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全球最大的手机制造商诺基亚在2008年获得了本刊“2008年金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜”——“领袖型企业奖”称号。诺基亚中国企业社会责任总监傅蕾在接受本刊专访时说,蜜蜂“超个体”的生存哲学给了诺基亚很多启示,经济发展方式的转变与“金蜜蜂企业”内涵相契合。  相似文献   

百事公司是第一批获得“金蜜蜂”称号的企业,2008年登上“2007金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜”。2006年,本刊独家报道了百事“沙漠种土豆”的事迹,引起了广泛关注。2006年6月3日,温家宝总理考察了包头土豆农场,对于百事公司改造沙漠、种植土豆、扶助农民的事业给予了高度赞扬,使百事的员工获得了极大的鼓舞。“沙漠种土豆”,也成为本刊倡导的“责任竞争力”的典型案例而广为流传。现如今,昔日的荒漠已阡陌成行、绿意盎然……  相似文献   

作为第六届企业社会责任国际论坛暨“2010金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜”重头戏发布的“中国金蜜蜂2020社会责任倡议”,不仅是金蜜蜂理念的一次飞跃,更将成为全球社会责任领域的重要行动。  相似文献   

事实上,很多人都很好奇,一个企业社会责任的颁奖典礼为什么要用“金蜜蜂”这个名字?蜜蜂与企业社会责任之间到底存在着怎样的联系?  相似文献   

2011年,我们筹划发出“金蜜蜂2020”倡议——力促参与各方实现企业社会责任的交流、共享、提升,在更大范围、更深程度上传播和深化“金蜜蜂”的理念,并构建一个新平台,系统探索提升企业责任竞争力的路径,让更多作为中国社会责任标签的“金蜜蜂”企业走向世界,成为促进全球可持续发展事业的重要力量。  相似文献   

“金蜜蜂2020”倡议是诞生在中国大地上的第一个内涵丰富、理想远大的企业社会责任行动纲领。它倡导不同企业.不同组织乃至不同国家之间的共同行动和跨界合作,以实现企业和社会的可持续发展。有共同的意愿,有志于推动企业社会责任和可持续发展的企业,都可以参与到“金蜜蜂2020”中来。在这个倡议即将发起的激动人心时刻,众多企业顺应时代发展的潮流,率先响应,镌刻下自身的企业社会责任理念。并深情寄语“金蜜蜂2020”,畅想企业发展与社会责任事业的美好未来。  相似文献   

作为首个致力于全面总结和系统深入地提升中国企业社会责任实践的跨界倡议,“金蜜蜂2020”对中国未来企业提出要求,其框架内有一套能够推动社会责任实践的机制。  相似文献   

我非常荣幸能够代表芬欧汇川集团参加今天的会议。作为“金蜜蜂”的合作伙伴,我们很高兴地看到有越来越多的企业在社会责任方面做出了优秀的成绩。  相似文献   

4月20日上午8时02分,四川雅安地区发生7.0级地震,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。企业界纷纷捐款或捐物支持灾区。本TU自2007年以来发起了寻找可持续发展模式的代表和象征的“金蜜蜂企业”活动,迄今有1000多家企业参与.100多家登上了“金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜”。面对灾害,金蜜蜂企业迅速行动起来,以各自的方式积极承担社会责任。或飞往雅安,或后方发力,持续地关注、支持雅安的救灾、重建工作。  相似文献   

2011年,我们筹划发出"金蜜蜂2020"倡议——力促参与各方实现企业社会责任的交流、共享、提升,在更大范围、更深程度上传播和深化"金蜜蜂"的理念,并构建一个新平台,系统探索提升企业责任竞争力的路径,让更多作为中国社会责任标签的"金蜜蜂"企业走向世界,成为促进全球可持续发展事业的重要力量。  相似文献   

Shanghai International AutomobileExhibition,which closed on 24th,April, not only excites automanufacturers,but also brings new hope tothe relevant enterprises on automobileproduction chain:the auto parts factories,petrochemical industry,and lubricating oilproducers.Especially after China's WTOentry,the oil market is gradually openingwider and multinational corporations alsospeed up their division of China's lubricatingoil market. Foreign oil is attacking homemade oil With cars entering Chinese families,anInvisible war between foreign oil and  相似文献   

This paper is a response to "The Customer Is Not Always Right" published in the November, 1994 issue of this Journal (Sorell, 1994). The authors argue that "The Customer Is Not Always Right" ignores significant contributions from the literature of business and economics. This comment refutes Sorell's arguments on a case by case basis showing why in each situation the customer is, in reality, right or the situation is not a question of the customer being right or wrong. Existing knowledge from economics and marketing is shown to provide richer, more parsimonious explanations and answers to the problems and dilemmas posed by Sorell.  相似文献   

