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Established companies rely on innovation to maintain their competitiveness in the rapidly changing economic environment. These companies must perpetually develop new products and services, and create new businesses and new business models. To do so, entrepreneurial leaders within established companies need to understand and align their projects with the corporate vision and business goals. The entrepreneurial leaders must also lead by influence to obtain necessary resources to fulfill these goals. Creating an environment that encourages innovation and engenders trust is necessary for the success of entrepreneurial leaders. Skills relating to perspective taking and influence as well as the need for agility are also crucial.  相似文献   

面对动荡多变的外界环境,领导者需要员工及时地纠错以维持组织的正常运营.然而,上下级的心理距离造成员工对建言后果的负面预期,形成了“知错不言”的障碍.本文采用77份领导者和517份员工的配对问卷,使用多层次线性回归模型,从积极领导学的视角探讨了员工建言情境中负面预期的边界作用机制.结果显示,负面预期在权力距离与抑制性建言之间起中介作用,真实型领导弱化了员工权力距离与负面预期之间的积极影响关系,同时,真实型领导强化了负面预期和员工抑制性建言的消极影响关系.研究结论有助于领导者在下属负面预期情境下改善抑制性建言状况,以增加有效的组织实践.  相似文献   

人类的发展规律是复杂性加大,文明程度不断提升,智商不断进步,分享领导模式将成为领导趋势。而中国生产力发展趋势、中国高校特殊的资产体制以及高校自身的特点决定了中国领导模式的发展趋势是分享式领导模式。  相似文献   

伦理型领导对领导有效性的研究是领导学研究的重点和热点之一。但是,现有研究很少涉及伦理型领导在中国情境下的适用性。本文以中国企业为对象,运用相关统计与分析方法对随机抽样获得的问卷调查数据进行研究,试图探索出中国情境下实施伦理型领导的可行性和必要性,以及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

XX油田A区块2013年1月投入开发,经过4年多的开发,区块逐步进入稳产阶段,稳产阶段是油田开发的重要时期,决定着油田的最终开发水平。总结早期的开发成果,为后续开发调整做好准备,确保油田有一个较长的稳产阶段,保证油田的总体开发效果。  相似文献   

工作和家庭是个体生活的两个重要领域,两者的关系严重影响着员工绩效.正因如此,越来越多的企业开始关注和实施工作-家庭平衡型人力资源管理实践(Work-Family-Balanced Human Resource Management Practice,WFB-HRM).本研究基于资源保存理论,分析了WFB-HRM影响员工绩效的内部机制和边界条件.具体来讲,WFB-HRM不仅可以为员工提供更多的资源,而且还有利于员工将有限资源在工作和家庭之间灵活分配,从而提升工作繁荣与工作绩效.此外,真实型领导作为重要的支持情境,可推进WFB-HRM的实施效果.本研究通过对46家企业295个有效样本的纵向追踪发现:(1) WFB-HRM正向影响员工绩效;(2)工作繁荣在WFB-HRM与员工绩效之间起中介作用;(3)真实型领导正向调节了WFB-HRM对工作繁荣的影响,以及WFB-HRM与员工绩效之间经由工作繁荣的中介效应.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the case of the Professional Institute of the Southern Region (IPRES), an institute of higher education in the State University of Morelos, with the aim of showing the measurement results of organizational climate before and after the change of the principal to know some internal features and describe the organizational climate of workers' perception in a transition stage; besides, the influence of the current director's leadership is analyzed in the achievement of organizational goals and how the perception of organizational climate or working environment can be affected by female leadership is also dealt with. In Mexico, there are more and more women running various organizations, including those belonging to the field of education, and universities are no exception. On the other hand, the type of leadership being exercised can promote or hinder the proper performance of the institute and may be a factor of distinction and influence the behavior of those who integrate it; therefore, knowing how it works provides feedback about the processes that determine organizational behavior and the working environment.  相似文献   

Even with a myriad of definitions of leadership, we still know little about the discourse of leadership in which those of us without formal leadership education and development are embedded. Through a discourse analysis of interviews with a broad cross‐section of 12 “followers,” the current study begins exploring the idea of a societal discourse of leadership and how that discourse complements and conflicts with the academic and workplace discourses. Analysis shows that although individuals define leadership in a similar fashion to the academic discourse, they identify heroic figures as leaders, and they neither look for, nor feel they need, leadership in their own lives.  相似文献   

团队创新是企业获取竞争优势,实现可持续发展的重要保证。差错管理氛围和特质焦点提供了理解团队创新的新视角。研究发现真实型领导通过营造差错管理氛围,对团队创新绩效产生正向影响;团队提升型特质调节焦点在差错管理氛围和团队创新绩效间起到正向调节作用。文章拓展了创新、差错管理氛围以及调节焦点等相关文献,并为提升团队创新绩效提供了管理建议。  相似文献   

邓琼芬 《价值工程》2012,31(2):119-120
在论述旅游电子商务的发展背景下,运用SWOT方法分析了旅行社发展的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,提出旅行社在旅游电子商务时代应该积极开展旅游电子商务;根据市场的需求变化,找准目标市场;加强合作,提供多样化、个性化的旅游产品;转变传统观念,从售前、售中、售后三方面提升旅游服务质量,探索出一条符合自身的发展之路。  相似文献   

