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This article analyses the proportions of personal to real estate wealth for a group of 295 businessmen profiled in the Dictionary of business biography . It shows that businessmen who owned land on a large scale in the late nineteenth century were a comparatively small group who retained a small proportion of their total wealth in landed assets. Low levels of social mobility are identified as a function of land purchase, and new insights are given into the relationship between wealth, status, and land ownership. Any integration of business and landed wealth in this period was not a consequence of businessmen becoming landowners.  相似文献   

本文主要依据陈翰笙先生20世纪30年代保定(清苑)11村调查及河北省统计局追踪调查资料,考察20世纪上半叶冀中农村一般农民家庭的耕作规模、土地经营方式以及土地所有权转移的一般趋势,并与前工业社会英国地权转移趋势比较,冀中农村人均地狭小,土地经营碎化,自耕农经济占据主导地位,在剧烈的社会动荡中,人们成功地破坏了传统的封建经济,使地权趋于分散,却未能像英国那样在一个新的起点上使土地,资金和劳动力要素重新组成起来,建立起新的生产和土地机制。  相似文献   

Conclusion Census reports accurately reflect the decline of black-owned farms in an operational sense. Analysis of tax digest data, however, and comparison With census data suggest that operational farms constitute a smaller proportion of all land owned by Blacks in 1960 than they once did. Rather than diminishing the importance of land loss, the findings underscore the need for intensive research into the matter of extent of black-owned land and identification of areas where community support might aid in the retention of black-owned land.  相似文献   

Conclusion The absence of a viable equity base has been costly to the black community both economically and politically. Black dependency on white economic support has served to rob the black community of its autonomous decision-making potential. Further, without the advantage of a steady income and personal property in which they can take pride, many povertystricken Blacks have been unable to develop a serious interest in political activity. At the same time, black organizational efforts—both political and economic—have been crippled by the lack of a sufficient equity base to keep them independently viable.  相似文献   

揭示反映在西周领主土地所有权方面的伦理经济观念 ,是研究西周领主土地所有形态 ,把握西周伦理政治结构、伦理国家形态不可或缺的重要环节。但这方面的研究尚不多见。为此本文考察了周天子的最高土地所有权观念和反映在诸侯经济负担方面的伦理经济观念 ,以期对上述问题的研究有所助益。  相似文献   

明清时期,在一田二主或一田三主基础上,中国封建社会内萌生一种新型的土地所有制,前人一直称之为永佃制,但其实质上巳突破主、佃之间关系,而是彼此之间共同占有同一块土地,是同一块土地的所有者,这种新的土地所有制的萌生,对明清社会经济产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Aside from the very high inequality of land ownership, South Africa is characterised by a dual land tenure system comprising of private ownership and communal land ownership. Using waves 4 and 5 of the National Income Dynamics Study longitudinal data set, a set of econometric methodologies is employed to quantify the impact of ownership and tenure on an index of subjective wellbeing (SWB) constructed from eight self-reported responses covering general life satisfaction, contrast, social capital, mental health and hope for future. Controlling for the income effect and other pertinent drivers of SWB, the study highlights the non-income impact of land ownership and tenure on the subjective wellbeing of individuals. To account for possible endogeneity and self-selection, instrumental variable and matching method-based treatment effects are computed. This paper has two main findings in relation to land tenure in South Africa: (a) land owners have on average a higher index of SWB compared to those not owning land, and (b) owning land privately, compared to owning land communally, has a positive impact on subjective wellbeing within land owners. These results are consistent and statistically significant across the various estimation strategies and provide additional motivation for expediting land reforms in South Africa.  相似文献   

现阶段,全国正在开展农村土地承包经营权确权登记颁证工作。文章针对甘肃省农村土地承包经营权确权登记颁证项目实际完成情况,对土地确权过程中的工作流程与主要技术方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

This paper conducts stationarity tests for levels and ratios of national and regional unemployment rates by race and ethnicity. Results indicate that both unemployment rates and ratios for the total population and for subgroups by race, ethnicity and region are stationary around changing means. The black/white unemployment ratio has increased on average and the Hispanic/white unemployment ratio has decreased on average. Results are compared across regions of the US.  相似文献   

中国农业信贷与农业GDP(1978~2001):一个协整分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文基于协整分析,并利用误差修正模型以及Granger因果关系检验,对1978-2001年间中国农业GDP与农业信贷作出了实证分析。结果表明,中国农业GDP与农业信贷存在显著的协整关系,无论是长期还是短期,农业信贷都是农业GDP的Granger原因,这表明加大农业信贷投入对加快中国农业增长是重要的。  相似文献   

