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上海合作组织能源一体化前景探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在上海合作组织覆盖的区域内,既有能源需求旺盛的消费国,又有生产潜力巨大的资源国,对开展区域能源一体化合作有着强大的内在需求。目前,多边能源合作是上合组织成员国开展务实合作前景最为广阔的领域,其框架内正在实施的一系列大型运输和能源草案为最终构建统一能源空间、实现能源一体化打下坚实基础。在上合组织框架内成立地区性能源协调机构或者形成统一能源空间的设想将极大地惠及各成员国的经济发展,同时实现资源的最有效利用。尽管上合组织框架内的多边能源合作已经转入实际操作、求真务实的运行轨道,但成员国间的合作仍不可避免地受到主要来自内部的一系列不确定因素的制约,对此我们要有充分的认识并积极应对,使它在国际多极能源格局的构建和探索地区能源一体化方面发挥自己的独特作用。  相似文献   

多边能源外交已成为国际能源合作的主要趋势,中国多边能源外交经历较长的发展历程,积累了较丰富的经验,形成了一系列基本的方针、立场和政策。新能源安全观是中国多边能源外交的基本指导原则。在后续发展中,中国多边能源外交应进一步强化某些举措,以切实提升中国在世界能源格局中的地位和影响,为完善世界能源秩序作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

近中期,在全球油气供应充裕、能源供应呈多中心的格局下,善用国际资源、在开放条件下维护能源安全,更符合我国国家利益。当前,应加强我国在全球能源治理中的影响力和话语权;大力推动以煤炭为主的能源结构转型升级;加大国内石油储备力度。应善用国际资源和保护性利用国内资源,在利用国际资源的同时,将部分国内资源作为战略储备,更有利于我国应对未来世界能源市场的变化,获得更大的经济效益。  相似文献   

能源是人类赖以生存和发展的基本要素之一.随着中国经济的快速增长,中国对外能源需求量逐年增长,能源安全成了人们普遍关注的一个全球性的社会热点问题.随着东盟与中国政治经济关系的升温,东盟各国在中国的能源安全领域扮演着越来越重要的角色.因此,中国应积极参于双边或多边的能源贸易与合作,争取多元化的能源供给途径,来保障中国能源的安全供给.  相似文献   

在世界能源问题日益严峻的背景下,各国在进行能源合作的过程中建立一个国际能源争议的解决机制亦变得越来越重要. <能源宪章条约>是一个在加强国际社会能源领域合作方面具有重要意义的多边协议,其针对能源合作的不同领域,如能源投资、能源贸易、能源过境运输、竞争、环境,制定了各不相同的争议解决机制.这些争议解决机制对于国际能源争议的解决有着重要意义,对于希望开展能源合作的其他国家也有着重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

能源是人类赖以生存和发展的基本要素之一。随着中国经济的快速增长,中国对外能源需求量逐年增长,能源安全成了人们普遍关注的一个全球性的社会热点问题。随着东盟与中国政治经济关系的升温,东盟各国在中国的能源安全领域扮演着越来越重要的角色。因此,中国应积极参于双边或多边的能源贸易与合作,争取多元化的能源供给途径,来保障中国能源的安全供给。  相似文献   

<正>2016年以来,全球政治和经济格局的"黑天鹅事件"层出不穷,极大地影响着国家间、国家和地区间的地缘政治经济战略的转向,以及双边、多边地缘政治经济关系的分化与组合,世界正进一步迈入新的地缘政治经济格局大变动时代。复杂的国际地缘政治经济格局需要我们拓展地缘政治经济学的研究范围,不断进行理论提升,为当代中国马克思主义政治经济学的创新发展贡献出中国智慧。在当前全球经济发展进入"新常态"的情况下,在大国博弈处于关键阶段,深入探讨新形势下  相似文献   

