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Working part time: by choice or by constraint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The selection of workers into part-time jobs and the wages they earn are analysed using the 1989 Labour Market Activity Survey. We focus on the distinction between voluntary and involuntary part-time workers, since involuntary part-time workers earn substantially lower wages than other workers. We find that the selection of individuals into involuntary part-time work is more closely tied to job characteristics than personal or human capital characteristics. The lower wage earned by involuntary part-time workers is largely due to differences in returns and selection effects, rather than differences in endowments. JEL Classification: J22, J23, J31  相似文献   

I analyse, theoretically and empirically, the effects of pension benefits, family conditions and the personal characteristics of older individuals on their labour supply, wages, hours worked and job satisfaction, in the framework of the Nash bargaining condition whereby an older worker and a firm bargain over employment conditions such as wages, hours of work and job investment. It is stressed that as workers become older they tend to give greater priority to the number of hours worked, work environment and type of job than to wages, and try to improve these through job investment, even at the cost of lower wages.  相似文献   

This article examines wages in rural Russia after the first decade of economic transition using data from a nationally representative household survey. The stochastic frontier analysis reveals that Russia's rural labour markets place high value on human capital. The overall level of rural wages, however, is very low, with the median wage 10% below the official subsistence level. The gender pay gap severely depresses women's wages. A woman with the same skills as a man is paid only 47% of the man's wage. Rural workers who receive income from their personal plots accept significantly lower wages. Private firms pay considerably higher wages than state or collectively owned firms, but account only for one fifth of rural workers.  相似文献   

This paper provides more evidence that the wage differential is far smaller than is suggested by simple comparison of gross wages of full-time and part-time workers. It is noted that to obtain a more reasonable measure of the full-time and part-time wage differential, it is necessary to adjust for differences in workers' characteristics, labour market conditions and sample selection. It is found that, in general, full-time and part-time workers exhibit different personal characteristics. In particular, full-time workers possess more human capital and experience than part-timers. Also, labour market conditions such as unions and pension plans favour full-timers. These differences may partly account for the wage disparity between full-time and part-time workers. It was noted that the nonrandomness of the workers into full-time and part-time jobs influences the wage determination of both full-time and part-time workers. The results indicate that the adjustment of the wage equations to reflect the above mentioned differences reduces the national wage differential between full-time and part-time workers by 10%. The reduction is even larger across regions and industries. Another finding was that the wage determination processes between full-time and part-time workers do differ.  相似文献   

This paper examines unemployed workers' declared willingness to work for wages lower than the one adequate for their qualification. We analyze which personal and economic characteristics determine this willingness and how it changes along the individuals' unemployment spells. The main results are: (i) Young workers, less educated and those living in regions or times of high unemployment are more willing to accept reduced wages while married women with a working husband are much less willing to do so; (ii) Once the individual fixed effect is controlled for, the willingness to work for reduced wages increases with the duration of unemployment; (iii) Not having access to unemployment benefits increases the probability that initially unwilling workers become willing to accept reduced wages.  相似文献   

What is the impact of raising the minimum wage on family incomes? Using data from the 1994–1995 to 2002–2003 Survey of Income and Housing, the characteristics of low-wage workers are analysed. Those who earn near-minimum wages are disproportionately female, unmarried and young, without postschool qualifications and overseas born. About one-third of near-minimum-wage workers are the sole worker in their household. Due to low labour force participation rates in the poorest households, minimum-wage workers are most likely to be in middle-income households. Under plausible parameters for the effect of minimum wages on hourly wages and employment, it appears unlikely that raising the minimum wage will significantly lower family income inequality.  相似文献   

This study attempts to clarify the nature of the employer size–wage effect in Australia by determining the extent to which it can be explained by observed and unobserved quality differences of workers. Our empirical results show that, for men, quality‐adjusted employer size–wage effects are quite small and are mostly driven by lower wages for workers in the smallest firms (fewer than 20 workers). For women, size–wage effects disappear when unobserved quality differences are accounted for. We also find that accounting for differences in the incidence of job training has no effect on the structure of wage differences by employer size.  相似文献   

The primary focus of this paper is on efficiency wages and their testable implications. In particular the nature of the relationship between efficiency wages, productivity and the make up of the labour force is analysed, modelled and subjected to an empirical test. This theory is consistent with the views of many managers and personal administrators, who tend to ascribe primary importance in wage setting to indirect control of the firm's workforce. Here we test a labour augmenting production function where effort depends not only on wages but also on the proportion of temporary workers.  相似文献   

