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王谷磊 《价值工程》2021,40(12):5-7
政府动态规制与公众参与监督是构建重污染型企业高效-协同CSR治理模式的关键,为揭示不同环境规制、公众参与对重污染型企业CSR策略作用机理,构建政府、公众、重污染型企业三方演化博弈模型,引入动态惩罚补贴机制,运用Vensim仿真分析动态规制机制下三方策略演化稳定性、演化路径及相关因素影响,并基于李雅普诺夫原理验证三方演化稳定均衡.研究表明:在动态惩罚—奖励机制下,公众向积极监督策略方向演化,重污染型企业选择积极履责.  相似文献   

贺文瑞 《价值工程》2014,(9):126-127
本文针对当前民间非营利组织财务管理存在的问题,提出完善法律法规、加强监督力度、提高财务信息披露等对策,进而在一定程度上增加民间非营利组织运作的公开性和透明度,促进组织的良性发展。  相似文献   

本文以公司在资本市场上公开上市为背景,以是否具有私募股权融资背景为标准,选取了384家上市公司为研究样本,使用索洛余值法、随机前沿分析模型等方法,实证分析私募股权投资对改善企业生产效率的作用。研究结果发现,无论是否有私募股权投资,企业上市后的全要素生产率均高于上市前;有私募股权投资的企业全要素生产率在上市前要低于无私募股权投资的企业,但是上市后则超过了无私募股权投资的企业。  相似文献   

本文利用中国30个省区市2000~2009年的数据考查FDI技术溢出效应、环境规制强度对工业技术进步的影响,同时估算了环境规制强度对FDI溢出效应的工业技术进步边际效应的影响,结果发现FDI溢出效应阻碍了各地区工业技术的进步,加强环境规制有利于各地区工业技术进步,而且环境规制对促进FDI溢出的边际效应存在显著影响。另外通过对各地区工业进行国有企业、私营企业以及"三资"企业分组后,发现环境规制强度对促进技术进步、FDI溢出存在异质性影响。  相似文献   

A monopolist produces a good with two qualities. All consumers have the same valuation of the first quality, but their valuations of the second vary, and are their private information. A public agency can verify qualities, and make credible reports to consumers. In Full Quality Report, the public agency reports both qualities. In Average Quality Report, it reports a weighted average of qualities. The equilibrium prices and qualities in Full Quality Report can be implemented by Average Quality Report. Equilibrium prices and qualities in Average Quality Report give higher consumer surplus than Full Quality Report. Bertrand competition under Average Quality Report yields first‐best prices and qualities.  相似文献   

A bstract .   In his highly provocative and otherwise brilliant book Defending the Undefendable (1991), Walter Block defends the private counterfeiting of state-counterfeited money. His argument fallaciously relies on an idiosyncratic linguistic definition of the counterfeiter, which is invalid from a legal point of view. In this short response, we analyze private counterfeiting in legal and economic terms rather than linguistic, and show why the behavior of the private counterfeiter should not be considered acceptable, let alone heroic, as claimed by Block. The present article is strongly influenced by Rothbard (1982 ).  相似文献   

环境规制会影响企业经营和银行对企业的风险评价,进而影响企业债务融资成本。本文以我国A股2012~2017年重污染行业上市公司为研究对象,研究了环境规制对债务融资成本的具体影响。研究结果显示,环境规制强度对重污染企业债务融资成本具有正向影响作用;且这种影响效应在小规模企业和非国有企业更加显著;进一步研究发现,环境规制通过流动性风险路径影响企业债务融资成本。本文的研究丰富了企业债务融资成本相关文献,对企业加强债务融资管理与政府实施环保政策具有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   


Contemporary public and nonprofit management research has disproportionally emphasized the importance of intrinsic motivation (especially service motivation) but has given comparatively little attention to non-intrinsic motivation. According to self-determination theory (SDT), non-intrinsic motivation moves from identified motivation, introjected motivation, external motivation, to amotivation, depending on their disparate levels of self-determination. The authors examine empirically whether public managers differ from nonprofit managers on these intrinsic and non-intrinsic motivational styles. The findings show that public managers exhibit stronger service motivation, identified motivation, external motivation, and amotivation when compared to their nonprofit peers. In addition, public managers' strong external motivation and amotivation compromise their overall level of self-determination, suggesting that they may be less motivated by their work requirements than are nonprofit counterparts.  相似文献   

Public and Private Provision of Health Care   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One of the mechanisms that are implemented in the cost containment movement in the health care sectors in western countries is the definition, by the third-party payer, of a set of preferred providers. The insured patients have different access rules to such providers when ill. The rules specify the copayments patients must pay when using an out-of-plan care provider. This paper studies the competitive process among providers in terms of both prices and qualities. Competition is influenced by the status of providers as in-plan or out-of-plan care providers. Also, there is a moral hazard of provider choice related to the trade-off between freedom to choose and the need to hold down costs. It is possible to achieve the first-best allocation by an appropriate definition of the reimbursement scheme when decisions on prices and qualities are taken simultaneously (as in primary health care sectors). In contrast, some type of regulation is needed to achieve the optimal solution when decisions are sequential (as in specialized health care sectors). We also derive normative conclusions on how price controls should be implemented in some European Union member states.  相似文献   

