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Reviewing two recently released books: Porter's "Competitive Advantage of Nations" and Chandler's "Scale and Scope", this article assesses the benefits of critical mass arising both within a company and through association with a leading cluster of firms in the same industry.  相似文献   

One could make a career of throwing darts at the work of AlfredChandler. I don't mean just criticizing him. You could takethe pages of Chandler's books, paste them up on a wall, andstart throwing. Almost everywhere a point struck would be alittle gem of business history to draw your interest. I didn't need a dartboard, but in 1980 when I first read TheVisible Hand I came across a reference to futures trading thatfascinated me. It was something I knew little about, yet thereit was, its history deftly laid out in a few pages. ClassicChandler: futures trading emerged out of a combination of  相似文献   

In 1977, when Alfred D. Chandler's pathbreaking book The VisibleHand appeared, the large, vertically integrated, "Chandlerian"corporation had dominated the organizational landscape for nearlya century. In some interpretations, possibly including Chandler'sown, The Visible Hand and subsequent works constitute a triumphalistaccount of the rise of that organizational form: the large,vertically integrated firm arose and prospered because of itsinherent superiority, in all times and places, to more decentralized,market-oriented production arrangements. A quarter century later,however, the Chandlerian firm no longer dominates the landscape.It is under siege from a panoply of decentralized and market-likeforms that often resemble some of the "inferior" nineteenth-centurystructures that the managerial enterprise had replaced.  相似文献   

I never really knew Al Chandler. While my teachers, Lou Galambos,David Hounshell, and Hugh Aitken, were to varying degrees closefriends with Chandler, I spoke at length with him only twice.I met Chandler for the first time in 1990 when I was tryingto decide where to do my doctorate and I met with him a secondtime when I held the Chandler Travel Fellowship at the HarvardBusiness School in 1995 as I was writing my doctoral dissertation.Chandler's scholarship consistently shaped my approach to thestudy of business history, yet my relationship was always toChandler's academic research rather than to him as a mentoror as a colleague. Although I never knew Chandler in a personal sense, I also neverknew business history without his overwhelming intellectualpresence. Since 1984, when I first studied economic historyunder Hugh Aitken as an undergraduate at Amherst  相似文献   

在双寡头企业产量竞争的基本模型基础上,考虑了政府规制水平的影响,分析了生产高、低质量安全水平的两个食品企业分别在古诺和斯塔克尔伯格博弈模型中的均衡质量水平及其相互关系,结果揭示了不同模型中两个企业的最优质量安全水平之间的关系及其均衡点。在斯塔克尔伯格模型中,以生产高质量安全水平产品的企业为产量领导者时,其产品质量安全水平、价格、产量和利润远高于追随企业;两个企业的均衡质量安全水平、价格和产量都随着政府相关部门规制水平的提高而上升。  相似文献   

思想政治教育自觉是社会及个体对思想政治教育活动的深刻理解(或科学认识)并按这种理解(或认识)去行动。思想政治教育自觉可分为主体自觉和客体自觉、群体自觉和个体自觉、理论自觉和实践自觉等。思想政治教育自觉首先是思想政治教育主体的自觉。包括党和政府的思想政治教育自觉、学校和各单位的思想政治教育自觉及教师和各教育个体的思想政治教育自觉。思想政治教育自觉的提出具有重大意义在于,思想政治教育要培养社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,要培养有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的“四有”青年,要培养合格的奉公守法的公民,要培养心智健全的人,而这一切都有赖于思想政治教育自觉。  相似文献   

毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》的经典意义在于阐发了丰富的文艺理论,内容包括革命文艺与社会政治革命的关系;文艺的人性与阶级性,文艺与广大人民大众的关系;文艺作品与社会生活的关系;文学艺术家的立场、态度与世界观;文艺作品的创作方法和创作过程;文艺的内容与形式、风格与流派;文艺的普及与提高;文艺的民族形式及发展创新;文艺批评及其政治与艺术标准等。毛泽东文艺思想的许多基本论点对当代文艺工作仍有指导意义;应对这些论点加以改进和完善以建构起新时代的文艺理论。  相似文献   

落实科学发展观的公共收入制度与政策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为政府筹集公共资金的基本制度,政府公共收入制度是国民收入分配的重要工具和调控手段。建立一个规范、合理的政府公共收入制度和机制,是目前我国促进科学发展观贯彻落实的配套条件和保障因素。从现实看,除了要继续调整税制结构,完善税制体系,包括调整流转税税率和结构、改进和完善所得税、开征物业税、改革税收征管体制外,还应当从改革和完善政府非税收入体系,特别是改革地方政府土地出让和土地收入制度,改革和完善资源、环境税费制度,深化政府间财政收入分配体制的改革等方面加大力度,以促进资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设,促进落实科学发展观。  相似文献   

