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Managing your personal and professional life is a lifelong balancing act due to situations that arise in the course of expected and unexpected normal life events. Identifying and dealing with these issues in your own life will likely make you a stronger leader in the eyes of your employees who often struggle with similar issues. Acknowledging these struggles among your employees can help create community in work teams, which ultimately translates into retention. Advocating for work life policies in your organization will transform personal compassion into organizational culture and, ultimately, into corporate policy.  相似文献   

Clinician adoption of CPOE/CDS solutions is crucial to helping caregivers reduce medical errors and enhance patient safety. The LeapFrog Group CPOE/CDS report can be a helpful guide, but as clinicians concerned about the quality of health care and the well-being of our patients, we must play an active role in the successful adoption of these solutions by: 1. Making sure that your institution is committed to having the appropriate people involved in the entire process, including nurse leaders. 2. Selecting a vendor that has the knowledge and clearly understands the importance of implementing this type of system. 3. Ensuring that your organization is selecting a system that actually meets the criteria defined by the LeapFrog Group.  相似文献   

虽然蒂米什瓦拉与中国相距甚远,但我们非常关注中国近几年来的发展变化。同样,我们也非常期待中国将会选择什么样的发展道路。  相似文献   

Do you know how much information you deflect in a day? Do you know what techniques you use to keep information at bay? We all erect windshields. It is just a matter of degree. Sometimes we deflect information in spite of our good intentions. If we are not present when people are in dialogue with us, we soon lose the attention of that person. If we are leading a meeting and the feedback begins to get uncomfortable for us, we can interject the techniques of the alpha male or alpha female, or a variety of our own. But the audience knows you are not listening, and they soon go underground with their comments and interpretations. Soon you are cut out of valuable feedback. Deflecting information by surrounding yourself with windshields just won't work. We need second and third opinions continually. One of Warren Bennis' (2002) ten traits to becoming a "tomorrow leader" is that of ensuring that the leader's boundaries are porous and permeable. In his view, leaders need the foresight to see around the corner long before others do. His belief is that the only way to do this is to be in touch with your customers, and the outside world. But that only happens when the leader's boundaries are porous and permeable so that information can seep in. Effective leaders learn to lead without windshields.  相似文献   

Nurse leaders must understand and articulate critical concepts of budgeting and staffing to provide credible leadership to our nursing organizations. Determining the ideal number of nurses to hire on any given unit is as much an art as it is a science. Understanding the relationship between hiring requirements and the budget can lead your nursing organization to achieve important results for your hospital.  相似文献   

If your employee benefit plan has more than 100 participants, chances are you've had to work your way through the audited financial statements you're required to include with your Form 5500 filing. These statements contain a wealth of information about the financial health of your plan, and understanding them is an important fiduciary responsibility. To strengthen your grasp of financial statements, this article gives an overview that will make a plan's financial statements more informative, explains their basic structure and provides information on some of the more arcane aspects (such as actuarial tables). While this article focuses on Taft-Hartley (multiemployer) plans, much of it applies to other types of employee benefit plans.  相似文献   

This article provides those teaching in small classes in an Australian tertiary environment with some recommendations on how to get started and tips for effective teaching. The focus of the advice is on small class teaching, which is generally comprised of fewer than 30 students. The tips presented are centred on being organised, understanding your content and your students, generating engagement and norms for participation, as well as investing in adaptable skill development. A seven step process to teaching effectiveness is reviewed. These tips provide teachers with foundational knowledge that can be transferred to teaching large classes.  相似文献   

Stodgy medical societies are partnering with, and creating, online companies. What can they do for your practice?  相似文献   

Building equity in a brand happens through many encounters. The initial attraction must be followed by the meeting of expectations. This creates a loyalty that is part of an emotional connection to that brand. This is the same process people go through when they first meet a leader and decide if this is a person they want to buy into. People will examine your style, your competence, and your standards. If you fail on any of these fronts, your ability to lead will be severely compromised. People expect more of leaders now, because they know and recognize good leaders. And, predictably, people are now more cynical of leaders because of the well-publicized excess of a few leaders who advanced their own causes at the expense of their people and their financial future. This will turn out to be a good thing, because it will create a higher standard of leadership that all must aspire to achieve. When the bar is raised for us, our standards of performance are also raised.  相似文献   

Cross-subsidies often accompany entry regulation. Because cross-subsidies may be efficient or inefficient, they make it harder to find out whether regulation is motivated by public interest or public choice considerations. This paper uses case study methods to illuminate the motives and intentions of California state regulators in a battle over bypass of state-regulated gas utilities during the 1980s. Detailed study reveals that wealth redistribution, rather than economic efficiency, dominated regulators' motives.The author would like to thank John Baden, Robert Bradley, Charles Rowley, several anonymous referees, and participants in the Center for Market Processes colloquium for helpful comments; Mike McDonald, Lisa Johnson, Gary Shiu, Bob Baldini, and Don Dempsey for research assistance; and the Center for Market Processes for financial support.  相似文献   

