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Dynamic equilibrium and the real exchange rate in a spatially separated world   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Two homogeneous stocks of physical capital are located in twodifferent countries, separated by an 'ocean.' They are consumedby local residents, invested in a random production processyielding real returns, or transferred abroad. Under proportionaltransfer costs, trade, consumption and capital imbalances areshown to be persistent. The heteroskedastic process for therelative price of capital in the two countries has a nonlinear,mean-reverting drift. Nevertheless, the conditional probabilityof the price moving from the parity value of unity is greaterthan the probability of it moving toward parity. The real interest-ratedifferential incorporates a simple risk premium.  相似文献   

The demand for stocks: an analysis of IPO auctions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We analyze a unique dataset that includes the full demand schedulesof 27 Israeli IPOs that were conducted as nondiscriminatory(uniform price) auctions. To the best of our knowledge, thisis the first time the whole demand schedule for any asset isdescribed. The demand schedules are relatively flat around theauction clearing price: The average elasticity is 27. The elasticityis low when the return distribution contains a large uniquecomponent. We also find a significant average abnormal returnof 4.5% on the first trading day and a positive correlationbetween the abnormal return and the elasticity of demand.  相似文献   

Price Informativeness and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Price   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The article shows that two measures of the amount of privateinformation in stock price—price nonsynchronicity andprobability of informed trading (PIN)—have a strong positiveeffect on the sensitivity of corporate investment to stock price.Moreover, the effect is robust to the inclusion of controlsfor managerial information and for other information-relatedvariables. The results suggest that firm managers learn fromthe private information in stock price about their own firms’fundamentals and incorporate this information in the corporateinvestment decisions. We relate our findings to an alternativeexplanation for the investment-to-price sensitivity, namelythat it is generated by capital constraints, and show that boththe learning channel and the alternative channel contributeto this sensitivity. (JEL G14, G31)  相似文献   

The linkage between financial valuation and the product and factor markets faced by the firm is an area that is rapidly developing in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the theoretical bridge between systematic risk and price elasticity of demand for a firm's output. The primary theoretical result indicates that price elasticity of demand, the certainty equivalents of the random demand parameter and variable cost, and their respective covariances with the cash flow of the market portfolio are key determinants of systematic risk and thus a firms's cost of capital.  相似文献   

Agency and Optimal Investment Dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agency problems limit firms’ access to capital markets,curbing investment. Firms and investors seek contractual waysto mitigate these problems. What are the implications for investment?We present a theory of a firm’s investment dynamics inthe presence of agency problems and optimal long-term financialcontracts. We derive results relating firms’ investmentdecisions, current and past cash flows, firm size, capital structure,and dividends. Among the results, optimal investment is increasingin current and past cash flow; and optimal investment is positivelyserially correlated over time (after controlling for investmentopportunities). These results hold for a range of agency problems.(JEL G30, G31, G32, G35, D82, D86, D92)  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impact of capital controls and theirliberalization on the activities of US multinational firms.These firms attempt to circumvent capital controls by reducingreported local profitability and increasing the frequency ofdividend repatriations. As a result, the reported profit impactof local capital controls is comparable with the effect of 27%higher corporate tax rates, and affiliates located in countriesimposing capital controls are 9.8% more likely than other affiliatesto remit dividends to parent companies. Multinational affiliateslocated in countries with capital controls face 5.25% higherinterest rates on local borrowing than do affiliates of thesame parent borrowing locally in countries without capital controls.Capital control liberalizations are associated with significantincreases in multinational activity—property, plant, andequipment grow at 6.9% faster annual rates following liberalizations.The combination of the costliness of avoidance and higher interestrates discourages investment in countries with capital controls,and this effect is reversed upon liberalization of controls.(JEL F21, F23, F36, F42, G15, G32, G34)  相似文献   

The Pooling and Tranching of Securities: A Model of Informed Intermediation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
I show that when an issuer has superior information about thevalue of its assets, it is better off selling assets separatelyrather than as a pool due to the information destruction effectof pooling. If, however, the issuer can create a derivativesecurity that is collateralized by the assets, pooling and "tranching"may be optimal. If the residual risk of each asset is not highlycorrelated, tranching allows the issuer to exploit the riskdiversification effect of pooling to create a low-risk and highlyliquid security. In contrast, for an uninformed seller, purepooling reduces underpricing and is preferred to separate assetsales. These results lead to a dynamic model of financial intermediation:originators sell pools of assets, some of which are purchasedby informed intermediaries who then further pool and tranchethem. Pooling and tranching allow intermediaries to leveragetheir capital more efficiently, enhancing the returns to theirprivate information.  相似文献   

