanghai, China, 100 employees in private Japanese companies in China indicated their goal interdependence with their Japanese and Chinese managers, their applying abilities for mutual benefit and their conclusions that their manager had valuable abilities and was an effective leader. Structural equation analysis suggested that applying abilities for mutual benefit mediates the relationship between goal interdependence and leader resourcefulness and effectiveness, especially when the manager is Chinese and less so when their manager is Japanese. These results, coupled with previous research, were interpreted as suggesting that co-operative goals and applying abilities for mutual benefit contribute to effective leadership even when managers and employees have different nationalities.  相似文献   

通过对基金经理特征与基金业绩关系的实证研究考察了年龄、性别、任期、工作经历、银行背景、教育背景、资格证书等经理特征对基金业绩的影响。实证结果表明,年龄、任期、MBA与基金业绩负相关,银行经历与基金业绩正相关,博士学历反而没有硕士学历的经理基金业绩好,女性经理业绩强于男性,工作经历对业绩影响不大,CFA证书持有者业绩略好,金融专业背景经理业绩强于其他专业。研究还发现,硕士毕业于国内排名前十位高校的基金经理管理的业绩,获得比其他经理管理的基金高出13.6%-15.4%的投资收益率。研究结论表明,较高的人力资本和社会资本有利于基金业绩的提升,而经验资本影响不大。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework to assess the effects of technology collaboration networks (TCNs) on the innovation performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). It includes three factors that affect firm dynamics and could influence the success of the TCN: the macroeconomic cycle (macro-level), the industry life cycle (industry-level) and the age of the firm (firm-level). Previous papers have focused on factors at one specific level, mainly the firm level, but have not looked at these all together and have also failed to take into account how they evolve gradually over time. This study closes this gap using a panel of 44,885 observations for SMEs for the period 2003–2013. The findings confirm the importance of the inclusion of these factors at the macroeconomic, industry and firm level since they influence the TCN and the innovation performance relationship. The implications for managers and policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

Since public networks became widespread, doubts have arisen over how to make them succeed. Scholars have traditionally addressed the issue in different ways, thus variously shedding light on the network structure, mechanisms, or managers as predictors of the network performance. The aim of our article is to explore the possibility of an interaction effect between the abovementioned factors. Our results show that there may be a relationship between network structure, mechanisms, and managers that jointly affects network performance. Therefore, important suggestions can be made about how to manage public networks successfully: (1) ensure that your network mechanisms and managerial abilities are coherent with the structure of your network; and (2) if you are in a well-established and integrated network, allow yourself some flexibility. Data were collected through a multiple case study that focused on collaboration for joint provision of home care services in Switzerland.  相似文献   

This paper is about aging and the ability to perform under pressure on the PGA tour. Performance increases with golfing skill, but may first increase and then decrease with age as experience interacts with changes in physical condition. Similarly, mental fortitude or the ability of a golfer to perform under pressure may first increase and then decrease with age as experience interacts with changes in the ability to concentrate. Net performance on the tour is the result of both physical golfing skill and the ability to perform under pressure. We control for changes in physical skill and focus on the mental side of the game. The role of experience suggests an inverted U shaped relationship between age and mental performance that could vary significantly across golfers. We use Order-m FDH to calculate a measure of performance under pressure, and we confirm an inverted U-shaped curve with age. Along the way, we examine the ability to perform under pressure at the level of the individual golfer.  相似文献   

Virtually all prior research on small and medium sized enterprise (SME) management has focused on owner managers. This article, however, empirically examines the determinants of managerial remuneration for a sample of 97 UK SME non-owning managerial employees. the empirical analysis, based upon data obtained from interviews with middle (i.e. non-director level) managers and the published financial records of their employing firms lodged at Companies House, first examines the influence of firm size and performance and then augments the empirical model to include pay composition, industrial sector, external labour market and human capital variables. The empirical results indicate that the average profitability of the employing firms is not a significant determinant of managerial remuneration. However, composition of pay appears to have a significant effect upon total remuneration since, even after controlling for other influences, managers in receipt of annual bonuses and/or profit-sharing bonuses are estimated to earn an additional £6,600. the managers’age and qualifications, and the asset size, industry and location of their employing firms are also significant factors and collectively are able to explain a large proportion of the cross-sectional variance in remuneration. Though there is a lack of previous empirical research on SME managerial pay.  相似文献   

