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基于计量经济学模型的中国旅游服务贸易研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国山河锦绣,有着丰富的自然资源,自然景观和人文景观相互映衬;中国是人类文明的发源地之一,中华民族共同创造的灿烂文化构成了巨大的人文旅游资源优势。近十年来,旅游业在全球蓬勃发展,而壮丽旖旎的中国也吸引着来自世界各国的游客。旅游服务业的发展对中国服务贸易的发展有着举足轻重的影响。本文通过对中国旅游服务贸易出口的计量经济研究,找出影响因素,从而对今后中国旅游服务贸易发展提出建议。  相似文献   

邹岿 《经济研究导刊》2011,(11):243-244,247
自从我国加入WTO以来,高校普遍加强了对法商复合型国贸人才的培养。但问题是如果仅采用注重理论灌输而缺乏对学生实践能力培养的传统教学方法,其不足之处是显而易见的,主要体现在国贸专业毕业生普遍缺乏国贸实务工作的能力,而相应的与涉外经贸密切相关的法律实践能力更是一片空白。故传统的教学方法明显已难以适应社会主义市场经济发展的客观需求。为此,在教学过程中在对传统教学方法进行理性抉择和改革完善的基础上,特别强调应更多地采用庭审观摩教学法、模拟法庭教学法和法律诊所教学法等法律实践教学新方法,来有效地提高国贸专业毕业生的法律实践能力,最终使国贸专业毕业生获得更大的生存空间和取得良好的发展机会。  相似文献   

制度性国际贸易壁垒论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄蕾 《经济问题》2007,(3):21-23
<国际贸易>教科书将贸易措施划分为关税壁垒措施和非关税壁垒措施,忽视了制度性国际贸易壁垒措施;传统的国际贸易壁垒理论仅认为关税壁垒是"合法"的,忽视了国际贸易制度的"合法"性.事实上国际贸易壁垒,正在向制度化方向发展,制度性贸易壁垒已经成为国际贸易措施的主流.  相似文献   

The present paper starts from the observation that there is still no analysis of private law as a basis for international trade, i. e. private transactions between noncompatriots (cf. Schmidt-Trenz 1990). Although authors like Buchanan, Hayek, Williamson, Böhm and Eucken have talked about the significance of a system of private law for the coordination of private transactions, they left out of their analysis the domain of protective state activity in international private business transactions vis-à-vis the multitude of legal orders and national enforcement organs. p ]It is the intention of this paper to focus upon the problems of the coordination of private foreign trade activities in the shadow of the territoriality of law. Specifically, it is asked: What are the causes for the fragmentation of private law in the world, and what are the consequences of the territoriality of law for the coordination of decisions concerning transactions between non-compatriots? The paper also deals with the question of how international coordination-efficiency can be fostered by international constitutional policy.  相似文献   

International competitiveness is advanced whenever the economic welfare of a nation is enhanced through an increase in the flow of trade or through an alteration in the conditions of trade starting from a presumed initial equilibrium. In order to describe the processes involved in securing and maintaining international competitiveness, the conventional models of international trade theory are used, namely the Ricardian, Heckscher-Ohlin, contemporary standard trade, and industrial organization models. Then, the role of the commodity terms of trade as they are manifested in exchange rates, which are affected by both short- and long-term international capital flows, is considered. Finally, possible implications regarding economic policy are briefly addressed. The author is grateful for the support in this endeavor of John Reid, Benwari L. Kedia, and Presh Daniel.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of corruption, rule of law and tariffs on illegal trade in chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) controlled by the Montreal Protocol. Since data on illegal trade is not available, it is not possible to test any theoretical conclusions about smuggling. The paper, however, attempts to circumvent the problem by developing a model of illegal trade in CFCs that derives predictions about the effects of corruption, rule of law and tariffs on both legal and illegal imports of CFCs. Then the theoretical predictions concerning legal imports are tested using panel data on CFC consumption. Using the estimates of legal imports, inferences about illegal trade are made. The basic findings indicate that knowledge about the degree of rule of law, corruption and the level of tariffs is needed for the correct interpretation of the data on environmental performance reported to international monitoring agencies.  相似文献   

