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邹香 《经济问题》2008,(10):62-65
企业如同生物有机体一样,要经历由生到死、由盛到衰的过程。企业的生命周期可以归结为初创期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。如果企业一味发展扩张,固定资产投资超速,超过企业所在阶段自身拥有的财务资源、能力和实力,导致生产能力过剩,最终会影响企业的持续经营,甚至导致企业停产。着重从企业所处的生命周期不同阶段方面帮助企业采用科学的方法对固定资产投资进行决策,确定合理的固定资产投资规模,以避免投资过剩,威胁企业的生存。  相似文献   

企业项目投资现金流量测算的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任伟  石丽萍 《经济问题》2005,(10):73-74
一、引言 我国企业固定资产项目投资近年来呈现出日益上升的趋势,根据国家统计局的资料,2004年全社会固定资产投资为70073亿元,比上年增长25.8%,增速比上年回落1.9个百分点。其中,城镇投资增长27.6%,农村投资增长17.4%。分地区看,东部地区投资为40242亿元,比上年增长24.8%;中部地区投资为15126亿元,比上年增长30.2%;西部地区投资为13749亿元,比上年增长26.6%。  相似文献   

秦永和 《经济管理》2001,(17):40-41
在进行固定资产投资决策时,最常用并且最科学的方法是净现值法和内含报酬率法,这两种方法的基本特点是计算投资项目的现金流量,并对现金流量进行贴现,在采用上述方法进行投资决策时,人们往往会忽略一个重要的问题-税盾,所谓税盾,是指在固定资产投资整个投资过程 ,由于现金流量与费用的发生的时间不同步或金额不相同等原因而形成的企业所得税纳税收益,所得税纳税收益可分为两个部分:其一,现金流量与费用发生的时间不同步而产生的贴现收益;其二,现金流量与费用或收入不相等而形成的绝对收益,税盾具体主要表现在三个方面:其一,折旧费没有产生现金流出,但计入了每期的费用,减少了企业所得税的现金流出:其二,固定资产残值及提前更新固定资产的变价收入低于固定资产账面价值(即净值)时,其差额可计入纳税所得而少交所得税,减少企业的现金流出;其三,为了鼓励企业进行生产经营性资产的投资活动,一些国农或地区对使用留存收益投资的企业给予所得税退税优惠,在进行投资项目预算时,所得税税盾所产生的现金流量必须要计算,否则会做出错误的决策,下面具体介绍3个方面形成的税盾。  相似文献   

本文在Robert E.Hall和John B.Taylor的含有持久税收政策变化的投资函数模型基础上,以含有税收政策变动的资本租赁价格公式:Rk=[(R d)PK](1-Z)/(1-u)作为切入点,把资本租赁价格引入投资函数,研究税收政策对投资的影响,创新性地得出了影响中国投资的税收乘数为(1-Z)/(1-t),并用它分析了中国现行的对资本收益征税和降低资本成本的税收政策,认为中国现行的税收政策对资本收益征税的负面影响大于降低资本成本的正面影响,在一定程度上,抑制了正常的投资水平,不利于中国经济的发展。通过与美国的税收优惠政策比较,找出差距与不足,得出三个政策含义:1.普遍实行企业固定资产投资的加速折旧政策;2.加大使用投资税收抵免政策的力度;3.统一内外资企业的所得税率,适当降低企业所得税率并采用累进税制,促进中国经济持续均衡地发展。  相似文献   

现金流量的计算是项目决策评价指标的主要根据和重要信息之一,所谓现金流量,是指一个项目引起的企业现金支出和现金收入增加的数量,本文就投资中若干现金流量的问题进行阐述。  相似文献   

税收做为政府对经济进行宏观调控的不可或缺的手段.同时也是国家实现其经济收入的主要手段.国家对税收政策的变动,直接影响着我国的经济体系构成、市场经济的宏观调控,以及地方的经济发展.消费、投资、出口被誉为是拉动经济增长的三驾马车,可见投资在经济增长中的重要地位.投资是经济能够保持其运转的持续性的基础,对于资本形成的数量、质量起着决定性作用.从微视角出发,投资可分为两种方式,其一企业对内进行投资,其二则为对外进行投资.对内投资则表现为固定资产的投资.此点将直接对企业将直接关乎着企业资本的积累.而资本积累直接关乎着企业的良性发展以及存亡,只有良性的基本积累才能够使企业提升自身的竞争力,同时有限的社会资源也因为企业投资决策得到配置.国企作为不可忽视的特殊存在,在经济发展中有着重大意义.在国家税收政策变动的大环境下,究竟税收政策变动对我国国有企业固定资产投资有何影响?本文将通过税收政策变动对国有企业固定资产投资的积极影响,以及非税收制度因素对我国国有企业的投资决策影响两方面综合阐述税收政策对国有企业固定资产投资的综合影响力.  相似文献   

2007年1月1日,新会计准则首先在上市公司范围内实施。新准则的实施必将对企业的投资决策产生一定的影响,主要探讨了长期股权投资、投资性房地产、无形资产、债务重组、金融工具确认和计量五个准则的实施将对企业的投资决策产生的影响。  相似文献   

