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这是赴澳、新电力市场考察所写的报告,抓住了改革特点,分析精辟,很有见解,是一篇质量较高的考察报告。分两期刊出。  相似文献   

中国能源市场的开放及能源工业市场化改革不仅是中国加入WTO的一个重要承诺,也是中国能,原安全的客现需要。中国能源安全的根本出路是能源市场开放.加快能源工业市场化改革。这不仅有利于扩大能源市场开放,而且有利于提高中国能源企业的国际竞争力.完善能源资源配置.更有效地解决中国的能源安全问题,因此,提高中国能源安全保障的政策措施应重点放在能源工业市场化改革方面:一是加快构建竞争性的能源市场.促进能源工业发展;二是进一步改革和完善能源的价格形成机制,协调能源工业市场化改革的进程;三是加快国际化经营的步伐.优先使用国外石油资源;四是建立石油勘探开发专项基金,保证国内石油资源的勘探开发;五是实现能源进口来源多元化.积极寻找新的能源合作伙伴;六是加快科技进步和产业结构调整.提高能源利用率。  相似文献   

当前我国电力工业市场化改革的难点及对策分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前关于我国工业管理体制改革的意见整体上都是规范性的,缺乏实证分析,这是我国电力工业管理体制改革方案难以出台的理论原因。本文运用现代网络产业的规制与竞争理论和实证分析方法,分析了目前我国电力工业市场化改革中存在的目标选择、行业租、市场竞争主体缺乏、规制侵占、交易费用增加、缺乏规制基础、电网经营企业有效规制困难、售电侧竞争选择、有利于竞争的独立电厂形成9个难点,产分别进行了简单的对策分析。  相似文献   

近期,国家主管部门陆续推出两项国防科技工业领域重大改革的措施,胡锦涛同志在纪念中国人民解放军建军80周年大会上的讲话再次强调了深化国防科技工业体制改革的重要性。这明确表明:军工产业与军工企业适应社会主义市场经济的改革已进入一个新的历史发展阶段,军工企业再次面临历史性的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

近年来,纺织业形势严峻,据有关部门测算,全球纺纱能力约过剩10%,织布能力约过剩13%,纺织品市场竞争日趋加剧。发达国家利用高科技武装传统的纺织业,使纺织品的市场竞争已由数量和价格的竞争转化为技术、产品、质量的竞争;一些周边发展中国家纺织工业及纺织品出口发展很快,且出口产品结构与我国相近,已成为我国在国际市场的  相似文献   

The incentives for cost reduction in a differentiated industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates how the incentives for cost reduction in a differentiated industry depend upon the degree of product substitutability. When goods are imperfect substitutes, both Cournot and Bertrand competition result in underinvestment in the sense that a social planner would be willing to pay more for a given cost reduction than a profit-maximizing firm. Overinvestment may occur when the goods are sufficiently close substitutes. Similarly, Cournot competition provides a stronger incentive to innovate than Bertrand competition if the degree of substitutability is low, and a weaker incentive if this degree is high.  相似文献   

The authors explore the nature and structure of the information industry supplying the industrial product market. They examine the means by which current scientific and technological information can be obtained, and the implication for industrial users.  相似文献   

本文通过经济学分析说明竞价上网的作用,探讨了电力改革过程中的价格"瓶颈"问题,结合电力行业的进一步改革,提出实现有效竞争的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

E.A. Attwood 《Food Policy》1981,6(3):194-197
The 1970s saw a transformation in the economic position of the food and agricultural sector of the Irish economy. Prior to membership of the EEC, the development of Irish agriculture had been severely curtailed by the limited market opportunities that faced food exports from Ireland. The prospect of membership of a large and prosperous European Community brought a new era for the food sector. These new market opportunities coincided with, and gave incentive to, a technological revolution in food processing in Ireland. The extent of this change can be most graphically seen from a comparison of the small local creameries which played a major role in dairy manufacturing in the 1960s with the large, sophisticated plants of the 1970s.  相似文献   

Different studies have proved the importance of language and vocabularies in structuring shared perceptions among stakeholders within an industry. Little is known about the discursive work involved in the evolution of these vocabularies. The use of corpus linguistics provides insights in the process through which an industry stabilises itself and how incumbents engage in discursive work to maintain their interests. We explore the jolt the Internet provoked in the French recorded music industry between 1988 and 2008. We argue that one major explanation for the industry inertia is that the technology of the Internet and the new distribution channels it opened up were framed by discourses, characterized by a relatively stable vocabulary which repeated established words such as right and artistic work. The discursive work of incumbent actors supports the stabilization of this vocabulary. When new words appeared, they were incorporated into existing vocabulary. This dual process of repetition and incorporation was facilitated by the fact that many of the words central to the debate were relatively empty and ambiguous floating signifiers. This paper represents a promising avenue to better account for the place of words in the institutional work and more specifically institutional maintenance.  相似文献   

We analyze the efficiencies defense that is contained in the 2010 Merger Guidelines, which provides the most current statement of the Agencies?? enforcement philosophy and procedure. Most of our attention centers on efficiencies in production, but we also address merger-specific efficiencies that may lead to improved product quality, enhanced services, or even to the introduction of entirely new products. We begin with the analytically clean case of merger-specific efficiencies that are accompanied by monopoly power. From the perspective of either consumer welfare or social welfare, this presents the welfare analysis that should guide merger policy. We, then, examine the errors that may arise due to the restricted role that efficiencies play in Section 7 enforcement. Finally, we close with some policy recommendations.  相似文献   

工业增加值是工业企业在产品生产和向社会提供服务过程中新增加的价值,是工业总产出与工业中间投入之间的差额,工业增加值是企业在报告期以内华币形式现表的工业生产活动的最终成果,其主要作用在于全面反映工业生产发展规模,速率,效益和结构,在国民经济核算体系中,它的地位正在逐步取代长期以来所习惯使用的工业总产值指标。  相似文献   

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