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Distinguishing processing trade is crucial to national input-output table-based research on China's international trade. This paper further investigates the importance of distinguishing China's processing trade in multicountry input-output table-based studies. We focus on the bias in China's bilateral trade in value added caused by China's undistinguished processing trade. We construct a product-by-product world input-output table capturing China's processing trade based on the World Input-Output Database. Empirical studies show that, if China's processing trade is undistinguished, the profile of China's bilateral trade in value added would be seriously distorted; China's bilateral net trade in value added with some economies, such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan, would be significantly underestimated, while it would be significantly overestimated for some other economies, such as the United States. Distinguishing processing trade in multicountry input-output tables is also crucial when China's bilateral trade in value added is considered.  相似文献   

研究目标:测算中国30省份的生产者责任以及消费者责任CO2排放量;各个省份的净碳转移量以及进出口隐含碳排放;测算省间的碳转出量,计算8大区域的净碳转移量,并分析了碳转移的方向。研究方法:借助投入产出表,用多区域投入产出模型测算各省份各行业的CO2排放量以及省间的碳转移量。研究发现:两种责任测算的CO2排放量差别较大;广东、上海、北京、浙江、江苏的净碳转出量最大,内蒙古、山西、河北、新疆、贵州的净碳转入量最大;东部沿海、南部沿海以及京津地区的净碳转出量最大,西北地区的净碳转入量最大。研究创新:用投入产出表结合能源平衡表测算各省份各行业的直接CO2排放量;研究了省间的碳转移。研究价值:对中国的碳减排具有一定的政策建议。  相似文献   

We consider the environmental Leontief model, which is an input–output model augmented by pollution-generation and pollution-abatement sectors. Two formulations of this model, dating back to Leontief's work in 1970, can be found in the literature. One formulation treats an exogenously given vector of the tolerated level of pollutants (environmental standards) as a negative variable on the right-hand side of the model. The other formulation supposes that each industry eliminates a given proportion of the pollution that it creates, so that the proportions of gross pollutants which are subject to treatment by each sector enter as given parameters. Even in the case when the levels of production and abatement in the two different model formulations are equal, the solutions of the dual or price model are different for cases where some net pollution is left untreated. First, the analytical relationship between the two price models is established. Secondly, both models formulated in a linear programming framework are extended by imposing emission charges (effluent taxes) for untreated pollution. Finally, it will be shown how to estimate the level of emission charges for both model formulations such that they provide the same levels of production and abatement, as well as the same shadow prices. This is illustrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

Studies aiming to evaluate the structural distribution of economic impacts usually treat consumption demand as an exogenous variable. In this case, the Leontief matrix multiplier lacks the multiplier process via the consumption function that one customarily finds in a Keynesian model. To regard the consumption as a fictitious production activity is not the appropriate procedure. Instead, the Keynesian consumption function is introduced at a disaggregated level. For that, a matrix multiplier was formulated in order to combine Leontief's propagation process with the Keynesian propagation process. This matrix includes the effects of endogenous changes in consumption demand. Based on the present production structure in Brazil, the results show how the propagation effect directs the induced income towards capitalists, depriving wage earners. The model also allows for evaluation of diverse effects of the propagation process according to income and consumption coefficients by sector.  相似文献   

China's transport sector has been attracting great attention for its excessive energy consumption and ever-increasing pollution emissions. Thus, reducing energy intensity is one of the top priorities of China's ongoing transport upgrade. In this paper, by establishing a panel data regression model derived from the Cobb–Douglas cost function, we focus on investigating the impacts of energy price and transport productivity on transport energy intensity at the national and regional levels. The study uses the provincial panel data for 2005–2016 to perform regression analysis. The results show that: (1) energy price has a significantly negative effect on transport energy intensity in the whole China and the eastern region, whereas it has no significant impacts in the central and western China. (2) Improvements in transport productivity can effectively decrease transport energy intensity in the whole China and the three major regions. (3) Applying an extended data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach, we decompose transport productivity into four components (i.e., technical change, technology gap change, scale efficiency change, and pure efficiency change) and further differentiate their impacts in different regions. The results indicate that these four components have substantially different impacts in each region. These results provide some valuable insights for policymakers and enterprise entities aiming to adopt measures to reduce energy intensity and achieve sustainable development in China's transport sector.  相似文献   

