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[目的]农业适度规模经营是提高我国农业经营主体收入的最佳途径,是粮食主产区现代农业发展、维护国家粮食安全的现实选择。明晰粮食主产区农户水稻适度规模经营意愿水平,并深入考察其影响因素,对进一步提高水稻适度规模经营意愿、扩大土地经营规模具有重要的现实意义。[方法]基于江西省7县428个水稻种植户的实地调查数据,运用Logistic回归模型,借鉴柯布—道格拉斯生产函数,对粮食主产区水稻适度规模经营意愿影响因素进行了实证分析。[结果](1)各县水稻适度规模经营意愿及其影响因素特征存在着一定差异,且它们之间具有较为密切的关系;(2)劳动力、土地、资金和其他因素对粮食主产区水稻适度规模经营意愿均具有显著影响,其中土地因素对水稻适度规模经营意愿影响最为显著,劳动力和资金因素具有较大影响,其他因素影响较小;(3)在引入模型的13个影响因素中,土地规模、土地流转和户主文化程度对水稻适度规模经营意愿影响最为显著,劳动力人数、融资难易程度和非农收入比例次之,户主年龄、人均收入和区域经济水平也有影响,而家庭生命周期、粮食补贴、农业技术培训和购买农业保险则没有对规模经营意愿产生显著影响。[结论]根据以上研究结果,从加快土地流转、提升农户素质、破解融资瓶颈和分区分类推进适度规模经营4个方面提出了相关对策,认为要加快土地流转,扩大土地经营规模,创造适度规模经营前提条件;加强教育培训力度,提高农户职业素养,培养适度规模经营职业队伍;扩大融资渠道,改善粮食补贴模式,克服适度规模经营资金瓶颈;充分考虑地区差异,区分不同的地域类型,分区分类推进适度规模经营。  相似文献   

积极稳妥地发展土地适度规模经营,是党在农村的一项重要政策,也是江苏省委、省政府近年来确定的一项重点工作.江苏省非农产业比较发达,经济发展水平较高,发展土地适度规模经营条件比较成熟:不失时机地推进土地适度规模经营,既是我省经济社会发展的客观要求,同时对于全国其他地区土地规模经营发展也具有借鉴意义.我们到苏州、扬州部分县(市、区)进行了专题调研,对我省土地适度规模经营发展进行了一些解剖、思考和分析.  相似文献   

苏南地区土地适度规模经营的经验与启示谭晶荣,张利强一、实行适度规模经营的成效苏南吴县、无锡、常熟3县(市)自1987年经国务院批准建立土地适度规模经营试验区以来,已经运转了7年多时间.经过7年多的探索,试验区土地适度规模经营取得了明显的成效。以下具体...  相似文献   

农村土地适度规模经营主体及实现形式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村土地适度规模经营是优化资源配置的必然要求。现阶段,农村土地适度规模经营应以家庭为主体,无论现在还是将来,工商企业不能也不应该成为其主体。实现农村土地适度规模经营应以农户之间自主自由流转土地为主,乡村集体组织提供的中介服务发育不足且存在强迫或半强迫农民流转土地的弊端。  相似文献   

农业适度规模经营是现代农业发展的理性选择.剖析当前土地适度规模经营的影响因素,探索其实现的现实路径:规范土地流转,保障农民权益;积极推进非农化和专业化进程,增强农民的非农就业能力;创新土地流转机制;探索土地流转保障机制.  相似文献   

本文以辽宁省盘山县为例,运用计量经济学模型研究影响农户水稻适度规模经营的因素以及不同类型因素对于农户水稻适度规模经营的影响方向和影响程度。结果表明,青壮劳动力比例、兼业程度、社会化服务、租地关系、租地信息和土地流转服务站对农户水稻适度规模经营有正影响;农机拥有量、水稻纯收益、水稻收入比例、资金短缺程度对农户水稻适度规模经营有负影响。  相似文献   

<中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定>提出,要根据农民的意愿,允许农民以多种形式流转土地承包经营权,发展适度规模经营.发展适度规模经营是实现农业产业化、现代化的必由之路.而在农村土地集体所有的框架下,要想实现农地适度规模经营,必须在土地使用权层面力促其自由流转.因此"土地流转"就当然地成为了"新土改"的一个关键词.  相似文献   

我国明确土地承包关系保持稳定并长久不变,并不是让农民身份长久不变,永远束缚在土地上,而是为推进土地适度规模经营提供了先决条件,允许农民以转包、出租、互换、转让、股份合作等形式流转土地承包经营权,发展多种形式的适度规模经营.从某种意义上讲,土地流转和适度规模经营的速度,决定着农业现代化进程.  相似文献   

我国农村土地适度规模经营的现实条件与对策   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
土地适度规模经营是我国农业的必由之路,但农民“恋土”情结、农村劳动力素质、农村社会化服务体系、土地流转机制、农村社会保障和户籍制度等因素制约了土地规模经营的发展。现阶段我国推行土地适度规模经营已具备多方面条件,应通过健全土地流转机制、促进农村劳动力转移,加快农村社会化服务体系建设、建立和完善农村社会保障制度、加强农民素质教育等途径,适时推进土地适度规模经营。  相似文献   