尹强 《经济研究导刊》2014,(22):276-278
生活中,每个人都做发家梦,人人富,家家足,才能顺利实现中国梦。国运牵动万家,爱家首先必须爱国。只有做到核心理念不可乱,核心力量当积聚,核心"家当"应维护,这才是一个国家或民族赖以生存并发展的重要思想基础。  相似文献   

A health care benefit plan should meet the needs and expectations of your organization and its insureds. Each organization is unique, so a health care benefit plan shouldn't be "off the shelf" but be uniquely tailored for your organization. Analyze current demographic, utilization and other data to determine which services members and their families are using and what type of services may be needed in the future.  相似文献   

Hart KA 《Nursing economic$》2008,26(4):270-1, 279
A combination of factors has diluted the recruitment experience and created a confluence of elements similar to a perfect storm. Recruitment has morphed from a high-touch experience to a high-tech process. Though we can't go back to those halcyon pre-Internet days, we do need to find a better approach than our current technology-based, fragmented recruitment process. The ideal recruitment scenario would be a marriage of high tech and high touch. We must drive the technology, not let the technology dictate our process.  相似文献   

本文使用中国家庭金融调查数据,研究婚姻匹配模式对住房租购选择的影响。结论发现,所谓门当户对的家庭选择租房居住的概率更高,而具有高攀特点的家庭更加偏好直接购买住房。孩子数越多、年收入越低,以及拥有车辆时选择买房居住的概率更高;孩子数可以削弱门当户对对住房租购选择的负向影响,收入越高的门当户对的家庭选择买房的概率更高。分组分析证实,在住房价格高的情况下,这些因素对住房租购选择的影响更为显著,而在价格低的地区房价便是影响住房租购选择的主导因素。  相似文献   

With the intent of stimulating discussion, this section is reserved for book reviews, comments, and letters; your input is welcome. By nature, this material may be subjective, reflecting the opinions of the authors; your responses are therefore encouraged.  相似文献   

舞台表演艺术作为传承和发展我国传统演唱艺术的重要载体之一,与中国当代民族声乐紧密相连。舞台表演艺术在民族声乐中具有举足轻重的作用。舞台表演艺术本身就具有重要的美学意义,是一种特别的美学现象。它通过诠释一种意象,使观众的心灵得到共振;它能促进内心情感的表达,帮助演唱者更深层次的挖掘歌曲的内涵;它可以拉近与观众的距离,通过载歌载舞的演唱形式,建立起更广泛的群众基础。总之,它是促进中国当代民族声乐艺术发展必不可少的一部分。  相似文献   

The atmosphere within the work setting speaks volumes about your culture, and is often a primary factor in recruitment and retention (or turnover) of staff. Workplace tension and abuse are significant contributing factors as to why nurses are exiting workplaces--and even leaving the profession. Abuse can take many forms from inappropriate interpersonal communication to sexual harassment and even violence. Administrators should adopt a zero tolerance policy towards abusive communication. Addressing peer behavior is essential, but positive behavior must also be authentically modeled from the CNO and other nursing leaders. Raising awareness and holding individuals accountable for their behavior can lead to a safer and more harmonious work environment.  相似文献   

以传统检查计划执行进度的统计方法来判断,河南省"十五"计划所提出的32%左右的城镇化发展目标很难实现。但对城镇化目标实现程度的评估,不应仅就其本身来进行。根据城镇化与生产、消费的相关关系估算,"十五"期未,河南城镇化水平可达31.07%,将接近目标下限。农村居民消费水平将是城镇化发展的严重制约因素。  相似文献   

Mitchell SG 《Nursing economic$》2008,26(2):128-9, 121
The ability to attract and retain hard-to-find professionals is vitally connected to the perceptions of your organization both internally and externally. Many organizations confuse their employment brand with branding and all too often put considerable effort and often scarce resources against ineffective initiatives. Most health care organizations do not consistently allocate the necessary resources needed to build and sustain a strong employer brand. The relationship between employers and employees to and among each other and the values you strive for collectively are the cornerstones of your employment brand. It is imperative for nurse leaders to create and sustain an environment where employees are inherently positive and connected to their organization.  相似文献   

This article sets out to examine the degree of persistence in the real exchange rates of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, and tests the validity of Purchasing power parity (PPP) using monthly data covering 1995:01–2013:12 period. The sum of autoregressive (AR) coefficients is used in order to examine persistence of the real exchange rate series and grid-bootstrap method is employed for the confidence intervals. The tests performed suggest two results: (1) Covering the full sample and sub-sample periods, excluding Kyrgyzstan in 1995:01–1998:07 and Russia in 2008:09–2013:12 periods, disregarding the structural breaks in the data generating process, there is high persistency in real exchange rates; (2) there is evidence in support of PPP covering the full sample for every country except for Kyrgyzstan in 1995:01–1998:07 and Russia in 2008:09–2013:12 periods.  相似文献   

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