We present a multi-region input–output (MRIO) model of the University of Sydney embedded in the Australian economy, which forms the centrepiece of a new data-driven framework for strategic forecasting and planning of the University's financial operations. This framework incorporates both Leontief's well-known demand-pull, as well as Ghosh's supply-push exercise. It is therefore able to estimate the immediate financial implications for the University, and the economy-wide flow-on effects, for example as a result of changes in demand for courses by students, or as a result of supply-side changes such as wage increases. We report on recent scenario studies on the financial performance of the teaching and research functions of the University, and the lessons learned for management practice.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an I-O SDA model, based on a commodity technology assumption, to identify the sources of changes in the energy demand structure, the non-energy input structure, the non-energy product-mix and the non-energy final demand of embodied energy requirements. The model contains two features. First, the hybrid rectangular input-output framework expressed in both monetary and physical terms is introduced to relax the effects of different energy prices among industrial sectors on the input structure in physical terms. Second, the demand structure of the input-output system is decomposed into the structure of energy sectors and other sectors by applying the hierarchy system with feedback loops of non-energy sectors. We identify the sources of the changes in Japan's energy use structure between 1985 and 1990. The major findings are that the total energy requirement has increased, mainly because of the changes in the non-energy final demand, while the product-mix changes have opposite effects, that is, energy savings.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a comparison of the treatment of fixed capital in some multi-sectoral models. First, the dynamic Leontief model is investigated. Scrutiny shows that this model suffers from conceptual misconceptions which result from restrictive assumptions concerning full-capacity production and the transferability of capital in place, and from the definition of technical coefficients. Whereas most input–output (IO) models are based on the assumption of infinite life of fixed capital, the Sraffian concept is to treat used fixed capital items as ‘intermediate’ goods, which appear as joint products until they are worn out. To compare that approach with some IO models, an application of the concept of a ‘plant’ is provided. Finally, it is demonstrated that Leontief's model, as well as some recent generalizations, are special cases of a Sraffa-von Neumann type of model.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between trade patterns and energy consumption in manufacturing industries. An input-output decomposition method is used to decompose the change in industrial energy consumption for Denmark into six components, of which three are trade-related. Trade-induced changes in energy consumption have important implications for issues such as international distribution and regulation of energy consumption and emissions. It is shown that a structural change in foreign trade patterns can increase domestic energy demand. This is contrary, however, to what might be expected for a small industrialized country, which is presumed to export products that intensively use inputs of skilled manpower as well as research and development. Finally, calculations carried out at different levels of aggregation are compared. The findings here demonstrate the importance of large variations in energy intensities among subsectors for the calculation results.  相似文献   

In this article we include dependency structures for electricity price forecasting and forecasting evaluation. We work with off-peak and peak time series from the German-Austrian day-ahead price; hence, we analyze bivariate data. We first estimate the mean of the two time series, and then in a second step we estimate the residuals. The mean equation is estimated by ordinary least squares and the elastic net, and the residuals are estimated by maximum likelihood. Our contribution is to include a bivariate jump component in a mean reverting jump diffusion model in the residuals. The models’ forecasts are evaluated with use of four different criteria, including the energy score to measure whether the correlation structure between the time series is properly included. It is observed that the models with bivariate jumps provide better results with the energy score, which means that it is important to consider this structure to properly forecast correlated time series.  相似文献   

Whilst input-output analysts often treat the value-added vector as a fairly simple, straightforward component of input-output studies, modern 'classical' economics tells us that it is far from simple. This will be developed, both for a closed economy and for an economy using foreign produced inputs.  相似文献   

China has relied on energy to stimulate its booming economy. As a result, its share of world energy consumption rose to 17.3% in 2009 from 7.9% in 1978. Somewhat surprisingly, through 2000 its rate of energy consumption was about half its rate of economic growth. This trend changed after 2001 as energy consumption rose about 1.3 times more rapidly than did gross domestic product through 2005. Through heavy governmental influence, energy intensity subsequently reduced through 2007, but just marginally. This paper uses the structural decomposition approach to understand key drivers behind changes in China's energy intensity and its energy consumption from 1987 to 2007. In our model, energy intensity change was decomposed into five factors: changes in energy efficiency, changes in share of value added, changes in input structure, changes in consumption structure, and changes in consumption volume. This paper provides insights into how changes in China's economic structure, technology, urbanization, and lifestyle affect energy intensity and energy consumption.  相似文献   