本文通过对河北省粮食生产现状进行分析,运用经济学相关原理,阐述粮食生产适度规模经营理论,并运用直观分析法,测算河北省农户粮食生产适度规模的目标值。测算结果表明,河北省农户粮食生产的适度规模约为3.6-6.8公顷。在静态分析基础上,进一步探讨土地适度规模经营的动态情形,结果表明,适度规模的目标值会随着补贴、规模效益以及风险等因素的变化而变化。最后,本文提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper introduces contributions to a symposium that report some of the findings and arguments to emerge from a collaborative research project involving five Colombian universities forming the Observatorio de Restitución y Regulación de Derechos de Propiedad Agraria (Observatory of Restitution and Regulation of Agrarian Property Rights). In a number of ways, the research presented in the symposium advances understanding of the political economy of rural Colombia, and of war in Colombia, and the papers, drawing on the original evidence collected by Observatorio researchers, develop arguments that have a wider relevance too for agrarian political economy and the understanding of violent conflict. In particular, the papers highlight the direct participation of elites in violent conflict; the varieties and nuances of wartime primitive accumulation; the complexities of the state's role in wartime agrarian political economy; the gender dimensions of agrarian conflict; the interaction of war and law; and the significance for service provision of farm size. As Colombia—hopefully—passes from long war to peace, these arguments and this evidence may be valuable in debates about what kind of peace can develop.  相似文献   

Information and communications technologies (ICTs) have spread rapidly in the developing world. There has been considerable interest in the potential role ICTs, particularly mobile phones, have begun to play in the marketing of agricultural outputs in these countries. In this article, we discuss the potential impacts ICTs may have on welfare, both in terms of potential efficiency gains (via improved arbitrage), and welfare transfers among agents in the supply chain (via reduced informational asymmetries and market power). We also review the recent empirical evidence for such effects.  相似文献   

Supermarkets, wholesalers, and tomato growers in Guatemala   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The article shows the asset‐related determinants and the impacts of the participation of small farmers in supermarkets versus traditional market channels in Guatemala. Compared to farmers selling only to the traditional market channels, farmers selling to supermarket channels are larger (but are in the upper tier of the “small farmer” category), have more capital, and are much more specialized in commercial horticulture in general and in tomatoes in particular. While they have higher yields, they also have higher input use, including use of chemicals. In fact, they severely overuse pesticides and fungicides. Moreover, these greater input expenditures mean that their profit rates are roughly similar to those of farmers in the traditional market channel. Supermarket‐channel farmers prefer the more demanding wholesale‐supermarket channel because it offers lower risks and lower transaction costs to market, a variety of quality grades of tomatoes, all year long. In turn, the supermarkets, who do not buy direct but rather source from a few specialized‐dedicated wholesalers, rely on this year‐round supply, lower transaction costs, and consistency of quality.  相似文献   

The article explores the relationship between fertilizer use and the demand for weather index insurance (WII) among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. We examine whether fertilizer use is profitable under current smallholder production conditions, whether risk‐related factors affect fertilizer use, and we estimate the returns to inputs in the agricultural production function in the absence of insurance. We then study how these primitives of agricultural production functions relate to insurance demand. The study compares a survey‐based estimate of willingness to pay with actual uptake for the weather insurance, finding the stated and actual demand to be almost completely uncorrelated. While those with high marginal returns to inputs say they would purchase insurance, only those with low marginal returns actually do, consistent with the stated purpose of the product as input insurance. Insurance demand proves to be highly responsive to the existence and amount of randomly allocated insurance vouchers.  相似文献   

Increased investment in agricultural research could contribute to sustainable development goals and benefit farmers, consumers, the environment, and the economy. This paper provides recent evidence and a critical assessment of the evolving Canadian canola crop development and innovation policy and compares it to the wheat and pulse sectors that differ in degree of biotechnology adoption, seeded acreage, intellectual property rights, and private sector involvement. This study also assesses how crop characteristics and technological changes affect future optimal public policy. A number of innovation policies are discussed that could stimulate further growth within the crop sector.  相似文献   

The hydropower potential of the state of Uttarakhand, in the Indian Himalaya, is an estimated 20,000 MW, of which approximately 3200 MW have been developed. In conjunction with the central government, Uttarakhand is pursuing a policy of rapidly developing its remaining potential. The necessity for careful planning, assessment and mitigation of this development is paramount, requiring meaningful and effective public participation. This study examined two hydropower projects in Chamoli District. Our purpose was to investigate how stakeholders viewed the projects’ impacts, how local residents were involved in planning, assessment and mitigation, and what the residents learned from their involvement. We used a qualitative methodology involving a document review, participant observation, and semi-directed interviews. Local residents and nongovernmental organizations emphasized adverse social and environmental impacts. They thought the way of life and social fabric of affected villages were significantly altered and future sustainability was uncertain. Industry respondents emphasized the economic benefits. Government officials were relatively balanced in their perceptions. In one project, the only formal participation opportunity occurred during mitigation: development of the catchment area treatment plan. In the other, opportunities were available during assessment (e.g., hearings) and mitigation (e.g., advisory committees). Both projects involved multiple informal efforts at participation (e.g., legal petitions and public protests). Among local residents, there were notable instances of sustainability-oriented learning. The development of hydropower projects in Uttarakhand can become more participative, to improve decision making, promote equity, and create opportunities for sustainability learning.  相似文献   

The growth of smallholder tobacco production since 2000 has been one of the big stories of Zimbabwe's post–land reform experience. Yet the implications for agrarian change, and the consequences for new relations between farmers, the state, and agribusiness capital have rarely been discussed. The paper reports on work carried out in the Mvurwi area of Mazowe district in Zimbabwe with a sample of 220 A1 (smallholder) farmers and 100 former farmworkers resident in compounds on the same farms. By going beyond a focus on operational and business dimensions of contract farming, the paper concludes with reflections on the implications for understanding agrarian relations and social differentiation in those areas of Zimbabwe where tobacco growing is now significant, with lessons more broadly on the political economy of contract farming, and the integration of agribusiness capital following land reform.  相似文献   

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