We isolate the effect of immigration-induced changes in the size and skill distribution of the labor force on labor market outcomes using a model in which firms endogenously respond to these changes. We analytically show that while the immigration-induced increase in the size increases the relative wages, employment and output shares of the skill intensive sector, changes in the skill distribution lead to analytically ambiguous effects. We derive quantitative results for the US economy under different counter-factual scenarios with respect to immigration-induced changes in size and skill distribution of the labor force, where these changes resemble those of U.S. as a whole, New York, California and Canada, and reflect different immigration policy regimes. For example, immigration increases the mass of workers at the lower range of the skill distribution in the U.S., and the upper range in Canada. Regardless of these differences across scenarios, our quantitative results indicate that immigration increases the relative average wages of the skill intensive sector. Further, real wages of all workers increase due to reduced prices caused by the increased size of the labor force.  相似文献   

Parental education has been used as an instrument in the earnings equation to deal with the endogeneity problem of education. Recently, however, many have found that parental education can be a proxy for unobservable networking, which directly affects wages. This article revisits the role of parental education in estimating returns to education by introducing the “geographical isolation” theory. For migrant workers who receive an education and move around to work, parental education affects their education but otherwise is unrelated to their wages, which makes parental education a good instrument in the instrumental variable approach. For local residents who stay in the same place during childhood and adulthood, parental education can directly affect their wages, and is better introduced as a proxy variable using the control variable method. This article identifies the heterogeneous effect of parental education on wages for different Chinese cohorts and contributes to the debate between the control variable and instrumental variable methods in returns to education studies. Moreover, the idea of geographic isolation can help in the search for good instrumental variables for migrant workers, which is valuable when studying the large migrant population in developing countries such as Mexico, China, India, Vietnam, and many African countries.  相似文献   

This article examines trends in relative wages between high- and medium-skilled workers and between medium- and low-skilled workers in Finland, Germany, Italy, South Korea and the US over the period 1970–2005. It is found that there are large differences in the evolution wage inequality across the countries in our sample, with some countries showing a long-run upward trend in relative wages (such as the US, Germany and Italy) and others showing a long-run downward trend (such as Finland and Korea). The main conclusion from our results is that inequality is not an inevitable by-product of technological change.  相似文献   

本文以最低工资标准提升作为自然实验,应用回归调整的差中差方法分析了最低工资标准提升对青年和中年低技能劳动力就业的影响。研究结果表明,最低工资标准提升对低技能群体中的男性和青年女性的就业没有产生显著影响;但对低技能群体中的中年女性就业却产生显著的消极影响,且最低工资标准提升幅度越大,对就业的消极影响越大。因此,政府适当的提升最低工资标准将有助于低技能劳动力整体工资水平的增长。  相似文献   

A message coming from the popular culture in recent years has been that a rise in wages in an occupation brings forth not only more workers but better workers as well. In this paper I present reasons for doubting this claim and for suspecting that the very opposite may be true. The higher an agent's minimal acceptable wage in occupation A, the more likely it is that other job opportunities exist. To the extent that this signals other talents which in turn raise the likelihood of competence in occupation A, the “better” such a worker might be assumed to be. I argue that largely overlooked is the possibility that an agent may be unwilling to work at the lower wage because of a low level of personal satisfaction or because of an insufficient belief in the work’s importance. I conclude that it is the person who is willing to work at the low wage who is more apt to achieve satisfaction and believe in the signficance of the work, and that, absent empirical evidence, it is therefore not correct to say that higher wages bring forth better workers.  相似文献   

A message coming from the popular culture in recent years has been that a rise in wages in an occupation brings forth not only more workers but better workers as well. In this paper I present reasons for doubting this claim and for suspecting that the very opposite may be true. The higher an agent's minimal acceptable wage in occupation A, the more likely it is that other job opportunities exist. To the extent that this signals other talents which in turn raise the likelihood of competence in occupation A, the “better” such a worker might be assumed to be. I argue that largely overlooked is the possibility that an agent may be unwilling to work at the lower wage because of a low level of personal satisfaction or because of an insufficient belief in the work’s importance. I conclude that it is the person who is willing to work at the low wage who is more apt to achieve satisfaction and believe in the signficance of the work, and that, absent empirical evidence, it is therefore not correct to say that higher wages bring forth better workers.  相似文献   