Abstract. Recent empirical work by Krinsky and Rotenberg (KR) (1989a, b) suggests that the relationship between entrepreneurial ownership retention and initial valuation of unseasoned common shares may not hold in the Canadian environment. In this study, we replicate and extend KR's tests on our more recent Canadian sample of 180 IPOs that listed on the TSE between 1984 and 1987. We find empirical evidence that initial valuation is increasing in the ownership retention signal (α), even when retention is included with various other possible managerial or firm-specific signals about future cash flows. Further, we find this result to be robust with respect to a number of different model specifications as well as across different definitions of who the entrepreneur is, different classes of common stock, and different types of offering units. Résumé. Les récents travaux empiriques de Krinsky et Rotenberg (1989a, b) donnent à penser que la relation entre la rétention par l'entrepreneur d'une participation dans l'entreprise et l'évaluation initiale d'actions ordinaires émises par une entreprise non solidement établie pourrait ne pas tenir dans le contexte canadien. Dans l'étude qui suit, les auteurs reprennent, en les élargissant, les tests de Krinsky et Rotenberg auprès d'un échantillon canadien plus récent de 180 premiers appels publics à l'épargne sur la bourse de Toronto, entre 1984 et 1987. Ils démontrent empiriquement que l'évaluation initiale des actions émises augmente au signal de rétention d'une participation (α), même lorsque la rétention fait partie de divers signaux possibles relatifs à la direction ou spécifiques à l'entreprise au sujet des flux monétaires éventuels. Les auteurs concluent en outre que la solidité de cette conclusion résiste à la modification des caractéristiques du modèle ainsi qu'à la modification des définitions de l'identité des entrepreneurs, des différentes catêgories d'actions ordinaires et des différents types d'unités émises.  相似文献   

本文基于南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心的CSSCI引文数据,对中国世界经济领域的研究现状进行定量分析。归纳该领域各类学术资源、科研机构等在本研究领域的学术影响,通过与整个经济学研究状况及数据的对比,展现中国世界经济问题研究热点,并从总体上把握当前世界经济问题的研究特征以及中国世界经济学科的发展趋势。  相似文献   

2001~2006年日本量化宽松货币政策下汇率传递效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本经济长期陷入通货紧缩和日元升值而停滞不前,2001~2006年日本开创性地实施量化宽松货币政策以实现经济复苏。研究日本量化宽松货币政策下汇率传递效应问题,对于当前实践量化宽松货币政策的国家如何完善政策协调及提高政策效果有着重要的现实意义。本文基于日本月度数据展开实证,首先运用协整技术和VEC模型分非量化宽松货币政策和量化宽松货币政策两阶段来研究日元汇率传递效应的程度和变化趋势,再运用EG两步法和OLS来估算量化货币政策与国内物价之间的相关性。结果表明,量化宽松货币政策下日元汇率传递效应大大降低,这与货币当局致力于稳定通货膨胀水平密切相关。  相似文献   

This article explores the coverage of labour migration in four national questionnaires in South Africa - the Project for Statistics on Living Standards and Development (1993), the National Census (1996 and 2001), the October Household Surveys (1995-9) and the Labour Force Survey (2000-1). Internal labour migration has been an integral part of South Africa's history and economic development. Whether this migration is changing, and how this will affect the rural household's access to resources, are surely important questions to be examined both now and in the future. A comprehensive investigation requires not only specific case study analysis, but also analysis of nationally representative data on households and the individuals who are part of these households, whether as resident or absent household members. Official household surveys in South Africa have been modified and revised over the years to improve the quality of information collected on individuals, households and their access to resources. However, questions of labour migration have received little attention in these revisions. Rather, the quality and quantity of information collected on migration and labour migrants specifically have declined such that in current sources of national data, the Labour Force Survey (2000-1) and the Census (2001), labour migrants are all but invisible.  相似文献   

2001-2011年的民航业数据为样本,利用产业绩效模型,对放松管制、竞争、集中度与产业绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究.研究结果显示2002年以来民航业的全要素生产率存在着上升趋势;资产集中度对全要素生产率具有决定性的影响作用;资产重组、放松管制的制度变量与产业绩效存在正相关关系,但资产重组的影响超过了放松管制.文章认为这体现了我国民航业快速发展的阶段性特征,也体现了民航业渐进性改革的一般逻辑和模式.进一步放松价格、线路经营等方面的管制,开放燃油市场和低空域市场,强化机场监管,重建航空业管制体制和空域资源管制体制将是未来航空业的改革趋势.  相似文献   

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