朱京安  郭鹏 《现代财经》2008,28(6):66-71
随着国际贸易的发展,绿色贸易壁垒越来越成为国际贸易中的重大障碍.发展中国家的绿色贸易壁垒在产生中存在很强的被动性,绿色贸易壁垒的法律体系和程序不健全且缺乏必要的透明度,在实施绿色贸易壁垒的过程中协调性也差.应当促使发展中国家广泛参与国际合作,完善自己的绿色贸易壁垒,缩小与发达国家差距的趋势.同时借鉴它们的经验,完善我国的绿色贸易壁垒体系,积极应对国外的绿色贸易壁垒挑战.  相似文献   

动态比较优势理论在实践中的发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵晓晨 《经济经纬》2007,29(3):10-13
第二次世界大战以后,日本及东亚新兴工业化国家经济的迅速崛起以及当代国际贸易格局的变化,向传统的比较优势理论提出了挑战.越来越多的经济学家开始将技术进步和技术扩散的因素纳入研究范畴,他们从动态角度或采用动态分析方法解释国际贸易的发展变化,使动态比较优势理论不断发展和完善.虽然这一理论不像传统的比较优势理论那样具有公认的统一权威性,而是体现在不同经济学家的若干论述中,但其理论观点、分析方法以及对现实的解释,已经引起人们的关注.  相似文献   

We introduce an index of trade policy restrictiveness defined as the uniform tariff that maintains the same trade volume as a given tariff/quota structure. Our index overcomes the problems of the trade‐weighted average tariff: It avoids substitution bias, correctly accounts for general equilibrium transfers, and takes import volume instead of welfare as benchmark. Empirical applications to international cross section and time‐series comparisons of trade policy confirm our theoretical results: Trade‐weighted average tariffs generally underestimate the true height of tariffs as measured by the trade‐volume‐equivalent index; this in turn always underestimates the welfare‐equivalent index.  相似文献   

Takaaki Aoki 《Applied economics》2013,45(20):2985-2993
This article empirically investigates the effect of international trade on the deviation of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) law and on the international economic deepening in four developed countries (Japan, USA, UK and France), and three Asian developing ones (South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia), using International Financial Statistics (IFS) data issued by International Monetary Fund (IMF). Our results show that in some developed countries the imbalance effect of balance of payments is significant for both international deepening and deviation from PPP, and in some developing countries the volume effect of balance of payments is significant for international deepening.  相似文献   

转变经济发展方式,要发挥经济法的法治保障与政策引领作用。广东省在经济法规制定中取得了长足发展,出台了一系列的经济发展政策、规划、计划、纲要、条例、标准等经济政策性法规,但依然存在若干问题:以经济政策为主、经济法体系尚未形成;经济法规的适应性受到挑战,对现代产业发展新情况回应不力;经济法规的规范性不足,甚至出现法规冲突的情况:经济法实践中政府职能转变不到位,直接干预经济过多。经济法完善.要从学理上认识到其本质是经济法的法律价值和基本原则在法律规范中的完全呈现,其形式是与现实经济发展状况相适应的法律体系的完整建构。要在实践中推进产业政策的法治化以增强经济法对现代产业的适应性:通过系统而规范的立法行为形成完整的经济法体系:以经济法规规制政府行为,助推政府积极有效干预经济发展。  相似文献   

In his 1960 seminal contribution to game theory and its applications, The Strategy of Conflict, Thomas Schelling suggested that in international negotiations, strong international opposition may be an asset rather than a liability. Rather than constraining it, the opposition would enlarge the opportunity set thus making it easier to successfully conclude international negotiations. This property, which is also known as the Schelling-conjecture, shares some aspects with constitutional economics, namely the two-level approach suggesting that it might be beneficial for all parties to give up some power by tying one??s hands. In this paper we examine by means of a simulation study how far we can take this notion in the politics of trade integration. In explicitly marrying Schelling??s 1960 idea with the 1988 two-level approach by Putnam and embedding the result into the political economy of trade we find that the threat of a domestic opposition or national institution having a veto power frequently but not always delivers a more favorable outcome for the respective trade representative at the international table. Whether the Schelling-conjecture applies or not actually depends on the subtle interplay of a ??bully effect?? and a ??serenity effect??.  相似文献   

目前,循环经济已成为人类社会发展的主流趋势,绿色贸易成为当今国际贸易发展的重要潮流。作为规范绿色贸易的绿色贸易法律制度的构建深受循环经济的影响。可以说,循环经济是我国绿色贸易立法的重要指导思想。本文在结合循环经济对我国绿色贸易法律制度发展意义的基础上,分析了主要发达国家绿色贸易法律制度的现状,提出了在循环经济背景下建立和完善我国绿色贸易法律制度的建议。  相似文献   

