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公共交通IC卡系统一卡多用的实践及探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐业军 《金卡工程》2005,9(1):48-52
经过近几年来的快速蓬勃发展,公共交通IC卡系统逐渐成熟,成为各种城市一卡通项目中最成功、最典型的应用。本文从公共交通IC卡系统一卡多用这一角度,深入分析了实施一卡多用的意义、面临的主要问题、实现方法等,并通过一卡多用的应用举例,以更好地说明公共交通IC卡系统一卡多用的发展。  相似文献   

南京地铁AFC系统建设思路分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张宁  房坚  王健 《金卡工程》2005,9(1):59-61
城市公共交通实现一卡通是城市交通管理现代化的发展趋势。本文介绍了南京地铁票务运营采用基于非接触式智能IC卡的自动售检票系统(AFC)有关情况,分析了一卡多用的意义,总结了南京地铁AFC系统的建设指导思想和地铁AFC系统技术选型的经验。  相似文献   

2015年,陕西省各地市相继实现金融IC卡在公共交通领域的应用,形成一定的规模效应,陕西省步入公共交通领域应用金融IC卡的快车道,有效提升了陕西省公共服务水平,电子现金交易笔数也呈指数上升。本文总结了陕西省推进金融IC卡在公共交通领域应用中的优秀经验,分析了目前陕西省公共交通领域应用金融IC卡的现状,并针对存在的问题提出建设金融IC卡多应用平台、加快PBOC 3.0发卡进度、加大金融IC卡闪付宣传力度的建议,对全国其他地区推进金融IC卡在公共交通领域的应用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

建设部公布《建设事业IC卡五年发展规划》 2003年12月2目,建设部公布了《建设事业IC卡五年发展规划》。规划显示,到2008年,我国50万人以上的城市将基本实现IC卡的应用,预计累计发行8000万张,总价值200亿元,特大型城市设立清算中心、行业中心、基层运营站点、消费终端和卡片五层体系结构,并实现公共交通、建设公用事业、园林景点和物业管理费一卡多用。 据介绍,建设事业IC卡在各行业的应用领域均有了不同程度的拓展。主要包括:公共交通(包括轨道交通、出租车等)、燃  相似文献   

4月27-28日,建设部IC卡应用服务中心在昆明组织召开了“城市公共交通IC卡系统建设与升级供需见面会”。由于我国已有150多个城市建立了不同规模的公共交通IC卡应用系统,随着信息化工作的推广普及和新技术新产品的出现,许多城市 IC卡系统已不能满足日益发展的实际应用需求,急需进行设备和系统的改造升级,同时,也有许多新城市提出了建立城市交通IC卡系统的要求。所以,本次会议旨在解决目前城市交通卡应用中存在的问题, 探讨城市公交IC卡系统建设及下一阶段的发展方向。来自全国大中小城市的公交公司、通卡公司、客运管理公司及系统集成、软件开发、卡片设备生产等IC卡相关企业代表参与了此次会议。  相似文献   

陈智云 《金卡工程》2008,12(8):129-130
引言 公共交通是社会经济正常运转的基础保障,衡量城市综合竞争力的重要指标.为使其运作得更为畅顺,诸多先进科技应用其中,公交IC卡技术便是其中之.在区域合作的大趋势下,城市边界日益模糊,如能跨区域使用公交IC卡,无疑将带来更大的便捷.  相似文献   

金融IC卡是对传统磁条银行卡的更新换代产品,除具有磁条银行卡的全部功能外,还可加载公共交通、社会保障、医疗健康等多项惠民应用,能够实现金融业务与社会服务的"一卡多应用"。一、福建省金融IC卡发展现状在福建省各级人民银行的积极推动以及商业银行、银行卡组织的共同努力下,福建省金融IC卡工作稳步推进。首先,发卡规模大幅增长。  相似文献   

卢弋 《金融电子化》2014,(11):81-82
正据中国人民银行公布的统计数据显示,截至2014年二季度,全国金融IC卡累计发行8.7亿张,实现商户POS和ATM受理全面覆盖,支持非接触(俗称"闪付")功能的终端设备已达到360万台。金融IC卡具有一卡多用、快捷"闪付"、离线交易的特性,在日常消费中尤其是交通领域的使用越来越广泛。目前,全国已有100多个城市在公共交通领域支持金融IC卡应用,包括公交、出租、地铁、高铁、停车场以及高速公路ETC通道,成为交通领域覆盖地域最广的电子支付  相似文献   

1996年11月1日,“公交非接触式IC卡储值票系统”首先在深圳市投入使用,成为国内第一家真正实用并大面积使用非接触式IC卡储值票系统的城市。该系统是深圳市公共交通(集团)有限公司等单位引进国外先进的非接触式IC卡技术,结合  相似文献   

公共交通IC卡(以下简称公交IC卡),用着方便,互通却难。近日,交通运输行业就《公共交通IC卡技术要求》和《公共交通IC卡读写终端技术要求》公开征求意见,这意味着公交IC卡一卡互通,从标准开始“破冰”。  相似文献   