体验型休闲——“农家乐”经营的新模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孙俊秀 《商业研究》2005,(18):67-69
“农家乐”作为利用农业自然资源和文化资源的一种休闲方式,对推进旅游业的发展,优化农村产业结构和加快城乡一体化进程都有着积极的作用。但如今的农家乐良莠不齐,整体效益低下。应采用体验型休闲模式,提升农家乐休闲的内涵,融文化教育、旅游观光、劳动锻炼、农耕体验,餐饮娱乐为一体,集合经营模式和公司制经营模式求得更大的发展。  相似文献   


Telephone surveys have been an important mode for collecting primary data in the marketing field in recent decades. However, the scenario of telephone coverage is changing mainly due to a massive increase in mobile phone-only usage, which can put the quality of telephone survey estimates at risk. The advance of mobile phones as the preferred telecommunication is a global phenomenon occurring in every country, although at varying speeds. This article examines the relationship between telephone coverage and the coverage bias of telephone survey estimates in the current scenario of telephone coverage across European countries. Findings reveal that the capacity for fixed-line telephone-based sampling frames to represent the overall adult population is becoming critical, especially in countries with declining fixed-line-telephone penetration rates.  相似文献   

本文在分析比较国内外专家学者对关于浙江经验和"浙江模式"相关研究和成果的基础上,就推动"浙江模式"转型、提升的必要性以及方向和重点进行了探讨,提出了以"科学发展、和谐发展,创业富民、创新强省"为核心内涵的"新浙江模式"概念。  相似文献   

生存是出口企业在国际市场得以发展的前提条件,而贸易壁垒是影响出口企业生存的重要外部因素。为此,本文基于PSM-Cox比例风险模型,采用全球反倾销数据库与中国工业企业数据库以及中国海关数据库的匹配数据,实证考察贸易壁垒对中国出口企业生存的影响及作用机制。结果表明:贸易壁垒对中国制造业出口企业存在显著的消极影响,即贸易壁垒会加剧中国制造业出口企业退出市场的风险;贸易壁垒对出口企业生存的影响因企业所有制和贸易方式的不同而不同;贸易壁垒会加剧民营企业的生存风险,但国有企业对贸易壁垒的反应并不敏感;贸易壁垒会加剧一般贸易企业的生存风险,但对加工贸易企业的影响并不显著;机制检验表明生产率效应和竞争效应是贸易壁垒影响出口企业生存的重要渠道。  相似文献   

As the trend toward economic globalization increases, the internationalization of small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) has become an important topic. Research on the performance outcomes of foreign market entry strategies has been primarily considered from the perspective of the multinational corporations. In this paper hierarchical regression analyses were conducted on archival data of 123 publicly held manufacturing SMEs based in the United States to test a contingency model that hypothesizes more of the performance variance is explained when the foreign market entry mode is aligned strategically with domestic and foreign environmental factors. The results indicate that firms will have a higher rate of international revenue growth using no‐equity‐based (exporting) foreign market entry modes in growing domestic environments. International revenue growth is higher for equity‐based modes when foreign market risks are high. The findings should provide managers of SMEs with contextual evidence for making successful foreign market entry decisions.  相似文献   

中小企业通过学习代理人从组织外部获取知识是促进组织学习的重要途径.因此,如何通过有效学习代理模式获取组织所需要知识,如何处理企业发展过程的学习策略以提高学习绩效,成为目前研究中小企业战略的重要课题.文章从学习代理基本理论出发,分析了学习代理的内涵与构成,提出了中小企业三种学习代理模式,提出了学习代理模式与组织学习绩效的概念模型与假设,通过实证研究对假设进行了统计验证,得出了基本结论与进一步研究展望,最后建议中小企业通过学习代理有效获取知识从而提升学习绩效.  相似文献   

How does edible packaging bias taste perceptions and acceptability? To examine this, we conducted an experiment where we manipulated what information participants received about a product with edible packaging and whether participants ate the product with its edible packaging and core food product intact or ate the edible packaging and core product layers separately. Participants who received information about edible packaging and tasted the edible packaging layer separately rated the product lower on dimensions of taste, healthiness, and intention to purchase than participants in other treatment groups. Findings suggest that framing a product as an edible package with environmental benefits can lead to negative judgments. Contrary to what environmentalists would expect, it may be best to simply not highlight its environmental benefits. Findings also suggest that consumers’ judgments of edible packaging may depend on how well the packaging material is integrated with its principal food product, and that highly separated products (such as edible cups) may face greater barriers to adoption.  相似文献   

作为“2008金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜”入围企业,汇丰中国认为,胡锦涛总书记所说的加快经济发展方式转变的重要精神就是实现经济快速发展与长远发展的平衡。  相似文献   

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