Improving the job performance of employees has been the focus of many motivation theories, especially the need theories. These theories have however been questioned because of a lack of research on the causal relationship between need satisfaction and job performance. Research on the link between the need satisfaction-job performance relationship and individual personality differences among people has also been neglected. This study addresses these research gaps as far as the intervening influence of personality variables on the need satisfaction-job performance relationship is concerned. The present study investigates the influence of need satisfaction (as suggested by the Alderfer theory) on self-esteem (the personality trait) and the influence of self-esteem on performance intention (the surrogate measure for job performance) of top managers and frontline employees. The empirical results show that esteem as a personality variable exerts a significant influence on the job performance of both top managers and frontline employees. These and other findings provide important guidelines for managers on how to address the motivational needs of top managers and frontline employees in order to improve their job performance.  相似文献   

Sports teams frequently fire and hire managers when they experience losing. However, determining managerial responsibility for player performance is difficult to measure. This study examines how major‐league baseball players perform under different managers and estimates that managers have little effect on performance. The study further investigates whether or not replacing managers serves as a signal to fans that the team is improving, which boosts attendance. The results indicate that new managers were associated with increased attendance in the 2000s; however, such effects were not present in the 1980s and 1990s. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Our aim is to develop a set of leading performance indicators to enable managers of large projects to forecast during project execution how various stakeholders will perceive success months or even years into the operation of the output. Large projects have many stakeholders who have different objectives for the project, its output, and the business objectives they will deliver. The output of a large project may have a lifetime that lasts for years, or even decades, and ultimate impacts that go beyond its immediate operation. How different stakeholders perceive success can change with time, and so the project manager needs leading performance indicators that go beyond the traditional triple constraint to forecast how key stakeholders will perceive success months or even years later. In this article, we develop a model for project success that identifies how project stakeholders might perceive success in the months and years following a project. We identify success or failure factors that will facilitate or mitigate against achievement of those success criteria, and a set of potential leading performance indicators that forecast how stakeholders will perceive success during the life of the project's output. We conducted a scale development study with 152 managers of large projects and identified two project success factor scales and seven stakeholder satisfaction scales that can be used by project managers to predict stakeholder satisfaction on projects and so may be used by the managers of large projects for the basis of project control.  相似文献   

The HRM literature emphasises the importance of people in enhancing firm performance or even creating competitive advantage. This study provides further evidence on the link between so‐called high performance work systems and firm performance and relates these to organisational culture. In total 175 organisations from different sectors in the Netherlands participated. Senior HR managers were questioned on HRM practices and chief executives on organisational culture. Three different groups of personnel are distinguished in the measures: core employees, managers and specialist professional staff. One high performance work system could be distinguished, consisting of a combination of practices with an emphasis on employee development, strict selection and providing an overarching goal or direction. Results of regression analyses controlling for sector, firm size and age show a significant impact of this system on several performance outcomes (perceived economic outcomes, beyond contract and absenteeism), as well as positive relationships with three organisational culture orientations. Practices that are not part of this combination also show some positive (but limited) links with culture and outcomes.  相似文献   

With respect to global leadership development, this article suggests that managers differentially benefit from a given intercultural training or developmental experience — depending on their individual aptitudes (i.e., knowledge, skills, abilities, and other personality characteristics). The main premise of this article is that offering the right people (those with the requisite individual aptitudes) the right developmental opportunities will produce leaders who can effectively perform global leadership tasks and activities.  相似文献   

Line managers make a difference when it comes to older workers continuing to participate in the labour market. Depending on their coaching abilities, and their willingness to use these abilities, line managers can offer social support to those older workers that they supervise. This willingness is to an extent dependent on the opportunities for action that the organization provides to line managers. Contrary to earlier research, our study based on a survey of 160 front line managers, failed to find evidence that the social support that line managers provide is influenced by negative stereotypical attitudes about the lack of flexibility and the performance of older workers. This study adds new insights into the determinants of line managers' activities and underlines the essential role that front-line managers play in human resource practices for older workers.  相似文献   

Competition for Managers and Product Market Efficiency   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We investigate whether competition between two firms to hire managers with different abilities might affect efficiency in the product market, when a manager's effort is his/her private information. We conclude that competition for managers might lead to an improvement in efficiency in the market of the firm that attracts the most efficient manager. Competition for managers might even eliminate the productive efficiency loss due to the asymmetry of information in the firm-manager relationship.  相似文献   