监督是会计的基本职能之一,会计监督是会计主体运用记录、计量、分析、检查的方法,对其生产经营活动和预算执行情况进行监察和督促的管理活动.具体体现在会计机构和会计人员在会计核算中对单位经济活动的合法性、合理性和会计资料的真实性、完整性的监督.由于会计属于单位内部的管理和服务活动,因此会计机构和会计人员所履行的会计监督只能是一种内部监督.本文通过对我国目前社会实践中在会计监督方面存在的问题和原因进行探讨和分析从而提出相应的方法和措施加以完善和解决,全面加强和提高会计监督水平,使会计监督发挥更好、更大的作用,为社会和企业经济的发展提供依据和参考.  相似文献   

刘迎秋 《财贸经济》2003,(10):13-20
本文所阐述的新置换理论是对近些年来我国经济生活中出现的置换现象的系统概括、大胆抽象与深刻总结.作者首先从理论与实践相结合的角度,对新置换理论中的"置换"范畴进行了剖析与界定,并阐明了它的六层含义;然后,具体分析了新置换理论与其他置换理论的主要区别及其基本联系;接着,集中分析和阐明了支撑新置换实践的五大理念;最后,归纳指出了新置换理论的系统阐发对于推进经济学学科建设与发展、深化企业战略学研究和指导人们的社会实践所具有的重要意义.  相似文献   

长江三角洲区域一体化发展作为国家战略,亟需尽快完善区域协同创新体系,勇当科技产业创新开路先锋,力争成为全国重要的创新策源地。其中,如何通过创新链和产业链的深度有效融合,加快实现创新科技成果的产业化,汇聚产学研的创新力量,从根本上消除科技经济“两张皮”的问题,是长三角区域夯实自身核心竞争力,代表国家参与国际竞争与合作的有效路径。因此,本文首先就长三角区域各个城市科创产业融合发展情况进行分析。接着以集成电路产业为例,聚焦集成电路产业的科创产业融合态势,对产业基础和优势进行概述,就其产业链的薄弱点进行梳理,同时围绕产业链中的问题,以及今后产业与科技创新发展有效融合的着力点提出建议。最后,针对长三角区域整体科创产业融合发展提出相应的路径模式。  相似文献   

“浙商”是一个既有历史传统,也有现实基础,还有全国影响,又面临现代化和全球化挑战的商人群体及企业群落,“浙商”研究体现循着超越发展的规定性与要求,具有对中国的典型意义,但是缺乏相应的分析范式。“浙商”研究的分析范式所基于的理论前提是人与“三种关系”的完整统一,并直接统一于主体及其属性,间接统一于主体与环境的关系。浙商研究分析范式的逻辑结构是,以对客观环境的描述与刻画为基础,以个人和共同利益最大化假设为前提,以相关性与自主性统一的主体性理论为平台,以相关性与自主性的动态协调为参照,以相关性分析与自主性分析、科学分析与人文分析、经济分析与心理分析、角色分析与人格分析,以及共性分析与个性分析的统一等为工具,得出既具有普遍性作用又具有特殊性作用的理论。  相似文献   

周妙林 《江苏商论》2011,(11):20-23
近几年来,餐饮行业及相关部门对宴会的改革创新与经营管理持有不同的观点及建议,本文根据各地宴会的发展趋势及经营现状,总结一些餐饮企业宴会改革创新与经营管理的成功典范进行剖析和研究,分析当今宴会存在的弊端,提供改革创新与经营管理的思路和方略,目的旨在促使我国宴会改革创新与经营管理朝着节俭快捷、营养卫生、文明典雅、管理有序的方向发展。从而更好地满足国际交往和群众生活需求。  相似文献   

Improving the state-owned assets supervision system (SOASS) can effectively get over the defects of systems and mechanisms and further promote the reform of mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises (SOEs); and the deepening of the reform can advance the change of the SOASS to the supervision on capital. By analyzing the relationship between the SOASS and the reform of mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises, we have found that collaborative promotion of the change of the SOASS to the supervision on capital and promotion of the reform of mixed ownership can do good to ameliorating the corporate management mechanism, improving the market-oriented management mechanism of enterprises and completing the medium- and long-term incentive mechanisms, etc. to enhance business operation efficiency. Due to such prevailing problems as relative dispersion and vagueness of the policies relating to deepening the reform of SOEs, inconsistent progress of the reform of state-owned assets (SOAs) and SOEs, and corporate reform focusing on apprence, improving the SOASS and deepening collaborative development of the reform of mixed ownership of SOEs are hindered by some constraints. To construct and improve the SOASS and the reform of mixed ownership collaboratively, we should make efforts to promote the reform in the following five aspects, namely, placing importance to policy coordination, boosting synchronism of the reform of SOAs and SOEs at different levels and in different areas to coordinate the nationwide reform of SOAs and SOEs, facilitating reform of the mechanism of enterprises of mixed ownership through mixed capital, and promoting the SOASS and stimulating classified monitoring and reform of mixed ownership based on classified reform of SOEs.  相似文献   