The Black-Scholes-Merton option valuation method involves derivingand solving a partial differential equation (PDE). But thismethod can generate multiple values for an option. We providenew solutions for the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) term structuremodel, the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model, andthe Heston stochastic volatility model. Multiple solutions reflectasset pricing bubbles, dominated investments, and (possiblyinfeasible) arbitrages. We provide conditions to rule out bubbleson underlying prices. If they are not satisfied, put-call paritymight not hold, American calls have no optimal exercise policy,and lookback calls have infinite value. We clarify a longstandingconjecture of Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross. (JEL G12 and G13)  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of bank capital ratios on bank lending by comparing differences in loan growth to differences in capital ratios at sets of banks that are matched based on geographic area as well as size and various business characteristics. We argue that such comparisons are most effective at controlling for local loan demand and other environmental factors. For comparison we also control for local factors using MSA fixed effects. We find, based on data from 2001 to 2011, that the relationship between capital ratios and bank lending was significant during and shortly following the recent financial crisis but not at other times. We find that the relationship between capital ratios and loan growth is stronger for banks where loans are contracting than where loans are expanding. We also show that the elasticity of bank lending with respect to capital ratios is higher when capital ratios are relatively low, suggesting that the effect of capital ratio on bank lending is nonlinear. In addition, we present findings on the relationship between bank capital and lending by bank size and loan type.  相似文献   

We take a fresh look at the aggregate and distributional effects of policies to liberalize international capital flows—financial globalization. Both country‐ and industry‐level results suggest that such policies have led on average to limited output gains while contributing to significant increases in inequality. The country‐level results are based on 228 capital account liberalization episodes spanning 149 advanced and developing economies from 1970 to the present. Difference‐in‐difference estimation using industry‐level data for 23 advanced economies suggests that liberalization episodes reduce the share of labor income, particularly for industries with higher external financial dependence, higher natural propensity to use layoffs to adjust to idiosyncratic shocks, and higher elasticity of substitution between capital and labor.  相似文献   

Does capital structure influence firms' FDI capital expenditure decisions into countries with varying degrees of political risk? We explore this question using a novel dataset that matches 10,000 unique outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) projects with 1135 distinct U.S. firms over the period 2003–2014. We find that capital expenditures allocated to FDI projects are significantly lower for highly leveraged firms, in particular for firms with low growth opportunities. Firms also commit lower capital amounts to investments located in countries characterized by higher political risk. Furthermore, leverage and political risk interact with one another in determining the financial commitment of the FDI, with leverage exerting a significantly stronger negative effect on capital expenditures in countries where political risk is elevated. Our findings are consistent with the monitoring role of debt in curbing exposure to political risk in multinational firms' foreign operations, and corroborate the disciplinary role of leverage on firms' investment decisions.  相似文献   

We study the behavior of a financial institution subject to capital requirements based on self-reported VaR measures, as in the Basel Committee's Internal Models Approach. We view these capital requirements and the associated backtesting procedure as a mechanism designed to induce financial institutions to reveal the risk of their investments and to support this risk with adequate levels of capital. Accordingly, we consider the simultaneous choice of an optimal dynamic reporting and investment strategy. Overall, we find that VaR-based capital requirements can be very effective not only in curbing portfolio risk but also in inducing revelation of this risk.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between capital, risk and efficiency for a large sample of European banks between 1992 and 2000. In contrast to the established US evidence we do not find a positive relationship between inefficiency and bank risk‐taking. Inefficient European banks appear to hold more capital and take on less risk. Empirical evidence is found showing the positive relationship between risk on the level of capital (and liquidity), possibly indicating regulators' preference for capital as a mean of restricting risk‐taking activities. We also find evidence that the financial strength of the corporate sector has a positive influence in reducing bank risk‐taking and capital levels. There are no major differences in the relationships between capital, risk and efficiency for commercial and savings banks although there are for co‐operative banks. In the case of co‐operative banks we do find that capital levels are inversely related to risks and we find that inefficient banks hold lower levels of capital. Some of these relationships also vary depending on whether banks are among the most or least efficient operators.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors employ a nonlinear formulation to examine empirically the structural content of the three moment capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Whereas previous research focused on the coefficients of beta and co-skewness, this paper presents empirical results on the market risk premium and elasticity coefficient components of these two coefficients. The results indicate that although the estimated coefficient of coskewness gives important information on the marginal rate of substitution between skewness and expected return, the elasticity coefficient can provide additional (albeit different) information on skewness preference that is independent of the effects of the market risk premium. This research also shows how the non-linear formulation provides a direct linkage between the twomoment and three-moment CAPM versions and thus provides an empirical test of the theoretical conditions under which skewness preference is consistent with the two-moment CAPM empiricial results.  相似文献   