The value of design in product innovation is widely acknowledged and supported by empirical research, although extant research tends to focus solely on the role of designers, or design excellence, or design emphasis. Design in the context of service innovation is less well understood. Technology-based firms are viewed as key loci of innovation and, indeed, this innovation is not limited to product innovation, even though many of the stereotypes that come to mind have to do with the development of ever more technologically advanced ‘widgets’. In response to the gaps in current literature, this work takes a holistic approach to measuring design and examines how design resources (designers), design emphasis (emphasis on aesthetics and experience) and the outcomes of design (design excellence) jointly contribute to market performance in technology-based firms engaged in service innovation. Based on a survey conducted among managers of 176 technology-based service firms and evaluations of design excellence by design experts, the findings suggest that design emphasis and design resources both contribute to market performance. Surprisingly, design excellence is not found to contribute to market performance and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated relationships between middle managers’ formal position, their strategic influence and organizational performance. Among the 259 middle managers represented in the study, managers with formal positions in boundary–spanning sub–units reported higher levels of strategic influence activity than others. At the organizational level of analysis, the study found that firm performance was associated with more uniform levels of downward strategic influence, and more varied levels of upward influence among middle management cohorts. The findings suggest that middle managers’ strategic influence arises from their ability to mediate between internal and external selection environments. In addition, positive effects on organizational performance appear to depend on: (1) whether the overall pattern of upward influence is conducive to shifts in the network centrality of individual managers; and (2) whether the pattern of downward influence is consistent with an appropriate balance between the organization’s need for control and flexibility.  相似文献   

本文研究了基金经理特征对其业绩的影响及解释力,发现基金经理的业绩具有一定的持续性,其职业稳定性对基金业绩的提升是必要的,在基金公司内部出于管理或人事安排的需要进行频繁的岗位轮换或人员搭配往往不能起到理想的预期效果,但基金经理来自其他基金公司的从业经历却有助于其业绩提升;一定的证券从业经验对基金经理的业绩提升是必要的,但并不意味着从业时间越长,就能获得越好的业绩表现;没有证据表明基金经理学历、历任基金经理的持续时间对其业绩提升有显著的贡献,但性别对基金业绩有着显著的影响。研究表明基金公司在选拔和任用基金经理时,秉持“业绩至上”的原则是必要的,但不能过度沉溺于“经验至上”的迷信,不同经验对基金经理的业绩提升有着不同的影响,需要区别对待。  相似文献   


Ambidexterity at the manager level focuses on the crucial, but underexplored, role of managers’ knowledge, skills, and behaviors to address competing demands and promote organizational ambidexterity. As such, to successfully complete their assigned duties, managers need to employ the appropriate interpersonal style and calibrate their behavior to different contextual demands. This study highlights the role of the individual in the ambidexterity process by introducing the concept of influence tactic ambidexterity, to denote the frequent use of both hard and soft influence and investigating its role on task performance. Drawing on the literature on ambidexterity and HRM, we analyze data from a sample of 172 middle managers and their corresponding 68 supervisors working for multinational organizations, and provide evidence that influence tactic ambidexterity relates to higher levels and less variation in managers’ task performance compared to the sole use of either hard or soft tactics. Our findings also show that political skill positively moderates the relationship between influence tactic ambidexterity and a manager’s task performance. Therefore, this study suggests that influence tactic ambidexterity and political skill can be considered valuable HR assets for managers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics of managers that influence their willingness to send employees on expatriate assignments. Data from 336 senior managers in a major U.S. professional services firm indicate that managers who are higher up in the organizational hierarchy are more willing to send employees on expatriate assignments. In addition, our findings show that managers who have more extensive international experience are more inclined to send employees on such assignments and that managers with expatriate experience themselves are much more willing to send their employees overseas, regardless of whether they currently work with international clients. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Drawing on case study research in seven NHS Trusts, this article considers the role and management of ward managers and paramedic supervisors, focusing on their human resource management (HRM) responsibilities. In the National Health Service (NHS), these front-line managers are critical to the delivery of effective HRM and thereby strongly influence organisational performance and service delivery. However, despite the mounting literature on leadership and performance in health care, little is known about this body of managers who have been generally neglected by academics and practitioners. This article seeks to address these shortcomings by considering the content and practice of these junior managers' role, their work experiences and factors that influence their ability to deliver effective HRM. The findings reveal that the roles of these managers have been enhanced and extended to include an extensive portfolio of HR duties but is subject to considerable constraint. The multiplicity of roles these managers are required to perform has magnified issues of role conflict and ambiguity, heavy workloads and stress. Fundamentally, however, these managers lacked support from senior managers and the HR function.  相似文献   

This paper extends current knowledge on the use of performance evaluations in organizations by investigating the influence of self-construal on rater self-efficacy. Results from a survey completed by 105 experienced managers indicate that independent self-construal is related to various dimensions of rater self-efficacy. Moreover, experience with appraisals was found to moderate these relationships. The implications of these findings for the research and the practice of performance appraisal are discussed.  相似文献   

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