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The paper deals with a ruin problem, where there is a Parisian delay and a lower ultimate bankrupt barrier. In this problem, we will say that a risk process get ruined when it stays below zero longer than a fixed amount of time ζ > 0 or goes below a fixed level ?a. We focus on a general spectrally negative Lévy insurance risk process. For this class of processes, we identify the Laplace transform of the ruin probability in terms of so-called q-scale functions. We find its Cramér-type and convolution-equivalent asymptotics when reserves tends to infinity. Finally, we analyze few explicit examples.  相似文献   

We investigate, focusing on the ruin probability, an adaptation of the Cramér–Lundberg model for the surplus process of an insurance company, in which, conditionally on their intensities, the two mixed Poisson processes governing the arrival times of the premiums and of the claims respectively, are independent. Such a model exhibits a stochastic dependence between the aggregate premium and claim amount processes. An explicit expression for the ruin probability is obtained when the claim and premium sizes are exponentially distributed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an asymptotic expansion of the ultimate ruin probability under Lévy insurance risks as the loading factor tends to zero. The expansion formula is obtained via the Edgeworth type expansion for compound geometric distributions. We give higher-order expansion of the ruin probability, any order of which is available in explicit form, and discuss a certain type of validity of the expansion. We shall also give applications to evaluation of the VaR-type risk measure due to ruin, and the scale function of spectrally negative Lévy processes.  相似文献   

The idea of taxation in risk process was first introduced by Albrecher, H. & Hipp, C. Lundberg’s risk process with tax. Blätter der DGVFM 28(1), 13–28, who suggested that a certain proportion of the insurer’s income is paid immediately as tax whenever the surplus process is at its running maximum. In this paper, a spectrally negative Lévy insurance risk model under taxation is studied. Motivated by the concept of randomized observations proposed by Albrecher, H., Cheung, E.C.K. & Thonhauser, S. Randomized observation periods for the compound Poisson risk model: Dividends. ASTIN Bulletin 41(2), 645–672, we assume that the insurer’s surplus level is only observed at a sequence of Poisson arrival times, at which the event of ruin is checked and tax may be collected from the tax authority. In particular, if the observed (pre-tax) level exceeds the maximum of the previously observed (post-tax) values, then a fraction of the excess will be paid as tax. Analytic expressions for the Gerber–Shiu expected discounted penalty function and the expected discounted tax payments until ruin are derived. The Cramér-Lundberg asymptotic formula is shown to hold true for the Gerber–Shiu function, and it differs from the case without tax by a multiplicative constant. Delayed start of tax payments will be discussed as well. We also take a look at the case where solvency is monitored continuously (while tax is still paid at Poissonian time points), as many of the above results can be derived in a similar manner. Some numerical examples will be given at the end.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to revisit Kendall’s identity (see, e.g. Kendall (1957)) related to the distribution of the first passage time for spectrally negative Lévy processes. We provide an alternative proof to Kendall’s identity for a given class of spectrally negative Lévy processes, namely compound Poisson processes with diffusion, through the application of Lagrange’s expansion theorem. This alternative proof naturally leads to an extension of this well-known identity by further examining the distribution of the number of jumps before the first passage time. In the process, we generalize some results of Gerber (1990 Gerber, H. U. (1990). When does the surplus reach a given target? Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 9, 115–119.  [Google Scholar]) to the class of compound Poisson processes perturbed by diffusion. We show that this main result is particularly relevant to further our understanding of some problems of interest in actuarial science. Among others, we propose to examine the finite-time ruin probability of a dual Poisson risk model with diffusion or equally the distribution of a busy period in a specific fluid flow model. In a second example, we make use of this result to price barrier options issued on an insurer’s stock price.  相似文献   

We study the skewness premium (SK) introduced by Bates [J. Finance, 1991, 46(3), 1009–1044] in a general context using Lévy processes. Under a symmetry condition, Fajardo and Mordecki [Quant. Finance, 2006, 6(3), 219–227] obtained that SK is given by Bates' x% rule. In this paper, we study SK in the absence of that symmetry condition. More exactly, we derive sufficient conditions for the excess of SK to be positive or negative, in terms of the characteristic triplet of the Lévy process under a risk-neutral measure.  相似文献   


Dufresne et al. (1991) introduced a general risk model defined as the limit of compound Poisson processes. Such a model is either a compound Poisson process itself or a process with an infinite number of small jumps. Later, in a series of now classical papers, the joint distribution of the time of ruin, the surplus before ruin, and the deficit at ruin was studied (Gerber and Shiu 1997, 1998a, 1998b; Gerber and Landry 1998). These works use the classical and the perturbed risk models and hint that the results can be extended to gamma and inverse Gaussian risk processes.