This article provides evidence on the micro capital‐labor elasticity of substitution and the bias of technology. Using data on US manufacturing plants, I find several facts inconsistent with a Cobb‐Douglas production function, including large, persistent variation in capital shares. I then estimate the elasticity using variation in local wages, and several instruments for them, for identification. Estimates of the substitution elasticity using all plants range between 0.3 and 0.5, with similar estimates across industries. I use these elasticity estimates to measure labor augmenting productivity, and find that labor augmenting productivity is highly persistent, and correlated with exports, size, and growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of capital-based regulation on the insurer’s risk and capital adjustments in the US property–liability insurance industry. We conduct the three-stage least squares (3SLS) procedure to estimate a simultaneous equations model. The key finding is that undercapitalized insurers increase capital to avoid regulatory costs and take more risks to generate higher returns. We also investigate firm characteristics that determine the insurer’s capital structure. The results indicate that insurers appear to rely heavily on retained earnings to make up their capital shortage and insurers with greater growth opportunity may hold high levels of capital to control for agency problems. Robustness tests with an alternative risk measure and subsamples present consistent results.  相似文献   

We estimate the slope of the demand curve for newly auctioned FHLB discount notes and investigate the impacts of arbitrage risk and heterogeneity of investor beliefs on demand elasticity. Our unique dataset of roughly 2900 observations of two price-quantity pairs—the first from a pre-auction dealer survey, the second from actual auction results—provides the quantity shift necessary to identify demand. In contrast to previous findings of downward-sloping demand curves for equities, we show that demand for newly issued FHLB notes is nearly perfectly elastic during normal market conditions. We find, however, that frictions like arbitrage risk and, to a lesser extent, heterogeneity of investor beliefs negatively affect elasticity and explain the nearly 50% drop in elasticity observed during the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

本文以我国西部10个省份为研究对象,研究了资本—劳动替代弹性与经济增长之间的关系。结果发现:劳动的产出弹性、资本—劳动替代弹性均不断上升,而资本的产出弹性持续下降。资本—劳动替代弹性与经济增长互为因果关系。资本—劳动替代弹性的冲击对经济增长的影响程度较小,而经济增长的冲击对资本—劳动替代弹性的影响程度较高。  相似文献   

Risk aversion functions extracted from observed stock and optionprices can be negative, as shown by Aït-Sahalia and Lo(2000), Journal of Econometrics 94: 9–51; and Jackwerth(2000), The Review of Financial Studies 13(2), 433–51.We rationalize this puzzle by a lack of conditioning on latentstate variables. Once properly conditioned, risk aversion functionsand pricing kernels are consistent with economic theory. Todifferentiate between the various theoretical explanations interms of heterogeneity of beliefs or preferences, market sentiment,state-dependent utility, or regimes in fundamentals, we calibrateseveral consumption-based asset pricing models to match theempirical pricing kernel and risk aversion functions at differentdates and over several years.  相似文献   

Taxation and Foreign Direct Investment: A Synthesis of Empirical Research   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
This paper reviews the empirical literature on the impact of company taxes on the allocation of foreign direct investment. We compare the outcomes of 25 empirical studies by computing the tax rate elasticity under a uniform definition. The median value of the tax rate elasticity in the literature is around –3.3 (i.e. a 1%-point reduction in the host-country tax rate raises foreign direct investment in that country by 3.3%). There exists substantial variation across studies, however. By performing a meta-analysis, the paper aims to explain this variation by the differences in characteristics of the underlying studies. Systematic differences between studies are found with respect to the type of foreign capital data used, and the type of tax rates adopted. We find no systematic differences in the responsiveness of investors from tax credit countries and tax exemption countries.  相似文献   

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