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This is an analysis of farm labour income at an aggregate level for the period 1941 to 1961. The income of farm labour was estimated for paid workers, operators or self-employed workers, and total paid and unpaid workers, These incomes were compared with five sub-sectors of the nonfarm economy and for five geographical regions. In estimating income, adjustments were made for the age and sex composition of labour force, bours of work in various industries, movement of prices of inputs and output, and period of employment of farm workers. The results show significant differences in incomes of various categories of workers, and incomes of farm workers compared to various sub-sectors of the nonfarm economy. Similarly, various regions were found to. be highly heterogeneous with respect to relative labour income levels. When the farm and nonfarm sectors were adjusted for differences in characteristics, the labour income ratio of Canadian agriculture on a normalized man equivalent basis ranged between 41 and 63 percent.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy exists about the desirability of farm mechanisation in the Philippines. Survey evidence shows that the introduction of tractors has not directly resulted in yield and cropping intensity increases yet the employment displacement potential is great. Income shares are presented for different classifications of mechanised and irrigated farms and the effects of new technology on the welfare of landless labour households are discussed.  相似文献   

It is argued that the ongoing CAP/GATT reforms provide a basis for the introduction of environmental cross-compliance (ECC). ECC enables policymakers to restrict output-related direct support payments to those farmers who comply with specified environmental guidelines aimed at reducing the external damage effects of agricultural production. This paper is an exploratory investigation of ECC and presents the results of a farm-level linear programming analysis of 15 North-West England arable farms. The environmental guidelines, which relate to permanent as opposed to rotational set-aside and to levels of fertiliser use, are widely applicable to the extent that ECC can be implemented as a voluntary policy system. They are clearly effective in achieving policy goals since all but one of the farmers investigated would comply with the full range of restrictions considered. Within this range, gross margins are reduced by up to 10 per cent while area and output of seed crops are reduced by around 22 per cent and 12 per cent respectively. Row crops area and output are more robust, each falling by just under 4 per cent.  相似文献   

Food regime analysis is concerned with interpreting possibilities and conflicts inherent to the 21st‐century food system in historical terms. This paper summarizes the theoretical discussion of the food regime method, and of the identification of different “food regime periods” throughout modern history. While it is widely accepted that the so‐called “second food regime” has already ended, there is much discussion on whether or not it is possible to talk about a more recent third food regime. This paper traces the evolution of the “wheat complex” over the “second food regime” (1947–1973) and over the next 45 years, and offers an explanation for the evolution of world wheat trade distribution, based on food regime analysis. Certain authors have claimed that the collapse of the WTO Doha round of negotiations may be understood as a “hangover” from the second food regime. Similarly, this paper argues that the increasing wheat dependence of poor and insecure countries over the past 40 years may be considered as a path dependence outcome of a process initiated during the second food regime.  相似文献   

[目的]脆弱性是贫困的深层次原因,也是贫困的重要表现,识别和降低农户的脆弱性是解决相对贫困、长效性脱贫问题的关键。[方法]文章基于湖北、湖南、安徽3省974份农户调研数据,运用内生转换模型,分析了农户采纳稻虾共作技术对其脆弱性的影响。[结果](1)农户采纳稻虾共作技术能切实降低其脆弱性,采纳该技术的农户较未采纳时脆弱性降低280.659%,未采纳该技术的农户若采纳该技术脆弱性将降低44.255%。(2)非农就业水平在农户技术采纳和脆弱性之间起到正向的调节作用。(3)农户的个体特征、家庭特征、社会服务便利性及村庄特征均会显著影响农户的稻虾共作技术采纳决策和脆弱性。[结论]农户采纳稻虾共作技术能有效降低其脆弱性,但随着农户非农就业水平的提高,稻虾户反而更脆弱,因此要完善农技推广机制,健全非农就业保障和帮扶机制,进而发挥稻虾共作技术长效脱贫功效。  相似文献   

The impact of national inflation on net income of American farmers is expressed as the elasticity E of net income with respect to input prices. E is derived mathematically from a series of equations expressing productivity, revenue, costs, and elasticities of supply and demand. Empirical estimates of E are calculated for large input categories as well as for all purchased inputs for both the short and long run using estimates of the required parameters. Price inflation for cash operating inputs with an elastic demand such as fertilizer tends not to disadvantage farmers. But total use of inputs such as real estate, labor, and, durable inventories are relatively unresponsive to higher taxes, wages and interest rales, and thus farmers are seriously disadvantaged by inflation of these “prices.” In general, farmers benefit from input price increases if the price elasticity of demand for the input exceeds that of farm output. For all purchased inputs, this study reveals a small impact on net farm income from a once-for-all input price increment of one percent. ?effet de ?inflation nationale sur le revenu net des fermiers amériains s'exprime par la flexibilité E du revenu net par rapport au prix de revient. E est dérivé par calcul mathémalique d.une série ?équations qui expriment la productivité, le rapport, les frais et la flexibilité de ?offre el de la demande. On estime empiriquement la valeur de E pour des catégories ?investissement importantes de même que pour loutes les matières premières achelées, à tongue et à courte échéance, en se servant ?estimes des paramètres nécessaires. La hausse des prix des investissements achetés cast et dont le besoin est variable, tels que les engrais, tend a ne pas occasioner de perte pour le fermier. Mais ?emploi total ?investissements tels que biens immeubles, main ?oeuvre et invenlaires à longue durée sont relativemenl peu sensibles à?augmentation du laux des impôts, des salaires, el ?intérêt. de sorte que les fermiers sont sérieusement handicapes par la hausse de ces “prix”. En général, les fermiers bénéficient de ?augmentation des prix de revient si la flexibilityé de prix des ressources excede celle de la production fermiere. Pour toutes les ressources achetées, cette étude révèle qu'une augmentation de un pour-cent dans les prix des investissements definitifsproduit un effet minime sur le revenufermier net.  相似文献   