In this paper we work out this extension to a generalized risk model driven by a nondecreasing Lévy process. Unlike the classical case that models the individual claim size distribution and obtains from it the aggregate claims distribution, here the aggregate claims distribution is known in closed form. It is simply the one-dimensional distribution of a subordinator. Embedded in this wide family of risk models we find the gamma, inverse Gaussian, and generalized inverse Gaussian processes. Expressions for the Gerber-Shiu function are given in some of these special cases, and numerical illustrations are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Sparre Andersen risk process with arbitrary interclaim time distribution is considered. We analyze various ruin-related quantities in relation to the expected present value of total operating costs until ruin, which was first proposed by Cai et al. [(2009a). On the expectation of total discounted operating costs up to default and its applications. Advances in Applied Probability 41(2), 495–522] in the piecewise-deterministic compound Poisson risk model. The analysis in this paper is applicable to a wide range of quantities including (i) the insurer's expected total discounted utility until ruin; and (ii) the expected discounted aggregate claim amounts until ruin. On one hand, when claims belong to the class of combinations of exponentials, explicit results are obtained using the ruin theoretic approach of conditioning on the first drop via discounted densities (e.g. Willmot [(2007). On the discounted penalty function in the renewal risk model with general interclaim times. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 41(1), 17–31]). On the other hand, without any distributional assumption on the claims, we also show that the expected present value of total operating costs until ruin can be expressed in terms of some potential measures, which are common tools in the literature of Lévy processes (e.g. Kyprianou [(2014). Fluctuations of L'evy processes with applications: introductory lectures, 2nd ed. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag]). These potential measures are identified in terms of the discounted distributions of ascending and descending ladder heights. We shall demonstrate how the formulas resulting from the two seemingly different methods can be reconciled. The cases of (i) stationary renewal risk model and (ii) surplus-dependent premium are briefly discussed as well. Some interesting invariance properties in the former model are shown to hold true, extending a well-known ruin probability result in the literature. Numerical illustrations concerning the expected total discounted utility until ruin are also provided.  相似文献   

The Lévy Libor or market model which was introduced in Eberlein and Özkan (The Lévy Libor model. Financ. Stochast., 2005, 9, 327–348) is extended to a multi-currency setting. As an application we derive closed form pricing formulas for cross-currency derivatives. Foreign caps and floors and cross-currency swaps are studied in detail. Numerically efficient pricing algorithms based on bilateral Laplace transforms are derived. A calibration example is given for a two-currency setting (EUR, USD).  相似文献   

We start from ruin theory considerations in the classical Cramér–Lundberg model. We modify these considerations step by step so that finally we arrive at today’s solvency assessments for non-life insurance companies. These modifications include discussions about time horizons, risk measures, financial returns, and valuation of insurance liabilities.  相似文献   


In this note, we consider a nonstandard analytic approach to the examination of scale functions in some special cases of spectrally negative Lévy processes. In particular, we consider the compound Poisson risk process with or without perturbation from an independent Brownian motion. New explicit expressions for the first and second scale functions are derived which complement existing results in the literature. We specifically consider cases where the claim size distribution is gamma, uniform or inverse Gaussian. Some ruin-related quantities will also be re-examined in light of the aforementioned results.  相似文献   