丝绸之路经济带国际能源合作具有重大战略意义,其法律原则主要包括:能源主权安全原则、能源平等互信原则、能源互利共赢原则和能源可持续发展原则。丝绸之路经济带国际能源合作法律机制尚未形成,存在各种法律问题。应探索签订丝绸之路经济带多边能源合作协议;积极创建丝绸之路经济带国际能源合作机构;积极加强丝绸之路经济带国际能源合作顶层制度设计;积极建立丝绸之路经济带国际能源合作争端解决机制。  相似文献   

本文在阐述中国西部能源战略通道的区位及构建任务的基础上,认为通道建设是维护国家经济安全、实施能源安全战略的突破口和关键所在,并提出通道构建形成了国际能源合作机制,影响了国际地缘政治格局.具有推进国际能源合作的示范作用,为中国社会经济发展做出贡献.  相似文献   

在能源需求量急剧膨胀、国际关系错综复杂的背景下,石油问题已经不再是个单纯的数量问题,它影响到国际政治和经济秩序,并推动世界能源体系形成新的战略格局.  相似文献   

Owing to the vague fluctuation of energy prices from time to time, a new energy model, which considers both the mean-reverting behavior and the long memory property, is proposed in this paper. Since the problem of estimating parameters, in discrete time for this model, plays a central role in forecast inference, the problem of estimating the unknown parameters has been dealt with for the fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process observed discretely. The asymptotic properties of these estimates are also provided. The numerical simulation results confirm the theoretical analysis and show that our method is effective. To show how to apply our approach in realistic contexts, an empirical study of energy in China, namely Daqing crude oil, is presented. The empirical results seem reasonable when compared to the real data.  相似文献   

This paper describes an attempt to develop a “synthetic” model of primary energy substitution, using certain rules which proved fruitful in describing the substitution of other commodities. This model will be used for forecasting, and for checking the validity of certain objectives set for R&D in the field of energy.  相似文献   

Among the justijcations for the UK government's electricity privatization programme was the suggestion that it would stimulate the development of a range of new supply options, including the UK's extensive renewable energy resource. This paper assesses the prospects for renewable energy technologies i n the UK after privatization. It finds that there is enthusiasm for renewables, but that the market alone will not stimulate renewables effectively or develop them appropriately, and that state support and regulation will be necessary.  相似文献   

This study presents solar-enhanced energy scenarios for the future together with the policy considerations they imply. The methodology known as system dynamics is employed, and the work reported here builds on an earlier model developed by Sasser.Policy-related implications include the following. First, after-tax costs of solar technology must be competitive with the costs for coal as well as those for oil and gas to achieve a substantial market penetration. Second, the collapse predicted by the original Sasser model used in this study can be postponed by solar technology alone but not avoided. If solar technology is allowed to supply nearly 100% of the energy needs of each energy consumption sector, then each sector is allowed 100 years more growth before the inevitable collapse occurs. Third, the amount of imported crude oil that can be displayed by solar energy in the next two decades of this century is modest.  相似文献   

We examine the design of regulatory policy to induce electric utilities to deliver the surplus-maximizing level of energy efficiency services, $e^{*}$ . The rebound effect (whereby increased energy efficiency stimulates the demand for energy) typically renders revenue decoupling insufficient in this regard. The additional financial incentive required to induce $e^{*}$ is shown to vary with such factors as the prevailing price of energy, the magnitude of the rebound effect, the extent of observable energy efficiency investments, and the utility’s objective.  相似文献   

Although the total rate at which energy is released into the environment by man is only a fraction of one per cent as large as the heat absorbed from solar radiation, the continued escalation of energy use could cause global thermal pollution in a surprising short time. If the rate of energy use continues to increase as it has over the past ten years, serious climatic changes could result before the end of this century.  相似文献   

It is argued that accelerating the rate at which firms can depreciate existing capital can move forward the date at which they will switch to more energy efficient processes. The price effect of inelastic industrial demand for energy might thereby be muted.  相似文献   

对中国能源的展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
概述 中国能源消耗量已超过世界总能耗的10%.2003年世界能源消耗结构比例如下:煤26.5%;石油37.3%;天然气23.9%;其余12.3%.  相似文献   

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