为提高山东省能源效率,实现节能目标,需要把握当前的能源利用状况、能源效率变动的趋势以及能源效率变化的影响因素。本文基于能源效率的内涵,在分析借鉴国内外现有的能源效率指标体系的基础上,结合山东省的能源环境实际情况与特点,构建了山东省能源效率评价指标体系,运用因子分析方法,对山东省能源效率进行分析并做出综合评价。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the roots of input-output analysis in 'classical' economics. The authors considered include Petty and Cantillon; Quesnay, the physiocrats and their critic Isnard; Smith, Ricardo, Torrens and Dmitriev; Marx, von Bortkiewicz and von Charasoff; Leontief; and Remak. It is argued that, in terms of method and content, input-output analysis is akin to the classical approach to the theory of production, distribution and relative prices in that (i) it requires all magnitudes to be observable and (ii) starts essentially from the same set of data. It is shown that many important modern concepts have been anticipated by the earlier authors. The prehistory of input-output analysis is also meant to provide new perspectives on potential future developments of the field.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical assessment of Alfred Kahler's pioneering contribution to the analysis of the impact of automation on workers in his 1932 dissertation thesis Die Theorie der Arbeiterfreisetzung durch die Maschine (The theory of the displacement of the worker by the machine). Kahler's analysis is shown to be an elaboration on Ricardo's and Marx's approach to the analysis of the labour displacement and compensation process. It is also shown that the arithmetical 'circulation schemes' developed by Kahler can be interpreted as an early formulation of a closed (static) input-output model. In addition, the paper also examines Kahler's rudimentary discussion of the associated price model and of the choice of technique problem.  相似文献   

The design and operation of Britain's energy networks have not changed significantly in 50 years. Energy networks will have a central role to play in decarbonising the economy. Unprecedented levels of technical and commercial innovation are likely to be necessary. The existing incentive‐based approach to regulating the monopoly networks has been a success in lowering prices whilst delivering investment and improved reliability. But it will need to change to encourage and reward these levels of innovation. This paper sets out some of the regulators' thinking on the changes required.  相似文献   

Multiplier analysis based upon the information contained in Leontief's inverse is undoubtedly part of the core of the input–output methodology and numerous applications and extensions have been developed that exploit its informational content, both at the national and regional levels. Nonetheless there are some implicit theoretical assumptions whose policy implications need to be assessed. This is the case for the ‘excess capacity’ assumption, which implies that resources are available as needed to adjust production to new equilibrium states. In an actual economy, however, new resources are often scarce and always costly. When supply constraints intervene, the assessment of the effects of government demand policies may be substantially different from that of the standard Leontief multiplier matrix. Using a closed general equilibrium model that incorporates supply constraints, we perform some simple numerical exercises and proceed to derive two ‘constrained’ multiplier matrices, based upon the implicit Jacobian matrix, that can be compared with the standard ‘unconstrained’ Leontief matrix.  相似文献   

I review the literature on labor's share of national income in developed and developing countries. These shares have varied systematically over the post-World War II period, rising until the late 1970s and then falling until now. Explanations for the decline in labor's share include technical progress, globalization and a decline in labor's bargaining power, but none of these explanations can account for both the rise and the decline of labor shares over time and for the similar pattern in developed and developing countries. However, movements in oil prices can account for these movements if energy is included in the production function. Such an explanation has broad implications for income distribution, energy conservation and for the modern theory of growth.  相似文献   

Saaty's priority analysis has given us a set of rules to assign weights (priorities) to a multiple of objects in a consistent way. The method has been shown to have great potential for economic application, especially in applied input-output work. In this paper we show that much stronger links exist between priority theory and input-output analysis than observed in the literature thus far. As we shall show, application of Saaty's instrumentarium to the Leontief framework opens the way for a new type of consistency analysis. In static models the dual output and price systems are shown to be consistent, in the sense that both can be described in terms of the same pairwise comparison matrix. In dynamic analysis, these dual systems are shown to be generally inconsistent, the only exception being the case of von Neumann growth.  相似文献   

文章认为,对企业进行考核应该站在企业的所有者的角度。由于企业的所有者关心的是"投入产出比",所以,"净资产收益率"是有效的考核指标,用"总资产收益率"进行考核的错误在于,其分子是所有者的收益,分母却加上了别人的收益,致使分子分母口径不一致。  相似文献   

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