Starting a new business is easy. Leading a start‐up and transitioning from founder to CEO is hard. As a result, less than 1 in 25 new companies will grow to have 50 or more employees. This article examines three important challenges faced by entrepreneurial leaders at start‐up: developing a vision, achieving optimal persistence, and executing through chaos. The article also considers three capabilities needed by founders who seek to continue to lead their companies during the growth stage of the entrepreneurial process: strategic thinking, coaching, and self‐evaluation. The Siegfried Group, LLP, a leading national CPA firm that provides Leadership Advisory and Talent Delivery services to Fortune 1000 organizations, is used as a brief case study to illustrate key challenges and capabilities associated with entrepreneurial leadership.  相似文献   

Psychological Contract Breach in a Chinese Context: An Integrative Approach   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
ABSTRACT    This study examined the antecedents and outcomes of psychological contract breach as well as why and how psychological contract breach is related to these outcomes. Respondents were Hong Kong Chinese employees (N=152). Results showed organizational change and history of contract breach to be related to psychological contract breach which, in turn, was related to turnover intentions, psychological withdrawal behaviour, and civic virtue. Further, trust in employer fully mediated the relationship between psychological contract breach and the work outcomes of psychological withdrawal behaviour and civic virtue but partially mediated the psychological contract breach–turnover intentions relationship. Lastly, interactional justice failed to moderate the relationship between psychological contract breach and the work outcomes.  相似文献   

作为一种新的领导概念,责任型领导愈发受到学界关注.然而,过去的研究主要关注了责任型领导对下属工作产出的积极影响,相对忽略了潜在负面效应及其形成机制.为此,本文将责任型领导的积极面与阴暗面进行整合,从均衡视角构建了一个责任型领导的双刃剑效应模型.该模型指出责任型领导一方面可以通过社会学习和社会交换来提升下属的道德行为和组织公民行为,另一方面还会通过工作压力和分散注意力导致下属的情绪枯竭、身心健康等问题,下属的关键个体特质如责任心、互惠信念、自我效能和权力距离导向在上述过程中发挥着调节作用.  相似文献   

文章根据土地整治绩效评价指标体系,综合运用层次分析法评价黑龙江省北安市已竣工的两个土地整治项目,从资金使用情况、项目管理情况、项目带来的生态效益及影响情况进行评价,旨在为土地整治评价工作提供科学有效的依据。  相似文献   

本文针对目前国内外可持续发展研究存原不足和区域可持续发展的实际,提出区域可持续发展三维系统理论框架、评价指标体系和评价数学模型,并对黑龙江省区域可持续发展评价进行了案例研究。  相似文献   

Fortune 500 companies have a competitive advantage in leadership development, whereas health care has lagged far behind. Physician leadership development, in particular, is a game changer for a closed staff, group practice that relies on a pipeline of physician leaders—such as the Cleveland Clinic. To address this leadership development gap in health care, the Cleveland Clinic Academy (CCA) was established in 2006. The academy is predicated on developing health care leaders with specific emphasis on physician leadership education using a competency‐based curriculum with value‐added components, including continuing medical education (CME) and master's of business administration (MBA) transfer credits. In the pioneering spirit of Dr. F. Mason Sones, the novel curriculum includes didactic learning, experiential immersion, and executive coaching, designed to promote physician career development, leadership potential, productivity and job satisfaction, and business acumen. The unique programs—54 stand‐alone courses, and customized programs such as Leading in Health Care, Staff Leadership Rotation, Samson Global Leadership Academy, Healthcare Finance and Accounting, and others—have affected individuals and patient care by reaching over 6,000 health care providers, including physicians from Cleveland Clinic, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Japan, Qatar, UAE, India, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Turkey, Dominican Republic, and throughout the United States. CCA provides a new direction in leadership development with an integrated competency‐based curriculum for physicians, nurses, and administrators.  相似文献   

包容性领导是一种当前备受关注的新型领导方式。本文通过对国内95家企业共665位员工进行问卷调查,主要考察包容性领导对员工敬业度的影响、组织认同的中介作用和平衡互惠的调节作用。研究结果显示:包容性领导显著正向影响员工敬业度;组织认同在包容性领导与员工敬业度之间起到中介作用;平衡互惠在组织认同与员工敬业度之间起到调节作用;并且平衡互惠正向调节组织认同对包容性领导与员工敬业度的中介作用。因此,企业应该采取开放包容的领导方式,通过提高员工的组织认同感,提升员工敬业度。  相似文献   

周丽萍 《价值工程》2013,(28):295-296
我国大学现行的考试基本存在教师考前划重点或者压缩考试范围的现象,对于此现象出现的前因后果以及对其的好坏评论,学界意见不一,本文将从经济学视觉分析该现象的实质和前因后果,以更清晰地辨别教师考前划重点行为的产生缘由及其带来的利弊,以期为我国培养出更好的人才以及高等教育的更好发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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