Environmental management is becoming a key business management concern. Effective management requires appropriate and timely data on which decisions can be based. In addition, there is increasing pressure to provide reports on the environmental probity of companies. This requires objective, factual data. This paper considers this aspect from the perspective of the quality of environmental performance. Measurement techniques are outlined and their use in on-going performance appraisal and monitoring to show improvements is discussed. Potential pitfalls in taking reported environmental performance claims at their face value are also considered.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine how private regulatory initiatives (PRIs) – which define standards for corporate responsibility (CR) issues and sometimes monitor their application by firms – create opportunities and constraints for activist groups aiming to push firms towards more stringent CR activities. Drawing on social movement theory, we conceptualize how private regulation opportunity structures affect such CR‐based activist groups' targets and tactics at both the firm and field levels. At the field level, we argue that both radical and reformative activist groups direct most of their time and resources towards PRIs with comparatively more stringent standards. At the firm level, while radical activist groups are likely to target firms participating in more stringent PRIs, reformative activist groups target firms participating in less stringent PRIs, or those that do not participate in PRIs at all. When facing unfavourable opportunity structures, CR‐based activist groups tend either to advocate the creation of new PRIs or to shift their activities to pressure other focal points. This article contributes to moving beyond extant literature's emphasis of PRIs as settlements of contentious firm–activist interactions towards also viewing them as starting points for activist groups aiming to push firms towards a more substantive CR engagement.  相似文献   

名义公共产品是指公共支出,公共支出对私人部门利益的提升才是实际公共产品。公共支出增加不一定导致私人部门利益提升。公共支出效益由公共部门获得,导致公共部门的人均收入高于私人部门。部门的报酬差异导致对公共部门的过度进入。进入的本质是分享公共部门的利益空间。另一方面,对公共部门的进入也存在着制约的因素。公共部门的相对报酬刺激进入规模扩大,进入规模扩大又使得相对报酬趋于降低。相互对立的力量决定了公共部门的进入规模,同时决定了公共部门和私人部门的边界。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(3):491-501
The present paper applies the logic of John Kenneth Gailbraith's institutional economics analysis of corporate power to inquiring into the societal role of the nonprofit sector. Building on Galbraith's insight that corporations cause subtle but pervasive societal imbalances, the paper locates the role of nonprofit organizations in compensating for these imbalances, thus showing corporations and nonprofit organizations to be mutually complementary rather than antagonistic actors. This argument is supported by Niklas Luhmann's vision of the precarious relationship between the complexity and sustainability of social systems as well as by Kenneth Boulding's analysis of the farmer and labor movement. Luhmann's and Boulding's perspectives show profit-seeking corporations to be social systems developing high technological complexity at the cost of sacrificing their societal sustainability, while the improvement of the latter constitutes the rationale of many nonprofit organizations. The same systems-theoretic logic suggests, however, that nonprofit organizations may tend to underestimate the technological complexity of implementing their mission-related activities, thereby undermining their own effectiveness.  相似文献   

A managerial behaviour approach is identified that has sought to understand managerial work by analysing the day‐to‐day behaviour of individual managers: what do managers do? It is argued that this approach is distinctive and that its distinctiveness is valuable and has not received adequate attention. The distinctiveness is defined by its research background, object, focus and methodology. The managerial behaviour approach has developed from research over nearly fifty years: long enough for there to have been a variety of disputes about what has, or ought to have been, achieved. The relevance of these criticisms and what later research has done to meet them is assessed. Recent research directions are identified and suggestions are made for building on the distinctiveness. It is concluded that the institutional embeddedness of managerial work should attract further scholarly attention, and that the contribution of researchers in the public sector, who come from a differentdisciplinary background, needs to be integrated with that of researchers from organizational behaviour as they can contribute new conceptual approaches, which could help to revivify this field of research.  相似文献   

建立普惠金融体系是金融发展权的制度保障,党的十八届三中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》将普惠金融作为我国金融改革的重要内容,体现了党和政府对金融发展基本规律的正确认识。我国应当通过发展民间金融构建完善的普惠金融体系,惠及民生,促进金融民主。民间借贷应当坚持意思自治的立场予以规制,民间融资则应当以商法路径予以规制。实行利率管制和防止非法集资是民间借贷规制的重要内容。  相似文献   

A bstract . The principal recent contributions from economics toward the understanding of behavior that is, or seems to be, altruistic , are discussed. Relevant developments in anthropology, biology and psychology are also introduced. Most of these models rely on some form of sophisticated goal maximization (attainment of power, genetic propagation, long-term influence or even material benefit by means of a complex dynamic game strategy) and hence describe quasialtruistic behavior which is, in fact, consistent with individual welfare maximization. When looking at the public sector, government redistributive programs are considered by some to be expressions of collective altruism but these in fact have their roots in an implicit social contract enforced by the coercive power of the State. Genuine altruism must be action taken without expectation of reward or coercion and it is not to be found in models of concealed requirement or in forcible redistribution. A subsequent article discusses the area in which private activity can achieve more efficiently the redistributive objective.  相似文献   

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