赵本阳  康枫 《济南金融》2013,(10):67-71
国家明确提出,“要以行业应用为落脚点,实现与互联网支付、移动支付等创新型应用的整合。“十二五”期间全面推进金融Ic卡应用,社保应用要覆盖60%的人口、居民健康卡持有率达80%”,国内商业银行正面临业务发展的战略机遇。在清晰厘定金融IC卡行业应用范畴边界的基础上,商业银行应以战略远景为指引,针对金融Ic卡行业应用的不同类型和特点,采取最有利于发挥优势的实施策略,探索形成适合自身实际情况的业务发展模式,以促进整体价值的持续增加。  相似文献   

首先简要介绍EMV认证是全球公认的统一标准,金融系统设备招标的必备条件。加之目前的磁条卡存在很多漏洞,出现很多所谓的“高科技”犯罪案件,所以磁条卡向智能卡过渡是必然的趋势。然后介绍了EMV认证中读卡机具非接Levell各个部分的实现。  相似文献   

商业银行发展金融IC卡行业应用探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
世界范围内由磁条卡向IC卡迁移的国家和地区已超过30个,发行金融IC卡约10亿张,经验表明,加载多行业应用,是银行卡芯片化产业升级的重要标志。因此,商业银行要清晰规划本行银行卡产业升级的战略和策略,大力推进金融IC卡的产品创新,积极探索行业应用模式,并尽力寻求国家的政策支持,从而在银行卡芯片化时代的激烈竞争中占据优势。  相似文献   

Shared systems in the credit card mode may offer electronic money such as stored value (“smart”) cards, e-cash, and cybermoney. In such consolidations bank partners potentially may come from far outside the customary regulated banking fraternity. While some cyberbanks have been granted official status with its responsibilities, other nonbank cyberbanks have absconded with deposits amidst fraudulent claims. Electronic money is distributed typically in complex tiers, with backup reserves often held by nonbank third parties. The regulatory rules which apply to the mixed systems are therefore uneven and unclear. Banking regulators and the Antitrust Division wrestle with the ensuing dilemmas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate consumer attitudes and intentions towards credit card ownership and usage in an advanced developing country. In particular, knowledge structures, beliefs, likes and dislikes as well as attitudes of credit card owners in the possession and use of credit cards are investigated. Data for the study were collected from 673 credit card holders and non-holders in the largest Turkish city of Istanbul with a total population of over ten million. Managerial and public policy implications for banks and credit card issuing firms are offered for orderly decision making purposes.  相似文献   

More knowledge and understanding is needed regarding the mechanisms influencing college student attitudes toward credit card companies and the behavior that students exhibit using credit cards. Prior literature in the area has been sparse. The current article is an attempt to fill the gap in existing literature. Using survey data, we try to find the determinants of college student attitude toward credit card companies and the responsible use of credit cards. Our findings indicate that a strong positive link exists between student attitude toward credit card companies and responsible credit behavior. Two distinct groups of students are identified – one with a positive attitude toward credit card companies and positive credit use behaviors; the other with the opposing attitude and behavior. Reward cards, payment behavior, number of credit cards, modes of acquisition, awareness about credit card policies, purpose for using credit cards, impulsiveness and certain student characteristics are all indicated as variables that help discriminate between the two different student groups. Our findings have implications for both higher education institutions and credit card firms.  相似文献   

Using transaction-level data from a three-day shopping diary, we estimate a model of consumer payment instrument choice that disentangles the effect of merchant card acceptance from credit card pricing incentives (rewards) at the point-of-sale. The lack of merchant card acceptance plays a large role in the use of cash, especially for low-value transactions (less than 25 dollars). Participation in a credit card rewards program induces a shift toward credit card usage at the expense of both debit cards and cash. In contrast, changes in the amount of rewards (ad valorem) has a small or inelastic effect on the probability of paying with credit cards. Our findings highlight the importance of the two-sided nature of retail payment systems and provide key insights into consumer and merchant behaviour.  相似文献   

Corporate purchasing cards have been offered as an efficient means of maintaining control over purchasing while reducing the administrative cost associated with the acquisition of low-dollar items. However, despite its growing popularity, there has been little systematic research on the use of this technology. This study uses archival data and a survey of users from a single large organisation to describe the nature of purchasing card technology and to investigate the consequences of its implementation. The card was found to be more positively accepted by younger, more committed employees who had shorter periods of tenure at the organisation studied, but who had received higher levels of supervisory encouragement, and who had more experience with credit cards.  相似文献   

The mortgage default decision is part of a complex household credit management problem. We examine how factors affecting mortgage default spill over to other credit markets. As home equity turns negative, homeowners default on mortgages and home equity lines of credit at higher rates, whereas they prioritize repaying credit cards and auto loans. Larger unused credit card limits intensify the preservation of credit cards over housing debt. Although mortgage nonrecourse statutes increase default on all types of housing debt, they reduce credit card defaults. Foreclosure delays increase default rates for housing and nonhousing debts. Our analysis highlights the interconnectedness of debt repayment decisions.  相似文献   

In card payment systems, no-surcharge rules prohibit merchants from charging consumers extra for card payments. However, such rules are prohibited in the Netherlands. Dutch retailers are allowed to surcharge consumers for debit card use. This setting permits an empirical analysis of the impact of surcharging card payments on merchant acceptance and consumer payment choice. Based on consumer and retailer survey data, our analysis shows that surcharging steers consumers away from using debit cards towards cash. Half of the observed difference in debit card payment shares across retailers can be explained by this surcharge effect. Removing debit card surcharges may induce cost savings of more than EUR 50 million in the long run.  相似文献   

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