目的 随着农业结构调整深入推进,农户的收入来源逐渐多元化,文章通过研究农户兼业化程度对不同类型农业保险偏好的影响,为针对性推广农业保险提供依据和参考。方法 以湖北、湖南、河南3省粮食主产区的732份农户调查数据为基础,运用Logit模型和多元Logit模型分析农户兼业化程度对保险种类偏好的影响,讨论种植规模在务农收入占比和保险种类选择之间的调节效应,以是否有固定非农工作将农户分为不同类型的兼业农户进行异质性分析。结果 (1)务农收入占比高的农户偏好传统的物化成本保险,务农收入占比低的农户更喜欢新型指数保险。(2)兼业化程度相同的情况下,大规模农户比小规模农户更愿意保成本、保产量。(3)不同类型的兼业农户保险偏好存在差异,有固定非农工作的兼业农户比没有固定工作的兼业农户更愿意选择新型指数保险。结论 有必要在务农收入占比高、种植规模大、没有固定非农收入的农户中推广传统的物化成本保险;在务农收入占比低、种植规模小、有固定非农收入的农户中推广新型指数保险。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to discuss the structural and locational changes which have occurred in the mink farming industry of Alberta. Data were collected by postal questionnaire and direct interview. Thirty percent of 149 mink farmers in the 1967/68 season in Alberta were surveyed. The data was cross-tabulated and per-cenlaged. Mink farming in Alberta is discussed vis-a-vis the rest of Canada, and the location of mink farms within the province is traced. Mink farm size, farm income, markets for pelts, feed supply and costs, and the background characteristics of farmers are discussed. Problems cited by mink farmers and their future plans and suggestions for remedial action for the industry's problems are also analysed. It is suggested that more small farmers will “pelt out” unless there is further government intervention in the industry as well as cooperative action taken by the mink farmers themselves. Locations for farms in the city near meat packing houses provides a more stable feed and labour supply than the traditional lakeside location. Larger scale production, concentration on quality pelts, and more cooperative purchasing and marketing arrangements could alleviate some of the industry's hardships. Cette étude discute les changes spatiaux et structuraux dans ?industrie des visons de ?Alberta. Les statisliques etait oblenus par un questionnaire postale el les enlrevues directes. De 149 fermiers de visons dans la saison du 1967*68, trente pourcentage était examiné. Les statisliques étaienl analysés par les pourcentages el aussi les résultats était croisé-classifier. La perspective de ?industrie des visons dans ?Alberta est discuté centre les circonslances pour le Canada, et ?emplacement des fermes dans le province est décrit. Les dimensions des fermes de visons, les revenus, les marchés, ?alimentation et les coúts, et les caractéristiques des fermiers, sonl discutés. Les problémes qui ont allégués par les fermiers et leurs plans pour ?avenir et leurs propositions pour la solution, des problemes de ?industrie, sonl analyses. II est suggéré que les plus pedis fermes va abandonner s'il n y a pas ?aide du gouvernement provincial de meme que factions coopératifs entre leurs-mêmes. Dans les situations des fermes dans la ville près des abattoirs, il y a une approvisionne-ment de ?alimentation et du travail plus assure des situations le long des lacs. C'est possible que les arrangements cooperatifs pour acheter et vendre, ?accenl sur la qualite des fourrures et une augmentation dans ?échelle de la production va alléger quelques des problems de ?industrie dans ?Alberia  相似文献   

介绍了扶沟县在农业实验区建设工作中的主要做法:一是搞好实验区建设发展规划;二是大力推广一年多熟立体种植和保护地高效栽培种植模式;三是充分利用农作物秸秆等饲草资源,全面发展畜牧养殖业。  相似文献   

This article examines the effect over time of national economic growth upon the optimum scale of enterprise in farming. It argues that there are forces within an economy leading to the growth of optimum scale in farming, irrespective of the nature of technical innovation and in spite of the limited scope for increased sales of agricultural produce as national income rises. The early part of the paper develops a method of characterising optimum scale which is in terms of marginal return to money capital employed in the farm business.  相似文献   

在西部省区中,旱作农业面积占耕地的68.9%,旱作农业增产潜力巨大,通过大力开发并引进现代旱作农业技术,加大投资力度等措施,旱作农业将会有大的发展,并成为西部大开发中农业发展新的增长点。  相似文献   

发展旱作节水农业的设想和建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析我国旱区基本情况的基础上,阐述了农业部重视旱作节水农业所采取的具体措施,提出了发展旱作节水农业的四点建议。  相似文献   

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