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This study provides empirical insights on the functioning of regional trade agreements within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) by identifying bilateral trade barriers that affect the extent of trade flows among member countries. Also, it highlights some trade barrier indicators that are rarely covered in extant studies, such as the multilateral resistance term, the extent of trade complementarity, and the presence of economic integration agreements among ECOWAS member countries. We then provide augmented gravity model estimation on the determinants of bilateral trade in the region. We find, among other things, that trade complementarity had a positive and significant effect on bilateral trade within the sub‐region region. Other important determinants of intra‐regional trade include multilateral trade resistance and economic integration agreements — meaning that countries with some kind of agreement like the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) tend to trade more among themselves than other member countries.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the development of investment cooperation between CIS countries based on the official statistics using alternative methods of calculating direct investment. Prospects of corporate integration are explored in view of the ongoing crisis over Ukraine and with respect to intensifying negative trends in the Russian economy that affect the macroeconomic situation in most post-Soviet countries. Special attention is paid to assessing the possibilities of closer cooperation in the investment field within the Eurasian Economic Union.  相似文献   

谢岚平 《特区经济》2011,(4):196-197
近年来,江西省借助丰富的自然资源、优越的地理位置和低廉的劳动力成本等优势条件,在对外贸易发展方面取得了突出成就。对外贸易对经济增长的影响主要是通过带动科技进步、产业结构优化和制度创新而实现的,并以良性循环的方式得到持续发展。为了促进江西区域经济的和谐发展,必须立足省情实际,实施区域经济的一体化战略,扩大外商投资新领域,调整提升外贸产业结构。  相似文献   

李钢 《特区经济》2008,(5):61-62
近几年河北外贸发展迅猛,但在全国以及全世界贸易中的地位还很微弱。面对信息科技的挑战,以及历史遗留的产业结构等问题的困扰,河北外贸要抓住"建设沿海经济强省"这一历史机遇,充分利用环渤海经济区的综合发展优势,实现竞争力的全面提升。  相似文献   

魏浩 《亚太经济》2008,(1):88-91
全球化是一把双刃剑,在受益于全球化的同时,开放国家特别是发展中国家也面临着如何在全球经济的浪潮中趋利避害、防范经济风险的严峻挑战。本文在对外贸结构与外贸安全、国内经济发展的关系进行理论分析的基础上,对英国和日本经济的历史变迁进行了经验分析。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the Economic and Monetary Union on demand for foreign reserves. The traditional theory on demand for international reserves assigns a pivotal role to imports. However, in a currency union part of imports are settled in the common currency, leaving no incentive for keeping foreign reserves. Moreover, the pooling of the demand for reserves in the currency union and an increasing role of a currency as an international reserve currency may also influence, among other things, the union demand for reserves. Based on estimated demand functions for reserves it is shown that the Economic and Monetary Union has reduced the demand for reserves substantially. It is argued that an enlargement with new member countries of the European Union will result in further savings of reserves. A simple calculation at the end of the paper illustrates the welfare gain associated with the reduced need of reserves in the Economic and Monetary Union.  相似文献   

The paper is dedicated to describing the principles of constructing a foreign trade midterm forecast in contemporary Russian conditions. The authors use the foreign trade forecasting model developed by the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences as a basis to conduct a comparative analysis of changes in the key foreign trade indicators under various hypotheses as to changes in world oil prices.  相似文献   

本文分析海峡西岸经济区与东亚经济的依存关系,以及东亚一体化发展对福建外贸增长的作用及长短期影响,研究福建融入东亚经济体系的现状,为进一步研究福建加强次区域经济合作提供实证数据和理论分析基础。  相似文献   

“俄白哈关税同盟”对中哈经贸关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年11月27日,俄、白、哈三国签署了《关税同盟海关法典》,标志着"俄白哈关税同盟"正式成立。"俄白哈关税同盟"作为以俄罗斯为主导的欧亚经济共同体框架内在关税同盟方面取得实质性进展的成果,而中国又是哈萨克斯坦的重要贸易伙伴,"俄白哈关税同盟"的建立势必对中国与其成员国的经贸关系产生影响。基于此,本文对"关税同盟"建立后,该同盟对中国与其成员国-哈萨克斯坦经贸关系所产生的影响进行了分析,并在此基础上提出中国应对"俄白哈关税同盟"的策略。  相似文献   

本文利用省级面板数据首先证实对外贸易、市场整合与地区经济增长存在收敛的趋势,中部地区的市场整合程度高于东、西部地区。在此基础上,运用bootstrap面板因果检验按东、中、西3个区域面板重点分析个体省份对外贸易、市场整合与地区经济增长的关系。结果表明,对外贸易和市场分割有助于省域经济增长,不同区域均存在对外贸易替代区际贸易的倾向。沿海地区对外贸易在促进地区经济增长的同时缺乏经济发展反哺对外贸易的循环机制,内陆部分省份的对外贸易是经济增长的自然外溢。地区市场分割或整合是区域异质性下地方政府的人为策略。为了加快全国市场一体化建设,避免区域"马太效应"的扩大,应促使东部地区率先打破市场分割,中部地区的崛起也对此具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2010年5月中央新疆工作座谈会议决定设立喀什经济特区。本文分析设立喀什经济特区给新疆对外贸易带来的挑战,并提出发挥喀什经济特区在推动新疆对外贸易发展中作用的对策和建议。  相似文献   