We present an approach for modelling dependencies in exponential Lévy market models with arbitrary margins originated from time changed Brownian motions. Using weak subordination of Buchmann et al. [Bernoulli, 2017], we face a new layer of dependencies, superior to traditional approaches based on pathwise subordination, since weakly subordinated processes are not required to have independent components considering multivariate stochastic time changes. We apply a subordinator being able to incorporate any joint or idiosyncratic information arrivals. We emphasize multivariate variance gamma and normal inverse Gaussian processes and state explicit formulae for the Lévy characteristics. Using maximum likelihood, we estimate multivariate variance gamma models on various market data and show that these models are highly preferable to traditional approaches. Consistent values of basket-options under given marginal pricing models are achieved using the Esscher transform, generating a non-flat implied correlation surface.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a Sparre Andersen risk model perturbed by a spectrally negative Lévy process (SNLP). Assuming that the interclaim times follow a Coxian distribution, we show that the Laplace transforms and defective renewal equations for the Gerber–Shiu functions can be obtained by employing the roots of a generalized Lundberg equation. When the SNLP is a combination of a Brownian motion and a compound Poisson process with exponential jumps, explicit expressions and asymptotic formulas for the Gerber–Shiu functions are obtained for exponential claim size distribution and heavy-tailed claim size distribution, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a transform method to compute the prices and Greeks of barrier options driven by a class of Lévy processes. We derive analytical expressions for the Laplace transforms in time of the prices and sensitivities of single barrier options in an exponential Lévy model with hyper-exponential jumps. Inversion of these single Laplace transforms yields rapid, accurate results. These results are employed to construct an approximation of the prices and sensitivities of barrier options in exponential generalized hyper-exponential Lévy models. The latter class includes many of the Lévy models employed in quantitative finance such as the variance gamma (VG), KoBoL, generalized hyperbolic, and the normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) models. Convergence of the approximating prices and sensitivities is proved. To provide a numerical illustration, this transform approach is compared with Monte Carlo simulation in cases where the driving process is a VG and a NIG Lévy process. Parameters are calibrated to Stoxx50E call options.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of optimal investment by an insurer. The wealth of the insurer is described by a Cramér–Lundberg process. The insurer invests in a market consisting of a bank account and m risky assets. The mean returns and volatilities of the risky assets depend linearly on economic factors that are formulated as the solutions of linear stochastic differential equations. Moreover, the insurer preferences are exponential. With this setting, a Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation that is derived via a dynamic programming approach has an explicit solution found by solving the matrix Riccati equation. Hence, the optimal strategy can be constructed explicitly. Finally, we present some numerical results related to the value function and the ruin probability using the optimal strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multivariate asset model based on Lévy processes for pricing of products written on more than one underlying asset. Our construction is based on a two-factor representation of the dynamics of the asset log-returns. We investigate the properties of the model and introduce a multivariate generalization of some processes which are quite common in financial applications, such as subordinated Brownian motions, jump-diffusion processes and time-changed Lévy processes. Finally, we explore the issue of model calibration for the proposed setting and illustrate its robustness on a number of numerical examples.  相似文献   

Adopting a constant elasticity of variance formulation in the context of a general Lévy process as the driving uncertainty we show that the presence of the leverage effect? ?One explanation of the documented negative relation between market volatilities and the level of asset prices (the ‘smile’ or ‘skew’), we term the ‘leverage effect’, argues that this negative relation reflects greater risk taking by the management, induced by a fall in the asset price, with a view of maximizing the option value of equity shareholders. in this form has the implication that asset price processes satisfy a scaling hypothesis. We develop forward partial integro-differential equations under a general Markovian setup, and show in two examples (both continuous and pure-jump Lévy) how to use them for option pricing when stock prices follow our leveraged Lévy processes. Using calibrated models we then show an example of simulation-based pricing and report on the adequacy of using leveraged Lévy models to value equity structured products.  相似文献   

We present new numerical schemes for pricing perpetual Bermudan and American options as well as α-quantile options. This includes a new direct calculation of the optimal exercise boundary for early-exercise options. Our approach is based on the Spitzer identities for general Lévy processes and on the Wiener–Hopf method. Our direct calculation of the price of α-quantile options combines for the first time the Dassios–Port–Wendel identity and the Spitzer identities for the extrema of processes. Our results show that the new pricing methods provide excellent error convergence with respect to computational time when implemented with a range of Lévy processes.  相似文献   

We consider structure preserving measure transforms for time-changed Lévy processes. Within this class of transforms preserving the time-changed Lévy structure, we derive equivalent martingale measures minimizing relative q-entropy. They combine the corresponding transform for the Lévy process with an Esscher transform on the time change. Structure preservation is found to be an inherent property of minimal q-entropy martingale measures under continuous time changes, whereas it imposes an additional restriction for discontinuous time changes.  相似文献   

In a series of papers during the last ten years an interest rate theory with models which are driven by Lévy or more general processes has been developed. In this paper we derive explicit formulas for the correlations of interest rates as well as zero coupon bonds with different maturities. The models considered in this general setting are the forward rate (HJM), the forward process and the LIBOR model as well as the multicurrency extension of the latter. Specific subclasses of the class of generalized hyperbolic Lévy motions are studied as driving processes. Based on a data set of parametrized yield curves derived from German government bond prices we estimate correlations. In a second step the empirical correlations are used to calibrate the Lévy forward rate model. The superior performance of the Lévy driven models becomes obvious from the graphs.  相似文献   

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