The paper explains how the economic system determines the role and features of SMEs in a competitive environment. The economic system is defined as the co-ordinated set of institutions and structures that are economically relevant. As such, the economic system defines the way in which economic actors react to economic variables by adapting and acting and the way in which they interact.In particular, the fundamental features of the economic system contribute to determine what actors can and find profitable to do, i.e. determine the level and configuration of non purely material costs and the features of markets. The economic system also determines incentives to economic actors by defining property rights and their enforcement and the nature of contracts. This in turn influences investment and consumption decisions, the supply of resources, and the production and utilisation of information and knowledge. Finally, the economic system determines the type and features of actors, what actors do and how they do by defining the possibility and profitability of specific human and organisational investment.Based on these functions and given material technology, the economic system defines advantages and disadvantages of different organisational forms. Given capabilities and features of individuals and organisations, that cannot be easily changed in the short run, advantages and disadvantages determine the organisational form that is most efficient in any given context. Finally and considering network externalities and strategic complementarities, such an organisational form determines the organisational configuration as a stable configuration including features, weight and role of particular economic actors, the relation among actors of similar or different size and with governments. In the paper I consider the case of small and medium-size enterprises.  相似文献   

知识资本与出版企业核心竞争力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,随着读者需求的多样化与个性化,我国出版物市场竞争日益加剧,速度取代成本和价格成为出版企业争夺出版物市场的重要手段;不断创新与学习成为出版企业竞争力的核心;出版企业面临的竞争是全方位的。知识活动成为出版企业运行和发展中举足轻重的力量。文章提出,出版企业必须实现知识资本与企业核心能力的整合,一是人力资本与核心员工能力整合;二是技术资本与核心创新能力整合;三是组织资本与核心组织能力整合;四是客户资本与核心营销能力整台;五是社会资本与核心关系能力整合。  相似文献   

必须坚持以人为本,把人民的利益作为一切工作的出发点和落脚点,不断满足人民群众多方面的需求和促进人的全面发展.工会组织是党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,工会工作是党的群众工作的重要组成部分.坚持用以人为本的指导思想指导工会工作,就要从工会的性质和特点出发,在各项工作中把维护职工群众的合法权益作为根本的出发点和落脚点,努力促进职工群众多方面需求的满足的自身的全面发展.  相似文献   

自“一带一路”倡议提出以来,我国与其沿线区域的经济合作日益密切,沿线国家日益成为我国直接投资和出口贸易的重要目的地。为进一步提升我国出口规模和结构、畅通国际大循环,发挥直接投资的出口规模促进效应和出口结构优化效应显得尤为重要。采用57个沿线国家的面板数据,从我国直接投资对出口规模和出口结构的影响全面分析其出口效应,结果表明:第一,我国直接投资的出口促进效应和抑制效应并存,效应因国家不同而存在差异,同时在空间和经济发展水平等方面存在共同特征。第二,我国对沿线相对欠发达国家和相对较发达国家的直接投资动机存在差异,并导致出口效应存在异质性;对沿线国家的直接投资可以在一定程度上促进出口结构的优化,而且对于资本密集型产品的出口拉动作用更为明显;整体来讲,对相对欠发达国家的直接投资带来的出口结构优化作用比相对发达国家更为显著。因此,我国未来要在充分考虑直接投资的出口效应的基础上,精准选择与优化投资方向,采取各种措施充分发挥直接投资的出口促进效应,提升我国在全球价值链和产业链中的地位,有效实现内外循环相互促进。  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国科技馆的发展历程和基本功能,厘清了科技馆与科技类博物馆、科技馆与科技创新博览馆的区别,以及科技馆与人的科学兴趣的关联,分析了科技馆建设存在的问题及其原因,探究了科技馆建设的突破性路径,从理论层面深入理解、准确把握科技馆性质和发展方向,从实践层面积极探索如何高质量建设科技馆以更好地提升全民科学文化素质,推进社会主义现代化建设。  相似文献   

文创产品是科技馆展览功能和教育功能的有效补充和延伸,是可以带回家的“移动科技馆”,开发成功的文创产品可以辅助科技馆更好地传播科学和服务公众。本文通过梳理国内外博物馆文创产品的开发现状及有效做法,结合中国科技馆文创产品开发试点工作的实践经验,对博物馆文创产品的内涵进行了界定,并围绕科技馆行业如何更好地发展文创产业提出建议和对策,以期为全国的科技馆文创产品开发工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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