Josef Christl 《Empirica》1980,7(2):199-222
Summary The paper analyzes the development in the personal distribution of wages and salaries in Austria between 1953 and 1979. Two periods of marked changes in the distribution are identified. First, the period from 1953 to 1964 ist characterized by a strong increase in inequality. This was mainly due to specific conditions of the labour market and to the wage policy of the labour unions. Between 1964 and 1970 a movement towards equality can be shown. This was mainly the result of the narrowing of the wage differential between blue and white collar workers. For the third period, from 1970 to 1979, the applied measures of income inequality do not exhibit a significant trend for more equality or inequality. In this period low and high income classes gained higher shares of the total salary and wage bill. Several structural factors, such as the increasing share of women, of white collar workers and of foreign workers and their impact on changes in the distribution are estimated.  相似文献   

This paper considers a simple equilibrium model of an imperfectly competitive two-sided matching market. Firms and workers may have heterogeneous preferences over matches on the other side, and the model allows for both uniform and personalized wages or contracts. To make the model tractable, I use the Azevedo and Leshno (2013) framework, in which a finite number of firms is matched to a continuum of workers.In equilibrium, even if wages are exogenous and fixed, firms have incentives to strategically reduce their capacity, to increase the quality of their worker pool. The intensity of incentives to reduce capacity is given by a simple formula, analogous to the classic Cournot model, but depends on different moments of the distribution of preferences. I compare markets with uniform and personalized wages. For fixed quantities, markets with personalized wages always yield higher efficiency than markets with uniform wages, but may be less efficient if firms reduce capacity to avoid bidding too much for star workers.  相似文献   

Shruti Sharma 《Applied economics》2018,50(11):1171-1187
This article explores whether the nature of imports matters when examining the effects of trade on plant-level labour outcomes. Previous literature that examines this question mainly considers imported intermediate inputs as a homogenous group and is unable to reach a consensus on the effects of input tariff liberalization on employment and wages of skilled and unskilled workers. Exploiting detailed product-level information available on intermediate inputs from plant-level data for the Indian manufacturing sector, I distinguish between plants that import mainly for quality considerations as opposed to plants that seek imports as cheaper alternatives to domestic inputs. I find that strong complementarities exist between skilled workers and imported inputs for plants importing high-quality inputs. For plants importing intermediate inputs mainly as a cost-cutting strategy, input tariff liberalization leads to an increase in employment of both skilled and unskilled workers, but a decline in skill composition. This can best be explained as a strategy that achieves economies of scale. On average, as input tariffs liberalize, importing plants employ more workers and pay higher wages than non-importing plants.  相似文献   

Pi-Fem Hsu 《Applied economics》2013,45(13):1523-1533
By using Taiwan's Manpower Utilization Survey data for the 1978–2000 period, different inter-industry wage premiums in Taiwan are observed and the impact of workers’ industry-specific productivity on the wage explored. The empirical results show that industry-specific skills result in industry stayers having higher wages than industry switchers through their reservation wages. It is also found that the pre-displacement industry affiliations that are associated with the post-displacement wages are explained by the workers’ unobserved abilities. Furthermore, by comparing the different residual means between industry switchers and stayers based on each industry's wage equation, it is found that the switchers are low-wage workers who tend to be located in the high-wage industries. The high-wage industry leavers are also found to have higher post-displacement wage residuals than the low-wage industry leavers. These results suggest that the differences in industry wage premiums may be explained by the industry-specific productivity.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the origin of an employee provides different motives for wage discrimination in gift-exchange experiments with students and migrant workers in China. In a lab and an internet experiment, subjects in the role of employers can condition their wages on the employees׳ home provinces. The resulting systematic differences in wages can be linked to natural groups and economic characteristics of the provinces. In-group favoritism increases wages for employees who share the same origin as the employer, while an increased probability of being matched with an employee with a different ethnicity reduces wages. Furthermore, wages in the laboratory increase with the actual wage level in the employees׳ home province. Nevertheless, employees׳ effort is not influenced by these variables; only the wage paid in the experiment influences effort.  相似文献   

By using unique administrative personal income tax data covering the population of a middle‐sized Chinese city from 2009 to 2013, we explore how minimum wage adjustments affect wages of low‐wage workers. The empirical evidence documented in this paper suggests a unique pattern of minimum wage regulation: while it permits wages to stay below the prevailing minimum wage threshold temporarily, it does encourage a higher growth rate for wages below the threshold. Overall, such a pattern might help lessen any downward pressures on employment, while ensuring that low‐wage earners gradually get better off over time. (JEL J3, J6, P5)  相似文献   

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