The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is the largest integration effort attempted in the developing world; if realized, it will create a single market with the free movement of goods, services, foreign direct investment and skilled labor, and freer movement of capital encompassing nearly 600 million people. This study, a first attempt to evaluate the full benefits of the AEC, finds that the project could produce gains similar to those resulting from the European Single Market, amounting to 5.3 percent of the region's income. The benefits could be doubled if, as expected, regional integration also leads to new free trade agreements with key external partners. The whole region will share in these gains. There will be mild trade and investment diversion effects for some other countries, but the world will benefit too. Nevertheless, the AEC poses political challenges: the present study finds that the project will imply significant structural adjustments in several ASEAN economies.  相似文献   

近年来,世界经济体系开始从“中心-边缘”结构向板块与网络状并存结构转型。目前,世界上形成一种新型的三极贸易体系,它不仅与过去中心地区与边缘地区之间贸易有所不同,而且是人类历史上几乎从未有过的。世界经济体系向板块与网络并存结构转型的主要原因包括:区域化与区域主义相互促进;亚非拉国家独立和其中部分国家走上适合本国国情发展道路使一些边缘地区国家实现跨越式发展;新科技革命发展和经济全球化趋势加快。世界经济体系向板块与网络并存结构转型将产生的主要影响包括:既刺激又抑制贸易保护主义;世界经济重心开始由大西洋地区向亚太地区转移;发展中国家在国际经济机制中将会有更大的发言权;促进整个国际体系的转型。  相似文献   

对外贸易与国内产业地理:来自新经济地理学的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许德友  梁琦 《南方经济》2011,(11):63-73,82
一国的对外贸易往往是塑造国内产业地理的重要力量。本文基于新经济地理学的视角综述了对外贸易与国内产业地理的相关研究,着重从理论渊源、城市经济、地区差距等角度分析一国贸易开放后国内制造业分布的空间变化,并对中国的对外贸易与东中西部产业空间结构的文献做了评述。在总结目前研究进展的基础上,文章最后得出了相关研究启示。  相似文献   

Regional integration arrangements have mushroomed worldwide, both on intra-regional and extra-regional levels. On an intra-regional level, Africa faces a complicated grid of multiple and overlapping membership of several regional integration organisations, aiming to increase intra-regional trade and cooperation. In this study, a comparative analysis will be executed, based on an intra-regional breakdown of trade, using the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa classification of countries according to geographical region. The level of intra-regional trade will be determined, whereafter the level of inter-regional trade will be established and, lastly, trade with the rest of the world. It seems that despite the high level of regional integration within Africa, it does not necessarily stimulate intra-Africa trade to expected levels as proposed by literature. A regional integration strategy that would cause deeper integration is crucial if the continent is to play a rightful role in the global arena.  相似文献   

石峡 《特区经济》2012,(4):214-216
在当前后金融危机时代背景下,广西外贸面临的困境包括:人民币升值势头不减;全球贸易保护主义抬头;出口退税政策余地已很小;出口以劳动密集型产品为主,易受冲击;受贸易伙伴经济波动影响较大。但是,机遇也是有的,如二线城市承接服务外包;电子商务;广西北部湾经济区被确立为国家战略;中国—东盟博览会平台作用日益凸现。为此,广西应积极承接服务外包,拓展电子商务,发展生物产业,私营企业更多参与,市场多元化战略,以发展对外贸易。  相似文献   

经济全球化和区域经济一体化是当今世界经济发展的两大趋势,"泛珠三角"一体化将进一步发挥珠三角的区域聚集和扩散效应,提升区域竞争力,实现区域可持续发展。但目前"泛珠三角"区域一体化仍面临很多突出问题,区域整合仍是一大难题。欧盟是目前世界范围内区域经济一体化范围最大、程度最高的地区,对促进我国"泛珠三角"区域一体化发展具有重要的借鉴意义。本文分析了"泛珠三角"一体化面临的问题,对欧盟区域协调机制进行了介绍,并探讨了欧盟区域协调经验对"泛珠三角"一体化的启示。  相似文献   

入世以来两岸经贸关系发展中的问题及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李计广 《亚太经济》2008,12(1):92-95
入世6年来,两岸经贸快速发展,但台湾在祖国大陆贸易和利用外资中的地位不断下降。两岸经贸关系至今仍未实现正常化,这对两岸经济发展均带来不利的影响。  相似文献   


The study deals, on one hand, with the international politics connections, and, on the other, the endogenous economic policy implications of Finland's relationship with West European economic arrangements from the Marshal! Plan up to the FINN-EFTA Agreement. In the 1950s, the Finnish economy was, in fact, a closed economy, albeit highly dependent on foreign trade. Finland's international position in the Soviet sphere of influence imposed restraints with regard to participation in international economic integration. Finland, for example, remained outside the Marshal! Plan and the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), and even Nordic cooperation was a delicate matter from the point of view of relations with the Soviets. However, the protectionist foreign trade policies, consisting of both tariffs and quantitative restrictions, explain at least as much of the relative isolation of the Finnish economy. In these circumstances, Finland's participation in EFTA cooperation, within the framework of the FINN-EFTA agreement, from 1961 onwards was the decisive turning point towards an opening economy.  相似文献   

在“丝绸之路经济带”建设的大背景下,作为“第三利润源”物流的重要性日益突出。新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,东联西出的独特地缘优势为其与中亚国家进行贸易提供了便利。然而,新疆与中亚国家开展物流活动仍然存在物流衔接不畅、物流行业管理不善、现代物流企业缺乏等问题,这严重影响了新疆与中亚国家的贸易。因此,应努力从实现与中亚国家物流标准的衔接、提高通关效率、加强物流行业管理及建设现代物流企业等方面来促进新疆面向中亚的国际物流顺畅化。  相似文献   

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