郭丽虹  金德环 《财经研究》2007,33(3):123-133
文章以中国的制造业为研究对象,分析了中国企业的投资与现金流量和托宾Q之间的关系,同时,对受资金约束强的企业和受资金约束弱的企业进行比较分析,以检验投资对现金流量的敏感度是否能反映流动性约束的存在。另外,文章还分析了企业持有的流动资产的作用,并考察了企业持有的流动资产是否能降低企业潜在的流动性风险,从而促进企业的投资支出这一问题。研究结果表明,企业投资与现金流量之间存在着正相关关系,但投资对现金流量的敏感度并不能说明流动性约束的存在。另外,企业的部分现金流向了流动资产,而流动资产的增加并没有给企业带来机会成本,而是增加了企业价值。  相似文献   

税收政策是一个国家用来调节收入分配的工具,也是政府用来调节微观经济主体的经济活动的一种政策手段.但是,通货膨胀会对相对固定的税收政策的效果产生负面的扭曲效应,通过对微观经济主体的实际收入和投资的实际收益的影响,对整个社会消费和投资产生影响,从而影响政府的税收和其他宏观经济政策的效果;通过对这些问题的研究,寻找在通货膨胀情况下与政府调节目的更匹配的税收政策.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the impact of taxation on corporate financing and corporate investment in machinery and equipment in Canada. A coherent macroeconometric model of the firm's real and financial decision process is theoretically developed and empirically tested on Canadian data. Estimates of the impact of taxation in general and of the 1987 Canadian government's White Paper in particular, are analysed. The estimates suggest that income taxation has a negative but relatively small impact on equipment investment in Canada, and that models that ignore the link between the real and financial decisions overestimate the impact of taxation on real investment. With respect to tax reform, the White Paper reduces the incentive to save and invest in equity capital, and is expected to decrease real capital investment in the long run.  相似文献   

The effects of a corporate profits tax on the choice of technique depends on the criterion used to make this choice. Harberger concluded that it would alter the optimal techniques because he was implicitly assuming that firms try to maximise the internal rate of return on their investment. Stiglitz, using the maximisation of present value criterion, with a rate of interest lower than the rate of profits, concluded that the optimal techniques would not be affected by this tax. The appropriate criterion depends on the assumptions made about the scope for entrepreneurial activity and its relation to capital.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of progressive taxation on a firm's investment intensity and timing decisions using a real options approach. The firm possesses a perpetual option to invest in a project at any instant by incurring an irreversible investment cost at that time. The amount of the irreversible investment cost determines the intensity of investment that augments the value of the project. Tax progression is specified in a particular case of a constant marginal tax rate with an exogenously given tax exemption threshold that makes the average tax rate increase with the tax base. We show that the firm's investment decisions are neutral to tax progression only when the exogenously given tax exemption threshold is sufficiently large. When tax neutrality does not hold, we show that progressive taxation has a perverse effect on investment intensity. Finally, we show that progressive taxation induces the firm to invest earlier as compared to the case under proportional taxation (i.e., in the absence of any tax exemption).  相似文献   

Abstract The paper evaluates the working of German CFC rules that restrict the use of foreign subsidiaries located in low‐tax countries to shelter passive investment income from home taxation. While passive investments make up a significant fraction of German outbound FDI, we find that German CFC rules are quite effective in restricting investments in low‐tax jurisdictions. We find evidence that the German 2001 tax reform, which unilaterally introduced exemption of passive income in medium‐ and high‐tax countries, has led to some shifting of passive assets into countries for which the exemption was previously limited.  相似文献   

The effects of progressive income taxation on job turnover   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine whether the level of the income tax rate and the convexity of the income tax schedule affect job mobility, as measured by moving to a better job. While the predicted effect of the level of the tax rate is ambiguous, we predict that an increase in the convexity of the tax schedule decreases job search activity by taxing away some of the benefits of a successful job search. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, we estimate that both higher tax rates and increased tax rate progressivity decrease the probability that a head of household will move to a better job during the coming year. Our estimates imply that a five-percentage-point reduction in the marginal tax rate increases the average probability of moving to a better job by 0.79 percentage points (a 8.0% increase in the turnover propensity) and that a one-standard-deviation decrease in our measure of tax progressivity would increase this probability by 0.86 percentage points (a 8.7% increase in the turnover propensity). This estimate is robust to sensitivity analysis examining the importance of different sources of identification and variation in estimated effects across subgroups in the population. Our estimated importance of tax policy for job turnover suggests a potential role in explaining the responsiveness of taxable income to marginal tax rates.  相似文献   

在企业资金增长率不变情况下,分析了企业定期分红,企业定期分红与定期投资数学模型的性质给出了企业只考虑分红时分红比例的取值范围,也说明了定期投资对企业稳定增长的重要性.  相似文献   

在企业资金增长率不变情况下,分析了企业定期分红,企业定期分红与定期投资数学模型的性质.给出了企业只考虑分红时分红比例的取值范围,也说明了定期投资对企业稳定增长的重要性.  相似文献   

一个企业,无论是以何种组织形式存在,都要由企业的管理者去经营和决策,一个共同的管理目标,就是不断提高股东权益的价值。要想实现企业的管理目标,管理者不仅要有好的眼光和机会,最关键的是做出正确和适当的投资决策。而这个决策的基础,就是资本预算。织去目价管最资资资本预算的程序资本预算是规划和管理企业长期投资的过程。可以说,资本预算的过程就是企业的经营者找出好的投资机会的过程。资本预算并没有固定的程序,下面以工业项目的资本预算常用程序为例做一介绍:第一步:确定基本方法和原则根据项目的来源、背景、当地政策、产品需求情…  相似文献   

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