李学稳 《现代财经》2007,27(11):71-75
国际经济法是国际公法的一个重要组成部分,它经过了三个阶段的形成与发展。特别是自上世纪70年代以来,国际知识产权组织成立,国际知识产权的法律地位日益突出,知识产权的法律保护也就成为各国关注的焦点。如何推动更公平、平等的国际经济新秩序和知识产权法律的完善与发展,是值得研究的新课题。  相似文献   

国际货物运输代理业经营风险及其控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王堉苓 《经济与管理》2011,25(10):47-49
国际货物运输代理业是国际商品流通过程的必然产物,也是国际贸易不可缺少的重要组成部分。国际货物运输代理业所面临的风险主要有货物损毁、员工或操作人员的错误或过失、对第三人责任、罚款与关税、费用等。根据风险控制理论与方法,国际货物运输代理业风险控制的方法主要有加强员工在职教育训练、签订完整的合同、明确约定标准交易条件、作出财产状况征信、投保责任险等。  相似文献   

Where Do Australians Invest?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article, we analyse the geography of Australia's international portfolio investment using the International Monetary Fund's Co‐ordinated Portfolio Investment Survey dataset. Preliminary results suggest that Australia's external holdings of equity and debt as a percentage of national income almost doubled between 1997 and 2001. However, Australia's international investment position as a percentage of national income is one of the lowest amongst the major OECD countries. In 2001 approximately two‐thirds of Australia's total investments were in the United States and the United Kingdom. By contrast Australia's trade share (exports plus imports as a percentage of Australia's total world trade) with these countries was approximately 20 per cent in the same year. The major determinants of Australia's geographical allocation of portfolio investment indicate a broad correspondence between stock market capitalisation of destination countries and the allocation of Australian financial investments but with some deviations from that baseline, where the deviations are correlated with Australian trade patterns.  相似文献   

经济全球化成为国际经济发展的趋势,世界市场基本形成,市场结构逐渐演变为跨国公司的垄断竞争或寡头竞争,成为一种典型的不完全竞争格局.中国在全球化进程中面临着良好的机遇和巨大的挑战.布拉德和斯宾塞等人以规模经济和不完全竞争为前提提出的战略性贸易政策理论可以给中国国际贸易政策的选择和制定提供方向性的指导.中国应该综合考虑自己的国情及国际市场经济法律环境,恰当应用战略性贸易政策提升本国企业的国际竞争力,实现由贸易大国向贸易强国的转变.  相似文献   

Since Heckscher's 1919 pioneering contribution to international trade theory, the concept of "factor intensity" has played a key role in explanations of trade patterns and the consequences of international trade for local income distribution. This essay discusses the uses that have been made of the concept and its applicability to problems that are couched in higher dimensions. The author suggests that it has an important role to play in "new" trade theory in which the strong link between commodity prices and costs of production may be removed by the existence of imperfectly competitive markets.  相似文献   

姜丽群  袁梓晋  郭昕 《技术经济》2022,41(10):45-55
国际化创新是中国跨国企业实现全球价值链攀升的必然途径。如何持续促进国际化创新呢?现有研究尚未关注到高管心理韧性这一心理资源因素的影响作用。本文整合高阶梯队理论和资源基础观研究高管心理韧性对国际化创新的影响,选取2012—2019年我国电子信息行业上市公司数据进行实证。结论表明:(1)高管心理韧性显著正向促进企业国际化创新;(2)海归高管团队的国际化经验和供应链集中度的创新集聚效应对此均有正向调节作用;(3)进一步研究发现,中美贸易摩擦这一外部事件冲击放大了高管心理韧性对企业国际化创新的影响。研究结论揭示出高管心理素质因素对企业国际化创新的影响作用,并探明其边界条件,为我国跨国企业加强高管心理建设以推动国际化创新发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The paper considers the implications for sustainability of the US current account of widespread uptake of New Economy services around the world. The main contribution is to estimate new income elasticities for international trade in New Economy services and incorporate these in a simple model of the current accounts. Widespread uptake of New Economy services around the world improves the potential for a sustainable US external balance through two channels. First, uptake of New Economy services raises global growth. Second, it narrows the asymmetry in income elasticity of US trade. But, reasonable estimates of these two structural improvements are not sufficient to stabilize the US current account deficit.  相似文献   

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